Sanford, Florida www, semi nolohorold.com Suncor assumes lease of city property By Jamie J. Anderaon-Potter 1995 Marina Island agreement locks SlFTIMKR 14, 2003 Start Writer commission into a long-term aeai in which an additional saw City commissioner voted unani­ ^ r.ud .if on.irf> will lx> .v I i I i m I 1(1 I h t mously Friday to allow Harbour Monday morning. The terms of Palace Partnerships to assign the lease assign the lease. the agreement will be Identical to of city-owned property on Marina "11100: Is a problem and frustration tltal signed by Harbour Palace on Oct. Island to Lake Mary-developer Suncor about the Island In looking at the terms of those leases," said Mayor 23,1995. Properties, Inc. "Wo are back on track." said Bob Earlier In the week, city officials Brady Lessard. "They Just aren't good Horian, president of Suncor questioned whether they would allow deals for the dty. 1 would love to say Properties, Inc. "We arc moving the property to be turned over to we wouldn't assign it... The city does­ onward and upward." Suncor. However, upon review of n’t have a lot of leeway in holding out According to Horian, there will be the current lease agreement, the on this lease." threephases to the Marina Island proj­ dty was forced by the terms of the The closing on the property, located Property, Pago 5A ect. Tne first phase will Include reno- Seo lease to allow Harbour Palace to on Palmetto Avc., is scheduled for America: We will remember Still perfect? Seminole, Lyman and Oviodo looked to remain undofoated on the season Friday night with home games against West Orange. Deltona and Lako Howell, respectively, while Lake Brantley, Lako Howell. By Chrlatopher Patton Lako Mary and Winter Managing Editor Springs wont after their first wins ot tho season While the dty of Orlando eyes expanding the See Sports, Page 1B hours its downtown bars arc* open at night, Seminole County Commissioners want nothing to with, . ; j .twilight . flight alcohol drinking. Sanford man tried With theUte urging of the Seminole County Sheriff's Office, commissioners conlemplalcd to bum apartment a change Tuesday to the ordinance’ that regulates the hours of sale of alcoholic beverages with family inside and (he closing time of establishments license to D j Anderaon-Potter together when we needed to come together." sell such drinks. Leroy L. Fisher, 29, of B J. Anoerson-wmer V * two, along wtlh Mollie McLaughlin also of Sanfora. was arrested "Right now, the current ordinance leaves out Wednesday In conjunction 0 the state attorney's office, joined seven other a very important word," said Steve Harriett, with an apartment fire ear­ r country came together Thursday to Florida counselors when they traveled to^Ncw chief deputy of the sheriff’s office. "It says It Is Ille­ lier In the week. r those who lost their lives In llic terrorist Jersey on Sept. 17,2001. The group acted as awn- gal to sell alcoholic beverages after two o'dock According to police ro years ago, employees of the state _______ panions" In victims families living In Ncw (a m.), but it doesn't say it's presently illegal to reports, Fisher set fire to 1 office, who volunteered as vie- s ' -------- Jersey and the survivors who call the consume them." Apt. 7 in Seminole (cates and crisis responders n. Garden State no*™- According to law enforcement officers, the Cardens Apartments, he tragedy, remcmtx*r the \ The Florida group was one problem occurs when a bar sells a patron a drink located on Castle Brewer or drinks just before the 2 a.m. cutoff. Depending Court In Sanford, at ^ on the size and strength of the drink(s), tlie cus­ approximately 1 a.m. iennody and Audrey Cross, panic,paling in the New tomer amid be sitting In the establishment foe Monday while a family e, both victim-witness r c h v j Jersey Family Assistance Ccn r hours beyond the regulated dosing time. of four. Including 2- and r* with the state allor- I J ? T ? 