The Eastlake NewsWinter 2012/13 Coming events How to make Fairview Ave. safer for Drive for the U District Food pedestrians while not sacrificing parking? Bank. Dec. 1-14. Please Help choose designs at the March 11 workshop, donate! Collection barrels at Lake Union Mail, Pete’s, Ship send in your ideas now! Canal Grill, and WSECU. See article, p. 5 airview Avenue E. is Fone of the best things Holiday cruise on the Islander. about our neighborhood--a Sun., Dec. 23, 6:30-9 p.m. quiet, leafy place to walk Boarding begins 5:45 p.m. and enjoy the lake. But at 1611 Fairview Ave. E. Fairview needs improve- Departs 6:30 p.m. to meet the ments allowing pedestri- “Christmas ships” for the grand ans, bicycles, local traffic, finale concert on Lake Union; and public parking to returns by 9 p.m. Tickets at coexist safely while solv- brownpapertickets.com are $15 ing drainage and flooding (dinner and punch included; problems. Please help cash bar). See photo, p. 15 design the improvements at the Monday, March Public meeting on Eastlake 11 workshop, 7 p.m. at Avenue traffic and parking TOPS-Seward School, lanes, bus service, and possible 2500 Franklin Ave. E. See streetcar Wed., Jan. 9, 7 p.m. the end of this article for at TOPS-Seward School, 2500 where to send your ideas Franklin Ave. E. See article, or drawings, or if you p. 6 have questions. We have earlier genera- Public meeting: Join Nancy tions to thank for the sur- Pearl to talk about books vival of Fairview Avenue Tues., Feb. 19, 7 p.m. at TOPS- East’s charm and small Seward School. See article, scale. In 1927, the Seattle p. 20 Department of Transporta- tion considered turning Public workshop to design the shoreline sections of Fairview into ect that threatens public parking, and Fairview Green Street Mon., a four-lane highway. Although that how you can register your concerns.) March 11 at TOPS-Seward didn’t happen, SDOT has periodically Community members have fought suc- School. See article, this page. tried to widen these same sections or cessfully to keep Fairview’s “country eliminate some parking. (See page road” feel, but so far the protections 2 for an alert about a pending SDOT are only informal. We need to get decision on the 1818 Fairview proj- continued on page 2 page 2 The Eastlake News Fairview Ave. Workshop cont. ECC is drafting a Street Design Concept Plan with the volunteer help Eastlake Community Council SDOT to agree to basic features of of an engineer and a designer--and 117 E. Louisa Street, #1 Fairview’s design. most importantly, with your sugges- Seattle, WA 98102-3278 Long before the City in 2009 designat- tions. ECC will circulate the draft ed the Cheshiahud Loop walking route plan for public comment and revision www.eastlakeseattle.org around Lake Union, the 1998 commu- before submitting it to SDOT, trigger- [email protected] nity-generated Eastlake Neighborhood ing an additional comment and revi- Plan (see eastlakeseattle.org for the sion process before it is made final. Chris Leman plan, with many pages about Fairview) Please attend the public workshop President called for a safe lakeside walking on possible design improvements route on or adjacent to Fairview. The Zac Eskenazi for Fairview -- Monday, March 11, 7 Vice President plan’s stewardship by the Eastlake p.m. at TOPS-Seward School, 2500 Community Council led to a safer Franklin Ave. E. And please send us Lynn Poser intersection of Fairview Ave. E. with your suggestions drawn or in words, Treasurer Fairview Avenue N. (the section of to [email protected] or to ECC Fairview that heads south from Lake at Lake Union Mail, 117 E. Louisa St. Elizabeth Norvell Union Drydock), a shoreline walkway #1, Seattle 98102-3278, or call (206) Secretary north to Newton Street, and a shore- 325-1201. An outline map for your line walkway between Hamlin and E. comments, and those received so far, Board Members: Shelby streets. Near Shelby, Fair- are in the “documents for review” sec- Barbara Heather view Park (another project that ECC tion at eastlakeseattle.org. Joey Baumgartner worked out with the City and other Editor: local groups) made Fairview Ave. E. SDOT threatens public Judy Smith safer for pedestrians and bicyclists by parking with street narrowing the roadway and installing a design for 1818 Fairview Advertising Coordinator: north-south walkway in the park. Kevin Haywood, Jr. Recognizing that without official project protection, Fairview Ave. E. could be widened for more vehicle traffic and Unless the Seattle Department of The Eastlake News is a quarterly a loss of public parking, the Eastlake Transportation hears from you soon, publication of the Eastlake Community Neighborhood Plan got the City to it will needlessly sacrifice 35 parking Council. We welcome comments, designate Fairview between Fuhrman places on the public right of way of the articles or images for possible and Hamlin streets and between