UConn Well-Represented At Washington Peace Rally "We want to commit a clear, clean act of disobedience in a respectable and res- ponsible manner. ." Reverend William Sloane Coffin, Yale University Chaplain "To end this war we must be willing to resist." John Wilson, SNCC member "This is a new beginning in the peace movement, for from now on we will make sure that our protests are heard. " David Dellinger, National Mobiliza- tion Chairman Special Peace March Insert Pages 5-8 (Honmttuvd iatlg (Eamjms Serving Storrs Since 1896 Vol. LXXI No. 28 (frtorra, (Cnangrttrut Monday, October 23, 1967 Increased Efficiency Homecoming UConn Family Specialist Changes UConn Bookstore 'Open House' The University Bookstore has However, most students did not Initiated several changes this make use of the convenience and System Clarified Speaks On Sex Education year to Increase efficiency In the and continued to to bring their Friday's Daily Campus cor- store. books to the front registers where "Helping children grow Into relationships with others, desir- rectly stated that during the open sexual maturity is not easy for a Of primary Importance to they were sent to the rear of the house visiting this Homecoming ous of parenthood, and capable store and the new check-outs In generation of adults whohave of assuming the responsibllty of students is the establishment of weekend residence halls may re- grown up in a society frighten- a new shelving system for paper- the Lounge. Next semester, these gister for only one of the three his own freedom." back books. According to Uni- registers will again be employed, ed of sex," said Dr. Elenore B. Dr. Luckey outlined a special time periods-- Luckey, national authority on sex versity Bookstore Manager R.C. with the hope that more students Frlday, October 27 from 6 to role for professional workers Zimmer, these books are now will make use of them. education. concerned with youth. She said 1:30 p.m. In an address Friday in Col- they must deal with their own at- arranged under specific cate- Students now can sell back Saturday, October 28, from gories rather than under the pub- books at any time of the year orado Springs at a conference of titudes and values and develop 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. the Colorado Association of In- ways of communicating these to lishers name. This major oper- under the newly established "Buy Sunday, October 29 from 10:00 ation has resulted in the re- Back Program". Dally, from 10 dependent Schools, Dr. Luckey others. a.m. to 11:30 p.m. said this maturity can only be The UConn professor earlier shuffling of some 17,000 titles. to 11 a.m. and 3 to 4 p.m., books These time periods represent Another Innovation was the may be brought at the bookstore obtained by "breaking through identified a dilemma posed by the MAXIMUM number of hours the silence and half-truths that Inconsistent values growing out Installation of ten extra check- for the purpose of reselling. Also for these dates. It Is up to each out registers In the Commuter at the end of each semester, have obscured their own (adults) of adult confusion. "If they (a- individual house to decide on both knowledge and feeling and by es- dults) could know beyond question Lounge to handle the rush during books may be brought to the store a given date and how many hours the first week of the semester. anytime during regular hours. tablishing a broader objective why they hold these values, and they want to use within the given than mere 'sex education'." if they could demonstrate them limits. Dr. Luckey, head of the De- In their dally living, children Joe Pool (D-Tex): When a residence hall regis- partment of Child Development would get their message," she ters with the Activities Office and Family Relations at UConn, declared. (prior to noon on Thursday, Oct- Is also a consultant to the U.S. "If adults themselves could ober 26, ext. 412) the number of Children's Bureau on sex educa- put sexual matters into a normal 'Colleges With SDS Chapters hours used for Open House must tion. context of living, young people be stated. When a house regist- The Connecticut family life would be better able to do the 9 ers with the Activities Office it specialist identifies the "broad- same. The problem for adults is Should Be Denied Federal Funds will be informed of the condition er objective" as striving to dev- not ultimately so much how to ed- governing the open house policy. elop the whole personality. By ucate children and adolescents Washington (CPS) — One Un- States?" Pool asked. He said this she means producing a man as how to approach and work ited States Congressman thinks college administrations, by mer- CDC News or woman able