Volcanically extruded phosphides as an abiotic source of Venusian phosphine N. Truonga,b,1 and J. I. Lunineb,c,1 aDepartment of Earth and Atmospheric Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853; bCarl Sagan Institute, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853; and cDepartment of Astronomy, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 Contributed by J. I. Lunine, June 8, 2021 (sent for review October 16, 2020; reviewed by James F. Kasting, Suzanne Smrekar, Larry W. Esposito, and Paul K. Byrne) We hypothesize that trace amounts of phosphides formed in the It is of value to ask why phosphine is in the Venus atmosphere, mantle are a plausible abiotic source of the Venusian phosphine if it is there. Phosphine had been considered and proposed as a observed by Greaves et al. [Nat. Astron., https://doi.org/10.1038/ potential biosignature in oxidizing terrestrial exoplanets’ atmo- s41550-020-1174-4 (2020)]. In this hypothesis, small amounts of spheres (12); however, the specific pathway of biological pro- 3− phosphides (P bound in metals such as iron), sourced from a duction of PH3 still remains uncertain with no known direct deep mantle, are brought to the surface by volcanism. They are metabolic pathway (13, 14). In the original paper, Greaves et al. then ejected into the atmosphere in the form of volcanic dust by (1) investigated potential pathways of the formation of phos- explosive volcanic eruptions, which were invoked by others to phine and conclude that the presence of PH3 at their originally explain the episodic changes of sulfur dioxide seen in the atmo- derived abundance is difficult to explain by geologic or atmospheric sphere [Esposito, Science 223, 1072–1074 (1984)]. There they react chemistry, invoking the possibility of biology. A more extensive − with sulfuric acid in the aerosol layer to form phosphine (2 P3 + examination of abiotic sources by the same group (15) dismissed all 2- 3H2SO4 = 2PH3 + 3SO4 ). We take issue with the conclusion of such abiotic hypotheses, including the generation of phosphine from Bains et al. [arXiv:2009.06499 (2020)] that the volcanic rates for volcanically extruded phosphides. On the other hand, Cockell et al. such a mechanism would have to be implausibly high. We consider (14) have argued that invoking biological sources is problematic, a mantle with the redox state similar to the Earth, magma originat- saying “one cannot use evidence consistent with a single, isolated ing deep in the mantle—a likely scenario for the origin of plume biochemical pathway as a plausible basis invoking for biological — volcanism on Venus and episodically high but plausible rates of processes in an environment where many more fundamental bio- EARTH, ATMOSPHERIC, AND PLANETARY SCIENCES volcanism on a Venus bereft of plate tectonics. We conclude that chemical pathways are blocked by unfavorable conditions.” volcanism could supply an adequate amount of phosphide to pro- In this paper, we argue for the plausibility of volcanically ex- duce phosphine. Our conclusion is supported by remote sensing truded phosphide as an abiotic source of Venusian phosphine. In observations of the Venusian atmosphere and surface that have oxidizing terrestrial environments, elemental phosphorous would been interpreted as indicative of currently active volcanism. be in other oxidized forms such as phosphate on the surface. For an abiotic source to be plausible, the presence of small amounts − Venus | phosphine | volcanism of phosphides (P3 bound in metals such as iron, magnesium, etc.) in volcanic dust would be energetically essential, leading to the facile production of hydrogen phosphide, that is, phosphine. reaves et al. (1) reported detecting phosphine in the Venus Another possibility that may lead to the production of phosphine atmosphere at ∼20 ppb abundance, with an approximate G but not quantified here is the unknown chemistry of phosphorus error bar inferred from their paper of ±10 ppb, using the James in the clouds. Here, we are limited by our lack of knowledge of Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) and Atacama Large Milli- Venusian clouds as well as the kinetics of phosphine-related re- meter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) radio telescopes. Subse- actions given that phosphine has not yet been extensively studied quent to the publication of their paper, a recalibration of ALMA experimentally. data and other challenges to their analysis approach (2–4) led In the phosphide hypothesis we advocate here, small amounts − the authors to decrease both the abundance of phosphine and of phosphides (P3 bound in metals such as iron) sourced from a its level of significance, to somewhere between 1 and 5 ppb at 5-sigma (5). While this is consistent with an upper limit from in- frared observations (6), it is significantly less than what Greaves Significance et al. (1) derive from the JCMT. However, that observation by itself has very large error bars, and we are skeptical that one can Published