2665 OTICE is hereby given, tbat the Partnership hereto- I, the undersigned, Marshal for the county of Berhicrr fore subsisting between the undersigned, George, the name and behalf of the Recorder and Members of the- RelpNh Greenhow nnd James Conw&y, as Ivory Comb, &c.. Joard for Orphans and unadministered estates of the county Manufacturers, at Kendal, in the county of Westmoreland, f Berbice, do hereby, for the first and last time, by edict ' under the firm of Greenhow and Conway, was tbis day dis- ite, all known and unknown creditors and claimants, as- solved by mutual consent. All debts owing by and to the ell in-Europe as elsewhere, against the under-mentioned said partnership will be paid and received by the said James espective estates, viz. Conway, who will carry on the business in future.—Witness Ralph Coe, Robt. Jamiesou Gibson.. our hniids this 29th day of November 1839. J. Thibou Mathews, Win. Mayne. George Relph Greenhow. A. M'Farlane, Wm. Taylor, Jas. Conway. James Forbes, J.J.Harrison, Robert Parry, Elizabeth, OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership here- M. W. Sour, Henry Bragg, N tofore subsisting between us the undersigned, Samuel B. H. J. Luyken, Edwd. Maloney, and' Worrall and Hugh Oldbam Shaw, as Spindle and Fly Manu- Ann Tapin, Aurora Volkerts, facturers, at. Rochdale, in the county of Lancaster, was this Eliz. Ann Chesney, day dissolved by mutual consent ; and that the said business 11 »f this county* deceased. will in future be carried on by the undersigned Hugh Oldham Shaw, at the premises occupied by the late partnership.—Wit- To appear at the Roll Court of Civil Justice- for the- ness our hands this 17th day of December 1839. ounty of Berbice, at its session to be holden at the Court- louse, in New Amsterdam, in the month of February in the- Saml. M'orrall. rear one thousand eight hundred and forty, say 1840, there Hugh Oldham Shaiv. ,o render their respective claims, properly attested and in due- :orm. OTICE is hereby given, that, the Partnership lately Whereas in default of which, perpetaum silentium will b» N subsisting between us the undersigned, Thomas decreed against the non-appearers according to law. • . Black, of Ford Forge, in the county of Northumberland, and Marshal's Office, Berbice, this 20th day of September 1839. James Black, of New Heaton, in the county of Durham, here- K. FRANCKEN, Marshal. tofore carrying on trade under the firm of John Black and Sons, was, on the llth day of November 1837, dissolved, by mutual consent, in all branches of business in which we were TO be sold, pursuant to a Decree of the High Court of jointly concerned at Ford Forge and elsewhere, excepting the I Chancery, made in a cause of Hartland versus Coleman, business of Millers, at Ford Mills, whicb is carried on for our with'the approbation of Sir William Home, one of the Masters joint account as formerly.—Dated this 29th day of November of the said Court, at the Red Lion Inn, Westbury upon Severn,, in the county of Gloucester ; 1639. Thomas Black. • A newly erected dwelling-bouse, with work-shop, ruill- James Black. house, stable, shed, and other out-buildings, timber-yard, garden, and orchard, called Chochill Nidge-, in the parish of OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership hereto- Westbury upon Severn, and let on lease ; also a messuage, N fore subsisting between us the undersigned, Thomas with out-buildings, garden, and piece of pasture ground, or Powell and Jarues Wnlieman, as Engravers, Letter-Culter-s, orcharding, situate at Adsett, in the said parish of West- Stationers, and Copper-Plate and Letter-Press Printers, bury upon Severn. carrying on business in the Aston-road, Birmingham, in the The tune of sale will shortly be advertised, when printed county of Warwick, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. particulars and conditions of sale may be had (gratis) at the All debts owing by and to the said late firm will be paid and said Master's chambers, in Southampton-buildings, Chancery- received by the said James Wakeman, by whom the aforesaid lane, London ; of Mr. Cree, Solicitor, 3, Verulam-buildings* trades will in future be carried on in all their branches.— Gray's-inn, London ; Mr. Cadle, Solicitor, Newent, Glou- Dated tbis 1 Hli day of December 1839. cestershire; and at the place of sale. Thomas Powell. James Wakeman. fH^O be peremptorily sold, pursuant to an Order of the JL High Court of Chancery, made in certain causes, intituled Woodforde versus Partridge, and Woodforde versus Moore* OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership between the with the approbation of John Edmund Dowdeswell, Esq. N undersigned, John Whitehead the younger, of Ainsworth- one of the Masters of the said Court, at the New London bouse, in Aiusworth, in the county of Lancaster, and George Inn, in the city of Exeter, on Thursday the 23d day of January Citibank Allanson, of Kershaw-bridge, in the township of Birtl 1840, at one o'clock in the afternoon, in one lot ; cum Bamford, in the county of Lancaster, carrying on business Several closes of land, situate in the parish of Cadeleigh,-iix at Lower-croft, in Elton, and at Manchester, boih in the sait the county of Devon, containing together 169 acres, or there- county of Lancaster, as Dyers, Printers, and Finishers, anc abouts, lute the property of John Hartnoll Meore, Esq. Merchants, ui.der the 6rm of John Whitehead and Co. was thi deceased. day dissolved by mutual consent; from which day the sail Printed particulars whereof may he had (gratis) at the said business in future will be carried on by the said John White Master's office, in Southampton-buildings. ( haricery-lane ; of head alnne, on his own account. All debts owing to or bj Messrs. ISurfoot. Solicitors, Temple ; of Messrs. Rickards and ibe said concern will be received and paid by the saiii Join Walker, -Solictors, Lincoln's-inn-f;elds ; of Messrs. Wilde, Whitehead : As witness our haiids this 12th day of Dece.ube llees, Hmnp.hrey, and Wild, Solicitors, College-liill, London ;. 1839. Jno. Whitehead, jnr. of Mr. Hole, Solicitor, Taunton, Somersetshire ;. and of Mr. Geo. Gillhank Allanson Partridge, Solicitor, Tiverton, Devonshire. HE Hi-ir or Co-Heiresses at Law of Ann Goode, formerl URSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, T of Pailton, in the parish of Monks Kirby, in the count P made in a cause Williams ver:-us Knight, the ere of Warwick, Spinster (who died about the year J798),ab! ditors of William Wynne, late of the parish of Mold, in the- to prove his or ihrir pedigree by proper evidence, may hear o county ofFlint, Solicitor (who died on the 12th day of August something to their advantage on application to Mr. John •1820), are, by their .Solicitors, forthwith tu come in before- Nicbolls, of Guilsborough, in the county of Northampton William Wingfield, Esq. one of the Masters of the said Court, Surveyor, or Mr. William Cox, of Daren try., in the same county at his chambers, in Southampton-buildings, Chancery-lane, Solicitor. All communications must be free of expence. London, and prove their debts, or in default thereof they will be excluded-the benefit of the said Decree. 16th December 1839&. British Guiana, County of Berbir.e. URSUANT to an Order of the High Court of Chancery,, made in a cau-e Westover versus Foster, the creditors of First and Last Ed:cl. P John Westover, late of Cenham, in the county of Kent, Miller N pursuance of authority granted by his Honour J. H. Beni (who died in or about the month of October 1826), are, by I Chief Justice of British Guianax bearing date the 2 their Solicitors, forthwith to come in before William Winggeld, Sei tember 1839 ;. , Esq^ one of the Masters of the said Court, at his chambers,,.
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