Felids of Abbasabad Naein Reserve, Iran Mohammad S. Farhadinia1, Hossein Akbari2, Mohammad Beheshti3, Arash Sadeghi3 and Mohammad R. Halvani2 ran has a high diversity of felids compared with other west Asian Icountries. A total of eight cat spe- cies, from the Persian leopard Pan- thera pardus saxicolor to the sand cat Felis margarita, exist in the country today, and there used to be two other species, the Caspian tiger Panthera tigris virgata and the Asiatic lion Pan- thera leo persica, that are now extinct (Etemad 1985, Ziaie 1996). As one of the latest reserves established in the country, Abbasabad has been official- ly protected since 2005 as a Hunting Prohibited Area. The present survey in this area was conducted in order to study five cat species: the Asiatic cheetah Acinonyx jubatus venaticus, the Persian leopard, the caracal Ca- racal caracal, the sand cat and the wild cat Felis silvestris ornata. Study area Fig. 1. Map of Abbasabad Reserve and its location (green) among the main network of cheetah With an area of more than 3,000 km2, habitats (red) in Iran: 1.Kavir NP; 2. Khar Turan NP; 3. Dare Anjir WR; 4. Naybandan WR; 5. Abbasabad is located 180 km east of the Bafgh PA. (Iran map from Hunter et al. 2007, Cat News 46, p. 8). city of Naein in the eastern half of Esfa- han Province in central Iran (Fig. 1). The enquiries were made with the local peo- Results and Discussion reserve has rolling mountains extending ple of the study area. Sightings of each During the survey period, the presence from west to east with vast plains sur- felid species by local people were only of all five species of felids were confir- rounding the mountainous areas. The accepted after proper confirmation, med in the area. Dens of sand cats and elevation ranges from 703 m to 2,451 mainly through assessing the observer’s caracals were found in the western part m with an average annual rainfall of ability to identify the animal in a picture of the reserve. From more than 900 ca- 106 mm (range 79-157 mm). With an showing several other cats and larger mera-trap nights a total of 12 images average annual temperature of 18.9 °C, carnivores. The behaviour of the ani- were obtained of caracals and wild cats Abbasabad is considered as a desert mal, as described by the observer, so- belonging to 7 capture events. Additio- area with a dry desert climate (Esfahan metimes helped to reveal the identity of nally, sand cats and caracals were obser- University of Technology 2003). Most the species seen. ved (dead and alive) four times during of the area is covered with represen- As the first step, a basic distributi- the survey period. The survey results tatives of halophytic and xerophytic on map was prepared using GIS on the are summarized in Table 1. plants, mainly of the families Salsola- basis of direct observations by game cea, Chenopodiacea and Rosaceae. guards and local people. The distribu- Asiatic Cheetah Because access to the whole of the tion area was then searched for more Once distributed across most desert ha- area is difficult, most of the field effort evidence of each species and its prey. bitats of eastern Iran, the Asiatic chee- was concentrated in the western half, We only recorded large cat tracks (i.e. which is also believed to have the high- cheetah and leopard) and abandoned er level of security required for conduc- smaller tracks, because they are very ting a camera-trapping survey. similar to each other. Ultimately, we applied 2-4 camera traps inside the ve- Methods rified habitats, mainly along trails and The present survey of felids in Abbasa- dry watercourses, at more than 20 loca- bad Reserve was conducted between tions for periods ranging from 1 week Fig. 2. Cheetah poached in the late 1990s November 2002 and August 2007, and to 2 months. (Photo H. Akbari). 14 Spring 2008 Table 1. Results of felid surveys in Abbasabad Reserve Captures by camera Species Evidence of existence traps Asiatic cheetah tracks, poached animal 0 Persian leopard tracks and kill 0 den, direct observation, live and dead Caracal 5 capture, camera trap images den, direct observation and Sand cat 0 live and dead capture Wild cat camera trap images 2 Fig 4. An adult caracal captured by camera trap on 16 July 2007 (Photo Iranian Cheetah Society /Esfahan University of Technology) tah, with a population size of between most of the central rocky mountainous 80 to 120 individuals, is now one of the terrain where access is difficult. Most most endangered species in Iran. As one of the leopards’ kills found in the area tufted-eared cat or secretive cheetah; of the most recently confirmed cheetah were wild goats (Fig. 4), which reflects it may sometimes be mistaken for the habitats