Sant Kirpal Singh His Life and Mission Sant Kirpal Singh Sant Kirpal Singh His Life And Mission Vol. I with a preface written by Dr. Harbhajan Singh Published and printed by Unity of Man – Sant Kirpal Singh Verein zur Verbesserung der menschlichen Beziehungen Steinklüft straße 34 5340 St. Gilgen - Austria / Europe Copyright © 1994, 2007 by Unity of Man All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, elec- tronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. First edition 1994, printed in India Second revised edition 2007, printed in Austria About This Book It is be yond question that the life his to ry of great men can on ly give hints about their real per son al i ty – what to say about the life of a Saint. We have cho sen the form of a doc u men ta tion, com piled from diff er ent sourc es and eye-wit ness ac counts from His dis ci ples. Th e pic tures may speak for them selves. On ly by go ing through many books, pub li ca tions and re cord ed talks, we could fi nd au to bi o graph ic com- ments of Sant Kir pal Singh. He did not oft en tell about Him self; if He did so, He want ed to give guid ance for han dling var i ous sit u a tions in life. In all spheres He set an en cour ag ing ex am ple for lead ing a spir i tu al life even in our mod ern world and got soon pop u lar, since He lived ac cord ing to His teach ing. His words were charged with the pow er of re al i za tion. Sant Kir pal Singh was born in 1894 in Sayy ad Kas ran, Dis trict Raw al pin di ( now in Pa ki stan). Ac cord ing to the In di an tra di tion He was mar ried at an ear ly age and had three chil dren. Hold ing a high post in the ser vice of the In di an Gov ern ment He per fect ly ful fi lled His du ties as As sist ant Con trol ler in Mil i tary Ac count. At the same time He was serv ing the sick and the poor, thus prac tis ing what He lat er gave as max im to His dis ci ples, “Ser vice to God is ser vice to hu man i ty, and ser vice to hu man i ty is ser vice to God.” In chron o log i cal or der the book gives a re port of His ear ly years, the time of dis ci ple ship at the feet of His Mas ter Ba ba Saw an Singh and the main ac tiv i ties dur ing His ten ure from 1948 till 1974 in clud ing His three world tours. Ex tracts from His speech es sum up ba sic points of His teach ing – the her i tage from Ka bir and Gu ru Na nak and all com pe tent Mas ters who ev er dwelt on earth. Th e last chap ters take up the un der ly ing rea sons of His phys i cal de par ture and His in struc tions for His fur ther Mis sion. Th e deep est im pres sions we owe to Dr. Harb ha jan Singh and His wife Biji Su rind er Kaur to whom Sant Kir pal Singh en trust ed His fur ther work. Th ey have been shar ing with us their pre cious ex pe ri enc es from their time with Mas ter, prov ing that one who real ly knows Him nev er claims a po si tion. With their per mis sion var i ous in ci denc es show ing the com pe ten cy of Sant Kir pal Singh have could be pub lished for the fi rst time. A sec ond vol ume will fol low in due course. Th e Edi tor Centre for the West: Headquarters: Internet: Unity of Man Unity of Man (Regd.) www.unity-of-man.org Steinklüft straße 34 Kirpal Sagar, Near Rahon 144517 www.uom-conference.org 5340 St. Gilgen / AUSTRIA Distt. Nawanshar, Punjab / INDIA [email protected] Phone: +43-6227-7577 Phone: +91-1823-240 064 offi [email protected] Fax: +43-6227-7577-18 +91-1823-242 434 Table Of Contents Scenes From A Conscious Life 13 On Tour In Kashmir 198 Ear ly Years 14 Manav Kendra – Dehra Dun 205 De ci sion In Life 16 Master’s Sick ness 220 How I Met My Mas ter 22 Th ird World Tour 1972 – 1973 232 Germany 236 Baba Sawan Singh 31 France 240 It Is Our Turn To Meet God 32 United Kingdom 246 True Discipleship 36 United States 251 Separation 53 Canada 258 South America 260 Italy 262 How Th e Mission Started 56 Rishikesh 58 India 1973 264 Event in Dass na 64 Manav Kendra 267 Sawan Ashram 70 Th e Freedom Fighters’ Convention 270 Sawan Ashram 272 Punjab Tour 280 First World Tour 1955 81 Leaving India 83 World Conference On Unity Of Man 296 Scenes from America 86 Conference Report 298 Germany 96 Welcome Address 300 Political And Religious Leaders 302 India 1956 – 1963 98 Parallel Activities 304 Travelling In India 102 Th e Panel Conferences 306 My Master Kirpal 108 Birthday Celebrations 311 Living And Doing For Him 120 World Fellowship Of Religions 126 Forever With Him 312 With Prime Minister Nehru 134 How Long Will He Remain With You 317 Separation 338 Second World Tour 1963 – 1964 137 Who Was Sant Kirpal Singh? 351 Germany 141 Austria 148 Kirpal Sagar – Ocean Of Grace 360 Greece 151 Th e Gracious One Will Do 362 Italy 152 Th e Background Of Kirpal Sagar 366 Ireland 153 It Belongs To All Human Beings 368 United States 154 Of Th e World India 1964 – 1972 168 Conclusion 378 Welcome In India 170 Activities 172 Appendix 386 Holding Satsang 180 Master’s Competency 190 Preface Sant Kir pal Singh Ji (1894 – 1974), a great Saint of the twen ti eth cen tu ry needs no in tro duction for the ho ly work He did for hu man i ty through out the world. He was the dis tin guished ex po nent of the Di vine Sci ence of the Soul, and hav ing the mas tery over it, He gave the prac ti cal ex pe ri ence to all the yearn ing souls and was thus ac claimed as the most ad vanced and the on ly com pe tent Mas ter aft er Ba ba Saw an Singh Ji. He was sent by God as the Sa vi our, and He brought the mes sage of hope for re demp tion and sal va tion to the re cep tive souls and taught them self-pa tience, love, and in ner yearn ing. He taught the world over the vir tues of for bear ance, pa tience, for give ness and god li ness with deep rev er ence and be came the head- crown of kings and pau pers, rich and poor, sin ners and pious. His teach ing cen tered be tween God and man by de vel op ing man and serv ing man, and re mind ed the hu man be- ings of the re la tion ship be tween the two prac ti cal ly. He blessed us with high er val ues of life, and the very hid den vir tues to the great est heights and asked all who were in i tiat ed in to the mys tery of the be yond to tell Him, if they ev er could get any thing high er than that. But so far no one turned up to tell some thing high er than that. His way of teach ing was ex cel lent. De spite He was the Sa vi our and pro tec tor of hu man i ty and God-in to-ac- tion Pow er, He taught us the ba sic ne ces si ties of truth eter nal as man to man, but more prac ti cal ly as Fa ther to son. Wherever He did so, He looked love a ble, com pas sion ate, and very kind. We could feel His pris tine and il lus tri ous beau ty in our heart. His talks with His chil dren through out His so journ were from heart to heart. He dis pelled our ig nor ance, the very root cause of our faulty ex is tence, through His ra di a tion full of all hu mil i ty and love, thus re mov ing the fet ters of at tach ment, il lu sions and sense of du al i ty. When look ing con stant ly and love a bly in His eyes and on His fore head, He changed from one mo ment to an other and ra di at ed our heart diff er ent ly at each mo ment. Th is prac ti cal feel ing, though be yond ex pres sion, lives with the life of the dis ci ple for all the times.
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