RAISING THE BA Minute n rna bed The No. 4 Hens allow only 226 yards of Local bartenders· share their total offen e in an Atlantic 10 conference •. I i experiences on the job win over Massachusetts, 21-7. Mosaic I Bl . 4' Spotts I B6 Tuesdays The news source of & Fridays the Blue Hens FREE 250 Perkins Student Center • University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Volum~ 131 , lssu~ X lt'\t'vaeview.udel.edu Tuesday, September 28, 2004 Garage car fire raises concerns BY ,DEVI VARSALONA a car parked near his uddenly' ignited. Staf! R•porter "I saw the engine shoot fire, so I immediately ran downsta 1r to A car ca ught fire in Trabant Parki ng Garage Monday afternoon, te ll the ticket attendants what happened,'' he said. · keeping stud ents and starr from reachio g vehicles parked in the Danby helped police break open fir-e ex tinguishers until lire­ garage for approxima tely 45 minutes, accordmg to the Newark F1re . fighters arrived, but in the process sli ced fin~ers on both ~1and~. Department. · "It's no big deal ," he sa1d, pat 1entl y wa1t111g for ca re_outs1de a The car was parked in th e midd le of th e ~hird floor of the garag.e fire .trtJck whil e firefighters exti nguished flames as thick smoke and was unoccupied when its engin e burst 1nto fl ames at approxi­ ru shed out of th e garage and over Main Street. "1 was just doing my mately I : I 0 p.m ., said Shawn We lch, assis tant chi ef of the Newark civic duty." · · Fire Departm ent. · • . While Da nby immediately jumped into action, other people Newark Fire Departm ent dispatched fm1r engmes, one ladder were evacuated outsid e, confused as to what was going on and anti c- and 30 firefighters, Welch sa id . After arri vin g on th e scene, it took ip at ing the worst for their oars. · · firefi ght ers seven min11tes to reach the third flo or wi th wa ter, then What many may not have anticipated was the extent of the dam- fi ve minutes to extin guish the fl ames. · age that could l1ave been. · . The ca use of th e fire is still under investigation, but nobody was John H. FarrelllV, Newark Fire Department public information harmed by it, be sa id . The ca r that burst into flames was seriously officer, said the only thing preventing this from be in g a worst-case damaged while surrounding cars endured sli ght damage. scenario was that the fire tarted in the engine, not in the passenger Th e inci dent did ca use one inju ry, Welch sa id , to freshman Pete area. Had it sta rted und er the dashboard, a more dangerous and larg­ A car fire in the Tfabant University Center garage has Danby, an eyewitness to the explosion. er fire invo lvin g many cars could have ensued. raised safety concerns because of a lack of spl"inklers and Danby said he. was about to start tip his car in the ga rage, when see TRABANT page A3 lighting. Co. council Residence presidency hall voting up for grabs scrutinized BY CHRISTINA HERNANDEZ · BY MEGAN GOOD Coutrihututgt.Urtor Staff Repor1e1· Delaware policy now states university tu­ After winning a spot on the ballot in the primary dent can register to vote using a res1dcnce hall elections, Democrat Paul Clark and Republ ica n Emie address, but obstacles remain within the policy Lopez will vie for th e position of New Castle ounty that may discourage out-of-state students from Council President in the general election N v. 2. voting in Delaware. lark has been an active member of the Until August of this year, out-of-. tate stll- Democratic Pmty for many years and ctuTently works - der1ts living in residence halls were not pem1ittcd as the store manager for Boscov's in Christiana. Lopez to register to vote in Delaware, despite the fact cwTently wo rks in th e adm issions department fo r the that Newark includes students livrng on·campus university. in its census figures and assigns residence halls to The county council president is th e on ly member counci l districts. of New Castle Co w1ty ouncil that i ~ elected at large. Students residing in off-campus apartments The pres id ent runs counci l meetin gs and leads the were eligible to registc:r to vote in the state, executive committee of the council. although their residency wa often ju t as tempo­ Lopez sa id thi s position wou ld give him an oppor­ rmy as those in residence balls. tunity to make a differ<iJ1ce. Residence hall dwellers were encouraged by "1 love this position because it 's the one seat in