^Franklin NEWS-RECORD 30 cents Tfaraday,Jury8,1982 Vol. 30. No. 27 Ji •rise to them Mayor, deputy remain same deputy mayor, following a nomination £dstor by Mr. Beachem and a unanimous vote of acceptance, including Republican b came 9b no surprise to Philip support. Beachem and Nancy Henry as they were A bouquet of flowers from supporters ic-cfccted mayor and deputy mayor re- who knew she wasn't going to become spectively of Franklin Township for mayor lay on the table for Ms. Henry as second tenrn. during Frankltn Township "a nice way to make me feel better." Council** reorganisation last Thursday Ms. Henry said. - Traditionally in Franklin, the title ol Regarding possible party disunity. mayor n rotated among members of the Mr. Beachem said after the meeting that majority party. Under that system. Ms. relations between Ms. Henry and Mrs. Heocy would have become mayor, but a Bottcher were "strained, but whether vote abstention hy fellow Democratic reparable. I don't know yet. Councilwoman Joan Boticber cost Ms.. "I hope we can repair whatever Heavy the mayoral title. Ms Henry internal problems that exist. • received the other four Democratic votes "My primary goal now is to finish the m the first balk* (or mayor after Mr master plan and resolve whatever . Bcachcni oocntnated her. - financial difficulties the town may The three Republican council mem- face." the mayor said. ben present nuousaied Andre* Schaat- He commended Ms. Henry for not Making a splash T't Franklin Township Recreation Department instructor Marie Scarba for children of all ages are held at the pool. More photos by Rich helps John Wells stroke across the Franklin Greens pool. Lessons Pipeling inside. i . •_ Finalists narrowed from ••//••.-.•I The field of more than 300 candidates "They (applicants) must be able to run The department conducted an. men in the past have attended the New Nancy <ienry and Pft*p Beachem. here shown in a 1981 campaign for openings on the Franklin Township one mile, carry an oxygen tank and drag elaborate recruiting-program in hopes of Jersey Training Academy in-Sea Girt to vciory photograph by Andrea Kane, again are Franklin deputy mayor police force has been narrowed to 12 to a dummy that resembles and weighs getting more minorities on the force, the fulfill the requirement. 14 persons who have successfully com- chief said. ami mayor respectively about as much as a human body," the \ • pleted the testing phases thus far. accord- chief said. They also have to walk on a "I am not anti-black or anti-woman. I accepting Republican support in ex- ing to Chief James Brown. balance beam, "which is similar to km ««**«>* MOJ Rj*cfl McnJcr for am anti-unqualified persons. I want change for prued appointments to the The chief said he hopes to hire three to walking up a narrow creek," he said. The fourth, CooKitnxan people who qualify." Chief Brown said. Index •.;•'.• Franklin Planning Board: "It shows the six new officers, depending on how Two women managed to qualify for i • • • Group and individual psychological character Nancy has " many the township council approves. the physical test, however, they were tests follow, and an in-depth background business guide.......... 6A Vhs Bcjwhcro jx%$ Mt lfenr> knew However. Republican Municipal There arc 65 officicrs on the force. The unable to continue, the chief explained. investigation is conducted as part of the r te*l »» wotemioo o4 Chairman and council member Andrew minimum of three vacancies occurred "Any female should'be able to pass it:" classified. B screening process. tm \U Hear*, they VMJ "ISchnaucr detucd thai the Republicans after two took extended sick leaves and One of the women was injured during learning.... AA 7 It may take several more weeks before Becitfttr wwvt&ila't *«jpe«« Henry had offered Ms. Henry support in ex- one resigned. the testing and the other failed. Chief letters........ K)A MnS I thtttk X*m\ l«r» wa." Mr change (or bturdappotntmenu "Nancy Brown indicated. all tests are completed, allowing time to Besthem %mi jf&n the rewfpaujfien never contacted me and I never had any Chief Brown said he had intended to The physical test, which can be com- schedule doctors for the psychological obituaries.... 6A • %c*vrji timrnvtl rrncmNrrv who ctwrnc comcnatKMn with her concerning this." focus on hiring minorities. There are pleted in one evening, is designed to tests, and confirm testing locations. police blotter .........3A \ ho* tKTeutn WMmmnni* tiki thu \U he vud now five blacks on the police force and look at the duties officers must perform, Hiring will be postponed until arbitra- SkmtiKt dhpxtcii t*> M* Henry"* paea sports.:.... ,. 13A. i "Our game plan was to hopefully tic no women police officers. according to Chief Brown. tion with {the Policemen's Benevolent ««>My tctikunl Mil itus n why -the failed town forum ^;. 