THE CRÈCHE, A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ENGLISH LANGUAGE SOURCES Abrams, Richard and Hutchinson, Warner A. An Illustrated Life of Jesus New York: Wings Books, 1982 (many paintings of the Nativity) Acker, Helen “The Bronze Doors of Ghiberti” A Christmas Gallery, pp. 42-46 Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1970 Allen, Charles L. and Wallis, Charles L When Christmas Came to Bethlehem Westwood, New Jersey: Fleming H. Revell, c.1963 (“…unique character studies…” of some of the participants in the manger scene) “An Adobe All Aglow” Country Sampler West. December 1993, pp. 34-39 (Christmas decorating with nacimientos) Araki, Chiyo Origami for Christmas Tokyo: Kodansha International, 1986 (Nativity scene is one of 34 origami creations) Arnaud, Linda The Artful Christmas. Holiday Menus & Festive Collectibles Photography, Michel Arnaud Design & Art Direction, Joel Avirom New York: Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 2002 (Nativities: pp. 14-15, 18-21, 26-27, 142) El arte tradicional del Nacimiento Artes de Mexico, Revista libro numero 81, Ano 2006 Mexico D.F.: Artes de Mexico, noviembre de 2006 (“The Traditional Art of the Nativity Scene” – A complete English version, pages 81-96) “Artistry and Art of Christmas” Italy Italy Magazine, Year V, No. 9, November, 1987, p. 42 Aspectos de las fiestas navideñas en México: Galería Universitaria Aristos, noviembre 1981-febrero 1982 (Aspects of Christmas Celebrations in Mexico: Galería Universitaria Aristos, November 1981-February 1982) Text in Spanish, English, French México: Coordinación de Humanidades, Centro de Investigación y Servicios Museológicos, 1981 Awalt, Barbe and Rhetts, Paul Charlie Carrillo: Tradition & Soul – Tradición y Alma Albuquerque: LPD Press, 1995 (biography of a southwestern santero) Awalt, Barbe and Rhetts, Paul Our Saints Among Us/ Nuestros Santos entre Nosotros – 400 Years of New Mexican Devotional Art With an essay by Thomas J. Steele, SJ, and Charles M. Carrillo Albuquerque: LPD Press, 1998 (catalog of a traveling exhibit of southwestern santos) Babcock, Barbara A. and Monthan, Guy and Doris The Pueblo Storyteller. Development of a Figurative Ceramic Tradition Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1986 (mentions Nativity makers, but no photos) Bainton, Roland H. Behold the Christ. A portrayal of Christ in words and pictures Author assisted by Sumathi Devasahayam New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, A Collins Associates Book, 1974 (collection of images of Jesus Christ as depicted by artists from the first to the twentieth Centuries – Nativity-related: pp. 34-65). Barbash, Shepard Oaxacan Woodcarving. The Magic in the Trees San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1993 (mention, photos of Nativities – many carvers produce) Bauroth, Nan “Away in a Manger” Traditional Home, Holiday 1995, Volume VII, Issue VI, pp. 102-104 (Nativity collection in the Bavarian National Museum) Bauroth, Nan “The Nativity in Miniature” Christmas. An American Annual of Christmas Literature and Art Volume Sixty-six, pp. 26-30 Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, Publishers, 1996 (cribs from the Bavarian National Museum, Munich) Beckett, Sister Wendy Sister Wendy’s Nativity New York: HarperCollins Publishers in association with Rose Publishing, 1998 (a study of the life of Jesus through the medium of classical paintings) Beckett, Sister Wendy Sister Wendy’s Story of Christmas Munich: Prestel-Verlag, 1997 (Christmas story shown through paintings of the Nativity) Beckwith, Barbara “Friends of the Creche” St. Anthony Messenger, December 2002, Volume 110/Number 7, pp. 22-28. Bell, Charles “For Five Decades, Family Upholds Holy Tradition” New York Daily News, December 20, 1997, p.17 (story of the presepio created by Tony Laccitello in his Bronx church and how his grandson followed in his footsteps) Benson, Robert. Text The Night of the Child. Photographs from The Upper Room Museum Nativity Collection Photography by Dean Dixon Nashville: Upper Room Books, 2001 (Nativity photographs, with reflections on the birth of Jesus) Berliner, Rudolf The Christmas Crib: An Introduction to an Exhibition Brooklyn, New York: privately printed essay, 1940 Berliner, Rudolf “The Origins of the Crèche” Gazette des Beaux Arts, vol. 30, 1946, pp. 249-278 Bilz, Hellmut Erzgebirgische Volkskunst. Popular Arts and Crafts from the Erzgebirgische Mountains English text by Eva Wolf no publisher – no date (history of crafts from Germany, including Nativities, with which we are all familiar) Bolz, Diane M. “Art imitates life in the small world of Baroque crèches” Smithsonian Magazine, December 1991, pp. 101-105 Bonhoeffer, Dietrich Mystery of the Holy Night NewYork: The Crossroad Publishing Co., 1996 (illustrated with famous paintings) Book of Christmas, The New York: The Readers Digest Association, Inc., 1973 (The Birth of Christ, pp. 9-32 History of