January 16, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E97 IN MEMORY OF MAYOR KEN dinners, where it was common place for her to The Fulbright Program is sponsored by the MERCER bring up the most salient political issues of the United States Department of State, Bureau of day. Her drive and enthusiasm for political dis- Education and Cultural Affairs. This program is HON. ERIC SWALWELL cussion propelled her to study History at UC known as America’s flagship international ex- OF CALIFORNIA Berkeley, where she received her Bachelor of change program. First established by Con- Arts degree in 1974. Ms. Rasky went on to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gress in 1946, the Fulbright Program has earn her Master’s degree in Economic History served the purpose of building mutual under- Thursday, January 16, 2014 from the distinguished London School of Eco- standing between American citizens and the Mr. SWALWELL of California. Mr. Speaker, nomics. rest of the world. Appropriations from the I rise today to recognize Ken Mercer, the Arriving in Washington, D.C. with an aca- United States Congress, participating foreign former mayor of Pleasanton, California, who demic background in economics and an inter- governments, and private sector contributions died this past Monday at age 71. est for journalism, Ms. Rasky began her ca- fund the Fulbright Program. The program has Ken devoted his life to public service in reer as a reporter. She covered issues con- exchanged over a quarter of a million people Pleasanton. He was elected to three terms on cerning the economy and economic policy for in more than 155 countries, since its inception. the Pleasanton City Council, serving from different news organizations, including the Bu- Rebecca’s host country for the 2013–2014 1976 to 1986. Then he became the first per- reau of National Affairs and Reuters. After just academic year is Colombia. son directly elected to serve as mayor, and five years, she began reporting for The New To receive a Fulbright award is truly a great held that position from 1986 to 1992. York Times as a Congressional cor- honor. Recipients of this award must dem- It is in part thanks to Ken’s dedication that respondent. At The New York Times, she onstrate significant leadership potential in their Pleasanton is the wonderful and vibrant com- wrote more than 1,700 articles for both New chosen field and are selected on the basis of munity that it is today. His diligent efforts York and Washington, D.C., exploring issues their academic or professional achievement. helped pave the way for the Hacienda Busi- relating to the tax code and the Federal Re- The experiences provided by this program en- ness Park and the Stoneridge Mall, among serve. sure that tomorrow’s leaders are both knowl- Renowned for her insight and powerful other developments. edgeable about the world and well-rounded. voice, Ms. Rasky received the George Polk He also held various posts in the commu- Mr. Speaker, it is a profound honor to rep- Award in 1990. Acknowledged for her cov- nity, including with Pacific Bell and ValleyCare resent future leaders like Rebecca from the erage of the Congressional budget crisis, she Health System. great state of Iowa in the United States Con- His enthusiastic devotion to Pleasanton and her colleagues shared recognition for this gress. I know my colleagues in the House will serves as an inspiration. prestigious award for their critical and insight- join me in congratulating her for receiving this My condolences go out to Ken’s daughter ful research and reporting on these complex prestigious award and I wish her the best of Shelley, son Chuck, brothers Ron and Norm, issues facing the nation. luck in her studies and future career. Later, as a UC Berkeley senior lecturer, Ms. and his grandchildren, nieces, and nephews. Rasky effortlessly moved from the newsroom f He will be missed greatly. to the classroom. Ms. Rasky left an imprint on IN TRIBUTE TO WINTHROP BEAN f a generation of students, specializing in teach- OF STRAFFORD, VERMONT OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL ing political and government reporting. DEBT Through her mentorship, students were con- HON. PETER WELCH tinuously inspired and challenged to ‘‘twist the OF VERMONT lens’’ and find a more nuanced perspective in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. MIKE COFFMAN journalism. Her teaching was so influential that OF COLORADO Thursday, January 16, 2014 students began to refer to themselves as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘Rasky-ites’’, illustrating their devotion to her Mr. WELCH. