The Sea Canoeist Newsletter No. 108 December 2003 - January 2004 THE SEA CANOEIST NEWSLETTER Tokomaru Bay wharf See East Cape Trip Report on page 9. photos from Max Grant The Journal of the Kiwi Association of Sea Kayakers (N.Z.) Inc. - KASK 1 No. 108 December 2003 - January 2004 LRB3 - KASK RUAHINE Whitewater Club KASK HANDBOOK 71 Salisbury St., Ashhurst. KASK, the Kiwi Association of Sea For a copy of this mother of all sea Ph: 06 326 8667 Fax: 06 326 8472 Kayakers (N.Z.) Inc., a network of kayaking handbooks, contact KASK http:/ New Zealand sea kayakers, has the Treasurer, Max Grant, ruahinewhitewater.orcon.net.nz objectives of: 71 Salisbury St. Ashhurst, 5451 BAY OF PLENTY 1. promoting and encouraging the Ph: (06) 326 8527 home Alan Hall sport of sea kayaking Fax: (06) 326 8472 Ph: 07 579 2922 Fax: 07 579 2923 2. promoting safety standards email: [email protected] email: [email protected] 3. developing techniques & COST: ROTORUA/TAUPO Area equipment New members: gratis Emma Haxton 4. dealing with issues of coastal Existing members: $22 email: [email protected] access and protection Non-members: $24.95 Phone: 07 357 4660 5. organizing an annual sea kayak Make cheques out to KASK (NZ) NEW PLYMOUTH Contact forum Inc.Trade enquiries to Max Grant. Bob Talbot, 6. publishing a bimonthly 10 Ranfurly St., Waitara. newsletter. THE LRB3, or the Little Red Book Ph: 06 754 4191(H) or 0274 457038 3rd. Edition, is a mammoth compila- email: [email protected] The Sea Canoeist Newsletter is pub- tion on all aspects of sea kayaking in WELLINGTON Sea Kayak Network lished bimonthly as the official news- New Zealand, by many of the most Christine Coshan, PO Box 26052, letter of the Kiwi Association of Sea experienced paddlers in the Universe. Newlands, Wellington Kayakers (N.Z.) Inc. Following a brief introduction, the Ph: (04) 971 2141 handbook is divided into six sections: email: [email protected] Articles, trips reports, book reviews, - Kayak, Paddle & Equipment Website: equipment reviews, new techniques, -Techniques & Equipment http://www.wskn.wellington.net letter to the editor, and moments when - The Elements the word 'Bugger!' was said singu- - Trips and Expeditions SOUTH ISLAND larly or often {referred to by some as - Places to Go MARLBOROUGH incidents} are sought to enliven the - Resources Helen Woodward pages of the newsletter. Ph: (03) 579 5669 Each section contains up to nine sepa- [email protected] Send in a plain brown envelope, or via rate chapters. The Resources section, NELSON cybermail to: for example has chapters on: Martin and Karen Clark Editor: P Caffyn, - guide to managing a sea kayak Tel (03) 548 5835 RD 1, Runanga. symposium [email protected] West Coast .N.Z. - Paddling Literature CANTERBURY Sea Kayak Network Ph/Fax: (03) 7311806 - Author profiles Andy & Deirdre Sheppard E Mail address: - Guides and Rental Operators 53 Kent Lodge Ave [email protected] - Network Addresses Avonhead, Christchurch. 8004 - Sea Kayaks in NZ listing Ph: (03) 342 7929 KASK Annual Subscriptions are: email: [email protected] $25 single membership SEA KAYAKING Website: $30 family membership. www.CanterburySeaKayak.orcon.net.nz $35 overseas NETWORK ADDRESSES NORTH ISLAND OTAGO Cheques should be made out to: Rob Tipa K.A.S.K. (NZ) Inc. & sent to the NORTHLAND (03) 478 0360 KASK Treasurer: NORTHLAND CANOE CLUB [email protected] Max Grant, 71 Salisbury St. PO Box 755, Whangarei. SOUTHLAND Ashhurst, 5451 email: [email protected] Stan Mulvany Ph: (06) 326 8527 home AUCKLAND CANOE CLUB 03 215 7263 Fax: (06) 326 8472 PO Box 147-282 [email protected] email: [email protected] Ponsonby, Auckland. email: auckland-canoe-club SKOANZ Correspondence to the Secretary: [email protected]. Sea Kayak Operators Assn. NZ Maurice Kennedy HAURAKI Kayak Group Suzanne Dent, Administrator PO Box 11461 Pelham Housego 42 Burdon Road, RD 21, Manners St., PO Box 46-146, Herne Bay, Auckland Woodbury, Geraldine Wellington. WAIKATO Ph/fax: (03) 692 2912 e-mail: [email protected] Evan Pugh, RD2, Putaruru email: [email protected] [email protected] Website: www.skoanz.org.nz KASK Website: www.kask.co.nz Ph: (07) 883 6898 2 The Sea Canoeist Newsletter INDEX EDITORIAL to check boat traffic before the cross- EDITORIAL p.3 Proposed Dusk to Dawn Ban on ing of Tory Channel entrance. Only Paddling in the Sounds one barge and one ferry were sighted COMMITTEE COLUMN Following the ‘Cause for Alarm’ note in this paddle between 9.20pm and by Vincent Maire p.4 in newsletter 107, where Ian Calhaem 1.20am. heard an interview on National Radio CALENDAR which mentioned a proposed Marl- The background information support- Canterbury - Okains Bay p.5 borough District Council bylaw on ing the proposed bylaw seemed to be