Vol. 4, No. 20 November 1, 1977 New Fall Schedule Changes _____~ _ ___, I Include Shortened Travel Times Amtrak shortened travel times on trak locomotives able to operate faster westbound than when the train 26 trains beginning October 30 with faster between Minneapolis and Seat­ began on September 15,1974. the biggest time savings involving tle, brought about higher speeds for This latest tightening of the Blue trains linking Chicago with Seattle, these trains. Water Limited's schedule was made where up to nearly six hours were re­ Amtrak's San Francisco Zephyr­ possible by completion of a sophisti­ moved from schedules. America's longest-distance passenger cated traffic control signaling system Trains elsewhere benefitting from train-now runs 50 minutes faster in in Flint, Michigan, installed by the the speed-up program were those each direction on its Chicago-Denver­ Grand Trunk Western railroad. Pre­ linking Chicago with San Francisco, Ogden, Utah-San Francisco route. A viously, track work was funded by Minneapolis, Boston, New York new operating contract between Am­ Amtrak and the State of Michigan City, Detroit, and Lansing, Michi­ trak and the Southern Pacific and improvements are still underway gan, along with some trains in New brought about time savings on the on the Amtrak-owned Kalamazoo­ York State, Virginia and West Vir­ Ogden-Oakland/San Francisco por­ Michigan City portion of the route. ginia. tion of the Zephyr's route. Between Chicago and the .east "The schedule improvements resul­ The same contract also allowed 15 coast, 20 minutes have been cut from ted from a number of factors, inclu­ minutes to be removed from the Los the eastbound Lake Shore Limited's ding new Amtrak locomotives that Angeles-EI Paso-New Orleans train, schedule to Boston and New York can run at high.~cw~d~ . and .IT.acts im- . the Sunset Ljmiter;l. _. _ . _ City; 15 minutes have bee.n taJcen out .. provements undertaken by Amtrak, A speed-up again went into effect of the Broadway Limited's timetable by participating states, or by rail­ for the Blue Water Limited between to Pittsburgh and New York, and 10 roads that operate our trains," says Chicago, Lans!ng and Port Huron, minutes saved on the Broadway's Paul H. Reistrup, Amtrak's presi­ Michigan, where 30 minutes was re­ Chicago-to-Washington section. dent. moved from the eastbound schedule Time was shaved from these sche­ "We also have a new contract with and 15 minutes westbound. Amtrak dules as a result of track a major railroad that helped reduce has reduced this train's schedule improvement projects carried out by times in the West and Southwest," several times and by October 30 it was Conrail. Reistrup said. The biggest time sav­ running 1 hour and 55 minutes faster The Hilltopper, linking Washing­ ings occured on the North Coast Hia­ eastbound and 1 hour and 15 minutes ton with Richmond, Roanoke, Blue- watha, where the schedule was cut 5 hours and 49 minutes westbound and 4 hours and 57 minutes east­ Carter Names Board Nominees bound. The other Chicago-Seattle train, President Jimmy Carter announced tion are labor law, collective bargain­ the Empire Builder operating through on October 18 that he will nominate ing and labor arbitration. He has Minot, North Dakota, was speeded five new candidates for Amtrak's served on numerous arbitration up 4 hours and 40 minutes westbound board of directors and reappoint one panels and is the author of books and and 3 hours and 32 minutes east­ present member. articles in legal journals. bound. The five new members are: Anthony Haswell, Chicago, Illi­ Between Chicago and Minneapolis, Harry T. Edwards, Ann Arbor, nois, for the term expiring July 18, the Twin Cities Hiawatha is now Michigan, for the term expiring July 1981. He would replace Donald running 1 hour and 40 minutes faster 18, 1980. He would replace Joseph Jacobs whose term has expired. westbound and 50 minutes quicker MacDonald whose term has expired. Haswell, 46, is an attorney who eastbound. Edwards, 36, is a professor of law at worked for the law department of the Track improvements in Wisconsin the University of Michigan and has Illinois Central Railroad from 1958 to and Minnesota made by the Mil­ also taught law at Harvard University 1960. He organized the National As- waukee Road, along with new Am- Law School. His areas of specializa- (Continued on page 7) schedule, 20 minutes later than pre­ viously but, because of a 20-minute improvement in running time, arrival in New York remains 12:30 p.m. Departure from New York at 6:15 p.m. and arrival in Chicago at 2:40 p.m. is unchanged for the Lake Shore Limited. Also, there are no changes in the schedules of the Boston-Albany sections of