ApplicationApplication ofof DifferentDifferent TracersTracers toto EvaluateEvaluate thethe FlowFlow RegimeRegime atat RiverbankRiverbank FiltrationFiltration SitesSites inin BerlinBerlin (Germany)(Germany) G. Massmann, D. Richter, J. Rümmler & A. Pekdeger Free University of Berlin A. Knappe Alfred Wegener Institute Potsdam Free University of Berlin Hydrogeology Group Talk outline Introduction • Introduction - Nasri - Berlin situation • Methods/Tracer • Results - Surface water - Bank filtrate - Microcystin Experiments (Gesche Grützmacher, UBA Berlin) • Summary/Conclusions Free University of Berlin Hydrogeology Group Research program in Berlin to study the fate of pathogens and organics, geochemical processes and hydraulics in bankfiltration and artificial recharge systems at laboratory, semi-technical and field scale. May 2002 – May 2005 atural and rtificial ystems for echarge and nfiltration Free University of Berlin Hydrogeology Group Nasri: 7 Teams Introduction Algae: Retention and elimination of cyanobacterial toxins (microcystins) (Dr. Chorus/Dr. Bartel, German Environmental Acency). Bacteria: Using bacteriophages, indicator bacteria and viral pathogens for assessing the health risk (Dr. Lopez-Pila, Dr. Szewzyk, German Environmental Acency). Drugs: Occurrence and fate of drug residues and related polar contaminants (Dr. Heberer, Technical University, Dr. Dünnbier, Berlin Water Company). Hydrogeo: Hydrogeological-hydrogeochemical processes using a multi tracer approach (Prof. Pekdeger, Free University) Models: Integrated modelling concepts: coupled groundwater transport and biochemical reactions (Prof. Nuetzmann,Institute for Freshwater Ecology) Organics: Organic substances– process studies (Prof. Jekel, Technical University) BWB: Data management, water sampling, analyses Free University of Berlin Hydrogeology Group Objectives of Nasri Introduction • To ensure the long term sustainability of the groundwater resource and drinking water quality through the bankfiltration and the groundwater recharge process • To expand the Know-How and quantify the relevant processes • To obtain quantitative and qualitative guidelines for proper design and optimised operation of existing sites and for transfer of the integrated knowledge to other locations (use of models etc..) Free University of Berlin Hydrogeology Group Berlin characteristics Introduction • ~ 3.4 million inhabitants • semi-closed water cycle • drinking water derived from Berlin groundwater • ~ 70 % originates from bank filtration • production well galleries adjacent to surface water system Free University of Berlin Hydrogeology Group Factors influencing the raw water quality Introduction Temporal and spatial variation of surface Well design water quality (location, length & depth of filter screens) presence, permeability Processes occurring & thickness of clogging during infiltration Quality of layer background Hydraulic regime Groundwater (mainly a result of pumping (inland and performances) deeper aquifers) Lithology, permeability and geochemistry of aquifer sediments Free University of Berlin Hydrogeology Group Objectives Objectives to use a variety of tracers at several field-sites in order to: • estimate the proportion of treated wastewater in the surface water system • estimate the proportion of bank-filtrate (and likewise deeper and landside groundwater) in the production wells • derive travel times from the surface water to the production wells • understand flow regime Free University of Berlin Hydrogeology Group T/He age dating Methods 3 12.32y 3 H oder T He in water : 1TU 1T / 1018 H0.118Bq/kg Groundwater „age“: t1/2 . 3He* τ = / ln 2 ln (1 + / T ) 10000 Tritium in precipitation t1/2 = 12.32y Ottawa annual mean ³He* = tritiogenic He Valentia annual mean Hof annual mean Hof winter mean 1000 Hof summer mean Berlin annual mean Oder annual mean ation in TU ation r 100 itium concent itium r T 10 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 year data: IAEA,Data BfG : IAEA, BfG Free University of Berlin Hydrogeology Group Overview on applicable tracers in Berlin Methods Tracer: Origin: Useful for the interpretation of: Difficulties: δD, δ18O surface water with seasonal water movement none, conservative tracer variations Temperature surface water with seasonal water movement retarding variations Cl- surface water with seasonal water movement only if influence of saline variations groundwater can be excluded Cl-, Na+, B saline deeper groundwater proportion of deeper saline may vary strongly locally groundwater 2- SO4 dissolution of gypsum derived proportion of shallow “native” may vary strongly locally from building rubble in the groundwater shallow aquifer B surface water, effluent water movement, proportion of bank only if influence of saline filtrate in raw water groundwater can be excluded Gd surface water, effluent water movement, proportion of bank possibly degradable filtrate in raw water EDTA surface water, effluent water movement, proportion of bank sometimes the background filtrate in raw water groundwater has also got very high concentrations Sr