JIMMIE JOHNSON FOUNDATION REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY VOLUME 3 our mission The Jimmie Johnson Foundation is dedicated to assisting children, families and communities in need. The foundation currently focuses on K-12 public education. It is no secret that public education is in a state of Letter from crisis, and that the need is great. For the past three the Johnsons years, we have focused our fundraising and grant making efforts on K-12 public schools in the United States. To date, we have contributed more than $2 million to our education efforts alone. We are honored to play a small part in supporting students, teachers and administrators alike to help educate today’s children to be the leaders of tomorrow. The interest and support the foundation has received has grown beyond our wildest imagination. Since our inception in 2006, we have contributed more than $5 million to various organizations. We are humbled by your dedication to the foundation, and your shared passion for helping communities in need. As we look to the future, we are excited to make an even greater impact in our hometowns, and across the country. Thank you for partnering with the Jimmie Johnson Foundation. Together, we are fueling schools in need. Jimmie Johnson Chandra Johnson 1 testimoniALs “As a parent of two Point Loma High School students, I would like to take this opportunity to “Thank” the Jimmie Johnson Foundation for your generous support of our school. Your contributions are having a direct positive impact on all students at PLHS and enhancing their high school experience! I just wanted to extend a thank you for making a difference with our students ChAmPions and community.” Point LomA hiGh sChooL GrAnt ProGrAm PArent For the past three years, the foundation has focused on K-12 public education by providing grants directly to eligible schools in Chandra’s hometown of Muskogee, Oklahoma, Jimmie’s hometown of El Cajon/San Diego, California, and where they live now in Charlotte, North Carolina. Our signature grant- making program is the Jimmie Johnson Foundation/Lowe’s Toolbox for “I would like to thank you Education Champions Grant program. Champions Grants range from for our very shiny, new and $25,000-$100,000, and are awarded for the most pressing need of the awesome computers. We love school, as defined by the school. To date, the Jimmie Johnson Foundation the computers so, so much. has infused more than $2 million into struggling schools. They are much faster and easier to use. They help me learn a lot faster. Everyone is so happy.” W.D. hALL eLementAry sChooL stuDent 2 by project by state Science and Technology California 22 projects totaling $820,189 25 projects totaling $1,146,236 Experiential Learning & Outdoor Classrooms North Carolina 7 projects totaling $253,529 14 projects totaling $458,589 Fitness Programs Oklahoma 8 projects totaling $394,628 14 projects totaling $435,176 Trade Based Programs 4 projects totaling $139,744 Arts Programs 2 projects totaling $159,000 Language & Literacy Initiatives 7 projects totaling $209,312 School & Community Improvements 3 projects totaling $66,598 3 ronALD mCDonALD house of ChArLotte The Ronald McDonald support to fund the House of Charlotte construction of the officially opened it’s Toddler Playroom, a doors on May 9, 2011. racing-themed room In partnership with that provides the house’s teammates Jeff Gordon youngest guests with a and Dale Earnhardt Jr., fun and age-appropriate and team owner Rick place to play and interact Hendrick, Chandra and with other children. Jimmie pledged their ProJeCt L.i.f.t. Announced in 2011, economically disad- Project L.I.F.T. is an vantaged students. The innovative partnership Jimmie Johnson between Charlotte Foundation made a Mecklenburg Schools five-year $250,000 and several corporate commitment to support and philanthropic this exciting initiative. organizations seeking to eliminate educational 4 disparities for minority, henDriCk mArroW ProGrAm Jimmie has been involved with the Hendrick Marrow Program, a program of Be The Match Foundation, since his rookie season at Hendrick Motorsports in 2002. Each year, Jimmie A program of participates in the Learn Be The Match Foundation® Live Hope Golf Classic, and the foundation supports the Be The One Run. Both events take place in Charlotte, North Carolina. mAke-A-Wish One of the highlights serves as a Wish for Jimmie is granting Ambassador. In addition, wishes for children. Chandra and Jimmie He has the opportunity Johnson served on the to grant several wishes National Advisory at the race track each Council for Make-A-Wish year. Jimmie currently from 2005-2011. 