ARCI NEWS www.antique-radios.org Affiliated AWA Volume 37, Issue 6 Antique Wireless Association December, 2018 happy holdays to all!!! UpCoMIng InDooR MEET DECEMbER 9, 2018 AMERICAN LEGION HALL 570 South Gary Avenue, Carol Stream, IL December 9, 2018 7AM – 11AM Donation Auction BuSINESS MEETING Boy Scout Pancake Breakfast 2019 ARCI MEET SCHEDULE 7AM-9:30AM Indoor Swap American Legion Hall February 24, 2019 Meet People’s Choice Contest, Carol Stream, IL (See Map) Officers’ Meeting 9AM American Legion Hall April 28, 2019 7AM-11AM Outdoor Swap Meet Inside Business Meeting 9:30AM Carol Stream, IL (See Map) Outdoor - Gates Open 7AM DuPage County Fairgrounds June 16, 2019 Combined Meet With Wheaton, IL 6-Meter Club of Chicago (See Advance Ticket Form & Map) August 2-3, 2019 RADIOFEST Medinah Shriners / Addison, IL 7AM-11AM Outdoor Swap Meet American Legion Hall October 6, 2019 Business Mtg./Officer Election Carol Stream, IL (See Map) 10AM 7AM-11AM Indoor Swap Meet American Legion Hall December 8, 2019 Business Meeting 10AM Carol Stream, IL (See Map) ~ 2 ~ ARCI MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS PLEASE CIRCLE YOUR MEMBERSHIP: Membership Option Dues Benefits Annual Membership $ 25 Full benefits: ARCI News subscription, Fee Discounts At Events, Seller Privileges at ARCI Events. Spousal Annual Membership $ 10 Discounts at Events. Student Annual Membership $ 5 Must Be 18 or Under, Full Benefits. Lifetime Membership $340 Full Membership Benefits For Life (non- transferable). MAKE YOUR CHECK PAYABLE TO ARCI AND SEND TO: Antique Radio Club of Illinois P.O. Box 1139 LaGrange Park, Illinois 60526 EMAIL DELIVERY OF ARCI NEWS? YES or NO (circle one) PRINT DELIVERY OF ARCI NEWS? YES or NO (circle one) Name: _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Spouse: ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ City:________________________State:_________ Zip Code: ________________ __________________________________________________________________ Home Phone:____________________________Application Date:______________ Email: _____________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Name:________________________Phone:________________ ~ 3 ~ pRESIDEnT’S MESSAgE Warmest Holiday Greetings from your ARCI President! I am writing this column on the heels of a major November snowstorm accompanied by record cold temperatures. It is a not-so-gentle reminder that summer is over, and now is the time for us to finally settle down and concentrate on what is important this holiday season. Your radio collection, which you have been neglecting for many months, once again beckons for your undivided attention. ARCI has just the thing to focus your attention and to get you back on track at our December 9th swap meet. The October meet at the American Legion Hall in Carol Stream was another great one, despite some challenges. A damp parking lot pavement from a Saturday evening rain, combined with an early morning temperature of 50 degrees, drove our outdoor swap meet inside. It is so nice to have that option! Unfortunately, the Boy Scouts were unable to provide their usual breakfast, so we feasted on donuts. We were reminded just how much we appreciate having the Scouts offer breakfasts! The number of registered seller spaces was typical for an October meet. The Donation Auction was a real highlight of the meet. Our long-time member, Marc Ellis, donated many goodies from his extensive collection of radios and electronic items. The quantity of Marc’s items, along with those from other members, was so great that we had to move the auction to a different room. Thanks so much to Marc and all of those who donated items. Thanks to Art Bilski, Rudy Hecker, Tom Kleinschmidt, Bill Cohn, and the others who helped bring the items to the American Legion and those who ran the auction! Everyone’s efforts contributed to raising $1,127 for ARCI. Here is some preliminary information about Radiofest 2019. We have already secured the venue and hotel, and are now in the process of assembling the teams that will manage the various events. Here is the news so far: • Our dates for Radiofest 2019 will be Friday-Saturday, August 2 and 3. Note, we have returned to our early-August schedule. • We will remain on the two-day schedule (Friday and Saturday only). We will open with the Main Auction on Friday evening and hold the outdoor swap meet on Saturday through mid-afternoon. The speaker programs, display, and contest setup will take place during the day on Saturday. The awards banquet with entertainment take place on Saturday night. The usual donation auction will be late Saturday afternoon to close the event. • Radiofest 2019 will return to the Medinah Shriners facility in Addison, Illinois, with the adjacent Hilton Garden Inn providing overnight accommodations. We look forward to returning once again to these superb facilities that have provided us with such a wonderful experience for the last two years. • We have already secured a block of rooms at the Hilton Garden