r 1875. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. 297 By Mr. MONROE: The petition of colored citizens of Oberlin, V. Brown, assignee ofT. F. Brown; which was read twice by its title, Ohio, for the passage of the civil-rights bill, to the Committee on the and referred to the Committee on Claims. Judiciary. · Mr. FERRY, of Michigan, asked, and by unanimous consent oll­ By lli. SENER: The petition of William Tobb, of Spottsylvania tained, lea.ve to introduce a bill (S. No. 1093) for the relief of Reuben County, Virginia, for indemnity for losses in the late war, to the Com- Goodrich; which was read twice by its title, referred to the Commit­ mittee on War Claims. tee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. By Mr. STEPHENS: a'he petition of Mrs. Lucy R. Speer, widow l\fr. EDMUNDS a ked, and by unanimous consent obtnined, leave of Thomas J. Speer, deceased, member of the Forty-second C!ongress, to introduce a. bill (S. No. 1094) for the relief of Francis :M. King and for relief, to the Committee on Accounts. Thomas Ross; which was read twice by its title, and, with the n.ccom­ panying papers, referred to the Committee on Patents. .Mr . .McCREERY aaked, and by unanimous consent obtained, leave tointroduce a bill (S. No.1095) for the relief of Lafayette Elder; which was read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on Clail:M. IN SENATE. lli. FRELINGHUYSEN a.sked, and by unanimous consent obta.ined, leave to introduce a bill (S. No. 1096) amemlatory of the act in rela­ THURSDAY, January 7, 1875. tion to the Hot Springs reservation in the St.>.te of Arkansas; which was read twice by it.s title, referred to the Committee on the Judi­ Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. BYRo~ SUNDERLA1n>, D. D. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. ciary, and ordered to be printed. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. GOLD BANKL~G ASSOCIATIO~S. Mr. SCOTT presented a petition of worldngmen, citizens of Hunt­ Mr. SARGENT. I move that the Senate proceed to consider Sen­ ingdon County, Pennsylvania, praying that the Texas and Pacific ate bill 106 , which was reported from the Committee on Financo Railway Company's applicatiqn for the guarantee by the Government with some verbal amendments. of interest upon its bonds be granted; which was referred to the Com­ The motion was agreed to; and the bill (S. No.1068) to remove the mittee on Railroads. limitation restricting the circulation of banking a sociations issuing 1\Ir. SCOTT. I present a petition of Pennsylvania soldiers, in the notes payable in gold was considered as in Committee of the Whole. late rebellion, setting forth tha.t their applica.tions heretofore made The bill repeals so much of section 51!;5 of the Revised Statutes of to former sessions of Congress for a portion of the public lands to be the United States as limits the ciJ:culation of banking associations, set apart for their benefit and relief on such equal terms as wero organized for the purpose of issuing notes payable in gold, severally granted to soldiers and sailors of other wars, h..we failed to receive to $1,000,000, and provides that each existing banking association favorable response; that they are now in want of immediate aid may increase its circulating notes, and new banking associations may and n.sldng the Government to grant unto each of them one hundrea.1 be organized in accordance with existing law, without re pect to suc4 and sixty acres of the public lands, without restrictions or reserva­ limitation. tions. I move the reference of the petition to tho Committee on The amendments reported by the Committee on Finance were iu Public Lands. lino 7 after the word ''million" to strike out the word "of," and after The motion was agreed to. the word "each" in line 8 to insert the words ''of such." Mr. LOGAN. I a.sk leave to present the petition of Jearum At­ The amendments were agreed to. kins, asking a rehearin~ of a case before tho Committee on Claims The bill was reported to the Senate as amended, and the amend­ with reference to his patent for rakes for harvesters, and I move its ments were concurred in. reference to the Committee on Claims. The bill was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, read the Mr. SCOTT. A13 I recollect, that is a case in which there was an third time, and passed. adverse report ; and I would inquire of the Senator from Illinois ARKA....""'