this train in either direc­ tion. The new schedule of the National Limited is affected by a temporary re­ route effective November 1 which was made necessary by a Conrail decision to downgrade or discontinue a section of track in Indiana. The reroute Amtrak's Empire Builder heads east through Montana. The Seattle-Chicago trains now operate on new, greatly reduced schedules. means that this train will miss Day­ ton, Ohio, & Richmond, Indiana. field, West Virginia and Catlettsburg, tives . Five other trains were slowed (See Dayton story on page 7.) Kentucky, will be 35 minutes faster from 5 to 15 minutes because of track On its new schedule the eastbound westbound and 15 minutes quicker conditions or added station time. National leaves Kansas City 10 min­ eastbound. Completion of Amtrak­ Schedules were revised on all trains utes later at 7:10 p.m. and arrives in funded track improvements in Peters­ where trip times have been changed. New York City 25 minutes later at burg, Virginia, brought about this Schedule patterns were also altered 2:25 p.m. time savings. on the Chicago-Milwaukee and Chi­ Westbound, the National Limited Trains speeded up 10 minutes or cago-St. Louis routes and modest ad­ leaves New York 1 hour and 15 min­ less include three trains linking Chica­ justments made to these services: Chi­ utes earlier at 4:55 p.m. and arrives in go with Battle Creek and Detroit; the cago-Detroit; Chicago-Dubuque; Kansas City one hour earlier at 10:05 northbound Inter-American, Laredo Minneapolis-Duluth; Seattle-Vancou­ p.m. Corresponding changes have to Chicago via Dallas; the north­ ver, B.C.; Cincinnati-Washington via been made in times for all interme­ bound Pioneer, operating Salt Lake Parkersburg, West Virginia, and diate stops and for Washington-Har­ City to Seattle via Boise, Idaho, and Seattle-Salt Lake City. risburg connections to the National Portland, Oregon, and three trains Important changes were made to Limited. operating on the New York-Albany­ the BrC!adway's schedule which reverts Amtrak service in New York State Buffalo line where New York State to a traditional "overnight" pattern underwent numerous schedule has funded track improvements along leaving Chicago each afternoon at changes as the new fall and winter with Conrail. 3:30 p.m., arriving in New York timetable went into effect. As a new Track work funded by New York at 12:02 p.m. the following day. De­ BuffalO-Albany train was added, State has allowed the speed of parture from New York will be at 6:30 several New York City-Albany trains Amtrak's Turboliners to be increased p.m. and arrival in Chicago at 12:30 were rescheduled or discontinued, from 70 to 79 mph over a distance of p.m. The new times replace a current and the patterns of arrivals and de­ 88.5 miles and increases from 5 to 24 7:30 p.m. departure from Chicago partures from many cities were re­ mph over a loo-mile distance on the and a 2:30 p.m. departure from New vised. Delaware & Hudson where trains will York. Trip time for the Broadway is An important new intermodal stop run at 60 instead of 50 mph or, in one improved by 15 minutes eastbound but was opened at Richmond, California instance, 79 instead of 55 mph. five minutes will be added westbound where passengers may transfer from A schedule slowdown went into ef­ to allow more servicing time in the Amtrak trains to San Francisco's Bay fect for the Chicago-Florida train, the Pittsburgh station. Area Rapid Transit System. The new Floridian, where 42 minutes was The Washington section of the station construction resulted from ef­ added to the St. Petersburg section Broadway will depart Washington forts by the California Department of and 1 hour and 27 minutes to the Union Station at 5:40 p.m. effective Transportation. Other stops added to Miami portion. This was necessitated October 30. The new arrival time in Amtrak routes are: Madiera, Cali­ by a change in the type of locomotive Washington from Chicago is 1:05 fornia in the San Joaquin route; assigned to the run as Amtrak has p.m. Albany, Oregon on the Coast Star­ ceased leasing Auto-Train units and is The Lake Shore Limited now de­ light route; and Lee Hall, Virginia on resuming use of SDP40F locomo- parts Chicago at 2:50 p.m. on the new the Colonial route. 2 Mrs. Carter Rides Metroliner, _______------. I Visits With Passengers Enroute Mrs. Rosalynn Carter, the nation's special passenger was on board. Mrs. On-board service, performed by First Lady, rode Amtrak's 9 a.m. Carter returned to Washington on Service Attendants George Davis and Metroliner to Philadelphia on Oc­ another Metroliner later that after­ Richard Randolph, was excellent.
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