5 BLue Bunny heLmet of hoPe Launched in 2008, the worn for one race during Blue Bunny Helmet of the season. Hope program is a six week initiative each year To date, we have contrib- that gives fans and media uted more than $300,000 members the opportunity to 49 different charities to nominate their favorite through the Helmet of charity to be featured Hope. To view a complete on Jimmie’s race helmet. list of Blue Bunny Helmet Each charity selected of Hope charities, and to receives a grant of learn more about how to $10,000 and a Blue Bunny nominate your favorite ice cream party. The Blue charity, visit Bunny Helmet of Hope, jimmiejohnsonfoundation.org. featuring the selected twelve charity logos, is 6 BLue Bunny heLmet of hoPe WorLD tour Beginning in 2011, each charity had the opportunity to host the helmet for a week’s time during the annual Helmet of Hope World Tour. Organizations incorporated the helmet into their programs, displayed it at events, shared it with patients and staff, and exhibited it around various cities. 7 memorABLe events The Jimmie Johnson Foundation Annual Golf Tournament presented by Lowe’s, held each year at The Grand Del Mar in San Diego, California, continues to raise more than $500,000 per year. PRESENTED BY LOWE’S All-Star Club Members from across the country joined us for Foundation Fest: San Diego and Foundation Fest: Charlotte. For more information on how you can join the All-Star Club and be eligible to attend one of these events, visit the All-Star Club page on the Jimmie Johnson Foundation website. 8 Congratulations to Jeff Huzway, who won the inaugural Choose Your Own Chevy. PAINT SCHEME Jimmie drove the Jimmie Johnson Foundation/Lowe’s Chevrolet at Sonoma Raceway to celebrate the foundation’s 5th Anniversary 9 teAm uP for teChnoLoGy The Jimmie Johnson as points of entry, in Foundation partnered its first year, over 1,500 with Lowe’s and nominations were Samsung to create received. The winning Team Up for Technology, school, Robert Sanders a $48,000 technology Elementary, composed a makeover open to compelling two-minute K-12 public schools video highlighting their nationwide. Using pressing technology Twitter and the needs that won the foundation website judges’ hearts. SamsunG hoPe for ChiLDren In conjunction with Team and together with Up For Technology, Chandra, attends the Jimmie continues to be a annual gala each summer part of Samsung’s Hope in New York. For Children program, 10 from the exeCutive DireCtor In 2011, we celebrated the 5th Anniversary of the Jimmie Johnson Foundation. It is hard to believe what has been accomplished in five short years. I am honored to have been a part of the foundation from the start. #hoWtostAy I am pleased to present the Jimmie Johnson Foundation Report to the Community Volume 3, and to share the ConneCteD highlights of the past few years. None of this would be possible without the continued support of our foundation donors, supporters and friends. Subscribe to Join our e-newsletter If there is anything I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Become a fan of the Jimmie Johnson Facebook page Best wishes, Follow updates from @jimmiejohnson and @jjfoundation48 Mary Barr Join the Executive Director All-Star Club Purchase JJF merchandise Bid on items on eBay Jimmie Johnson Foundation staFF Mary BARR, JENNY Mayer, Visit jimmiejohnsonfoundation.org ExEcuTIvE DIrEcTor Foundation MAnAgEr to connect with us. 11 2011 jjf finAnCiALs Program Services 83% Management & General 12% Fundrasing 5% $1,310,844 $941,544 Total Income Grants Paid To Others Fiscal Year: January 1 st — December 31 st 12 Jimmie Johnson foundation Donors 13 2011 foundation Donor List Founders Hybrid Light Mr. John S. Lillard Mr. and Mrs. Robert Huffman Ms. Lesley Watson Mr. James Erwin Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Johnson Just Marketing, Inc. Mr. Steven A. Makin Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Huzway Wells Fargo Community Mr. Robert Estrada Lowe’s Kontera Technologies, Inc. Microsoft Matching Gifts Ms. Alexis Jarrett Support Campaign Ms. Laurel Farley MissionFish- POLF Program Ms. Marilyn Jensen Mr. William White Ms. Julie Faucher $100,000+ Mr. and Mrs. Juan Pablo Mr. Eric Nyquist Mrs. Shirley Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Bill Williams Mr. John Fietkiewicz Samsung Montoya Mr. James Reynolds Mr. John Kazmer Ms. Jody Woomer Ms. Lilli R. Fiore NASCAR Hall of Fame Jason Sugimura Mrs. Suzanne Klein Mrs. Ashley Zellner Reggi L. Fiore $99,999-$25,000 Mr. and Mrs. Chip Shelton Ms. Tracy Tennant Ms. Michelle Knapp Ms. Deborah Zook Mr. Michael Fortin Hendrick Motorsports Southeastern Association of The Winston Salem Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knutson Ms. Donna Foster Herzog Contracting School Business Officials Foundation Keith Koldsbaek Up to $99 Mr. William Fuller Corporation Stock Car Steel & Mr. Mike Weiss Ms. Judith Konczal Mr. Ronald Allen Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gaige Mitchell Family Foundation Aluminum Inc. Ms. Jessica Woodward Ms. Michelle Kydd Lee American Giving Charitable Ms. Jennifer Gaige-Stirrup Kirby Schlegel The Ettinger Foundation Ms. Tina Yerdon Mr.
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