North Weald Bassett settlement. The following vision incorporates the findings of the Masterplanning study as well 5.84 North Weald Bassett is located in centre of the as those identified through further stakeholder District, to the north east of Epping. The village engagement and evidence base documents: has a proud military history, mainly characterised through links to aviation at North Weald Airfield to the west. Vision for North Weald Bassett 5.85 The settlement is surrounded by Green Belt on North Weald Bassett will become more self-sufficient, all sides, and views across the Ongar Redoubt enabling the settlement to realise a long-term future Hill are an asset to the character of the local as a larger provider of employment, housing and area. services within Epping Forest District. The distinct local character of the settlement, surrounded by greatly 5.86 The Council has produced a number of studies valued green open space, will be retained by to consider the future of North Weald Airfield. maintaining key landscape areas to the south and In 2014 the findings from these studies were promoting its rich military heritage. integrated into a wider masterplan for the Future development will be located to the northern village which presents a long term vision and side of the village, in line with the vision set out in the aspirations for the village. The proposals 2014 masterplan. presented within the North Weald Bassett Aviation related uses, complemented by a mix of Masterplanning Study (‘the Study’) were subject employment and leisure uses will be sought to boost to public consultation and reported to Cabinet the commercial offer and sustainability of the Airfield. in October 2014. The content of the North The needs of North Weald Bassett residents will be Weald Bassett masterplan has informed the met through improved health, education, leisure and proposals contained within this sub-section. For community facilities, alongside a strengthened range the purpose of this Plan when reference is made of shops and services that are complemented by to ‘North Weald Bassett’ it refers to the enhanced sustainable and public transport provision. settlement of North Weald Bassett, recognising that the Parish encompasses North Weald Residential Sites Bassett Village, Thornwood and Hastingwood. 5.89 Policy SP 2 sets out the estimated number of Vision for North Weald Bassett homes the Council will plan for in North Weald Bassett over the Plan period. The provision of 5.87 The 2014 Masterplan Study includes a section approximately 1,050 homes has been informed on the vision for the settlement, which by the aspirations set out in the North Weald summarises the valued characteristics of the Bassett Masterplan and subsequent settlement and potential opportunities that consultation, which identifies the potential for should be maximised through the masterplan: the village to accommodate between 500 and North Weald Bassett has a number of great “ 1,600 homes. assets including, but not limited to, the settlement’s relationship with the surrounding 5.90 The Council has identified five sites for green open space, stand-out historic buildings, a allocation to meet the identified housing range of housing types which can support a requirement, as identified in Policy P 6. mixed community and the heritage and current 5.91 Proposals for residential development will be economic role of the North Weald Airfield. expected to accord with site specific However, the settlement could also benefit from requirements as set out in Appendix 6. investment to strengthen the existing 5.92 The allocated sites NWB.R1, NWB.R2, NWB.R3, commercial centre and establish North Weald NWB.R4 and NWB.R5 will require a Strategic Bassett as a sustainable place in its own right Masterplan to be produced. with an active community life.” 5.88 The Council has refined the statements made in the Study to create a vision statement for the The Local Plan should be read as a whole. Proposals will be judged against all relevant policies. Epping Forest District Local Plan 142 | Submission Version December 2017 Sites for Traveller Accommodation Masterplan. Any new retail development should accord with the requirements of Policy E 2. 5.93 Policy SP 2 sets out the Council’s approach to Traveller Sites within the District. One site has P 6 North Weald Bassett been allocated for Traveller Accommodation in A. Proposals for development on allocated sites North Weald Bassett: should accord with the site specific • NWB.T1 Land west of Tylers Green – up to 5 requirements set out in Appendix 6. pitches Residential Sites Employment Sites B. In accordance with Policy SP 2 the following sites are allocated: 5.94 Policy E 1 sets out the Council’s preferred (i) NWB.R1 Land at Bluemans – approach to identifying sites for employment (B Approximately 223 homes Class) uses. (ii) NWB.R2 Land at Tylers Farm – 5.95 There are three existing Employment Sites that Approximately 21 homes have been identified in North Weald Bassett for (iii) NWB.R3 Land south of Vicarage Lane – designation in the Local