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the Thursday, January 16, 2014 and her style of political reporting. Bean family of Strafford, Vermont, and in trib- Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January In addition to her prolific career, Ms. Rasky ute to their exceptional young son and brother 20, 2009, the day President Obanna took of- established and supervised the J-School’s murdered thirty years ago because of his sex- fice, the national debt was California News Service, offering students the ual orientation, I submit the following Herald of $10,626,877,048,913.08. opportunity to cover government and politics Randolph story. Winthrop Bean’s story is a Today, it is $17,287,251,611,151.62. We’ve for news organizations throughout the country. tragic tale of senseless loss in the face of added $6,660,374,562,238.54 to our debt in 5 She enjoyed being able to guide younger gen- homophobia and reminds us of the need to years. This is over $6.6 trillion in debt our na- erations of journalists on how to cover presi- end discrimination and achieve fundamental tion, our economy, and our children could dential and other campaigns. Even after her equality for all. have avoided with a balanced budget amend- students graduated, she was known to advise [From the Herald of Randolph] ment. them well into their professional careers. She WINTHROP BEAN REMEMBERED will be remembered as a distinguished re- (By Bruce Kogan) f porter, a supportive leader, and a dedicated This month will mark the 30th anniversary HONORING SUSAN RASKY mentor. of a guilty plea entered in a New York City Today, California’s 13th Congressional Dis- court by a man named Alfred Desjardin, 25, HON. BARBARA LEE trict salutes and honors an outstanding indi- pleading guilty to manslaughter-1 in connec- vidual and stalwart journalist, Susan Rasky. tion with the stabbing death of Strafford na- OF CALIFORNIA As a constituent and UC Berkeley professor, tive Winthrop Bean on May 19, 1983. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. Rasky inspired many future journalists It was a story little reported in the main- Thursday, January 16, 2014 stream media, but in the White River Valley and impacted so many lives throughout the of Vermont it was the major news of the Ms. LEE of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise nation. I join all of Susan’s loved ones in cele- year, because of the effect that Winkie Bean today to honor the extraordinary life of Susan brating her incredible life. She will be deeply had on all around him. Rasky, former political reporter for The New missed. My own connection with this case came York Times and lecturer at the Graduate f with my job at New York State Crime Vic- tims Board, where I was an investigator. School of Journalism at the University of Cali- TRIBUTE TO REBECCA TAYLOR A woman named Linda Strohmeier, who fornia, Berkeley. Known throughout the nation volunteered at the New York City Gay and as an accomplished reporter, Ms. Rasky has HON. TOM LATHAM Lesbian Anti-Violence Project, approached left an indelible mark on the national dis- me on behalf of Alta Varney, Winthrop’s OF IOWA course. With her passing on December 29, mother, who had filed a claim for funeral re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2013, we look to the outstanding quality of her imbursement. Ms. Strohmeier was from the life’s work and the inspiring role she played in Thursday, January 16, 2014 area and knew Winkie and his family. She told me of his ambitions for a career in shaping the nature of political reporting and in- Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the theater, which was why he was in New spiring future journalists. recognize the achievements of Rebecca Tay- York City, living with friends on East 93rd Born on June 10, 1952, Susan Rasky was lor of Urbandale, Iowa for receiving a coveted Street. I knew that the location where his raised in the Los Angeles area. Her passion Fulbright award to study and conduct research body was found was right near a gay bar for politics grew out of discussions at family abroad this academic year. called Chaps, long since gone now. VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:22 Jan 17, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16JA8.023 E16JAPT1 tjames on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E98 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 16, 2014 All the police of the 19th precinct in New who was waiting outside the bar, no doubt IN RECOGNITION OF 75TH ANNI- York told me in an official capacity was that looking for a gay victim who would not put VERSARY OF PETERBILT MO- he was indeed an innocent victim, and there up much struggle. Winkie was stabbed about TORS COMPANY was no reason not to grant $1500 from the eight times and left in a pool of his own state to Alta Varney to bury her son. blood to bleed out and die in a stairwell at ANOTHER DIMENSION 229 East 88 Street.
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