![Congressional Record—House H10365](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
December 19, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H10365 with two Oak Leaf Clusters. He flew triotism, love, and devotion for our Mrs. MORELLA. Mr. Speaker, I yield with the Eighth Special Operations country. myself such time as I may consume. Squadron as an MC–130 aircraft com- I look forward to supporting my col- Mr. Speaker, S. 1202 is critically im- mander in June of 1979. league on this and working with him portant to ensuring honesty, integrity, As my colleagues know, on November and the folks in the Senate to get this and impartiality in the executive 4, 1979, the Iranians seized the United thing passed. I also look forward to branch of the Federal Government. The States Embassy in Tehran, taking 66 getting to know the McIntosh family. I bill would reauthorize the Office of Americans hostage. An extremely com- thank the gentleman from Georgia for Government Ethics through fiscal year plex rescue mission was formed and introducing this piece of legislation. 2006. Lyn volunteered for the mission. The Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. With a budget of $10 million and a rescue attempt began April 24, 1980; Speaker, having no other speakers, I staff of only 82, the Office of Govern- and it ended in a disaster in an Iranian urge all of my colleagues to join me in ment Ethics is a small agency. Despite desert on April 25. Lyn was among supporting the passage of H.R. 1432. its small size, however, it performs a those who lost their lives in an on-the- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance vital function. ground aircraft collision. Unfortu- of my time. The office, established in 1978, fosters nately, this mission was aborted; and The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. high ethical standards for government employees. It oversees compliance by Lyn, unfortunately, was among those ISAKSON). The question is on the mo- who died in this very, very tragic acci- tion offered by the gentlewoman from Federal departments and agencies with a variety of ethics laws. It issues rules dent. Virginia (Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS) that the and regulations for Federal employees But today, we are here, grateful for House suspend the rules and pass the to follow on such matters as conflict of Lyn’s service to his country, grateful bill, H.R. 1432. interest, post-employment restrictions, for his commitment, and we want to The question was taken. standards of conduct, and financial dis- say ‘‘thank you’’ to his family; we The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the closure. The office also reviews finan- want to say ‘‘thank you’’ in the way opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of cial disclosure statements of certain that Americans will always do for eter- those present have voted in the affirm- Presidential nominees and, when nec- nal gratitude for those who give that ative. essary, recommends corrective action last full measure of devotion for our Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. country. if it finds violations of ethics laws. Speaker, on that I demand the yeas In addition, the office trains employ- Today, I would like to urge my col- and nays. ees in ethics, provides formal and infor- leagues to pass H.R. 1432, a bill to name The yeas and nays were ordered. mal guidance on the interpretation and the United States Post Office on the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- application of various ethics laws, and Inner Perimeter Road in Valdosta, ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the it evaluates the effectiveness of con- Georgia, as the Major Lyn McIntosh Chair’s prior announcement, further flict of interest and other ethics laws. Building in memory of a brave Amer- proceedings on this motion will be During the last Congress, the Sub- ican. Lyn was indeed a great American. postponed. committee on Civil Service and Agency Greater love hath no man but that he f Organization of the Committee on Gov- lay down his life for his friends. Lyn ernment Reform held an oversight was a friend to all Americans. He gave OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT ETHICS AUTHORIZATION ACT OF 2001 hearing on the Office of Government himself for those 66 hostages; and for Ethics. That hearing revealed that the that, we will be forever grateful. Mrs. MORELLA. Mr. Speaker, I move office has performed its duties exceed- Mr. Speaker, I urge passage of this to suspend the rules and pass the Sen- ingly well. There is no question that resolution as a memorial to Lyn and ate bill (S. 1202) to amend the Ethics in the office has earned reauthorization his family and to all those who knew Government Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) from this Congress. and all Americans who benefited from to extend the authorization of appro- So, Mr. Speaker, I urge adoption of his service to our great country. priations for the Office of Government this bill. Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. Ethics through fiscal year 2006. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Speaker, I reserve the balance of my The Clerk read as follows: my time. time. S. 1202 Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- yield myself such time as I may con- have no further requests for time, and resentatives of the United States of America in sume. I yield back the balance of my time. Congress assembled, Mr. Speaker, as the ranking member Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. of the Subcommittee on Civil Service Speaker, I am pleased to yield 1 minute This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Office of and Agency Organization, I am pleased to the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. Government Ethics Authorization Act of to join with the gentlewoman from KINGSTON), my distinguished colleague. 2001’’. Maryland in support of S. 1202, a bill to Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, I SEC. 2. EXTENSION OF AUTHORIZATION OF AP- amend the Ethics in Government Act thank the gentlewoman for yielding me PROPRIATIONS. of 1978 to extend the authorization of time. Section 405 of the Ethics in Government appropriations for the Office of Govern- I wanted to say that the gentleman Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) is amended by ment Ethics through fiscal year 2006. from Georgia (Mr. BISHOP), my good striking ‘‘1997 through 1999’’ and inserting OGE’s mission is not only to prevent ‘‘2002 through 2006’’. friend, has introduced a very timely and resolve conflicts of interest and to resolution for a great American pa- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- foster high ethical standards for Fed- triot. As somebody who will be rep- ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from eral employees, but also to strengthen resenting Valdosta, Georgia, or part of Maryland (Mrs. MORELLA) and the gen- the public’s confidence so that the gov- Valdosta, Georgia, I look forward to tleman from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) each ernment’s business is conducted with participating in this. I do not know the will control 20 minutes. impartiality and integrity. OGE does McIntosh family personally, as does The Chair recognizes the gentle- this by, one, reviewing and certifying the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. woman from Maryland (Mrs. MORELLA). the financial disclosure forms filed by BISHOP), but if one looks at the history GENERAL LEAVE Presidential nominees requiring Sen- of the United States of America in the Mrs. MORELLA. Mr. Speaker, I ask ate confirmation; two, serving as the last 10 or 15 years, it is clear that Mr. unanimous consent that all Members primary source of advice in counseling McIntosh has been a part of that his- may have 5 legislative days within on conduct and financial disclosure tory and has served his country well. which to revise and extend their re- issues; and, three, by providing infor- During that very trying period in 1979 marks on the bill under consideration. mation on promoting understanding of when Americans faced the ignominious The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ethical standards in executive agen- situation in Iran, for somebody to step objection to the request of the gentle- cies. forward and volunteer on a rescue mis- woman from Maryland? OGE and its staff are well regarded sion I think speaks volumes of his pa- There was no objection. by the Federal agencies with whom VerDate 10-DEC-2001 07:03 Dec 20, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19DE7.014 pfrm01 PsN: H19PT1 H10366 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 19, 2001 they do business. OGE has played an lumbia Code, to redesignate the Fam- Division of the Superior Court of the District of essential and significant role in fos- ily Division of the Superior Court of Columbia shall be deemed to refer to the Family tering the public’s trust in the integ- the District of Columbia as the Family Court of the Superior Court of the District of rity of government. Court of the Superior Court, to recruit Columbia.’’. (4) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of sec- Mr. Speaker, there is no component and retain trained and experienced tions for subchapter I of chapter 23 of title 16, of government more important than judges to serve in the Family Court, to District of Columbia, is amended by inserting that of assuring the public’s trust. OGE promote consistency and efficiency in after the item relating to section 16–2301 the fol- helps to build and maintain that kind the assignment of judges to the Family lowing new item: of trust that is essential for an orderly, Court and in the consideration of ac- ‘‘16–2301.1.
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