16 The Goodland Star-News / Friday, April 30, 2004 abigail Anyone considering a belly button forgive my father for much the same your relationship with your son or DEAR SUZANNE: Good advice. Piercing debate piercing should be aware of this po- thing. daughter forever. — MARJ G., DEAR ABBY: While I respect the van buren tentially permanent problem. — He was old-fashioned and WESLACO, TEXAS right to change one’s mind, the rela- OREGON GYNECOLOGIST wouldn’t let my older sister drive. DEAR MARJ: I agree. She ful- tionship of a parent to a child can be about scars DEAR OREGON GYNECOLO- When I was 15, I begged to take filled her part of the bargain, so the permanently damaged by relatively •dear abby GIST: Thank you for writing. Al- driver’s ed and get my license at 16. parents shouldn’t have reneged on small betrayals. seen and unseen though I live in Los Angeles, prob- He agreed — on the condition that I their promise. In today’s world, belly button ably the navel-piercing capital of the DEAR ABBY: I just finished read- ring, especially at the upper piercing pay for the lessons myself. DEAR ABBY: In some states, piercing is little more than a fashion United States, I cannot claim to have ing the letter from “Upset in site. These scars are far larger than Well, I did — and passed with fly- piercing isn’t legal before age 16, statement, and the parents who are seen as many belly buttons “up close Collegeville, Pa.,” regarding the 15- one would expect. ing colors. But when I turned 16, he even with parental consent. waffling over their promise to let and personal” as you have, so I bow year-old girl who wanted to get her They can also be associated with refused to allow me to get my license. If the parents relent, I hope they’ll their daughter pierce her navel in ex- to your expertise. Many readers com- belly button pierced. darkening of the skin at the scar site, When I asked why he’d lied to me, he find out what the local laws are and change for good grades risk far more mented regarding that letter. Read Your response included, “As long which makes them even more cos- said he hadn’t lied. He simply go to the most reputable person who by breaking their promise than by on: as the procedure is done hygienically, metically unacceptable. thought I’d never be able to save performs piercings. allowing the piercing. — GEORGE DEAR ABBY: May I add a note to it shouldn’t cause any damage.” I can’t explain why other piercings enough to pay for the course. Even My advice to potential piercers: (A YOUNG PARENT WITH CHIL- your response to the parents who I am a gynecologist. I have ob- such as earlobes usually have no scar- after 46 years, I still think he lied to Stay away from those who will do the DREN), SANTA MONICA, CALIF. agreed to let their daughter pierce her served that navel piercings often ring while navel piercings often re- me. piercing regardless of state law. — DEAR GEORGE: I agree. And belly button, then changed their cause significant permanent scar- sult in unsightly permanent scars. My advice to the parents: Do not SUZANNE, PRIMEVAL INK TAT- you stated it very well. minds? I am 62 and still can’t quite break your word. It could damage TOO, MONROE, WASH. E=Eagle Cable E=Eagle Cable SATURDAY EVENINGS=S&T Telephone MAY 1, 2004 SUNDAY EVENINGS=S&T Telephone MAY 2, 2004 ES 6 pm 6:30 7 pm 7:30 8 pm 8:30 9 pm 9:30 10 pm 10:30 ES 6 pm 6:30 7 pm 7:30 8 pm 8:30 9 pm 9:30 10 pm 10:30 American Justice Cold Case Files % City Confidential % Crossing Jordan “Stran- American Justice Child Stars: Their Story How young celebrities Airline % Airline % Family Family Child Stars: Their Story 36 53 A&E “Death in a Small Town” gled” $% “Death in a Small Town” 36 53 A&E deal with fame, pressure and wealth. % Plots % Plots % % ((( “Remember the Titans” (2000, Drama) Denzel Washington, Will Pat- News % (:35) Sein- (:05) Entertainment To- Extreme Makeover: Alias “Legacy” (N) $% The Practice “New News % (:35) Sein- Sports Ma- Diamond 46 ABC ton. White and black football players overcome their prejudice. $% feld % night Scoops. 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