in the country, Abbasabad is the greater abundance of the latter cheetah which is a sympatric species believed to be one of the main reserves species than that of wild sheep, as well throughout most of its range in Abbasa- in Iran holding a number of cheetahs as the greater overlap of the goats’ range bad. (Farhadinia 2004). with that of the leopards (Farhadinia et Most of the observations were made There are some occasional observa- al. 2006). However, remains of wild in the desert mountains and hilly ter- tions made by local people throughout sheep were also occasionally found, rains which are considered to be suita- the area which were verified during the and scat analysis revealed that leopards ble habitats for rodents and hares. The survey. Several different tracks were sometimes consume small mammals, species has never been seen on the flat found that very likely belonged to chee- including rodents, as well. Local people plains of the area, just a few times along tahs. Small tracks in the company of sometimes reported leopard attacks on the roads; these are probably individu- large ones indicated reproduction in the domestic camels and livestock, usually als in transit, switching between hilly area. in the foothills. It is roughly estimated habitats. Heptner & Sludskii (1992) Cheetah have never been observed that 5 – 10 leopards live throughout stated that, with regard to the caracal’s attacking livestock; they feed mainly Abbasabad. microhabitat preference, it is typically on wild sheep, wild goats and Jebeer associated with either well-vegetated or gazelles. On the other hand, because of rocky areas that provide cover for hun- the low density of medium-sized ungu- ting as well as shelter (Fig. 4). lates, cheetahs also need to hunt smaller From examination of a limited num- mammals which occur in relatively high ber of scats and direct observations, it abundance throughout the area. seems that rodents play an important Abbasabad is located within the role in the caracal’s diet. Ground-living principle network of cheetah habitats birds are also potential prey. On a visit in Iran and is expected to play an im- to a caracal den among Haloxylon trees portant role facilitating any movement on sand dunes with three entrances on between the main habitats, particularly the ground, the skin of a domestic goat from the southern ones in Yazd Provin- as well as remains of domestic chickens ce. It is estimated that no more than 10 Fig. 3. A young wild goat killed and hidden were discovered spread around the den. cheetahs live throughout Abbasabad. under a tamarisk as a specific leopard habit From interviews with local people, it in August 2005 (Photo M. Beheshti). was learnt that the animal is a regular Persian Leopard visitor to small livestock inside the vil- The leopard is still relatively widespread Caracal lage and sometimes even kills domestic and numerous in a number of areas Little is known about various aspects goats and their kids inside their corrals. compared with most large carnivores in of the ecology of the caracal in Iran However, the main losses sustained by Iran. There are about 550–850 animals despite its wide distribution throughout local people and caused by caracals are in the country, some 55% of which live the eastern half of the country. Abbasa- poultry in Abbasabad (Farhadinia et al. in protected areas (Kiabi et al. 2002). bad is supposed to be one of the best ha- 2007). Abbasabad is one of the last strongholds bitats for the species in the country, and of the leopard in Esfahan Province and it seems that the animal has the highest Sand Cat occasional sightings of the species abundance of all cat species in the area With the smallest range of distribution indicate a small population in the area. (Farhadinia et al. 2007). The caracal is in the country, the sand cat is one of The species’ range is very similar to well known among local people who the least known felids in Iran (Ziaie the distribution of wild goats, covering give it names such as black-eared cat, 1996). The species was not known in CAT News 48 15 Abbasabad before 2004 when a dead sand cat was found in the western area (Figs 5 and 6). So far five patches of the species’ distribution have been explored mainly consisting of sandy plains with abundant saxaul trees. Because of Fig. 5. A female sand cat found dead in Ab- Fig. 6. Sand cat den among sand dunes (Photo H. Akbari). basabad in November 2004. its small size and nocturnal habits, confirmed habitat for the critically en- References this animal is not well known to local dangered Asiatic cheetah in the province, Esfahan University of Technology.
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