20 - MANCHRSTER h e r a l d . Sat.. Dec. 11, 1982 SALE , Male's guide to coping Memories of town hall Shift income ALL STORES OPEN c o n tin u e s ; with wife at Christmas when tricksters roamed to sa ve ta xes . p a g e 1 4 SUNDAY 10 am to 6 pm 25% Off . page 11 . p a g e 6 a ll w in ter NOW ’till CHRISTMAS OUTERWEAR for the Manchester, Conn. Entire Family Partly cloudy, warmer Tuesday Monday, Dec. 13, 1982 Two on the ^ > r — See page 2 25 Cents Town* Qlft Mmlh b y O ts iH s ^ 30% OFF Our . --:.V7 OOS:; ‘FAUX’ PEARLS ftS0.fO.SO ....... f s s j w Fresh *n town Of •Paarl Earrlnga *Shlntng Our Reg. 11.97........ .8.331 Snow Jontuo r Poles debate ePearl Plarcad Earrlnga Our turn «rt SwHuch tHeetronIc »W «) gaiM* ft CMtrWflW or «oy»\ Our Reg. 6.97 4.881 \ jftMdy martcad down. Slora stofck onljK sorry, no ralnehecks. / The romantic o«t sura to . brings make you shine in her eyesi •IS” Pearl Choker (tmniui.) H E R E ARE SOME EXTRA-SPECIAL I :i , '....................... Our Reg. 19.47,...,.. 13.801 suspending Mennen *Hawfc* i^ N G S ON FAMOUS NAME T O Y sS After Slunre ^ .2 oaL) , mishaps •24” Pearl Noeklaca(tinm.iM) OurOrtg.* SALE Our 9 H H : . r ' Rea.a.59 . e » s « f « P Manchester’s first now storm of Our Reg. 2 3 .9 7 ............ 3 16.401 ...17.99. 12.88 A crtap, free^pirtted soeht for the year must have caught many *ial9x90-Pc.LocBlocSet--------- today^s man of action. motorists untuned to winter driving •30” Pearl NacklacattmniNi.) hazards. There were 15 storm- . martial law •iitttx Log Bloc Mi^CftStle...... .. .28.99. 19.88 related-accidents, including a Mennen *%iee<i Stldt* Our Reg. 29.97 .. ......... 19.881 seven-car piled up ^turday at East ,4ljMtoiw»»»«tRailioa<l............. ..15.99. 11.88 Gift-Pack Ensemhle Middle Turnpike and Eiast Center •Paarl Double Strand Street. WARSAW, Poland (UPI) - The one year after it was adopted to Our crush the independent Solidarity un­ iiCitiHttv84wt^ ........... ...19.99. ... 13.88 Mg.400 ... 3.66 Bracalat But the highway crews had been Polish parliament, meeting on the •Speed suck Oeddorant Our Reg. 19.97 .. 1 3 .7 6 prepared for an even bigger storm first anniversary of martial law, ion. yiMrafPiteoATV Expiorar........... ...29.99. 22.98 •Mbi Bracer (4 ^ .) than the one that d evelop ^ Sunday, debated a series of measures today But in Brussels, Belgium , an i i i expecting a heavy accumulation of that would suspend the major exiled Solidarity representative said snow. provisions of military rule. he feared Jaruzelski’s speech was •Mofoitz9dEi«etorSetbyGaA>itel . ...31.99. .22.88 •Sanehai QiH Set POPULAR FASHION JEWELRY just a “cosmetic operation ad­ (.e oz. Naiuraf Spray Cologne S As it was, plow work was at a The measures under debate, 2 oz. Ousting For.} • minimum with most of the effort however, would allow the govern­ dressed mainly to the Western •HaciMoQnibbin Dragons........ ...10.99 ..........7.98 Ourllag.10&..^.............8 .4 0 going toward sanding and spreading ment to restore martial law if un­ democratic society, especially the •EnJoH Q l« Set chemicals on the roads. rest should erupt, bankers.” ... .7.49 ..........4.98 Cars were sliding down hills and Polish officials said the un­ “ We will have to wait for the (.6 OZ. Natural Spray Cologne ft decisions that will be taken by 2 oz. Ousting For.) t through stop signs this weekend, derground opposition was still too •RkibBraWoiltibykieal.............. ... .6.99 ..........5.88 0urfteg;9Tl.............. T-dJ crashing into fences, telephone strong and the economy still to weak parliament,” said Jerzy Milewski, director of the Solidarity coor­ Clntoimedieto maifcdowns taken. Net all hams In all atoiea. No rawcheckaj - Antique Fashion Pine g Pendente from Yaetaryaar polls, buildings and one another — to lift martial law fully. but there were no serious injuries, “ We think that lifting of martial dinating office. “ My first reaction is S5 Choose from 6 elegant ' §| Beautifully detailed police reported. law could be premature at a time one of skeptical optimism. ^ and graceful styles. *5 w ^ There was a total of 15 weather- when anti-socialist underground is In Washington, officials withheld •CaUknr Bleach, 40 oz.' related accidents reported, in­ still active,” said Kazimierz Bar- comment on Jaruzelski’s statement, □ r w M j f m t M J U t volving a total of more than 40 cars. cikowski, a member of the Com­ Reagan said Friday that Ail purpose 0*74 a ra e o N “ meaningful liberalizing measures” OMrRaa.1JM..........................O f ’ Few tickets were given out because munist Party Politburo, told the of road conditions. parliament, or Sejm. in Warsaw would be countered with The seven-car pile up on EUist Mid­ • “ We cannot risk the future of the “ equally significant and concrete eCaidor Dish Detergent u dle Turnpike began at 7:45 a.m. country by taking incautious actions of our own.” *S0<tz. size w s jo The proposals would do away with 0«irflse.lftr................. I.HO ............. Saturday when ttie first of seven decisions,” he said. He criticized 30-Inch F ^lo n Chalne Qoldtona Sllp-On Bracalat cars in a line was hit by the car President Reagan, who, he said, remaining restriction on travel $AVB Choice of 12 styles for Rich gleaming accents behind it. A chain reaction followed. “ does not need the Sejm debates within the country, allow public eCahSor Laundiy Detergent 4.50 tor any occasion. The accident happened as all of the today, but needs new street gatherings without special permits 20 Iba. ^ M M cars were turning right from East rioting.” and end censorship of mail and 0«rileg.8JM .................... » - 0 0 Center Street. Reagan said Friday that U.S. telephone conversations. Choose nylon or chic canvas.’ All with double handles One motorist was reported to have sanctions against Polami would be It would also restore operation of nylon zippers, Some with adiustseie shoulder strapa. been trying to turn into an alley-way lifted if martial was ended and other some suspended organizations, •Otopoaa-Foii Bakeware ft * , near the S&H Green Stamp building political reforms undertaken. allow limited right to strike and EXAMPLES! V,-; fJIspoeabla roastera, EACH AA on Main Street, but slid into the Polish military chief Wojciech protest as laid down in the new trade cake pane, pie tins, Q 7 4 •18” Nylon Roll Our f t ^ t f is »... r ..... ,1... I a .« I O ^ building, causing damage to the car. Jaruzelski announced Sunday that union bill, and lift certain other E more.fteg.tWaa...................W f •15” Nylon Squaw A H h O tu i^ iZ M i........... 9 . 5 6 --------T~r--------- A reduced highway crew began martial law would be suspended by prohibitions. work Saturday morning and grew to vear’s end. •Cocoe Fiber Floor Mats •18” CanvMi6tKWi^rTota,Ouriiog.WjBr......... 1 9 . 6 8 |l$ Choose hoops, drops, s Bright, bold accents full size before the day was over. A Jaruzelski said the M ilitary Coun­ from India 14x24 * each m buttons and more. ' add life to any outfit. full crew also was at work Sunday cil, the supreme body set up when •40”CanvasQanii^Bag,Ouri^aftay ......... 3 4 . 9 6 on all 13 of the town’s sanding martial law was imposed, “ is of the inside today » ? C a S e 4.88 Styles may vary by atore.; routes. opinion that conditions have arisen Km Parking was a bit disorganized at for suspending martial law. the Parkade Shopping Center, with "The suspension of martial law 20 pages, 2 sections snow obscuring the parking lane means that its basic rigors will C markers, but there were plenty of cease to function before the end of Advice .......................................... 12 DYNAMARlCi cars, nevertheless, and merchants Area towns .....................................7 . -M---------iMk* this year,” he said. j v f w W i|w 3 reported generally that .the storm In debate today on measures to Business........................................ 14 EifHHfte I did not have any appreciable effect implement the gradual liberaliza­ C lassified........................ .. 18-19 UgMNwdgltt „ on pre-Christmas shopping. tion proposed by Jaruzelski, the Comics ............................................ 8 wSiawr*^ , Spokesmen at Caldor at Burr. granting of pardons to the ap­ Entertainment ............................. 12 ESff* Snow Thrower Comers Shopping Center both said proximately 200 remaining political L o tte ry ............................................2 business was not quite so heavy as it prisoners was discussed. Few Obituaries .................................... 10 might otherwise haye been, but was details were made clear. Opinion ..'........................................6 P eop letalk ......................................2 Gletorstd>t0 3 i ^ ^ not seriously cut back. Poland’s figurehead President Some snow blowers made their Herald photo by Pinto Henryk Jablonski also presented to S ports....................................... 15-17 tlHOtobShori^t , 'iA. > debut with only a couple of inches of the parliament other features of a Television ......................................8 SAVE 20%l 3 0 % O F F snow to test their metal, but a lot of DANCING BEARS AT CENTER PARK EMBRACE comprehensive reform package W ea th er..........................................2 . were they trying to keep warm In the chilly winter day? designed to dismantle martial law use. flee house-/ •V-' Please turn to page 10 0 ALL REGENT ALL FOOTBALLS, H ELMETS ^ hrdtf j^ rrant, ; ? DARTBOARDS AND UNIFORM KiTS ,i/.>.CANH^Sn Seeks compromise 4.761. 12.76 4.88 ID 27.96 <1 < Israel welcomes shuttle Our Rag. 599 to 15M Ouffteg.S99lo9S99 ' S i . S ' Choose from assorted size boards •Wilson •Rawllfigs •Hutch; Leather or Car burns; f lit fii^wAth ■ft'toftfftii ViBlrtlu-^J4ljdUI VktauJfkY ^ Ba<i.lMttof|ha ' with metal rims & dividers, ail revers- fabric footballs, competitlvo/non com­ '"0 '- # some with rotating numbers.
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