The weather Inside today tnnilh? r’’*'' Pair tonight, lows in lower 20s. Tuesday Area news 5, 10, 11 Family......... 6 fair, highs in 40s. National weather iianriffatpr lEuptting Ifcralb Classified .,. .11-12 MACC news. .. 3 lorecast map on page 11. Comics.............13 MCC Calendar .. 7 Manche$ter—A City of Village Charm Dear Abby....... 13 Obituaries .......... 14 Editorial ............4 Sports...............8-9 MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1976- VOL. XCV, No. 110 FOURTEEN FACES PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS Guatemala death toll passes 15,000 mark GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala capital and sending patients running Roman Catholic priests celebrated (UPI) — Government officials say in panic. Patients from three other open air masses outside their the death toll has reached more than hospitals were sent to a treatment wrecked churches, repeating Car­ 15,000 in this Central American center at the trade fairgrounds. dinal Mario Casariego’s words that repubiic, hammered by three series Sporadic looting prompted several the quakes were “the will of the all- of earth tremors in five days of neighborhoods to organize vigilante powerful one” and urging devastation. committees. Guatemalans to repent their sins. A new set of shocks battered the capital early Sunday, swaying buildings, driving panicked citizens Local radio ham offers into the streets and prompting churchmen to call on their parishioners to repent. link to Guatemala Aftershocks rippled through the city late in the day. Citizens refused Manchester area residents trying necessary telephone^patch equip­ to enter their damaged homes, to communicate with friends or fami­ ment to get messages relayed to preferring to camp out in makeshift ly in Guatemala were offered help Guatemala. tents despite gusty winds, a today by a local radio amateur, Reichenbach, a member of temperature drop to the low 50s and Richard R eichenbach of 406 Manchester’s Disaster Control Ad­ the city’s first rainstorm since the Woodland St. visory Council, said he offered tremors began. , Reichenbach, a radio ham for similar communications help to area 'The officiai National Emergency about 25 years, said he’s been residents immediately after World Committee Sunday night placed the monitoring some of the emergency War II, when townspeople were death toll at 15,043, with 37,000 in­ messages to and from earthquake- trying to contact servicemen abroad. jured since the initial quake rumbled stricken Guatemala, and he decided Reichenbach said anyone trying to through Guatemala and other parts to offer his help in communications. contact people in Guatemala can Training center work progressing well of Central America Wednesday. Reichenbach said he has the telephone him at 649-2614. The committee said at least 220,000 Laborers on the roof of the Regional Occupational Training Center on Wetherell St. work Guatemalans lost their homes in the through winter weather to finish the building for a June deadline. Interior electricity, plum­ quakes, but reports had not arrived Directors to consider bing, wiring and a fire alarm system are being installed. Nearly all the exterior windows from many smail towns left isolated by landslides and communications are installed and the inside masonry walls are 75 per cent complete. Half the roof is com­ failures. suit over state funds pleted and heat duct work is about 75 per cent complete. Richard Lawrence, architect, said Sunday’s tremors began at 3:20 work is progressing on schedule and he doesn’t anticipate any delay. (Herald photo by Pin­ a.m. EST, heavily damaging the By SOL R. COHEN to) Neuropsychiatric Hospital in the and middle management personnel, Herald Reporter to be retroactive to Jan. 1, wVo and to With Manchester already a party cost the town an additional $23,379. in one law suit against the State of The proposed pay scale would be 7 Connecticut, the Board of Directors per cent above what top and middle Ford offensive ignites supporters is being asked to approve involve­ management was receiving on June ment in still another suit — unrelated 30, 1975, when the 1974-75 fiscal year *0 the first. DURHAM, N.H. (UPI) - Presi­ "1 was somewhat discouraged a ended, and not 7 per cent above what ready reference to local problems story...go tell it the mountains. The board will consider the dent Ford's maiden campaign offen­ few weeks ago but I’m encouraged presently is being paid. Raises were and a reminder ”1975 was a year of That’s what you have to do.” proposal, being recommended by sive ignited Ifew V j^ p sh ire’s sup- now,” said Sen. Stephen Smith, R- given to all management personnel hard decisions and difficult com­ "Competition, whether it’s on the Town Manager Robert Weiss, when .porters witb'the ^ ^ e n conviction Plymouth, a Ford delegate. for 1975-76, but below the 7 