t4 & Stg' of Full Tifle of the project :Diversion of 11.44 hec. of forest land for Widening Nilokheri-Karsa-Dhand Road sH-33(Road lD 7407\ under Forest Division & Distt. Karnal (Haryana)' File No. :- FP/HR/ROAD/31856/2018. Date of ProPosa :' 08.02.2018 CHECK LIST SERIAL NUMBER: 18 ,.SCHEMEFoRcoMPENSAToRYAFFoRESTAT|oN'' land for Widening & sig Name of the ForesuReach to be diverted: Diversion of 11.44 hec. of forest of Nilokheri-Karsa-Dhand Road SH-33(Road lD 7407) under Forest Division & Distt Karnal (Haryana)' Forest Area = 11.44 Hect, out' Details of clegrad *.d forest land/non-forest land where c.A. is to be carried Division :- Karral District :- Karnal Tehsil.- Assandh Range :- Assandh C.A. Site name : lR'F BASSI Coup No. 5&6 Area to be Afforested - 27880/1000 = 27'88 Hect' Land bank (Yes or No):- a) Whether the site selected for Compensatory Afforestation is a No the site selected for compensatory Afforestation is not a land bank' given:- There is no laiid b) lf tne cA site is other than the land bank, reasons be avirilable in the land bank in Karnal. Plantation will be carried out in reserved forast area' of CA site frotn the c) In oase of non-forest area identified for CA, then what is the distance Area' adjcining forest boundary :-:- C.A. will be carried out in reserved forest i) Soil tYPe: Sandv Loam ii)Topographya.Hi||y/UnduIating/PIain:Plain o. Slope:-Steep/MediumiGentle: Gentle iii) Whether the area is bearing any root stock of vegetation:- No Plantation Model:- compottent vt'ts;e Copy of the approved Compensatory Afforestation Scheme/Model showing physical and finartcial break up is as under' la^,o L schedule of t'lantation Proqramme:- Detail of yr:ar wise break-up of requirements of funds is as under:' The plantation co:it is calculated for Tall Plants norms at 4m x ZY,m spacing at the wage rate of l'ls 2241- oer dav as u rder:- -'-- Yeii Rate per Plant {'' vi ar cosf of itrorestaiion Rs. 1721- Per Plant ztr v:ai mainie-n-ance Rs. 64/- Per Plant 3'd Y€ aimaintenance Rs. 32f Per Plant 4th Ycar maintenance Rs. 25l- Per Plant Stn Year maintenance Rs. 26l- Per Plant 6'n Y<:ar maintenance Rs. 15f Per Plant 7'n Yr:ar maintenance Rs. 8f Per Plant B'n Yr:ar maintenance Rs. 9/- Per Plant 9'n Yr:ar maintenance Rs. '10/- Per Plant '11f '1 0'n "ear maintenance Rs. Per Plant Rs. 372l- Area to be Diverte ,d- :- 11,44 ha. No of trees to be felled :- 3500 Plants to be damerged:- 2500 Nos Plants to be plant:d (Ten time of the trees to be felled)Not Applicable Area to be Plante I = Double Area @ 1O0O plant per ha.=11.44Hec x 2 = 22'44 Hec. Mininrum Plants t I be Plant ed'. - 22880+5000=27800 Plants (CA+Add CA) RKM 27880l25O == 111 52 RKM (CA 91.52+ Add CA 20) :-5000 Aclditional c.A. in lieu of plants to be damaged (Double the plants to be damaged) Sr. DESCRIPTION No. - A Compeniatorv nrtoreitition No. of charq()s Plants (1) 1" Ve-ar costbt aroreifanon 22880 ns. f ZZ- Pur. Plant Q) 2'd leai marnienance Plants Rs. 64f Per Plant (s)- s'dVeii mainienlnce Rs. 32f Per Plant -R;2s7- - (4\ 4'n Year maintenance P;aFEnt ilVeir (5i 5 milnienance Rs. 26l- Per Plant i (6) 6 VeaimaintenanE--- Rs. 15/- Per Plant 0i thfe;imainienance Rs. 8/- Per Plant - (B)- 8n Yetimiinten-and- - Rs. 9/- Per Plant -Per - (9) I6 Veaimarntentnae ns: Of Piant ('10) '1()" Year maintenance Rs. 11f Per Plant 251 680 t6J (11) Barlced wire fencing charge = 91.52 ,767001- Per RKM RKM Total CA Charges 1 Superviscry / Overhead / Miscellaneous 10o/o on the lt53 Charges Sub Tot:rl (A)Total C.A. Charges T7d8403s B Additional Compensatory Afforestation C -S-OOO (1) 1'r 'leai cost ot aitorestatroh I (2) 2nd Year maintenance Rs. 64f Per Plant il(Xi0r) (s)- irillftiim 5i nte n a nce s.321- Per Plant |(;0()0() (4) 4'h'(eatmaintenance s.251- Per Plant I 25000 (5) 5'n '/ear maintenance s.261- Per Plant I i0(x)0 (6) o'h ilelr rnarnienance s. 15f Per Plant 75000 (7) 7'n '(ear maintenance s. 8/- Per Plant 40000 (B) 8'n'/earmaintenance . 9/- Per Plant 45000 - - - ( \ae-a-r --- g) 9rh ma i ntena nce- s. 10/- Per Plant 50000 (10) i bin-V;ii mJintenan?e -s_s000 e-iiOeo '^/iie feniing chargJ= zO nxlvt .76700[ Per RKM sub Tot;ll (B)Total Addl. c.A. charges -- Penal CA. -- Catchment Area Treatment SoiL and Moistuie Conservation charges --__-- Sun= fotrit tol Safety Zone Sub Total (F) Net Prer;ent Value of Forest Land Rs. 887000/- per ha tdtTliao diverted 11.44 Hect -. - .--- - Felting crraige! = z7ibllff I ni.tooo I peim3 -f Plantation damage charges = 0 Nosl- -- nt-zgor pe-rplant _ -ror7l ___ ___L_ I cnnruo lAia;e ib-+Ef r+G11t+tltf-o oe oepositeo-'rn l- SASf STi S , CRTUPR f unO i I -- - -L- ,---- - ---l- l"\ -J zo Technical details:- Tech ni cal dertai ls of Compensatory Afforestation )heme are as follows:- a) General Del.ail :- Compensatory will carried o$t along With, R.F BASSI Coup No. 6&6 b) Spacing:- 4x4mtr a Paft c) Species:- Neem & Shisham, Jamun/ oa etc. d) Plantation nrethod :- Tall Plantation e) Soil and Morsture Conservation Works :- -Ni f) Protection (Fencing, Watch man, People's, Parti pation etc) :- dencing - of antation wo.rk will be done bY s) Proposed Monitoring Mechanism: Checking RFO, , cF & DCF (M&E) h) Any other information : N Place:- Karnal Division' h.Ar-trI than hectare Note :- CF (T) should countersign this C'A scheme if a to be afforebted is more .
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