5o VALL~Y ~CHO~S 5o CONTENTS Dedication Classes Activities Grades Published by Montrose High School Montrose, South Dakota 1 meAn We, the annual staff of the 1950 Valley Echoes, ~ish to dedicate this year's edition to Mrs. William Smith who so generously makes available eaoh year to the Senior Class of Montrose High School the Ketchum Awards. F Ac u L T y Baok row left to right: Carl Horst, John Rathbun, Supt. Oaks, Prin. Wayne Ellsworth, Loretta Braese. Front row left to right: Grace Oaks, Maxine Mor­ iarty, Merle Walliser, Rose Joyce, Nellie Bell. 2 A N Nu s A T L A F F Back row left to right: B.01 Dell, C.Hart, R.Healy, P.Tennyaon, J.Kizer D.Cone, B.Johnaon, K.Johnaton, B.Deyriea, D.Keating, B.Zimmer, H.Coffey D.Apland. Front row left to right: B.Wheeler, N.Wendland, D.Morriaon, S.DeVriea, M.C.Garry, L.Severtaon, L.Bell, D.Davenport, R.Raabe. MARY CATHERINE GARRY SHIRLEY DEVRIES 11 8he majora in charm and in­ 11 She has standards and al­ telligence.11 ways lives up to them. u EDITOR: Class officer 1,4; ASSOCIATE EDITOR:Glee Club Queen 1 s Attendant 4; Trio 2; 2-J,S1xtette2-J,Trio 2,Vo­ Sexette 2,J; Glee Club 2,J; oal Solo 2-J-4,Cheerleader Play J; Declam 1, Band 1,2,3 2,Class Officer l -2,Deolam 4. Accompanist 2,),4. 2-J-4,Physioal Education 1 Play J, Queen 1 s Attendant 3 ... _ · ~ ~ .. ~ - ~ £ ·, -~ ~ I ~ j 4 (J) 5 LOREN BELL ROSE MARIE RAABE 11 How do they expect me to BOB WHEELER "Mild of manner and gentle 11 1 learn;they give me a diff­ of heart." I ll do my living now and erent lesson every day" Declam l,Play J, Glee Club be sure it gets done." Basketball l-2-J-4,Track 1 1-4, Annual Staff 4, Queen Basketball 1-?-3-4, Play 3 Football,2-J-4,Play J,Boys Attendent 4. Football 2-3-4, Track l-2, Glee Club J,Octette J,Annu Annual Staff 4. al Staff 4. NADINE WENDLAND LEONARD SEVERTSON 11 1 DOLORES MORRISON She ll make a hit wherever nwomen are not essential in nAll I crave is more of she goes." his life. 11 life." Glee Club l-2-4, Homecoming Basketball l-2-J-4,Football Annual Staff 4; Glee Club Queen,Annusl Staff 4, Play3 l-2-J,Traok J,Annual Staff4 1,2,J,4; Sextette 1,2,3,4 Declam 1. Class Officer 1-4, Play J. Vocal Solo 1,2,J,4; Play J. 6 DENNIS KE :~T ING JEANNINE KIZER PATRICK TENNYSON 11 He is small but eo is a 11 She knows what she wants to "Of course I 1m handsome and stick of dynamite." do and .... oee it. 11 have a way with the ~irls Basketball 2,J;Annual Staff Class Officer 1, Glee Club 1 but I'm not conceited." 4; Homecoming Marshall 2-J-4, Play J, Annual Staff Basketball 2-3,Football 2-3 4, Annual Staff 4,Track 3-4 Class Officer 1-2-3. DORIS DAVEN"ORT HARRY COFFEY BILL ZIMMER "A ring on the finger is 11 The best things in life fiHe is 't/8 genius and 7/8 worth two on the phone." are free. 11 Zimmer. Band 2,3,4; Glee Club 1,2, Annual Staff 4. Basketball J, 4; Annual 3,4; Class Officer 3; Play Staff J,4. 1; Dec~am 4; Solo 4; Phys. Ed. 1; Librarion 1,4; An­ nual Staff 4; 7 R. Healy D. Cone C. Hart D. Truex D. Raabe B. Johnson B. Kruse I. Oaks J. Biee Ju lOR R. Odell 8 / SophoMoRE FIRST ROW SECOND ROW THIRD R0\'1 FOURTH RO 1 .Anderson E. Garry J .Miles C. fendland D.Apland D. Janisch P.Morgan D. Wheeler R.Chr etensen K.Johnston P.Pn1nter E. t1heeler R.Cleveland T.Keller B. Puetz R.Zimmer .Donelan M.MoNe11 C.Ra. p R.Zlmmer J.Flannery J.Kruse M,S;.,enson 9 First Row Second Row Third Row V.Anderson M.Warner J.Eriokson C.Berohied J.Eriokson H.Schwertsman B. DeVries C. Schmidt L.Davenport M. Ellis R.Oaks K.Odell D. Garry J.Edwarde K.Hart M.Morgan M.Painter 10 11 Back row K. Johnston, R. Healy, R. Oaks, R. Christensen, Mr. Ellsworth, R. Donelan, C. Nelson, G. Raap, B. Puetz, B. John­ son, D. Cone. Middle row M. l'larner, M. Morrison, K. Hart; B. Cleveland B. DeVries, J. Cross, L. Davenport, M. Stoehr, H. Schwertman, J. Keating, J. Flannery, C. Flannery, P. Warner, D. Apland. Front row M.C.Garry, J.Miles, C. Raap, D. Davenport, J. Bies B. DeVries, L. Edwards, K. O'Dell, B. O'Dell, D. Raabe. Under the able direction of Mr. iolayne Ellsworth the band is one of the moet important features of M. u. o. From various campaigns it has raised enough money to complete the uniforms with gray slacks, which formerly consisted of red jacket~ ~nd caps. During the second semester they attended the festival at Canistota and on April 14, they attended the music contest in Madison. Congratulations to Mr. Ellsworth for his fine superY1s1on and to the members for their splendid cooperation. 