THE DUPLIN TIMES, KENARSVOXB, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBEB tS, 1964 'try 8:05 Band of the Day ' 1:30 Welcome Traveler No man should have reason, to VIXT-T- 8:15 Sports ..., 2:00 Guiding Your Child complain if he is by . V Program ...... ' , East Carolina Tobacco Market Report measured his 8:20 Weather?' "' ' T 2:30 Bits of Hits " 1 jwn yardstick. -- v ' 8:25 Safely Tips 3:00 Greatest Gift v Average prices by grades strength Thuradmv. Oetober 28 8:30, Dick Cartet - 3:15 Golden Window ened this week for Eastern North , 7.00 Morning Show, CBS 'l 6:45 Farm Facts 8:30 Music with a Fashion Carolina flue-cur- ed tobacco BBBHEEEespZZZI t after 7;25 FarnwNewi,;.S - ! , 7:00 Lone Ranger 4:00 Brighter Day showing declines during the two o o 7:80 Morning Show, CBS "' 7:30 Doug Edwards 4:15s Yesterdays News Reel previous weeks. Volume of sales o o ' 7.65 Carolina News v 7:45 .Yesterdays News Reel 4:30 On Your Account -- was fairly heavy on Monday, ;B.00 Mornlag Show ,CBS but o , o. 8:00 You Bet Your Life 5:00 Pinky Lee Show lighter during the rest of the week. 8:25 Carolina Weather ' o 8:30 Shower of Stars., 5:30 Cactus Jim Club Quality of offerings was some low- o 8:30 Morning Show, CBS - 8:30 Four Star Playhouse 8:00 Persons, Places, Things er when compared with the previ- o Carolina Newi ! 10:00 Conversion 8:05 Riders, of the Purple Sage five-da- y period. 8:00 Carolina Today ' i ous o o a name tnat tune 8:15 Sports', Federal-Stat- e 9:30 i iu.o r The Market News o Preview Parade - - o 11:00 Unexpected 6:20 Weather - ?"' reports gross 6:45 Morning Meditations Service sales for the TV Final 8:25 Safety Tips f f week ending October 22 totaled o o 10.00 Feather Your Nest hr'ii1 'Friday Oetober 28 6:30 Jewel Box Jamboree pounds and averaged $56.24 o 10:30 Time To o live t 7:00 Morning Show, CBS 6:45 Farm Facts per hundred. This average was only 10:45 Concerning M. Marlowe o o 7:25 Farm News t ' 7:00 Cavalcade of America 16 cents above that of last week. 11:00 Morning o Feature 7:30 Morning Show, CBS 7:30 Doug Edwards A A 1 were brought to o 12:00 News. Season sales 7:55 Carolina News , 7:45 Perry Como pounds for $54.90. The esti- o o n..i i . m 4 n.io V.OWDOJ iprrai 8:00 Morning Show, CBS 8:00 Badge 714 mated production of Type 12 tobac- o o 12:30 Search for Tomorrow 8:25 8:30 Topper Carolina Weather co as of October 1 was 475,950,000 o 12:45 Guiding Light 8:30 Morning Show, CBS 9:00 Playhouse of Stars pounds the same as the forecast of o 1:00 o Good Cooking 8:55 Carolina News " 9:30 Life of Riley a month earlier. o 1:30 Welcome Travelers 9:00 Carollna.Today. 10:00 Cavalcade of Sports Over half of the grade averages o o 2:00 Guiding Your Child 9:30 Preview Parade 10:45 Greatest moments of Sports showed gains. Increases were main- o 2:30 Naney 11:00 o Carter's Cookbook 9:45 Morning Meditations Late Show ly $1.00 to $3.00 per hundred and 8:00 Greatest gift 10:00 Morning Melodies 11:30 TV o o Final centered on offerings of leaf and THERE WILL BE NO 3:15 Golden Windows 10:30 Time to Live Saturday, October 30 nondescript. Losses occurred for on- o o 3:30 Music with a Fashion 10:45 Concerning M. Marlowe 10:00 Kiddies Corner ly a few grades. o o 4:00 Brighter Day 11:00 Morning Feature 10:30 Winky, Dinky & You quality lugs ' Fair and low and o Line of bills the first of every month If you get Into "The Pay '4:15 Industry on Parade 12:00 News 11:00 Kidies Corner nondescript marketings increased o 12:18 o As You Go" Plan, and the best pla nis to pay by check. 4:30 On Your Account Cowboy Corral 11:30 Superman, slightly in percentage. Bulk of sales o Jim-5:3- - 8:00 Cactus 12- 30 Search for Tomorrow 12:00 Big Top, CBS consisted of poor to good leaf, fair o One glance at your check stubs and you will know where yon Guiding Light o Ramar of the Jungle 12:45 1:00 News and good lugs, low and fair smoking1 o stand financially. 