10A up the vote." be satd But Councilman Some 130 candidates qualified for and "It's a fair, competitve exam," Mr. Association is settled; township Man- K» wppMCf her bml f«w mayor letQcn was out of town, leaving only took the written test designed by the Lovcll said. "I don't see how it could be ager John Lovcll said. f weekly recipe......... 11A M* Booster rcferKoi to ownratM on three Republicans on council casting Educational Testing Service. any fairer right now." Prior to issuing the first written ex- votes last Thurvliy Questioned whether he has the power ams, the chief said he discussed a On J MX*imi talk*. Mv Henry Approximately eight blacks and two to hold off on hiring until a woman nkMSMutof Me Bcjkhcm ftw mayor, and women were included in the approx- SI5,000 starting salary with former THE DEMOCRATS gained a 7-2 successfully completes the testing, Mr. township Manager Harry Gcrkin. The WE Off M ihv DnKKratt «w«tU in agreement mafonty on the Planning Board as imately 50 candidates who successfully Lovell responded, "I'm. not willing to lib BTJKBCTB declined u* ftw * amoral made it to the physical agility portion of average first year salary in area com- In this week's issue: taacob Jones was appointed to replace delay hiring recruits for another six munities.is between S15.000 and • Griggstown photographer. Republican Ham Vojc Councilman testing for the jobs. months. HC«B> then left the nun to calm $ 16,000,j}ic chief pointed out. Harry fiubel. captured a New John Clyde. Bruce Hamilton and Harry 1 .me %k act «w whit walked oat The physical agility test determines "Township Council didn't intend to However, at this point "no one knows Jersey boardwalk scene (co - after the *fiftf **• <** the strength and stamina of prospective fill the slots for the sake of hiring what the salary will be." he said. er photo), which inspired women." he said J Rather they wanted to •• She rctunwJ to accept the title of Sec MAYOR, page 12A police officers. The present starting salary under the Time OfTs Pigging Out ex- fill the slots "for the safety of the old contract for police officers is perts to discuss the merits of town." he said. \ frozen custard. See page 3 for It is unknown whether, any minority $11,000. members' successfufly made it through "We're cognizant that that figure a taste of frozen custard and the agility test sin* the police chief and needs to be amended." Mr. Lovcll said. pages 12-13 for look at the towmhip-manager have not met the Newly-selected recruits must suc- life and works of the. Franklin candidates; they only have a list of their cessfully complete courses at a certified Township photographer. names. police training school. Several patrol- Probe of police shooting on Henry Street continues 1 by Sandra Lowicfa pursued a man into New Brunswick. and Natidhal Association for the Ad- Managing Editor They recognized the man, Franks Peo- vancement of Colored People (NAACP) ples, as being wanted in connection with representatives were inflamed by the A probe into the June 24 incident in several violations in New and East action. which a Franklin patrolman fired a shot Brunswick, according to a police ac- A march to Franklin police head- into a New Brunswick neighborhood is count. quarters calling-for disciplinary action continuing by the Middlesex County The officers did not notify -'New against the officer who fired the shot was Brunswick police when they crossed the Prosecutor's office and the New Bruns- postponed indefinitely so feelings could township line into bordering New Bruns- wick Mice Department. cool off. wick. : NAACP official David Harris ad- Franklin Township Police Chief James Two additional Franklin officers ar- Brown kaid Tuesday he is awaiting 1 ditionally called for a probe into the rived on the scene in a backup patrol car. incident by the state attorney general. completion of their investigations before When a rock shattered the rear window The attorney general's office, how- taking any action. He said a report by the of their vehicle, one officer. Patrolman two agencies might be received by the Steve Perrine, mistakenly believing that ever, rejected the request, saying that it heginniag of next week. his fellow officer—who ducked' under was satisfied with the proceeding county The Middlesex Cowry Prosecutor is the dashboard—had been shot, fired his investigation. ci^cclcd, to determine whether the case gun in the area of Henry Street in New President of the New Brunswick warrants a probe by die grand jury..The Brunswick. chapter of the NAACP and Franklin prosecutor and assistant prosecutor could . The shot.apparently struck the side of resident Richard Barber is expected to tfw FranMn municipal oomptex for a July 4 not be ft ached foe comment yesterday.
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