Inn for Thursday-Saturday at a special $99 rate. Watch the ARCI Web site www.antique-radios.org and upcoming ARCI News for information regarding online and over-the-phone hotel reservations. Make sure to mark your calendars for Radiofest 2019. ~ 4 ~ I hope to see all of you at our next meet on December 9th. This will be our fourth annual Janet LaVelle Holiday Party, and as in the past, it promises to be another great one. Our December meets have historically been some of our best, with many sellers and a great donation auction. Come out to Carol Stream and buy yourself or someone close to you a nice holiday gift. Don’t forget about our business meeting following the December 9th meet. This is an important meeting, and we invite all ARCI members to attend. In addition to numerous topics of discussion, we will be holding the final votes for our roster of 2019 club officers. If there is anything you would like to suggest for discussion regarding club activities or policies, this is the time to bring it up. I have enjoyed my first year as your president. I have also confirmed what I really knew all along … the longevity and success of this club is a result of the dedicated officers, volunteers and members-at-large that have provided support throughout the years. Our ARCI By-Laws (created in 1985) state that “The purpose of this club shall be to preserve the history and enhance the knowledge of radio and related disciplines.” Radiofest continues to be our “Window to the World,” and I cannot think of any aspect of that event that does not support our stated purpose. As always, I welcome your thoughts, ideas and suggestions. Feel free to contact me at [email protected]. See You At The Next Meet, Steve Muchow ARCI PRESIDENT ARCI UpDATE The presiden’s Column -- All The news That’s Fit To print OFFICERS FOR 2019 ARCI will hold its annual business meeting and officer elections at the December meet. The following people are nominated to serve another year: Board of Directors Officers Dr. Barry Janov, Chairman Steve Muchow, President David Bart Jim Novak, Vice President Art Bilski Keith Schreiter, Secretary/Membership Harry Blesy Rudy Hecker, Treasurer Ed Huether Tom Kleinschmidt Steve Muchow Robert Piekarz Olin Shuler John Stone Jeff Aulik ~ 5 ~ VOLuNTEERS FOR 2019 ARCI has been fortunate to have a great team of volunteers over the years who have faithfully and generously served the club. They deserve your thanks and recognition for all the support they provided. Remember, ARCI is your club and we need your help too! As we all pitch-in, the club will continue to improve for everyone’s benefit. Please talk with one of the officers, Board Members or current volunteers for more information on how you can lend a hand. ARCI looks forward to working with the following during the upcoming year. Nicholas Tillich, Radiofest Auction Coordinator John Stone, Radiofest Auction Coordinator Jim Sargent, Radiofest Auctioneer Jim Novak, WA9RCI Ham Radio Station Tom Kleinschmidt, Bill Cohn, Donation Auction Ron Grams, WB9IMR, Trustee of FCC Ed & Judy Huether, Radiofest Coordinators License WA9RCI Elaine Hecker, Registration Rudy Hecker, Signage, People’s Choice Art Bilski, Public Relations Contest Julia & David Bart, ARCI Newsletter Editors Jim Rajkovac, Webmaster Cindy Fudge, ARCI Newsletter Publisher Karl Johnson & Pete Nauseda, Parking and Information yEAR EnD 2018 AnnUAL REpoRT by Steve Muchow, ARCI president 2018 ANNuAL REPORT I am happy to report that ARCI has remained on solid ground throughout fiscal year 2018 with respect to membership, activities, and finances. Our membership levels remain solid, our meets are well attended by both buyers and sellers, and our finances have continued to strengthen. Here are some additional details about each of these areas. MEMBERSHIP: ARCI’s paid membership is now approximately 250 members, and continues to remain stable in an environment where many other clubs are experiencing substantial attrition. Due to our year round membership renewal schedule, there is considerable short-term variation in the number of active paid members. While renewals do occur all year, the bulk of them take place from just prior to Radiofest through our December regional meet. Between our mail-in renewals that accompany Radiofest applications and on-site membership renewals at Radiofest itself, we have totaled approximately 100 Radiofest-related membership renewals alone. We also hope to see somewhere between 20 and 30 total additional membership renewals taking place during the December meet. We received several life-memberships this year, and we want to extend our appreciation to those who pledged their support to the club in that way. Please check your membership expiration date! If your membership has expired, please help your club by remembering to renew at the next meet or by mail. Your membership dues are critical to the health of our club and we cannot continue without your financial support.
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