\SAS. JUDICIAL DISTRICTS. whether this petition sets out new and ·additional evidence f Mr. WRIGHT. I move that the Senate proceed to the considera­ Mr. LOGAN. I think so; but I will not say that it docs positively. tion of the bill (H. R. No. 3621) to abolish the western district of I did not draught the petition. It was brought to me, and I introduce Arkansas, a.nd for other purposes. it for this old gentleman, he being a constituent of mine. He states The motion was agreed to; and the bill was considered as in Com­ in the body of the petition that ho has new and :Jdditional evidence mittee of the Whole. which will change the features of the caso as it appeared before the :Mr. WRIGHT. I am authorized by the Committee on the Judiciary committee; but what that evidence is, I do not know. He told me to offer 'a substitute for tho bill, and when it is read I will explain he would present the evidence to the chairman of the committee. the difference between the bill and the substitute. Mr. SCO'IT. I do not de ire to deprive the petitioner of the right The Chief Clerk read the proposed substitute, as follows: to be heard; but I call the attention of the Senator for his constit­ That the judge of the district court for the ea tern district of .Arkansas shall uent to the forty-ninth rule of the Senate, so that, upon examining hold the terms of the di~trict court now provided by L'low in the western as well as that, unless this petition is brought within it, it will not be consid­ in the eastern district of said State; and all j udicia.l powers now exercised by or ered by the committee. conferred upon the judge of said western district are hereby conferred upon and shall be exer cised by the judge of the said eastern district of .Arkansas ; and all acts Mr. LOGAN. That rule requires that new evidence shall have and parts of acts providing for the appointment of a district judge for sa.id western been discovered. district of Arkansas are hereby repealed. Mr. SCOTT. And that the petition shall state specifically what SEC. 2. That section 2153 of the Revised Statutes of the United States is hereby amended so as to rea.d as follows: the new evidence is. I only call the Sena.tor's attention to it for the In executing process in the Indian country, the marshal may call to his aid to benefit of his constituent. assist in executing process by arresting and bringing in prisoners from the Indian Mr. LOGAN. Very well. country one yerson when necessary, or two when the judge of his district shall The VICE-PRESIDENT. The petition will be referred to the certify in wnting that two are necessary, and they shall each be allowed for their services, in lieu of all expen es, three dollars per day. When two are deemed in­ Committee on Claims. sufficient, the marshal shall apply for aid to the nearest commanding officer of the REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Army, whose duty it shall be to furnish the men. lli. PRATT, from the Committee on Pensions, to whom was re­ Mr. THURMAN. I suggest to the Senator from Iowa to let this ferred the bill (H. R. No. 3707) granting a pension to Louisa Thomas, bill go over until to-morrow, in order that the substitute may be reported it without amendment, and submitted a report thereon; printed, that we may have an opportunity to examirie it. which waa ordered to be printed.. Mr. WRIGHT. I have no objection to that, with the understand­ He also, from the same committee, to whom was referred the bill ing that the Senator will call it up in the morning or allow me to do (H. R. No. 2680) granting a pension to Mrs. Jane Dulaney, submitted so in the morning hour to-morrow. an adverse report thereon; which was ordered to be printed, and the Mr. THURMAN. Certainly; it ought to be acted upon. bill was postponed indefinitely. Mr. WRIGHT. It is important the bill should be disposed of at as He also, from the same committee, to whom was referred the hill eal'ly a day as possible. Let that be the unanimous understanding. (H. R. No. 3427) granting an increase of pension to Mary W. Shirk, The VICE-PRESIDENT. The bill will lie over w.ntil to-morrow. widow of Jamos W. Shirk, deceased, late commander in the United Mr. THURMAN.• I understand it will be cq,lled up in the morning States Navy, submitted an adverse report thereon; which was ordered hour to-morrow. to be printed, and the bill was postponed indefinitely. :Mr. WRIGHT. I move that the substitute offered by me be printed. .Mr. INGALLS. The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was . The motion was agreed to . referred a letter of the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a GENERAL SAMUEL W.
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