per cent. promises. But it was also a year .of ski slopes...on the football field or in it meets Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the their candidate can deTeat Ronald Retired Sen. Norris Cotton, To be added is the sum which will new realism.” government, it's good for America,” Municipal Building Hearing Room. bring each to the 7 per cent figure. Reagan's challenge in the nation’s honorary chairman of Ford’s New Ttie 62-year-old chief executive Ford replied. He reminded backers .tirat primaiy Feb. 24. Hampshire operation, concurred. The Connecticut Conference of The board is expected to take ac­ mingled qnly briefly with voters that in contrast to other candidates, Municipalities is instigating a suit to tion on three additional ap­ Ford opened the weekend talking Two days before Ford’s Newi daring the weekend,, shaking hands "we know something about running free state funds for special education propriations to the school budget —’ /*X- . like the leader of a nation but by the Hampshire tour began Cotton called with some of about 1,000 persons who the federal government.” end of thd campaign tour 35 hours Reagan a "great man.” Sunday he still due the towns and cities for the all aired at last Tuesday’s board turned out to meet him at the Ford repeatedly cited figures 1974-75 fiscal year. Still due them is meeting: later, had made direct reference to said the Ford campaign was “a little Manchester airport Saturday, His showing reduced unemployment, and his opponent and criticized him by sluggish at first up here, but now I $6 m illion of the $36 m illion • $62,581 from “Instant Lottery” most open appeal for support came by implication criticized Reagan’s promised, with Manchester claiming receipts, as authorized for school name for the first time. think Ford has got the edge.” before about 1,250 invited campaign plan to return the cost of $90 billion in $118,569 under the state’s formula. budgets by the 1975 G eneral "The public knows that my record Cotton said he thought Ford would volunteers Sunday. federal programs to states. “The Actually, however, Manchester has Assembly and to be spent for non­ is...if they want to compare it to win the New Hampshire primary "if Rep. James C. Cleveland, R-N.H., worst alternative is td not give you rhetoric or promises of former Gov. it were held tomorrow...but not by received all but $26,000 of the $500,000 recurring programs. Ford’s state chairman, roused sup­ the money and to get the services it estimated it would receive. The • $22,675 for the Work Incentive Reagan," Ford told a news con­ the margin a sitting President porters and the President himself you’d have to raise local taxes,” discrepancy results from differences Program, to be financed by federal ference Sunday at the University of should.” with his call to “ tell the Ford Ford said. New Hampshire. The White House was cautious in between school board estimates and WIN funds. It is for 41 weeks of state formulas. Ford said while others were its estimates. Peter Kaye, a employment in the school system for The town’s share of the court costs making promises his administration spokesman for the national Ford three persons. The purpose of the would be $470. State Finance Com­ had been "meeting practical campaign Saturday called the WIN funds is to take people off the missioner Jay Tepper already has problems in a practical way. They Reagan-Ford showdown ’’very, very welfare rolls. assured the municipalities he will can compare his (Reagan's) record tight right now /’ Ford made only • $4,500 for Manchester’s (1 on 1) ask the legislature for funds and as governor.” limited appeals for support, although tutorial program for Vietnamese expects that the amount due them his trip was financed by his cam­ refugee children (1 at East Catholic Ford’s first New Hampshire cam­ paign. will be paid in a month or two. High School and 14 in the public Last November, the directors paign foray - he hinted there might ”I hope it’s not inappropriate and 1 schools). It is being financed by a authorized an expenditure not to be another before the Feb. 24 think it’s obvious 1 have come to New federal grant. exceed $2,000 toward the cost of the primary — lifted spirits of his sup­ Hampshire to ask for your support In other business Tueday night, the first suit against the state by the porters “You saw the way this man Feb. 24,” Ford told 1,500 guests at a board will consider appointments to Connecticut Conference of handled himself,” said GOP National Chamber of Commerce dinner in > V ‘ the Human Relations Commission, Municipalities. This one challenges Committeewoman Victoria Zachos. Nashua Saturday night. the Development Commission and - the legality of the state’s mandatory "It was just great.” He dotted a 3(l-minute speech with the Citizens Advisory Committee.
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