to feel genuine through their own problems and the Federal Government should ely permitting SDS on their cam- concern for the welfare of others. be able to convey their attitudes deny funds to any college or un- puses, are showng their appro- Editor Resigns; This person would be "eager, to the young people whose lives iversity which permits Students val and in a small way promo- and able, to establish Intimate they Influence." for a Democratic Society to have ting the goals of the organiza- Position Open an organized chapter on its cam- tion. pus. Pool said he is opposed to SDS The News Editor of the CON- Security Problems Connected "SDS has been Infiltrated by because its members are "trying NECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS, the Communists, and therefore, to destroy our national security William Evenski, resigned earl- I think all colleges throughout by getting rid of the draft -- they ier this week due to personal and With No Curfew Discussed the United States should ban SDS are sabotaging our war effort. academic reasons. from their campuses," says Rep. SDS members are "inform- Evenski has been a member of The use of Security women co-eds arrange to have friends Joe Pool, (D-Tex.). ing our young people of both legal the CDC since the spring of 1965. after 12:00 p.m. to unlock fe- let them in after 12:00, presents Pool, a member of the House and Illegal ways to avoid the He was a News reporter, staff male residence halls if the no- the problem of >sing upon o- Committee on Un-American Ac- draft," the Congressman said. correspondent, associate editor, curfew rule goes Into effect has thers. To make UM system work, tivities (HUAC), said he Is cur- "They may not be breaking the News editor and Photo editor be- been ruled out as impractical said Miss Noftsker, girls will rently Investigating SDS, but he law themselves because of the fore he was elected News editor Miss Elizabeth T. Noitsker, Dean have to arrange "self-Imposed has not decided if he will Intro- First Amendment, but they are last spring. of Women disclosed today. curfews" specifying the time they duce legislation in Congress con- getting other people to break the Evenskl's resignation leaves Miss Noftsker said that the expect to return. This is neces- cerning the student organization. law." a vacancy on the Board of Dir- scattered layout of women's dor- sary to insure that someone will However, he strongly believes Pool said any college which ectors of UConn's daily publica- mitories would necessitate hiring be up to unlock the dorm. Congress should stop giving Fed- has such activity on its campus tion. Students Interested In ap- more Security women than the should not receive "the taxpay- university could afford without Miss Noftsker said that if a eral money to colleges which plying for the position are asked co-ed can't meet the self-im- have SDS chapters. "Why should ers' money. We should not use to see Juliet Cassone, Managing raising fee bills. Congress furnish money to any tax funds to pay for draft resis- This would require "all stu- posed curfew, and this necessi- editor of the paper. tates awakening resident counse- organization or institution that tance." Former News and Features dents to pay for a service only "I am sure the majority of a few would be getting." lors, she should expect to be pun- Is fostering disloyal and unpa- editor, Jacqueline Longo, is pre- ished with certain restrictions. triotic acts against the United see page four sently acting News nflttoi. The "buddv system", In which Art Buchwald A Family Setting (ftnmtttttntt Satlg (fcttttpisa Washington -- •'One martini won't hurt you, and besides, It A government - will keep you from becoming an alcoholic." sponsored study on George comes downstairs, and Mrs. Thomp- Serving Storrs Since 1896 alcoholism has just son comes out of the kitchen. Karen Thompson, their 14-year-old daughter, Monday. October 23. 1967 been released and some of the recom- enters and says, "Hi, folks. What's for dinner?" mendations are Mrs. Thompson says, "I've made a turtle soup bound to cause quite with sherry, a beef in Burgundy sauce, salad with a Hurry In the Un- white wine dressing and for dessert brandied _iti-'i si., es. cherries and coffee served with whipped cream The study said that it should be national pol- and Irish whisky." icy to adapt realistically to a predominantly "Oh, boy," George says, "I knew I should "drinking society." It is believed that if you made have done my homework before dinner." alcoholic beverages available to children, there "That's enough of that," Mr. Thompson says would be less drinking than if you repressed them.
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