the Delaware Elections Commission to register in county council that can help the most peo ple and serve their hometowns and vote absentee if they could a a vehicle to bring positive change county wi de," he not make it home on Election Day. sa id. Graduate student Scott Beale, a self-pro­ The ca ndid ates would each bring different ex peri­ claimed s tucle1~t voting rights advocate, said ences to the office. Delaware 's vo ter registration policy was not held lark, who has 25 years of ex peri ence with the up by law. county govemment, beli eves his background makes "That is how the Dl!pmtmcnt of Elections is him the better ca ndidate. choosing to interpret Dela:ware law," he said. " I believe that my record shows that 1 am hard "Time and time again, federal, state and local working, I know the issue ," he aid, "and I make court have said that students have rights to rcg­ informed choi ces." i ter and vote [from their residence halls]." Lopez doe not have prior ex perience working Beale said he was prepared to file a lawsuit with county council , but he sa id he does not see that ~s against the Delaware Elections Commission if a setback. the registration book was not changed to include "J bring to the table a wide range f experience in residence ~]all students in the local electorate. vo lunteer and public se1v ice organiza tions like men­ "[want anyone who wants to vote to be able a loring elementary children, teaching English as sec­ THE REVlEW/Meaghan Jones to vote legally," he said. ond language to student and working closely with an The world-renowned band Aventura plays during a concert hosted by HOLA Friday. Beale said he repeatedly contacted Delaware orga nizati on th at help obildren who have special Elections Commissioner Frank Calio over the needs," he sa id . The event, followed by a party at La Tolteca, was the club's first activity this semester. pa t year in an effort to alert him to the problem "Most impmtantly, my professional background witJ1 the policy and remedy the situation before it as the associate director of admiss ions has given me was too late for ·students to register to vote in hundreds if not thousand of opporttUlities to help Delaware in U1c upcoming election. yo ung peopl e and th eir fami li es w1derstand the impor- BOLA hosts concert, party Jennifer Weiser, associate council for the tance of higher edu cation." · Bretman enter for Ju tiel at the New York Lopez sa id he thiak New Castle County is ready University School of Law, said her organization, for a change. BY COREY MUNCH "l got to the stage and one her favorite song, she has other along with the Delaware faction of 1J1c Amencan "The Democrats have run county govemment into Staff Report<~ · of them said, ·r hope you have favori tes as well . Civil Liberties Union, wrote to 'the Delaware th e ground ," he sa id. "I'm looking f01wa1'd to taking Lat in fusion band Aventura a good singing vo ice because !IOLA contacted the band Election Commission questioning the policy. couDty government in another dirccti n, a po itive performed a unique blend of ·we ' re going to make you sing,' in February abou t a possible Calio sa id after months of correspondence. directio·n that is more responsive and proactive in serv­ hip-hop, R&B, meringue and "he said. concert, she said, and was able the Delaware Elections Commission changed the ing the people of the ounty." bacbata at a concert Friday After arriving onstagc, th e to convince their promoter to policy and notified county registrars. lark's ex i tin g relati onships with developers will night in Mitchell Hall. band had John sing a ballad to schedule a stop in Newark a "We had a challenge on [the p !icy], " he cause co nflicts or interes t, Lopez sa id. The eight-i nstru ment ba nd , hi s girlfriend in the crowd, and few months later. sa id. "We researched it and decided to change it." "Clark has some very troubling con fli ts of i sue whi ch has eanicd number one then accompany them for a Lalena Luna, HOLA advi­ Weiser said although the wordmg of the pol­ in rega rds t relation hips with developers and has singles in · Europe and Latin ver e of another song. sor. said she was excited for the icy itsel r was changed to include studcnL~ living already said that he wou ld recuse himself from votes America, was fron ted by broth­ Three fcm a1e members of performance.
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