Plan: Approximately 728 homes • NWB.E1 – New House Farm at Vicarage (iv) NWB.R4 Land at Chase Farm – Lane (0.63ha) Approximately 27 homes • NWB.E2 – Tylers Green Industrial Area (v) NWB.R5 Land at The Acorns, Chase (1.1ha) Farm – Approximately 51 homes • NWB.E3 – Weald Hall Farm and Commercial Employment Sites Centre (3.07ha) C. In accordance with Policy E 1 the following 5.96 There is also an existing employment site that is existing sites are designated for employment uses: allocated for a further 40,000sqm of B1/B2/B8 class use (business use/general (i) NWB.E1 – New House Farm, Vicarage industrial/storage and warehousing): Lane (ii) NWB.E2 – Tylers Green Industrial Estate • NWB.E4 – North Weald Airfield (40.8ha) (iii) NWB.E3 – Weald Hall Farm and 5.97 This site will require a Strategic Masterplan to Commercial Centre be produced. D. In accordance with Policy SP 2 and Policy E 1 Infrastructure Requirements the following site is designated for employment uses with a further allocated 5.98 The supporting text to Policy SP 2 confirms the expansion for B Use Class employment uses: importance of identifying and delivering key infrastructure to support residential and (i) NWB.E4 – North Weald Airfield employment growth across the District. The Traveller Sites infrastructure needs for North Weald Bassett E. In accordance with Policy SP 2 the following are set out in Policy P 6 and the Infrastructure sites are allocated for Traveller Delivery Plan. Accommodation: Village Centre (i) NWB.T1 Land west of Tylers Green – up to 5 pitches 5.99 The North Weald Bassett Masterplan identified Infrastructure Requirements the delivery of an improved centre and new F. Infrastructure requirements must be delivered smaller second centre at Tylers Green to at a rate and scale to meet the needs that support the proposed residential and arise from the proposed development, in employment development in the village. The accordance with the Infrastructure Delivery Council will require new retail provision to be Plan. Specifically, development in North incorporated into planning proposals which Weald Bassett will be expected to contribute support the delivery of the North Weald Bassett proportionately towards the following The Local Plan should be read as a whole. Proposals will be judged against all relevant policies. Epping Forest District Local Plan Submission Version December 2017 | 143 infrastructure items: NWB.R5, NWB.T1 must comply with a (i) A new primary school; Strategic Masterplan for the North Weald Bassett Area which has been formally (ii) Appropriate provision of health endorsed by the Council. facilities; L. In addition to the requirements set out above, (iii) Highways and junction upgrades; the Strategic Masterplan must make provision (iv) Local upgrades to the existing waste for: water network and drainage (i) a minimum of 1,050 homes and 5 infrastructure; Traveller pitches; (v) Potential upgrades to existing water, gas (ii) local centre including, retail, and telecommunications infrastructure; community, and appropriate provision and of health facilities; (vi) The improvement and provision of open (iii) addressing surface water flooding; space throughout the settlement. (iv) new primary school; G. The Council will only permit planning applications that contribute towards the (v) adequate levels of public open space to delivery of those infrastructure items set out be provided on the site; above and in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan, (vi) careful design that mitigates any unless subsequent iterations of the potential impact upon the Grade II Infrastructure Delivery Plan or discussions Listed Buildings at Bluemans with providers determine that these items are Farm/Tyler’s Farmhouse; no longer required. (vii) new and improved Public Rights of Way Air Pollution and cycle linkages with the surrounding H. The development of the allocated sites within area; North Weald Bassett have the potential to (viii) careful design and layout to ensure that produce air pollution that could impact upon where sensitive land uses are proposed air quality in the District, including Epping near the intermediate High Pressure Gas Forest. In accordance with Policy DM 2 and Pipeline they accord with the Policy DM 22, all proposals on sites which requirements set out in the HSE's Land require a Transport Assessment/Transport Use Planning Methodology; Statement will be required to undertake an air (ix) the need to upgrade/widen the existing quality assessment that identifies the Vicarage Lane West access in order to potential impact of the development, together ensure a safe access point which has with contributions towards air quality sufficient capacity for the development monitoring. it serves; and Recreational Pressure (x) the continued protection of those trees I. Due to their proximity to Epping Forest benefitting from a Tree Preservation development of the allocated sites within Order, and other identified veteran North Weald Bassett will be required to make trees.
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