Following Books Published by Govt.of India: PRESS: Publication Division: ministry of information and broadcasting : Delhi: 1. INDIA a Reference Annual: 1960:Compiled by The Research & Reference Division Ministry of Information & Broadcasting Government of India; [ Land & the People,constitution, legislature, judiciary,defence/education / cultural Activities,scientific research,health,sch. Castes & Sch.Tribe / States & Union Territories,general information,[ The Present Volume Annual Financial Statements of the Union & State Governments for 1960-61..] Delhi,1960: Rebound. Pp 620,xxxvii,tables.maps.Rs- 600/- 2. INDIA : A Reference Annual : 1956: Compiled byResearch & Reference Division Ministry of Information & Broadcasting: Govt.Of India. Delhi,1956.Rebound. pp600,xxxvii.tables.maps.Rs-600/- 3. INDIA A Reference Annual: 1962: Compiled by Ditto: Delhi,1962.Rebound. pp670,xxxvi.maps,tables.Rs-600/- 4. JAWAHARLAL NEHRU!S Speeches 1943-1953:[ with first Five Year Plan,foreign policy,press on Kashmir,constitution]First published 1954. second impression,1957. rebound. 602,xxxvi,many photographs. Size.10/8 inches.Rs- 600/- 5. IINDIA- s Struggle Quarter of A Century: 1921-46: by ArunChandraGuha Parts: 1 & 2. Set. Part-1: It cover the most crucial period of India!s Struggle for Freedom, fought underMahatmaHandhi!s Leadership Between1921 & 1940. It Has been anextraordinary venture & experience for the monitors of History since * in no Revolution of the World have Proclaimedideals been achived as in this Country. Part-2: deals with final phase of our mass-based struggle for Independence from 1941- to 1946,which gathered momentum following the out- break of the SECOND World War,leading upto the Country!s Freedom inAugust 1947. It Brings out vividly the various facets of theIndependence movement & also the ivaluable services rendered especially by THE INDIAN NATIONAL ARMY [ INA] ,under the leadership of NETAJI SUBHAS CHANDRA BOSE & by all those who had founght selflessly & ceaselessly to make the country free. Contents: with 45 Chapters. Delhi,1982. Size. 11/8 inches.original condition. Pp 890,xvii[ Parts: 1 & 2] Set: Rs- 700/- 6. HISTORY OF THE FREEDOM - MOVEMENT IN - BIHAR: by Dr.K.K.Datta. foreword by President: Dr. Rajendra Prasad: Volumes: 1-3 Set. Volume -1: Some Chapters: Bihar & the Indian Movement of 1857-59,Wahabi Movement & Bihar, BIRSA Movement in Chotanagpur, Mahatma!s Mission in Champaran, BiharRole in Satyagraha of 1919& in the Non- Co-operation& Khilafat Movements, 26 appendices, index. Bibl. 33 photographs, Volume- 2: 1928- 1941: [Salt Satyagraha & Civil Disobedience Movement [1930- 34] The New Constitution of 1935 & the First Congress Ministry [1937-39,World Crisis And IndianNationlism,etc. 27 appendices,index with 38 photographs. Volume-3: 1942-1947; Revolution of 1942-43,Turn in The Tide,March Independence, appendices,bibliography,index. With 37 photographs. Published by Govt. of Bihar,Patna,first ed.1957-58. pp 670,xii, 478,vii. 530,viii. index,appendices,glossary, with 108 photographs, Original Condition. Rs- 1500/- [Set] 7. Occasional Speeches and Writings: October 1952 –February 1959: by S. Radhakrishnan. [ international affairs, education and culture,philosophy& religion, General, Preffatory introduction: etc. Govt.of India: New Delhi, [ first Series &Second series Combine Edition] 1960. pp 620,xii,with many photographs. Rs- 600/- 8. Classics of Indian History& Economics: Poverty and Un- British Rule in India: by Dadabhai Naoroji: originally published in England in 1901,is intended to make available to the reading public at a moderate price the Monumental Work of Dadabhai Naoroji. The Book includes the Grand Old Man!s scattered papers & Pamphlets, Correspondence with officials, Evidence before Committees & Commissions, & Speeches & Addresses in Which Tried to draw attention to the misery of his poverty –stricken countrymen & the evils of the despotic system of Government in British India which,he maintained,was destructive to Indians & un- British & Suicidal to Britain. This Pioneering work Two major aspects –economic and political – and provides valuable material economic and constitutional history of India. First Indian Edition. Delhi,July,1962.Rebound. pp 600,xvii,portrait,tables.Rs-600/- 9. THIRD FIVE YEAR PLAN: published by Government of Planning Commission. Work on the Preparation of the Third Plan Commenced towards the end of 1958 & was carried out of three main stages.The First leading to the publication of the Draft outline in July,1960, comprised detailed studies by working groups set up at the Centra & in the states parliament gave its general approval to the Draft outline in August,1960. Planning Commission: Jawaharlal Nehru [Prime Minister of India, Chairman] & others. Delhi,1962.Rebound. pp 780,xxvi, tables,graphs ,charts.etc. maps. Rs-600/- Following Books Published by All India Congress Committee: New Delhi: 10. THE TENTH YEAR OF FREEDOM: August 1956- August 1957: editor: Sunil Guha. This year we shall be celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of Indian Independence.Incidentally ,these celebrarion will synchronise with the 1857 Cenetenary Celebrarions. We have, Therefore,great pleasure in Publishing !TheTenth Year of Freedom!, reviewing India!s Achivements During the First Dacade of Swaraj.with foreign affairs, first year of the Second five-year plan,land reforms,panchayats andlocal self government,social welfare, activities of the state governments, appendix.etc.pp 450,viii,with maps,photographs,graphs,tables. Rebound. Rs-600/- 11. The Eleventh Year of Freedom:1957-58:Editor: Sunil Guha. Pp 436,xxxxxvi.maps,plans,tables,photographs. Rs-600/- 12. The Twelfth Year of Freedom: 1958-59:Editor: M.V. Ramana Rao.pp 400,50,xvii,plates,maps,illus.photographs.Rs-600/- 13. The Nineteenth Year of Freedom: 1965-66.Editor: P.N. Vesuvala. [ Contents: atomic Energy /Commerce,Defance,Education / Food & Agriculture,Health, Idustry / Mines & Metals,Parliamentary Affairs, etc. with 24 states reports. Details. Pp 780,xxvi,tables,maps. Rs-600/-[rebound] ______________________________________________________________ 14. COAL BOARD MANUAL: [with The Act & rules: The Coal Mines Conservation & safety ] Act,1952, & Rules, 1954, The Manual,appendices,forms, notifications, etc.Issues by Coal Board,Calcutta,1961. pp200.rebound. tables. Rs- 350/- 15. HANDBOOK FOR INDIAN STUDENTS: A Guide to the Facilities for University & Professional Studies & Training in the UNITED KINGDOM. LONDON.8th edition. 1938.Size.12/7 inches. Pp 480,xxiv.Rebound.Good Condition.Rs- 350/- 16. The Calcutta Municipal Gazette: SUBHAS CHANDRA BOSE BIRTH CENTENARY NUMBER: Editor:Arun Kumar Roy, Assisted byAnup Mitra,Gopa Banerjee. With Reports,news,appeal,letters,address,jail reportsd, etc. :Covers: 1924 to 1945, & Some Papers by Various Authors; The Azad HIND FAUZ:[Indian National army] by R.C.Majumdar, Leader of the Nation: by Rabindranath Tagore,etc.Published by The Calcuuta Municipal Corporation, Calcutta,published on25th January, 1997. size. 15/11 inches. Bog size. Pp 344,xvi, with 100 photographs.Rs- 500/- 17. NETAJI BIRTH –Day Commemorative Volume:Centenary eve Tribute: A College of Official Documents:1924-1940: Editor:Dr. Ladli Mohan raychaudhury. [ His work ,meditations & motivation have beenscatterdly found in the different papers & records kept in the Calcutta Corporation.But these were never collected & compiled to Publish in a book. The Writers profound knowledge & deep love towards the great personality is an excellent idea so far given in the book.published by The Calcutta Municipal Corporation. Calcutta, 1996. Size.12/8 incches. Pp 106,xxiiwith many photographs.originalcondition with jackets Rs-350/- 18. published by Anthropological Survey of India:Govt.of India: Calcutta: AGRARIAN SITUATION IN INDIA: Set TWO VOLUMES: Edited by S..B.Chakravarti, B.R.Ghosh,Ajit K. Danda: [ National Seminar held under the auspices of Anthropological Survey of India: Southern Regional office, Mysore from 23rd to 25th Nove,1982: The Subjects the Seminar was discussed on a wider canvas covering many important issues on the exiting agrarian situation in India. ,Both in TRIBAL & NON – TRIBAL SOCIETIES> Most of the papers originated from specific field situations studies by individual researches over about a decade under different research Project.Like: Land & Labour Situation in Tribal Village of Madhya Pradesh: by Khan M. Iarali,agricultura among the LOI of MANIPUR – B.K.Das Gupta, A- Agrarian Situation in TRIBAL SOCIETIES,B- agrArian Situation in Non-TribalSocieties, with 45 chapters by various authors.Calcutta,1st edition, 1984-85. pp 160,xxviii, 270,xxvi,with over100 tables,Maps, Diagrams, over 100. with Lamation Jackets.Original Condition.set Rs- 800/- set. 19. Growth and Instability in Indian AGRICULTURE: by S.R.Sen. Calcutta,1st ed.1971. pp 122,vii,graphs,tables.original condition.Rs- 180/- 20. Published by National Council of Applied Economic Research: New Delhi: TECHNO –ECONOMIC SURVEY OF ORISSA: [ Agriculture,Animal,Forests, Fisheries,Minerals, Large & SmallScale Industries ,Power, Health, etc. Appendix,index. New Delhi,March,1962.Size. 11/10 inches. Pp 320,xxiiwith 24 maps,13 appendix,89 tables,graphs. Rs-450/- 21. Published by Sri Venkateswara University: Population Studies Centre: Proceedings of the NATIONAL SEMINAR ON - POPULATION - EDUCATION: Edited by Prof: Sohanlal Nagda.[ Inauguration of the National Population Seminar Organised by this University in Observance of World Population year. In this connection ,during January,1974,UNESCOregional office.
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