1922. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE. 12141 1Ir. COOPER of Wi cousin. Mr. Speaker, I a k unanimous States, and for other purposes ; to the Committee on Foreign C'(1n.,e:1t to addre. s the House for three minutes. Affairs. T b: SPEAKER. The gentleman from Wisconsin asks unani­ By Mr. VAILE: A bill (H. R. 12544) to authorize the Secre­ mou. ronsent to acldre s tbe Honse for ·tbree minutes. Is there tary of the Interior to issue oil and gas permits and leases toT objc>rtion ? persons equitably entitled thereto, and for other purposes; to )fr. 110~DELL. I object. the Committee on the Public Lands. I T hf' SPJ.JAKER. Objection i made. By Mr. FULLER: A bill (H. R. 12545) granting pensions :\Ir. ~TAF F ORD. ~fr. Speaker, I demand the regular order. and increa e of pensions to certain soldiers and sailors of the } Civil War and certain widows and dependent children of sol­ .ACQUISITION OF LANDS FOR :MILITARY PUR-?OSES. dier and sailors of aid war; to the Committee of the Whole )Jr. CRAGO. Mr. "' peaker, I move to suspend the rules and House. 1 pa~ .. the bill ( ..: . 2885) to authorize the acquisition of lands for mtlitnry purposes in certuin cases and making appropriations therefor, and for other purpose . PRIVA.TE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. ~Li'. s r.rAFFORD. Mr. Speaker, I make the point of no Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, private bills and resolutions quorum. were introduced and severally referred us follow : · The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman withhold that for a By Mr. BROWNE of Wisconsin: A bill (H. R. 12546) grant­ moment ? ing an increase of pension to Sarah F. Murdock; to the Com­ )[r. TAFI<'ORD. I withhold the point. mittee <>n Invalid Pensions. MARTHA H. AEBS-LE.A.\E TO WITHDRAW PAPERS. Also, a bill (H. R. 12547) granting an increa e of pension to By unanimous con ent, at the request of l\Ir. DYER, leave l\fary E. Buckley ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. \Yll granted to withdraw from the files of the House, without Also, a bill ( H. R. 12548) for the relief of Axel Jacob on ; to leadng copies, the papers in the case of l\Iartha H. Saers (H. R. the Committee on Claim . 10318), Sixty-seventh Congress, no ad"\""erse report having been By l\1r. DYER: A bill (H. R. 12549) granting an increase of malle thereon. pension to Nathan P. Jackson; to the Committee on Pensions. LEA YE OF .ABSENCE. By l\Ir. LINTHICUM: A bill (H. R. 12550) for the relief of­ Hy unanimous con ent, leave of absence was granted- Oscar F. Lackey; to the Committee on Claims. T o Mr. FEN X, for five day , on account of important business. By Mr. l\IORGA..t.~: A bill (H. R. 12351) granting an increa e To ::\Ir. BIXLER, indefinitely, on account of serious illness in of pension to Ida ~fay Pierson; to the Committee on Inrnlid hi, family. PE>nsion~. To :\Ir. BRE:XNA-- (at the request of Mr. M!CHE~ER), in­ By :Miss ROBERTSON: A bill (H. R. 12552) granting a pen­ definitely, on account of investigating coal situation. sion to Edith Bonter; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By l\Ir. SHREVE: A bill (H. R. 12553) granting a pension ADJOURNMENT. to Jane Platner; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. i\fr. ~10NDELL. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House do By l\fr. TIMBERLAKE: A bill (H. R. 12554) granting a now adjourn. pension to Louis Weiss; to tl1e Committee on Invalid Pensions. The motion was agreed to ; accordingly (at 4 o'clock and 25 minutes p. m.) the House, under the order previously agreed to, adjourned until Tuesday, September 5, 1922, at 12 o'clock noon. PETITIONS, ETC. Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid REPORT OF COMMITTEES ON PUBLIC BILLS AND on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: RESOLUTIONS. 6261. By l\lr. GRAHAM of Illinois: Petition of Colonel Ed­ Under clau e 2 of Rule XIII, ward Kittilsen Camp, No. 27, favoring the passage of House Mr. CHINDBLOM: Committee on the l\Ierchant Marine and bill 9198; to the Committee on Pensions. Fi-·heries. H. R. 12368. A bill to abolish the inspection dis­ 6262. Also, petition of Local Union No. 364, Brewery Work­ tricts of Apalachicola, Fla., and Burlington, Vt., and the office ers, Rock Island, Ill., relating to the Government of Russia; of one su rvising inspector, Steamboat Inspection Service; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. without amendment (Rept. No. J.201). Referred to the Com­ 6263. By 1\Ir. KISSEL: Petition of .Mr. Christian F. Megerle, mittee of the Whole Hou e on the state of the Union. Brooklyn, N. Y., favoring the 40 per cent tariff on wire cloth; ~fr. ED.MO.NDS : Committee on the Merchant Marine and Fish­ to the Committee on Ways and Means. erie, . S. 1771. An act to authorize the United States, through 6264. Also, petition of J. A. Colgan, representative of the New the Pnited States Shipping Board, to acquire a site on Hazzell York State legislative board, of Brooklyn, N. Y., requesting Island, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, for a fuel and fuel-oil sta­ repeal of Title III of the transportation act of 1920; to the tion and fresh-water reservoir for Shipping Board and other Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. merchant vessels, as well as United States rnlval vessels, and . 