2 " M ,M,n q *' In a new ordinance presented to commission­ 3-year-uid children, a? located in downtown Liberty Park, ers, bars and restaurants, serving alcohol would be were asleep Inside. Ih e look time on Ihursday to \ New Jersey fam lies and stir- required to shut off all lights and lock the doors at family was able to evacu­ thi-ir experiences immedl-. \ vivors used the center located on 2 a.m. Customers would be allowed to remain In ate the apartment without lowing 9-11 as volunteers \ the Hudson River to file missing per- the establishment until 230 a.m. to finish their last serious Injuries; however, National Organization for \ s«*t rvporU with the FBI, apply for Jrlnk. However, Commissioner Randy Morris one of the occupants, 24- Mbtance (NOVA). _______^ replacement Green Cards and receive said lie feared the new ordinance could prohibit r-old Willie King, suf- erv healthy to take time to rvmcm- counseling. The area was free of media and restaurants from doing additional food business i Kennedy. *nb deny the fact that It hap- , acted as a refuge for those In need. S d minor cuts. after 2 a m. Furthermore, Commissioner Dick Van Investigators believe to not be truthful. It's not just a day on the Today, like every day, I am remenjering being Der Weide said he didn't want It perceived that the commission was extending the 2 am. cutoff the fire was pet In relation any more. It's a time to remember the vie- up there," Kennedy said. I don l think anyone to an earlier confrontation ir famlllc*. the heroes of the time and the will forget — you can I help but remember, by adding the half-hour leeway. Commissioners decided to send the new ordi­ between a resident of t followed. It's also about remembering nance back to the drawing board with the the apartment and rulerful this country is and how we came S m 9-11, Pag* 7A Fisher's mother. According to police reports, a flammable substance was poured on (Above) Isa Kennedy. ■ victim-witness counselor, , the family car and along hangs a flag in the state m■ ■ i ■ t Ihe front of the apartment attorney's office window ' m3 i ■1 \| building. Damages from In downtown Sanford the fire are estimated at In remembrance o( tho $5,000. fa mMiesand victims otB-11. Witnesses Identified Fisher, who lives In ApL 78 (Right) Each outside of the complex, as the per­ window of the state attor­ son who set the fire. A cell ney's office was decorated phone, which belonged to with American flags to Fisher, was also fourui out­ remembrance of those will say goodbye to Its former mayor and one of Its Involved to the Sept. 11 side the building. most aruent supporters later this year. terrorist attacks of 2001. He is charged with four Commissioner Paul Lovcstrand announced at counts of attempted felony the dty commission meeting Monday that he'll not murder and one count be pursuing re-election. His decision leaves public each of arson to an occu­ school educator Brian . /vanH irlatnc pied dwelling and arson to Sacked as the kmc candi- 4 C a n d id a t e s a vehicle. He Is being held date for the district five Q u a lifie d without bond in the Iraqi Diary: Native shot in seat In the Nov. 4 election. Seminole County Jail. “I’m practicing wliat I h lld a y position. I told my Editor'* note: Staff Set. Charlie C. storage yard at the ^ preach," Lovcstrand said. e v e n in g fo r same place the three* or I guys In tlie Tower not "I believe In term limits- ^ Seminole Smile Carlson III, ton of Sanford historian P fH k to lire for two reasons: Charlie C. Carlson II. it deployed four Iraqis were earlier. ttons. I believe we should t n 8 NOV. *» My Tower-4 guys * om'‘ ,hm ‘ werv have term limitations In LonQ W O O d in Baghdad as |*rt of Ihe S49th j U H J mounted U S. ln>ops in Military Police Company. He is pro­ called it in and I told — Longwood of two three- LUnyW UUU them that 1 was head­ « the area and two, the year terms." viding Ihe Herald with a journal of ■ Iraqis were over 100 6l6CI10n his experiences. Ing out there to sec . \ Lovcstrand has served wliat was going on. ;« \ ; meters away. the dty for 14 years; four on the land planning When I got there I , E * ROE | Rules of agency and 10 as commissioner and mayor In 18 July 0 3 1 forgot to tell you f Engagement! require a about an incident tlut happened < could hear them hack- P T P two different stints. He intended to run In the ing away with axes or , warning shot at l(K) upcoming election as he opened a campaign few nights ago. I was SOG meters and at 50 |Sergeant of the Guard) of lowers machetes. They were M i l stealing wire, so I r . meters for shoot-to-klll. 4 and 6 and about 2130 hours on These Iraqis were 150 called the Bulldog SOG when Tower-4 spotted three or meters away, and no four Iraqis inside the berm just and he sent out four personnel on foot Into the storage warning shot was fired before outside our perimeter wall.
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