. 7 .7 BP S' J I i2z7itltJ2f computers and automation COMPUTERS AND WAR SAFETY CONTROL A PICTORIAL REPORT ON COMPUTER APPLICATIONS JANUARY 1962 / • Vol. 11 - No.1 GET RESULTS AND RELAXATION .. DIVIDENDS FROM STATISTICAL'S DATA-PROCESSING • oj ~/ si ---0--- rr e~ /~ When data-processing problems s( put the pressure on you, you'll find n the "safety valve" you need at q STATISTICAL. A wealth of experience is always ready to go to work for you "0: here. Behind every assignment is a searching understanding of management problems and solutions ... gained in serving America's top companies since 1933. From this experience comes the consistently-high quality service you would expect from America's oldest and largest independent data-processing and computer service. Sophisticated methods. Responsible personnel. The latest electronic equipment. Coast-to-coast facilities. Advantages like these add up to "know-how" and TABULATING CORPORATION C "show-how" that can not be acquired overnight. il NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS n This experience-in-depth service is available to 104 South Michigan Avenue-Chicago 3, Illinois a you day or night. A call to our m~arest OFFICES IN PRINCIPAL CITIES - COAST TO COAST data-processing and computer center will bring you the results you want ... and relaxation. ,,1/ -/p~ THE STATISTICAL MARK OF EXCELLENCE I 2 CO~IPUTERS and AUTOMATION for January, 1962 c ester, leI. / Park, ~. Y. Hyde U. S. 'J". Y. geles, City, ment. Lynn- Lab., :trical Alto, \rich. bury, Mass. '" Co., ~ssing Iberg, Ither, Icker- Ger- IS. Abbe 1 Mi- I des -- / "mus, Tele- data Alto, \Iich. core Alto, Fred Bur- ~Iletic :wtOIl oney- "finn. ; and Cliff, p. of ter. Not "people talk," of course. It's "machine talk"­ Data handled ill 10 minutes by DATA-PHONE service -- made possible by Bell System DATA - PHONE service. would take the average secretary seven hours to type! This new service gives business machines a "voice." What's more, DATA-PHONE service enables you to It converts machine data (like that on the tape) into a send business data over regular telephone lines at reg­ 1inn. tone language which is sent over telephone lines, then ular telephone rates. '1 '." is reconverted instantly into its original form at the This dramatic, new service is saving time and cutting Tex. receiving end. costs for companies all over the country. Could it do Vast quantities of business data can be transmitted as much jor your firl11'! Talk with one of our Communi­ !\ve., • this way - billing information, inventories, sales orders, cations Consultants and find out. Just call your Bell Inc. Park, payroll and production figures-at incredible speed. Tc\ephone Business Ollice and ask for him. In 9, BE~L TELEPHONE SYSTEM Yiass. !\ve., 1962 COMPUTERS Fr and AUTOMATION to d Com COMPUTERS AND D.A.TA PROCESSORS, AND THEIR CONSTRUCTION, askir in tl APPLICATIONS, AND IMPLICATIONS, INCLUDING AUTOMATION Fom free Volume 11 Established VIe 1 JANUARY, 1962 Com Number 1 September, 1951 are com] up t we c EDMUND C. BERKELEY Editor A Pictorial Report on If PATRICK J. MCGOVERN Assistant Editor pute MOSES M. BERLIN Assistant Editor Computer Applications. 17 us tl NEIL D. MACDONALD Assistant Editor Forn SYDNEY STARR Art Dirrctor zine, any CONTRIBUTING EDITORS FRONT COVER ANDREW D. BOOTH Narr NED CHAPIN Antenna for Communications Satellite . 1,45 YOul JOlIN W. CARR, III YOul ALSTON S. HOUSEHOLDER PETER KUGEL ACROSS THE EDITOR'S DESK Its} ADVISORY COMMITTEE News of Computers and Data Processors 26 YOul MOR TON M. ASTRAHAN YOul HOWARD T. ENGSTROM ( ARTICLES GEORGE E. FORSYTHE ( RICHARD W. HAMMING A Report on Computers and War Safety Control, ( ALSTON S. HOUSEHOLDER by HOWARD G. KURTZ and others . 6 ( HERBERT F. MITCHELL, JR. ( Eastern Joint Computer Conference - Some Highlights, ( SA LES AND SERVICE DIRECTOR by PATRICK ]. McGOVERN (inserted between ( PATRICK J. McGOVERN pages 26 and 27) . 18B ( 815 Washington St. ( Newtonville 60, Mass. ( DEcatur 2-54 53 READERS' AND EDITOR'S FORUM ADVERTISING REPRESENT A TIVES Calendar of Coming Events 44 Year Los Angeles 5 WENTWORTH F. GREEN Gigacycle Computers 45 ColI 439 So. Western Ave. DUnkirk 7-8135 Year San Francisco 5 A. S. BABCOCK Note on Automation 45 OCCl 605 Market St. YUkon 2-3954 Elsewhere PATRICK J. MCGOVERN Any REFERENCE INFORMATION 815 Washington St. DEcatur 2-5453 tincl Newtonville 60, Mass. 1961 Annual Index (inserted between pages 26 and 27) IB Books and Other Publications 46 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION is published monthly at 315 Washington St., Newtonville 60, Mass., by Berkeley Enter­ Who's Who in the Computer Field (Supplement) 48 prises, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. New Patents 50 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: United States, $15.00 for 1 year, $29.00 for 2 years, including the June Directory issue; Canada, add 50c a year for postage; foreign, add $1. 