Coastbusters 2004 p.5 banning kayaking in the Marlborough focused on a growth in commercial Sounds from one hour before sunset operators and rental kayaks, such as MATANAKA CAVES MISS to one hour after sunrise, I got in touch has occurred with the Abel Tasman TERRY SOLVED with KASK past president Helen National Park, but it is obvious that no Joyce Singleton, Judith Beuth Woodward, who also was a former thought was given whatsoever to the & Mark Robertson p.6 employer of the council. Helen talked ramifications to recreational paddlers. with the MDC harbour master who The submission requested speaking CONSERVATION knew nothing of the bylaw, but fur- rights for KASK at a hearing, and a White Flippered Penguin survey ther digging with the assistant har- response from the ‘Democratic Serv- by Bianca Sullivan p.6 bour master revealed the following ice Co-ordinator’ of the MDC notes proposed Draft Amendment to the the date, venue of the hearing will be NETWORK INFORMATION Navigation Bylaws 2002. Under sec- made closer to the time. Waikato Information tion 2.11 Ships to be Licenced, clause by Evan Pugh p.6 (viii) stated: ‘No person may operate GRIM SUMMER Marlborough Phone update a kayak on the water between the Two sea kayaking fatalities this sum- from Helen Woodward p.6 hours of one (1) hour before sunset to mer, the first an inexperienced Ger- one hour (1) after sunrise.’ man paddler on the north coast of NEW ZEALAND TRIP REPORTS Stewart Island and the second, a pad- Mokau River December 2003 Well, as this proposed draconian by- dler killed in a collision with a power by Evan Pugh p.7 law would have a major detrimental boat at Okiwi Bay, north of Nelson. I Bay of Plenty Whale Paddler affect for recreational paddling pleas- have covered both these tragic deaths by Ryan Whittle p.7 ure and safe kayaking, I worked up a plus a near miss in Golden Bay for East Cape Trip strong four page submission with input two women in some detail (p. 19 - 20). by Ian Algie p.9 from Helen Woodward, the Marlbor- Blumine Island Pilgrimage ough KASK network contact. The sub- FORESHORE ISSUES by Paul Caffyn p.11 mission takes issue with the MDC for In mid-December the government’s not consulting either KASK or Helen foreshore ownership policy was an- TECHNICAL nounced in a 100+ page document, Reflections on the Gentle Art of Issues raised included: with ownership vested in all New Rock Gardening 1. Wind - dawn and dusk are often the Zealanders as ‘public domain.’ Cur- by Brian Strip p.14 calmest in terms of wind and sea con- rent provisions in the law will be Trailers and Long Loads ditions replaced with a public domain title. by Sandy Ferguson p.15 2. Boat Traffic - Dawn and dusk represent Open access will be subject to cultural Grim Summer & Collision Avoidance the times of least boating traffic in terms of sensitivity or safety and biosecurity by Paul Caffyn p.18 power boats, yachts and jet skis issues around working ports. 3. North Island paddlers - arrive after INSTRUCTION/CERTIFICATION dark on a Friday and paddle to a RANGI JOKE Responsibility and Education campsite in the dark Opinion on the Rangi and Cultures by Alan Byde p.14 4. Time constraints on paddlers could jokes in the last newsletter was Instruction Officer’s Report lead to landing on exposed coastlines strongly divided. Some (see letters to by John Kirk-Anderson p.16 5. Safety Rules for paddlers and rec- the editor) thought the jokes were ommended equipment of night pad- offensive and racist, while others noted LETTERS TO THE EDITOR p.17 dling were noted, plus the chapters on the contrary. I would suggest Kiwis Navigation and Night Paddling in the have lost the ability to laugh at them- HUMOUR KASK Handbook. selves and that this politically correct Shark Fishing Bait p.17 climate is dividing New Zealand, al- Only in Australia p.19 An example was given of the late most like the Springbok tour did. The November night paddle from Picton jokes will continue. However I am THANKS to Blumine Island for the pilgrimage, most amenable to having the weighty Max Grant for printing, Maurice where all kayaks had either fixed all reins of newsletter editorship taken Kennedy for distribution, and all the round white lights, tuna line float lights off me by an enthusiastic new editor. contributors. or headlamps. A VHF radio was used 3 No. 108 December 2003 - January 2004 half of sea kayakers nationally. The (2) DoC has called for submissions COMMITTEE AGM will take place between 4 and from individuals and organisations COLUMN 5pm on Saturday afternoon on March on how best to invest funds for recrea- 6th at Coastbusters, which is being tional use over the next ten-years.
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