Christmas, pp. 37-68 Christmas Around the World, pp. 277-300) Bordignon Elestici, Letizia Presepi nel Mondo / Nativity Scenes Worldwide Milano: BE-MA Editrice, 1990 (Itinerari d’immagini) (98 pages of Nativity pictures) Borrelli, Gennaro and Fildelfo, Margherita “The Neapolitan Christmas Crèche, A Living Tradition with a Glorious Past” Italy Italy Magazine, Year VI, No. 9, November 15-December 15, 1988 Boyd, E. Popular Arts of Spanish New Mexico Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico Press, 1974 (Nativity-related representations in various media – Bibliography) Boyd, E. and Breese, Frances New Mexico Santos. How to Name Them Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico, International Folk Art Foundation, 1966 (in the art of the New Mexican santero, how to identify members of the Holy Family and St. Francis of Assisi) Brenner, Robert Christmas: 1940-1959. A Collector’s Guide to Decorations and Customs Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 2002 (Nativities: pp. 44, 136-138) Brenner, Robert Christmas Past. A Collectors’ Guide to its History and Decorations West Chester, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 1985 (Nativities: pp. 25-27, 49) Brenner, Robert Christmas Revisited West Chester, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 1986 (Chapter 7, pp. 86-89, 196: “Nativity Scenes Celebrating the Birth of Christ”) Brenner, Robert Christmas Through the Decades. A Guide to Christmas Antiques Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 1993 (information on: Nativities 1950s-60s, Putz 1910-1980s - Bibliography) Brenner, Bob “Crèche Scenes – Paper and Cardboard” The Golden Glow of Christmas Past, Volume 11, Issue 5, November, 1990, pp. 71-75 Brenske, Helmut Icons. Windows to Eternity Oberauer, Germany: Berghaus, 1996 Briggs, Charles L. The Wood Carvers of Cordova, New Mexico – Social Dimensions of an Artistic “Revival” Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press, 1980 Broadway Bill “Virginia Collector Sees World in Folk Art Crèches” Washington Post.com, December 7, 2001 “Hobby That’s Away in a Manger: Los Angeles Times, December 25, 2001, p. E2 “Away in a Manger” Monterey County Herald, December 15, 2001 Brown, Rachel W. N. Adoration Quilts: Applique Nativity Projects Woodinville, Washington: Martingale & Company, 2006 (designs based on Nativity story – manger scene, star, angel, 3 Wise Men, animals, shepherds – as tree skirt, table runner, etc.) Buechner, Frederick The Faces of Jesus New York: A Stearn/Harper and Row Book, 1989 (illustrations, photographs of Ivories to the 20th Century) Burke, Sean P., MM Infant of Joy. Christmas Cribs from Around the World Hong Kong: Maryknoll House, 2006 (showcases collection of Rev. Sean P. Burke MM in 224 pictures) Butz, Geneva M. Christmas Comes Alive! New York: The Pilgrim Press, 1988 (the living crèche of Old First Reformed Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Byfield, Magda “Neapolitan Crib Figures” Spinning Wheel, December, 1976, pp. 26-31 Bynum, Flora Ann L. The Christmas Heritage of Old Salem Williamsburg: The Williamsburg Publishing Co., 1983 (story of German Moravian Christmas, pyramids, putz) Bynum, Flora Ann “The Putzes of Christmas” The State, December, 1983 (story of putzes in general, Old Salem putz, specifically) Cadbury, Betty “Crèche Figures or Dolls of Devotion” Christmas in July – Souvenir Journal, United Federation of Dolls Clubs, Inc., Washington, D.C., 1980 Cali, François Provence, Land of Enchantment Chicago: Rand McNally & Company, 1965 (general information, photos of Santons) Canadas, Michael “18th-19th Century Neapolitan Crèche Figures” Antique Doll Collector. Volume 2, Number 9. pp. 19-26 Cannon, Elaine The Christmas Crèche Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1998 (devotional readings with Nativity scenes from the collection of Holly Zenger) Carpenter, Denise and Kelsey, Sandra The Nativity (Presepio, Krippe, Crib, Pesebre, Crèche, Nacimiento) The Golden Glow of Christmas Past (catalog for Nativity exhibit at 1990 Golden Glow Convention – Bibliography) Carpenter, Denise and Kelsey, Sandra “The Nativity” The Golden Glow of Christmas Past, Volume 11, Issue 4, September, 1990, pp. 53-60 Castaldo, Giuseppe “Christmas in Naples” Italy Italy Magazine, Year VII, No. 9, November 15-December 15, 1989, p. 18 (other related articles in same issue) Catello, Marisa Piccoli The Art of the Presepio: The Neapolitan Crib of the Banco di Napoli Collection Naples: Banco di Napoli, 1987 Causa, Raffaello “Miracle Play” with a text by William Butler Yeats photography by Massimo Listra FMR (Magazine) (Franco Maria Ricci) No. 7, December, 1984, First Year, America pp. 67-96 (“All the figures reproduced here are from the collection of the Museo della Certosa de San Martino, Naples.”) Chalippe, O.F.M., Father Candide The Life and Legends of Saint Francis of Assisi New York:
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