8:00 Cooking o Persons,Plaoes, Things 1:00 Good 1:10 Weather leaf and cutters. o 1:15 Fanning for Tomorrow Receipts going under Government o fc 4 4fc 4 4fc 4b J v r v r 1 1:30 FHA loan to the Stabilization Corpora- o o 1:45 Canadian Pro Football Among of pre- IT B vtf- j' the varied features "Ice Capades of 1955," which will be to 10 o . H tion amounted around of 4:30 Telesports Digest o sented in the William Neal Reynolds Coliseum at North Carolina State weekly gross sales. Season deliver- o 5:00 Rocket Rhythm ies were nearly OF MT. OLIVE o 6, 7.4. BANK 5:10 Wrestling College November will be a production featuring "Little Bo Peep o 6:00 Down Home and All Her Sheep." Three skating stars who will have roles In this a 30 Inner Sanctum number are pictured above. SALLY'S SALLIES o "Make Our Bank Your Bank" 7:00 Cisco Kid a 7:30 Golden Weed Jamboree o bing and Scouting methods. a 8:00 Theatre o Mt. Olive Calypso Ford T. In a sense, Mr. Knott has come o 8:30 Face C. Knott Joins Place the home. He was born in Wendell and o o 9:00 Two For The Money attended North Carolina State Col- 9:30 I Led Three Lives 8 d 1 1 s ECC lege with a major in Forestry. His 5 I I 10:00 My Boy Scout Staff J H i J f i J That's family are still residents of Wendell. 10:30 Hit Parade K Carl T. Knott, newly appointed He was a Boy Scout in the Occon-eeche- e l V j I l H 1 I 1 M 11:00 The Acid Test 5: I I I member of the East Carolina Coun- Council, headquarters in Ra- 11:10 TV Final cil professional staff, moved into leigh, and advanced to Life Scout 11:15 Late Show the Council on Saturday, October rank. He also served as an assistant TOBACCO GROWERS Sunday, October 31 23, according to a joint statement Scoutmaster in his local Troop. 12:45 News by Council President Penn T. Wat Prior to entering the Scouting 12:55 Weather son and Scout Executive Ralph H. field as a career man, he was em- FOR A STRONG FINISH SELL WITH 1:00 Let's Go to College Mozo, both of Wilson. ployed as a salesman for an ice 1:30 Carolina's TV Reporter Mr. Knott is located in Ahoskie company. Following this he served 1:45 This is your Btate-2:0- and will serve the Roanoke-Chowa- n for 26 months in the United States "I have five of these so far. All Game Of The Week District. He was interviewed by Navy as a Petty Officer. After his I have to do is promise to marry prominent local Scoutere in that period of military service, Mr. 4:30 Sports On Parade 'em." area and made a very favorable im- Knott attended the 127th National 5:00 Disneyland pression. R. V. Masscy, Council Ser- Training School for Scout Execu- 5:30 Hopalong Cassidy SMITH vice Area vice president in Ahoskie, tives held at the Schiff Scout Reser- 6:00" Drew Pearson said that District Executive Knott vation, Mendham, N. 3. Household Hint 6:15 Friends of S. A. Whitehurst has had a most impressive service driving picture hooks 6:30 Hopalong Cassidy Before WAREHOUSES record during his six years with the Into plaster wall, soak the nails 7:00 People Are Funny a Boy Scouts of America. J. W. Dale Dies in hot water for five minutes. 7:30 Jack Benny Mr. Knott first served as a Field This often prevents them from 8:00 Toast of the Town A AND B Executive in the Cape Fear Area cracking the plaster. 9:00 GE Theatre Council, Wilmington, N. C. After In Rex Hospital I- 9:30 Amos and Andy 1 -4 three years in this capacity he was Oi o 10:00 Knows Best Wilson, N. C. Father promoted to District Executive,vand 10:30 Blacky o Boston moved along to another Scouting Native Of 7 Springs ARTHRITIS? 11:15 Late Show o opportunity in Columbia, S. C. In I how wonderfully blessed In being 12:"' TV Final bn o his new position, Mr. Knott was an J. W. Dale of Fuquay Springs restored to active life after being crippled Monday, November 1 outstanding District Executive. He died Sunday morning at Rex Hos- In nearly every joint In my body and with PLENTY OF ROOM o muscular from I 7:00 Morning Show, CBS has been cited by the national Boy pital in Raleigh after several days soreness head to foot.
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