5 0 a year for post­ age. Address all Editorial and Subscription Mail to Berkeley INDEX OF NOTICES Enterprises, Inc., 815 Washington St., Newtonville 60, Mass. ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER at the Post Office Advertising Index 51 at Boston, Mass. Computer Directory and Buyers' Guide see Oct., page 31 POSTMASTER: Please send all Forms 3579 to Berkeley Enter­ prises, Inc., 815 Washington St., Newtonville 60, Mass. Glossary of Com pu ter Terms . see Nov., page 50 V\i entr Copyright, 1962, by Berkeley Enterprises, Inc. Manuscripts . see Oct., page 30 'tV}H CHANGE of ADDRESS: If your address changes, please send us matl both your new address and your old address (as it appears on the Reference and Survey Information see Oct., page 31 magazine address imprint), and allow three weeks for the change Ne'\\ to be made. Who's Who Entry Form. 49 COM 4 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for January, 1962 1234567090 rgl11g Wis- .. / CoIl, .11' / Senr, tech MPS gnu athc- , '57, rgl11g 1inn, I '38, '59, rgl11g , '56, P / mptr rgl11r {tIn mathematics alone, " ( AP rgl11r each generation , '35, builds a new Scnr, , '24, story to the lalyst old structure." rgl11r ader, Senr, '57, , Los . / '53, )ELS .. / aplns . / IBM mathematicians and programmer:s are doing work programmers have at their disposal the machine time they today that will still have meaning years from now. need for the full development of their ideas. And they have EL / before them unusual opportunity for professional growth rpose They are, for example, teaching computers to work out and personal advancement. ~ntial proofs for theorems in Euclidean geometry. They are applying new techniques to problems in symbolic logic If you'd like to know more about the stimulating and re­ DEL '55, originally outlined by Russell and Whitehead. They are warding work at I BM, we'd like to hear from you. All crossing into frontier territory in the fields of automatic applicants for employment will be considered without DEL storage allocation ... design automation ... multi-pro­ regard to race, creed, color or national origin. Write to: gramming ... lexical processing ... and in almost every other Manager of Technical Employment area of applied and applications programming. IBM Corporation, Dept. 539N DEL IBM regards programming and programming research as 590 Madison Avenue essential to its future growth. At I BM, mathematicians and New York 22, N. Y. IBM(!) 1962 CO~IPUTERS (/Ild AUTO~rATION for January, ]!lIi2 5 Arll1y prCSCI scrillCi cusscd tions ~ A Report on . .. port. are e( beillg~ Autol] Tc( Computers and War Safety Control Pra 35) Th gllage cOllter "Mull CONTENTS for II pcets 'iVaI' Safety Control is a proposed system which T. Genesis-Air Traflic Control and vVar Safety Control :-.rctal is analoP"ous to Air Traffic Control, and which Howard G. Kurtz cal A was prol')()sed in I 9G 1 by Howard C. Kurtz, a " .\ut<: former airline pilot and manager, and a mem­ I I. Proposal-~'\'Var Safety Con trol . Howard C. Kurtz Paticr »utcn ber or the U. S. Army Reserve, 192~)-/J(j. III. Comments and Discussion dig-ita Esscntially 'iVar Safety Control is the idea of 1. A Statement Twenty Authorities illcluci a Illulti-national technological control system 2. Computers and 'I\Tar Safety Control (making use of computers, other dcvices, and Willc Edmund C. Berkeley B. ' people) to secure safety from war on hehalf of 3. Some Thoughts on "Control of 't\!orld Crisis" COl all nations jointly, and regardless or the govern­ Ned Chapin Stu men t t ha t they have. Ou 4. Comments on "Control of 't\!orld Crisis" 196 An example of the application or this idea John W. Carr, III might he the conversion or early warning sys­ Thl 5. Comments Theodore P. 't\!right autoo tcms presently functioning to guard a single G. Research Program on Arms Control arc Ii nation or a group of allied nations into warning L. C. Van A tta arc: systems which would guard all nations. Tram 7. Commen ts Chauncey D. Leake The purpose of the report and arguments set liot's, Commen ts COB( forth in this issue of Computers and Automa­ 8. :Morton l\I. Astrahan and S. L. Janofsky which tion is to promote wide discussion of this pro­ 9. Comments Andrew D. Booth eaeh posal among computer pcople and other scien­ proCC( 10. Some Reuuttal Howard G. Kurtz tists and engineers-pari ieulad), as to its tech­ ctc. 11. Comments Ralph H. Tripp tCII1 a nical f~asibility. 12. Comments H. Burke Horton Adjns Aul Del U. 25, Th I. Genesis-Air Traffic Control alld War Safety Control l.abor the c Howard G. Kurtz plcmc clJaptl Handy Associates appcIl New York 22, N. Y. agel11( cssing campI The Collision lIazaI·d which to solve the problem. Each gas tank carries ticula \\'hell the airplane pilot foulld himself flying blind only a specific number of minutell of flight.
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