surface water, very few proportion of bank filtrate in raw not always applicable seasonal variations water T/He Surface water, through groundwater “age” minimum age required is 2 atmospheric input months Free University of Berlin Hydrogeology Group Mixing calculation Methods X = [Cw-CGW)/(CSW-CGW)]*100 [%] X = Percentage of bank-filtrate in the production well Cw= Tracer concentration in the production well CSW= Tracer concentration in the surface water Cgw= Tracer concentration in the groundwater Free University of Berlin Hydrogeology Group Surface water Results Spatial variations of B and percentage of treated wastewater in the surface water Depending on location in space & time, the proportion of treated wastewater in the surface water can be high. Free University of Berlin Hydrogeology Group Location of field sites Results Transect Lake Tegel Transect GWA Tegel Transect Lake Wannsee 1 & 2 Free University of Berlin Hydrogeology Group Surface water Percentage of treated wastewater in Lake Tegel near the transect 50 45 40 Surface water pumping 35 device starts operation 30 25 20 % treated15 wastewater 10 5 0 Mai 01 Jun 01 Free University of Berlin Jul 01 Hydrogeology Aug 01 Sep 01 Since operati Okt 01 device started, the Group proportion of treated Nov 01 wastewater in SW near Dez 01 transect declin Results average of 12 % Jan 02 on of pumping Feb 02 Mrz 02 month Cl Apr 02 ed to an B Mai 02 Jun 02 Jul 02 Aug 02 Sep 02 Okt 02 Nov 02 Dez 02 Field-site Lake Wannsee Results Free University of Berlin Hydrogeology Group Transect Lake Wannsee 1, hydrochemistry Results 1397.666.7 2- EDTAClSO [mg/l]4 [mg/l][µg/l] 1356.967.1 1367.966.3 1357.567.4 1356.866.2 133*7.7*64.5* 418*<25.0* 2* 23.51.3143 <54.33.6 1 <27373 1 2.7<19.8 1 Data: Ilat average 10/2000 –11/2001 *BWB 01/2003 – 04/2003 Free University of Berlin Hydrogeology Group Transect Lake Wannsee 1, age dating Results 11.150-0.50 10.750-0.500 0-0.5011.120 4 -1 Heterr~Age [NmlT [years] [TU] kg ] 1.63E-42.41mixed26 7.07E-5>650.02 50 2.84E-4>>1000.03 50 >3.97E-51000.02 50 Data: Helis Laboratory, University of Bremen Free University of Berlin Hydrogeology Group Transect Lake Wannsee 1, dD versus d18O Results lake Wannsee & most obs. wells well 3 (new transect) has a much higher well 3 proportion of bank- filtrate! well 5 well 4 deeper aquifers Data: Alfred-Wegener Institute Potsdam Free University of Berlin Hydrogeology Group Field-site Lake Wannsee Results Time-series of EDTA in production wells Proportion of bank-filtrate calc. with EDTA: Well3 = 61-97 % Well4 = 10-47 % Well5 = 88-96 % Data: Berlin Water Company Free University of Berlin Hydrogeology Group Transect Lake Wannsee 1 Results Time-series of d18O in shallow observation wells o o o Travel time Lake-well4 1-2 months in shallow aquifer All production wells show no seasonal variation Data: Alfred-Wegener Institute Potsdam Free University of Berlin Hydrogeology Group Flow model Lake Tegel Results 4583000 4584000 4585000 4586000 4587000 4588000 4589000 4590000 5830000 N HASSELWERDER 5830000 Tegelort # # Nord # # 5829000 # # # GÄNSEWERDER 5829000 # ## LINDWERDER # Tegelort # # Galerie # # Süd # Ost 5828000 # Legend # # #S # WW Tegel # well # 5828000 # # # ### well gallery # Tegelort # Scharfenberg 5827000 Süd name of well gallery # # # # # 5827000 # transect Tegel # Baumwerder # model region # Galerie # West 5826000 # # # # # # # 5826000 # Saatwinkel # # # # # # 5825000 # # 5825000 Hohenzollern- kanal Kartengrund: TK 50 Blatt L3544 Berlin-Spandau, 1998 4583000 4584000 4585000 4586000 4587000 4588000 4589000 4590000 Koordinaten: Gauß-Krüger Potsdam-Datum (Zentralpunkt Rauenberg) 020004000MeterBesselellipsoid Erstellungsdatum: 12/2002 Bearbeiter: Jeannette Rümmler Free University of Berlin Hydrogeology Group Transect Lake Tegel Results W E P P O U 1 1 2 7 7 0 9 8 1 7 2 3 6 5 4 11 1 0 0 0 G3 G37 0 0 G 0 3 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 E 3 3 E 3 30 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 TE T 3 3 T 3 3 3 3 m below m above ground sea-level 3307neu3302 33063303 33053304neu TEG372 3301neu3308 TEG371OPTEG371UP 3309 0.0 1.0 33.034.0 3311 3310 2.0 32.0 3.0 31.0 4.0 30.0 5.0 29.0 6.0 28.0 7.0 27.0 8.0 26.0 9.0 25.0 10.0 24.0 11.0 23.0 12.0 22.0 13.0 21.0 14.0 20.0 Lithology 15.0 19.0 16.0 18.0 17.0 rocks 17.0 18.0 16.0 gravel 19.0 15.0 20.0 14.0 coarse sand 21.0 13.0 22.0 12.0 medium sand 23.0 11.0 24.0 10.0 fine sand 25.0 9.0 26.0 8.0 silt 27.0 7.0 28.0 6.0 clay 29.0 5.0 30.0 4.0 glacial till 31.0 3.0 32.0 2.0 brown coal 33.0 1.0 34.0 0.0 35.0 -1.0 36.0 -2.0 37.0 -3.0 38.0 -4.0 39.0 -5.0 40.0 0 10 20 30 40 m -6.0 41.0 Free University of Berlin Hydrogeology Group Flow model Lake Tegel Results steady state model N Shortest travel time Well 10 between single wells and position shoreline* in weeks/days well 10 = 31/217 well 11 = 32/224 well 12 = 29/203 well 13 = 26/182 well 14 = 34/238 well 15 = 32/224 well 16 = 28/196 *Flow field after 190 days Leakage aquifer 1 Leakage lake sediment Boulder clay above aquifer 2 Well 0 200 Meter Well 16 Bearbeiter: J.
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