6265. By ?!Ir. LINTHICUM: Papers to accompany House bill for other purposes; with amendments (Rept. No. 1202). Re­ 12451, granting an increase of pension to Robert M. l\Iaginniss; ferred to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of to the Committee on Pension ~ . the Union. 62G6. By Mr. YARE: Petition of Philadelphia Chamber of l\Ir. FULLER: Committee on Invalid Pensions. H. R. 12545. Commerce, oppo ed to taking over of public utilities and enter­ A bill granting pensions and increase of pensions to certain prises by the Gowrnment; to the Committee on Interstate and soldiers and sailors of the Citil Wnr and certain widow and Foreign Commerce. dependent children of soldiers and nilors of said war; with­ out amendments ( Rept. No. 1203). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House. SEN.ATE. CHANGE OF REFERENCE. SATURD.aY, Septenibe1• 93, 19f32. ruder clatkf' 2 of Rule XXII the Committee on Invalicl Pen­ sion, wa di charged from the consideration of the bill (H. R. The Chaplain, Rev. J. J. l\Iuir, D. D., offered the following 12514) granting a pension to Robert Garrett, and the same was pra~·er: referred to the Committee on Pensions. Our Father, we rejoice before Thee this morning that what­ ever may be the uncertainties of the e days of anxiety, Thou PlBLIC BILLS, RESOLUTIO~S. AND ME~IORIALS. art the One who can blaze the pathway before our feet. Thou can t indicate by Thy wi dom where we fail, and what we ought l~ nder clau e 3 of Rule XXII, bills, resolutions, and memorials to do. We do ask, therefore, that Thou wouldst come to each were introduced anrl severally referred as follows: of us and· to nll tho e in whose hands are the interests of our Ry l\lr. UPSHAW: A bill (H. R. 12542) to e tablish State beloved land with Thine own direction and enable us to know engin et> ring experjment station~ in the State~ and Territories that the Heavens do rule, and that Thou art God, and shall be n connection with institutions of higher technical education for our Guide even unto the end. We ask in J esus Christ's name. the promotion of engineering and industrial research as a measure of industrial, commercial, military, and naval progress Amen. arnl preparedness in times of peace or war; to the Committee The reading clerk proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday' · on Education. proceedings when, on request of Mr. CURTIS and by unanimous By :Mr. ROGERS: A bill (H. R. 12543) for the reorganiza­ consent, the further reading was dispensed with, and the Jour­ tion ~nd impro1ement of the foreign service of tlle United nal was approved. 12142 CO J"GRESSIONAL RECORD-SEi~ATE. SEPTEMBER 2,: THE :RAILROAD SITUATIO_N, has been made in certain lines, and they are probably a unit Mr. SHEPPARD. Mr. President, I ask to bave inserted in against any further reduction in any department. Nor is it at all that tbe HECORD in -point type a -rery able and timely article on the probable they will be made. railroad "ituation by Hon. S. ll. Cowan, of Fo1·t Worth, Tex. Upon the valuation which the Interstate Commerce Commis­ There being no obje tion, the article was or<lere<l to be printed sion placed upon the roads for purposes of the application of in the RECO.RD, in 8-point type, a.s follows: the rate-making rule as a standard for the aggregate of earnings and the rates which produce the same, there is no expectation WHOM THE GODS WOULD DB.STROY THEY FIRST lliK.E M.ID. that such aggregate net income can, under existing expenditure , To-day' papers quote Senators and others. at Washington as be much above 3 per cent a.s an aggregate, although if we predicting Government ownership and operation of railways selected out the big sy terns of railroads making great volume unles. the existing strike is settled. The statements are the of traffic they earn really more than 5 per cent on the average more weighty because made by men thoroughly familiar with value per mile obtn.ined by dividing aggregate mileage into the railroad legislation, regulation, and operation, and the labor and aggregate value.
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