observations suggest small amounts of phosphine in ascribe the difference to time variability in contrast to Greaves the atmosphere of Venus, and various abiotic mechanisms for et al. (5). Another infrared observation made by the SOIR (Solar its generation have been rejected in the literature, including Occultation in the InfraRed) instrument on Venus Express gives active volcanism. We reexamine a volcanic source and find it to a much lower upper limit abundance of 0.5 ppb at 60 km (7). be sufficient to supply the observed amount of phosphine given After a rebuttal (5, 8), other groups again challenged the phos- that Venus might be subject to episodes of active volcanism and phine detection, suggesting that the reprocessing spectral fea- magmas originating deep in the mantle and brought up by ture, which is now significantly reduced in significance from the plume volcanism. original discovery paper, is consistent with SO2 in the meso- Author contributions: J.I.L. designed research; N.T. and J.I.L. performed research; and N.T. sphere (9, 10). While the latter two papers do not rule out the and J.I.L. wrote the paper. possibility of phosphine in the stratospheric clouds, they argue Reviewers: J.F.K., Penn State University; S.S., Jet Propulsion Laboratory; L.W.E., University that it is challenging for ALMA to detect ∼1 ppb abundance at of Colorado at Boulder; and P.K.B., North Carolina State University. that altitude. A reanalysis of Pioneer Venus low-resolution mass The authors declare no competing interest. spectrometry data does support the presence of phosphorus-bearing This open access article is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- compounds in the atmosphere, which might be attributed to phos- NoDerivatives License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND). phine (11). However, it is also important to note that the analysis is 1To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: [email protected] or jlunine@astro. based on an observation from four decades ago, not the present day, cornell.edu. and time variability on that scale is plausible. Published July 12, 2021. PNAS 2021 Vol. 118 No. 29 e2021689118 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2021689118 | 1of5 Downloaded by guest on September 28, 2021 deep mantle are brought to the surface by volcanism. They are then subsequently ejected into the atmosphere in the form of volcanic dust by explosive volcanic eruptions: Sufficiently large explosive eruptions similar to the scale of Krakatau could inject material directly into the sulfuric acid cloud layer, explosions invoked by Esposito (16) to explain the episodic changes of sulfur dioxide seen in the atmosphere at 70 km by the Pioneer Venus UV spectrometer. There, the phosphides react with sulfuric acid 3− in the aerosol layer to form phosphine (2 P +3H2SO4 = 2PH3 + 2- 3SO4 ). While one might argue that sulfur trioxide SO3 could ox- idize PH3 in this reaction to H3PO3 and H3PO4 (which depends on the temperature/pressure, the thermodynamics and kinetics of re- actants), we note that the H3PO4 is created by hydrolysis of SO3PH3 and therefore would be limited by the lack of water; on the other hand, H3PO3 will spontaneously decompose under 200 °C to form PH3. Below, we use published laboratory data that demonstrate an extremely efficient conversion of phosphides to phosphine via sulfuric acid, larger than that in water. Second, we consider a mantle with a redox state similar to the Earth, and invoke magmas originating deep in Venus’smantle—a likely scenario for the or- igin of plume volcanism on Venus (17). Magmas originating deep in the mantle allow a higher amount of phosphides in volcanically extruded mantle material. In section 1, we calculate how much Fig. 1. Schematic of Venus’s atmosphere considered in this calculation. phosphide is required and the volume of lofted dust required. We find that major explosive volcanism—similar to the scale of Krakatau—is required to loft material as high as 70 km. That this 2 4πR Hf(PH3)ρ μ might be possible is argued in section 2. L = air PH3 [1] τ μ . On Earth, it is well known that phosphine gas is produced by PH3 CO2 strong acid from phosphorous-containing impurities in iron (18, ρ 19). In the Tanaka et al. experiment (18), iron phosphide is Here, air is the atmospheric density in this layer, for an average converted to phosphine with a conversion yield of 75–80% in atmospheric pressure of about 0.5 bar, and an average temper- ρ ∼ · −3 ’ three out of four samples when dissolved in hydrochloric acid. In ature of about 60 °C (22), air 0.5 kg m ; R is the Venus s the Geng et al. experiment (19), aqueous corrosion produced a radius (6,051 km); H is the thickness of the considered atmo- significant amount of phosphine gas comparable to the amount spheric layer (8 km); f(PH3) is the volume mixing ratio of phos- phine in the atmosphere (1–5 pbb); μ = 34 g/mol; μ = 44 g/mol; detected in natural terrestrial environments.
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