Administration of George W. Bush, 2007 / Mar. 2 we did? We put forth what’s called oppor- House the last time to get the bill done; tunity scholarships for families of the poor- we’re in consultations now to get it reau- er students, so their family, if the school thorized. isn’t meeting needs, can afford to go to I’m pleased to report, we’re all headed a different kind of school. What matters in the same direction. In Washington, when is the child getting the education; that’s you get everybody like that headed in the what matters most. And my attitude is, if same direction, sometimes you can get there’s persistent failure, it makes sense to some things done. Believe it or not, it is liberate the parents so their child can have possible to put aside the sharp elbows of a better chance. partisan politics and focus on what’s right So here’s some reforms I look forward for the country. And in my strong opinion, to working with Congress on. This is a the reauthorization of No Child Left Be- piece of legislation that is—it’s vital for the hind is right for the country, and that’s country, in my judgment. It’s working, and what I’ve come to New Albany to tell you. I think we ought to make sure it stays God bless. in law. And I’m looking forward to working with both Republicans and Democrats to NOTE: The President spoke at 2:38 p.m. In get it done. I’ve reached out to the bill his remarks, he referred to Gov. Mitchell E. sponsors in 2001, Senator Kennedy of Mas- Daniels, Jr., of Indiana, and his wife Cheri sachusetts, Congressman Miller of Cali- Herman Daniels; former Rep. Michael E. fornia, Congressman Boehner of Ohio, and Sodrel and his wife Keta; Mayor James E. Senator Gregg of New Hampshire. These Garner, Sr., of New Albany, IN; and Mayor four gentlemen worked with the White Adrian M. Fenty of Washington, DC. Remarks at a Dinner for Senatorial Candidate Addison M. ‘‘Mitch’’ McConnell and the National Republican Senatorial Committee in Louisville, Kentucky March 2, 2007 Thank you all. Thank you. Okay, thank If you want to get something done in you; sit down, please. [Laughter] That Ken- the United States Senate, you go to Mitch tucky whiskey still works. [Laughter] How McConnell, whether you’re from Kentucky about being with the ultimate power cou- or anywhere else. It seems like to me that ple—[laughter]—a Secretary in my Cabinet if you’re a citizen of this important State, and a powerful United States Senator. This whether you’re Republican, Democrat, or has got to be good for the State of Ken- independent, it makes sense to have some- tucky. body representing you in Washington, DC, I heard Elaine talk about Alben Barkley. who is full of integrity and decency and In other words, Mitch is the second party who can get the job done for the people. leader in the United States Senate since— And that person is Mitch McConnell. and the first was Alben Barkley. I don’t And I’m proud to call him friend. But know how good Alben Barkley was—this I am tired of him constantly reminding me guy is really good for the people of this about the success of the Louisville Cardinal State. And he’s very good for the country, football team. I’m not begrudging the suc- and I’m proud to be with him. And I thank cess; I’m just tired of hearing about it from you for contributing to Mitch McConnell. Mitch McConnell. If he told me Orange 219 15 2010 15:52 Feb 25, 2011 Jkt 214691 PO 00000 Frm 00219 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\214691.008 214691 Mar. 2 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2007 Bowl once, he told me Orange Bowl 10 wondering: Gosh, what’s it like to be mar- times. [Laughter] ried to the President and everything? It You know, it’s interesting; I asked Mitch can be awfully, I guess, difficult, unless you about what we could do here. I went to happen to be a person who is patient, calm, New Albany, across the line there, to go and loving. And that’s my wife. And I’m to a school—and I want to share some really proud of her, and I happen to think thoughts about public education in a she’s a great First Lady for the country. minute—but I said, ‘‘What can we do that I want to recognize Mike Duncan, who would be interesting?’’ And he said one is now the chairman of the Republican Na- thing; he said, ‘‘I want you to talk to tional Committee. So when we needed McConnell scholars at the University of somebody to lead our party into an impor- Louisville.’’ Isn’t that interesting? He said tant year, 2008, we came to Kentucky. the one thing he would like his buddy, When we needed somebody to accomplish the President, to do, would be to spend the objective to make sure that Mitch is time with the young scholars in a program majority leader and that we have a Repub- that he helped start. I think that’s insightful lican Speaker of the House and we hold into the nature of the person. We could the White House, we asked Mike Duncan have been parading around in front of the to lead the charge. And I appreciate you TV cameras or doing this, that, and the doing it, Mike, and I want to help you other, but not—this Senator’s idea of uti- in any way I can over these next couple lizing his friend’s time was to sit down and of years. talk to people who he’s trying to inspire I welcome the Lieutenant Governor, to serve. Steve Pence. Thanks for coming, Governor. In other words, he’s a selfless person. I appreciate you being here. I bet you 10 He’s a person who puts the State above years ago, you would have been shocked his self-interests. And I’m really proud to if you heard somebody say this—the Ken- know and to work with a man of his caliber. tucky State Senate President, David Wil- He’s a really—look, when it comes to vot- liams. And Judge Robyn—thank you for ing here in Kentucky, you’ve got to help coming, Judge Robyn; it’s good to see you. make sure the people do the right thing, Dave, it’s good to see you again. I’m not the right thing for the United States of shocked that you’re the president, but America, and that’s send Mitch McConnell shocked that a Republican is the president. back to the United States Senate. [Laughter] Maybe some are shocked you’re You know, people oftentimes ask me the president—[laughter]—I’m not going what it’s like to be President. I said, it there, though. [Laughter] is a decisionmaking experience, and in a I want to thank all the other State and complex organization like we have in Wash- local officials. Rachel Schrepferman, who ington, you’ve got to learn to delegate. And happens to be the chairman of this fantastic I’m very comfortable delegating to mem- event, the mother of twins. We’re all mem- bers of my Cabinet, particularly since they bers of the, like, twins club. are people of the caliber like Elaine Chao. I want to thank Gail Russell, who is the And I thank Elaine for her service to our acting chairwoman and national committee- country, and I appreciate her being here. woman of the Republican Party. I want to Mitch married well, and so did I. If thank the grassroots activists—that’s what Mitch were smart, he would have invited I’m doing; I’m thanking the grassroots ac- the A-team to do the fundraiser, but she tivists for the work that you do and have happens to be on the road today. But I done and will do. See, Mitch is going to do bring greetings from Laura. You know, win because the grassroots activists are it’s a—I’m sure some of you are probably going to man the phones and turn out the 220 15 2010 15:52 Feb 25, 2011 Jkt 214691 PO 00000 Frm 00220 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\214691.009 214691 Administration of George W. Bush, 2007 / Mar. 2 vote. And this is a good start to what’s for women; that children—young girls going to be a successful campaign. It’s a shouldn’t go to school; that there’s no such good sign when this many people show up thing as religious tolerance; that if you dis- in 2007 for a 2008 election. And I appre- agreed, you’d be taken into the public ciate you all kicking off—helping kick off square and whipped. That’s what they be- this good man’s campaign. And I want to lieve. thank those of you who are going to help I know it’s hard for some in Kentucky him get elected for what you’re going to and the country to understand, but these do when he’s coming down the stretch in folks are motivated by an ideology, and so November of 2008. are we. Ours is an ideology of human dig- He’s going to win because he backs really nity and human rights and decency.
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