12 GIRLS GLEE CLUB Back Row M. Morgan, B. Johnson ,M. Donelan, P. Morgan, D. Cone, N. i•Tendland B.DeVries,J.Kizer,R.Zimmer,L.Davenport,D.Davenport. Front Row C.Hart,K.Johnston,D.Truex,J.Flannery,C.Raap,Miss Braese R.Healy,K.Hart,R.Raabe,D.Morrison,P.McNeil, Beautiful music was made by the Girls Glee Club and directed by Mise Braese. The Glee Club attended contest held in Madison on April 14. Betty Johnson accompanied the Glee Club this year. BOYS GLEE CLUB Back Row K.Odell,J.Jonee,R.Oaks,B.Kruse, John Eriokeon,J.Kruse, Jim Eriokson,and B.Odell. Front Row Miss Braeee,M.Andereon,I.Oake,L.Bell,C.Wendland,J.Milee and D.Raabe. MUSIC CONTEST SOLOISTS K. O'Dell, D.Davenport, J. Flannery, M.C.Garry, D.Raabe, 8. DeVries, D.Cone, D.Morrison, B.0 1 Dell. DE CLAM BACK ROW M.Pa1nter, R.Healy, K.Hart, K.0 1 Dell, L.Severtson J.Miles, R.Oaks, T.Keller, B.0 1 Dell, C.Hart. FRONT ROW J.Flannery, D.Cone, B.DeVries, B.DeVries, B.John­ son, D.Davenport, D.Truex. HoMECOMING QUEEN-------Nadine Wendland MARSHALL----Dennis Keating ATTENDENTS - Mary Catherine Garry Shirley DeVries Rose Marie Raabe 15 It was a scream, a hit, a hilarious comedy, what? The Junior Claaa Play 0January Thaw 11 with ita leading characters, Herbert Gage (Dick Raabe) who ia trying to write a beat seller and hie wife Marge (Delores Cone) who re­ models coffee grinders into lampe. Jonataan Rockwood (Jerry Biea) and Ma­ thilda, hie wife (Delores Truex) who everyone thought was dead, suddenly returned bringing with them their eon Matt (Billy Kruse) who complicates matters between the young romantic couple George Houston (Irl Oaks) and Barbara Gage (Colleen Hart.) Sarah (Betty Johnson) who ia inclined to be somewhat of a tomboy, and Paula (Rosemarie Healy) are the twelve and thir- teen year old Gage daughters. Other roles were taken by Kay Johnston, as Frieda the maid, Don Janisch as Mr. Loomis and Carson the cop,and Bob Odell aa Uncle Walter. Baok Row Mr. Rathbun, J. Cross,B.Cleveland,B.Kruse J.Bies,C.Wendland,B. Lei­ brick, J.Erickeon,R.Oaks, B.Odell,J.Eriokeon, Front Row L.Severteon,D.Wheeler L.Bell,I.Oaks, D.Raabe,K. Odell. BackkRow B.Odell,V.Andereon,J.Erickeon,K.Odell,B.Cleveland, R• 0a e. Middle Row D. Wheeler,J.Erickeon,I.Oake J Kruse B K J Rathbun. ' • ' • ruse, • Front Row L.Severteon,B.Wheeler,G.Garry,L.Bell, P.Tennyson J. Biee. The 1949 football season opened with five letter men returning. Four of these were seniors Bob Wheeler, Pat Tennyson, Leonard Severtson, and Lorry Bell. Not h~ng sufficient experience Montrose was not ~y success­ ful and they came up with only one fair marker which was a tie with the Freeman Flyers. Prospects for the 1950 season are very hopeful with seven letter men returning Jerry Bies, Irl Oaks, Bill Kruse, Gene Garry, Dan Wheeler, Joe Cleveland, and Kenny Odell. The basketball season began in Mid-November with twenty four boys re­ porting for practise. Returning lettermen were Lorry Bell, Dick Raabe, Leonard Severtson, Bob Odell, and Bob Wheeler. We drew Spencer in the dis­ trict tournament and after a hard fought game tre Irish went down 35 to 32. The teams were coached by John Rathbun. 17 LUNCH LINE AND COOKS: MRS. GORDON AND l.ffiS. DEBATES ALLA r JOHNSON JANITOR TWIRLERS BACK K.Hart,B.DeVr1ee,P.Warner,B.Hart,~.Johneton. FRONT M.Elleworth,J.Donelan,J.Er1okeon, C.Flannery NOT SHOWN J.Donelan CHEERLEADERS MICKEY CONE KAY JOHNSTON PEGGY MCNEIL 18 19 SEVENETH AND EIGHTH GRADES Back Row L.Janiah,R.Hoefert,M.Thompaon,L.Kipp,L.Edmonda,L.Hoefert, L.Davenport,J.Darby,N.Morgan,B.Wheeler,V.Raap. Middle Row S.Hart,D.Ellia,P.Warner,J.Boom,M.Stoehr,W.Anderaon,B.De Vries H.Painter,M.Morrison,J.Croaa,M.Biea,Mra.Walliaer. Front'Row B.Cleveland,J.Healy,V.Hoefert,D.Doaaett,R.Donelan,J.Jonea L.Wuertz,B.Severtaon,C.Flannery,G.Kuborn,J.Erickaon. FIFTH AND SIXTH GRADES BACK ROW S.Zimmer, D.Kappenman, M.Darby, G.Wertz, K.Wheeler, G.
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