E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 149 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2003 No. 134 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Monday, September 29, 2003, at 12 noon. Senate FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2003 The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY necessary, or offer amendments on the called to order by the President pro LEADER supplemental. Thus, it will require the tempore [Mr. STEVENS]. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The attention and focus of our colleagues majority leader is recognized. throughout the week. PRAYER I wanted Senators to begin to plan f their schedules with this in mind. I do The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- SCHEDULE thank all colleagues. I will outline fered the following prayer: Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, this morn- Monday’s schedule a bit later today. Let us pray. ing the Senate will immediately re- f Immortal, invisible, God only wise, sume consideration of the DC appro- the kingdom, power, glory, and honor priations bill. The managers are here RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING belong to You. You have given us the and ready to work. Therefore, we do MINORITY LEADER gift of this new day and the oppor- hope Members will come forward with The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The tunity for a fresh start. Thank You for their amendments during today’s ses- acting Democratic leader is recognized. the continuous flow of Your blessings; sion. If a rollcall vote is ordered on an Mr. REID. Before the majority leader great is Your faithfulness. amendment, we will stack that vote for leaves the floor, I indicated to the Sen- Help us to find contentment in the Monday’s session. As I announced last ator last week that we should have knowledge that nothing can separate night, there will be no rollcall votes done something else rather than bring- us from Your love. Remind us that You today. ing up the DC bill. I don’t see the DC have not only made us for time, but Yesterday we made progress on the bill moving. I don’t see us being able to also for eternity. Guide our Senators bill, and I thank the managers for their complete it on Monday. I think we today, deliver them from weariness and efforts in moving the bill forward. I do have other appropriations bills we impatience and strengthen them with hope we can finish this bill on Monday. could move through fairly quickly. Your peace. Make each of them reso- I understand there may be further With the voucher issue involving the lute to do Your will. We lift to You our amendments from the other side of the DC bill, it makes it very difficult to world leaders. They face tasks that aisle, but it is our desire to complete slog through the bill. I know how we cannot be accomplished by human ef- this bill early next week. I do expect have to put a positive note on every- forts alone. Whisper Your wisdom and the Senate to begin consideration of thing—especially you—but I think we guide their steps. the urgent supplemental request at the will have a lot of trouble in completing We pray this in Your holy name. earliest possible time next week. Given the DC appropriations bill Monday or Amen. that schedule, it is imperative that we any time in the near future. expedite the DC appropriations bill. Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, listening f With regard to next week’s schedule, very carefully, I am disappointed. I I want to forewarn all Members, it will think we have an opportunity in this be a very busy week. I anticipate that body to address a tragedy, and that is PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE we will have late sessions Tuesday that there are impoverished children The PRESIDENT pro tempore led the night, Wednesday, Thursday, and pos- trapped in today’s schools that are not Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: sibly Friday. We will have votes serving them well. We have an oppor- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the throughout that session. Our discus- tunity to reach out and help those chil- United States of America, and to the Repub- sion on the floor yesterday reflected in dren. We have today to work on it. We lic for which it stands, one nation under God, large part the interest in having time have Monday to work on it. But if the indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. to discuss and debate and amend, if other side of the aisle feels we cannot ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S12027 . VerDate jul 14 2003 00:05 Sep 27, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26SE6.000 S26PT1 S12028 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 26, 2003 make progress on it, I will listen, but I ing an amendment to strike the schol- knows about this, as the chairman of am very disappointed in that. arship provision. He certainly has the the committee has been very cognizant Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, if I opportunity to do so, and we can have of this and helped us to deal with these may make a suggestion—Senator a very rigorous debate. We started that problems in the District of Columbia as DEWINE can speak for himself—this bill discussion yesterday, and we can con- we have worked with the Mayor. This is so important and this subject is so tinue it. We hope we can get a vote at bill continues to try to address these important to so many people, I am some point on that issue. problems. wondering if we could just be flexible My friend and colleague, the ranking Thirdly, the bill also addressed some and move the discussion of DC in and member on the committee, has had of the long-term infrastructure prob- out of other things, not stopping any- some suggestions. I assume those will lems of the District of Columbia. These thing else that is important or would become an amendment at some point. are issues that are not very glitzy or take precedence, but this issue really We had a good debate last night, along exciting but what we have to deal with deserves full debate. As you know, the with our colleague from Delaware. in the long-term. So this is a strong hours of Senate debate are not always They have some ideas that will become bill, a more reasoned bill, a bill within completely and fully taken. I offer for a part of an amendment at some point, budget, but it is a bill of which we all consideration that we have time this we assume. We can debate that. can be very proud. Let me turn to the fourth item which morning, we will have time on Monday, There is good opportunity for good is, frankly, the only contentious issue and if the leadership wants to move to debate. I encourage my colleagues to in this bill, the scholarship program. I something else, we could temporarily get those into the form of an amend- believe it is a very well-balanced, well- set this aside and come back to it. ment, get down here, and let’s debate it thought-out section of the bill. It is There are many Members, at least on and move this bill forward. something that Senator FEINSTEIN, as our side, who really want some time to This is a good bill. This is a bill my colleague from Louisiana and I have we discussed yesterday, has been so speak about this issue. They are most very helpful in crafting. As I said yes- certainly entitled to because it is a worked long and hard on. As we discussed yesterday, it is a bill terday, she went so far to help improve very important issue—not just for the the language. The bill in front of us District but for the Nation. I lay that that is focused to a large extent on the children of the District of Columbia. It today, frankly, is a better bill because out to my friend and colleague as a of what my colleague from California, suggestion. has a provision I take a lot of pride in, and I know my colleague takes a lot of Senator FEINSTEIN, has contributed in f pride in, and it has to do with foster her suggestions. She came to Senator RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME care. We have heard the horror stories, GREGG and to me and to the chairman and said she had some suggestions that The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under and we have read the excellent series of would improve the constitutionality, the previous order, the leadership time articles that appeared in the Wash- allow the Mayor to be much more in- ington Post—very frightening and is reserved. volved, and would make the system troubling articles that the Post has run f much more accountable so we can over a series of months about the hor- measure how well the children are DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA rible situation in the foster care sys- doing, and we incorporated those APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2004 tem in the District of Columbia. Chil- changes. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under dren have been neglected and abused; Then, yesterday, she had an addi- the previous order, the Senate will re- they have not been taken care of.
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