Roa- 1800 block of Fairview Ave. E. and of publication; please include a contact noke and Newton streets as a “neigh- the adjacent E. Blaine Street--parking phone number. Articles may be edited borhood green street.” In principle, that is desperately needed by residents, for length and clarity. Articles in the that means a design allowing pedestri- businesses, and employees, as well newsletter represent the view of the ans, bicycles, local traffic, and pub- as visitors who are here to share and author and not necessarily the ECC. lic parking to coexist safely. But in enjoy our lakeshore. Please send submissions to info@ practice, the green street designation The problem is how SDOT is han- eastlakeseattle.org or by U.S. mail to means little until the neighborhood dling the public right of way adjacent the return address on the back of this agrees on a Street Design Concept to MUP #3012732, a biotech laborato- newsletter. For advertising contact Plan and gets SDOT to adopt it. The ry proposed by Washington State Real Kevin Haywood, Jr. at advertising@ Concept Plan is needed both to protect Estate Holdings at 1818 Fairview Av- eastlakeseattle.org. Fairview from unwise changes and to enue E. (former location of the Siam qualify for City-funded and developer- restaurant). The public right of way The deadline for ads and submissions funded improvements. around that land parcel now provides is: Jan. 20 for spring issue; April 20 for Much outreach and planning about 78 head-in parking spaces, but SDOT summer issue; July 20 for fall issue; Fairview was done by the 1998 proposes to occupy almost all of this October 20 for winter issue. Publication Eastlake Neighborhood Plan and the public parking with what the develop- schedule is as follows: 1994 Eastlake Transportation Plan. er calls a “meadow” and sidewalks up Extensive public meetings and surveys to 40 feet wide. Only parallel parking Spring - March, April May found overwhelming opposition to places (12) would remain--for a net Summer - June, July, August making Fairview one-way, or building loss of 66 spaces! Fall - September, October, November separate sidewalks or walkways on Some loss of parking from the Winter - December, January February much of Fairview between Louisa and project is inevitable, but without any Newton streets. While nothing is writ- changes in the proposed building Masthead artwork sketch by Victor ten in stone, those decisions should itself, SDOT should choose the better Steinbrueck. Other artwork sketches by probably not be revised without a very alternative of head-in parking that Karen Berry. strong outcry to do so. continued on page 4 An Emerald City Classic www.eastlakeseattle.org page 3 Happy“Breaking Holidays Eggs Since 1977”from Eastlake’s Emerald City Classic Known for its tahini-stuffed French toast, this “funky” Eastlake “hangout” also lures locals with its “interesting chalkboard specials”; the American fare makes for a “hearty”, healthy and “inexpensive” breakfast or lunch, just “get there early on Sunday.” - ZAGAT “First of all, the owner is on point. From front of he house to the back. She makes sure the customers OPEN DAILY at 7AM for BREAKFAST/LUNCH are taken care of. FACT: Old school Greeks run the best diners.” - YELP OPEN DAILY at 7AM for BREAKFAST/LUNCH “Breaking Eggs Since 1977” DAILY SPECIALS NOW SERVING famous cinnamon rolls beer & wine omelettes and scrambles mimosas vegetarian dishes the bloody terry the hangover DAILYCELEBRATING SPECIALS OUR 19TH YEARNOW ON SERVINGEASTLAKE! famous cinnamonOutdoor rolls Espresso beerBar. & wine omelettes and EARLY scrambles BIRD SAVINGS mimosas 2305We Eastlake proudly Avenueserve Caffe East Vita coffee vegetarian206.324.1442MONDAY- dishesat our THURSDAY, |tables M-F and7a-3p walk-up 7amthe | S-S bloody to outside 7a-4p 9am terry bar. $2 OFF DAILY SPECIALSthe hangover CELEBRATINGBOTTOMLESSStop OUR by 19TH or stayLUNCH YEAR a while! ON DEALS EASTLAKE! FRIES OR HOMEMADE CHIPS 2305 Eastlake Avenue East 206.324.1442 | M-F 7a-3p | S-S 7a-4p Outdoor Espresso Bar. We proudly serve Caffe Vita coffee at our tables and walk-up outside bar. Stop by or stay a while! JOIN US in Celebrating 20 YEARS in YOUR Neighborhood! page 4 The Eastlake News Eastlaker Craig Etheridge is World Cycle Messenger Champion his August in Chicago, East- Tlake resident Craig Etheridge won his second Cycle Messenger World Championship (his first world title was in Guatemala in 2010). The messengers (also known as couriers) have been called “the world’s hardest work- ing professional athletes.” The arduous competition, laid out on a standardized course, tests speed, agility, and intelligence in optimally picking up and deliver- ing actual packages among many destinations. Etheridge is a contract mes- senger with KNR, a delivery company which covers the greater Seattle area.
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