BELLEVILLE - The Town That Pays As It Goes .. - . .. ... .... .— ----------% Progressive business people adver­ Each issue of The News contains I tise in The News each week. Fol­ hundreds of items of interest. The I low the advertisements closely and well-informed read the News thor- I give Belleville a big1 share in your oughly each week. | BELLEVILLE NEWS purchases. Entered as Second Class M ail Blatter, a t Newark, N. J., Post Office, Under Act of March 3, 1879, on October 9, 1925. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER—TOWN OF BELLEVILLE BELLEVILLE, N. J., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1937 Vol. XIII, No. 6. PRICE FIVE CENTS Mayor Williams Urges Establishment Last Day to Register No Let Up P la n n ed fo r Violators Hastings Discusses Mrs. Florence R. Morey, town Municipal Relief clerk, reports that Tuesday, Octo­ O f Traffic Rules in Belleville Belleville Art Club, which meets Of Broader Policy in Land Sales ber 5, is the last day that resi­ each Tuesday evening at the Legion dents of the4 town can register East Orange Dire c t o if Chateau, will resume activities in Oc­ Explains Possible Increase in Cash Receipts and Other their names in order to vote in the Director of Public Safety George R. Gerard Would Place tober. The members of the club are general election. Speaks at Meeting of Matthew Geddes, president; Alice . Benefits To Be Derived from Bulk Signs: “Entering Belleville, Motor Law Violators Diecks, secretary; Samuel S. Miller, Rotary Club treasurer; Violet Trooien, Anthony Auction Will Lose Licenses” Mazic'k, Ethyl Van Dusen, Jack Hick- Machette Heads GOPs; Clarence Hastings, director of re­ in&n, Mrs. James Swan, Gene Fetz, Violators of motor vehicle laws in Mayor that perhaps patrol cars would lief, East Orange, Wednesday ad­ Carolyn Pohl, Theodore Krauss and Establishment of a broader policy dollars on the town books against in the sale of town owned lands was Belleville may expect stricter enforce­ serve as an additional warning “to dressed members of Belleville Rotary Mrs. Ada Scarano. each individual plot. Waters, Democrats suggested Monday afternoon at the Approximating these lands in the ment in the future than in the past, reckless drivers if they were painted Club at luncheon in the Forest Hill white.” Mr. Gerard explained that Town Commission conference by amount of dollars accumulated for according to Director of Public Safe­ Field Club on “Relief Under Munici­ Norman II. Thompson, son of Mr. County, Committee of Both ty George R. Gerard, who says “this unpaid taxes, assessments, interest pal Management.” and Mrs. Harvey B. Thompson, 185 and foreclosure costs establishes a is one municipality in the state in Hornblower avenue, enrolled at Muh­ fictitious value as, in many cases, Parties Re-elect which ticket fixing is absolutely one “We all know what relief was lenberg College last week. records indicate book value far ex­ Leaders hundred per cent taboo.” under the ERA,” he said. “It is quite ceeds sound value, or value placed on The director says that he is con­ different under city control. I speak sidering changing the warning signs Mrs. Samuel. Miller, secretary to adjacent lands by private owners. only for my own city, East- Orange, Harvey, B. Thompson, real estate man, The absence for many years of a Members of the county ‘ committee to motorists at entrances to town but it is quicker, more efficient and is the acme of perfection in typing definite tax sale and foreclosure pre- in both parties held their elections to read: “Entering Belleville, Motor both: as to speed and correctness. gram permitted many properties to of town chairmen Monday night at Vehicle Law Violators Will Lose there is less waste.” accumulate an amount on the de- the Town Hall. Results were as Their Licenses” from those which Mi*. Hastings outlined details of the The following substitutes have been delinquent tax collection records far f ollows: now explain “motor laws strictly en­ bi-partizan board,” which operates batting for the regular letter carriers, exceeding sound value. Republicans: Harry M achette, forced.” relief matters in his home city, ex­ these past two weeks: Peter Griffin, Second Hand Land chairman; Mrs. Julia Alexander, vice A discussion of traffic matters took plaining that all employables on re­ Francis J. McMahon, Joseph “New­ “These lands may well be compared chairman; Anthony Di Leo, secretary, place Monday, afternoon at a con­ lief rolls are checked, and compelled man” Noonan and Qlaf “Pinch Hitter” to second-hand machinery in an indus­ and Ruth Fredericks, tre a su re r. ference of the Town Commission to register with an employment bu­ Faust. The regular letter carriers are trial plant, non-productive in tax re­ Ward chairmen and vice chairladies when the director explained that Mo­ reau for either private work or on Joseph “Stretch” Rogan, Charles ceipts, expensive where buildings are elected were: torcycle Officer Charles McGuinness WPA projects. “Peggy” O’Neil, James “Shorty” Mc­ located on said lands, in that main­ First ward, Charles B. Tedesco and is “home and recovering from in­ “If a job is offered and anyone re­ Laughlin and Francis “Rosy” Ryan. tenance and insurance expense must Laura A. Bi*and; Second ward, Jam es juries” received in a crash with an fuses to take it he or she is dropped be incurred,” the Mayor said. “I rec­ Davidson and Minnie Mayers; Third automobile at Holmes street and from the relief rolls,” he stated, add­ Union avenue. Four members from the Grasshop­ ommend that we submit for public ward, Joseph A. Kristen and Jessie ing that non-American citizens, with­ “I have communicated with the per Club spent Tuesday at Castle auction a ¡block of 25 or more prop­ P% Rue; Fourth ward, James Gordan out papers or those with first papers, county engineer as regards hazard­ Point and Veterans’ Hospital visiting erties to be sold to the best bidders, Gant and Ruth Fredericks. who show no intention of becoming ous intersections in Belleville,” said a fellow member,, a war veteran. with due regard that reasonable full-fledged citizens, are dropped from Anthony B. Di Leo, temporary Mr. Gerard. “A light is needed at Those who went'are Howard Bergan, prices be accepted for ratification by chairman of the Republican meeting relief, as are chiselers, clients from the Board of Commissioners. the corner where the officer was William Higgens, Peter Deighan and Mayor William H. Williams said: “Now that the Primary is over, others states and excessive drinkers “No criticism of the efforts of our injured. I listed the four most dan­ or drug addicts. Michael Hanley, the Grasshopper our next objective is in electing Sen­ gerous spots as Main street at Rut­ Club "has now a full quota of mem­ Mayor William H. Williams, who out­ real estate department should be in­ ator Lester H. Glee as Governor. To “A year ago we purged the rolls terpreted from my recommendations, gers street bridge, Franklin street, bership, registering 150 names on its lined. the benefits to be derived. De­ do this it is necessary that the county, of many when we told them to ‘get tails of the Mayor’s plans follow: as the real estate department of the adjacent ¿ 0 Magnolia street, where George R. Gerard list, according to Howard Bergen, ser­ get behind the chairman elected and 1,000 school children cross the busy and look for jobs!’ There was town, under Director William B. this might not be advisable as other geant-at-arms. Possible increase in cash receipts. work together as a unit to insure the street four times a day; Mill street quite a scramble for jobs then and Clark, has been most co-operative in miscreants could spot the cars too Replacement of lands now owned election of the entire Rpublican and Union avenue, and Joralemon relief totals dropped forty-five per efforts to dispose of town owned readily at night. John Renna, fourteen-year-old, 19 by the town in the ratables to pro­ ticket. street and Passaic avenue. I have cent in one year. We now have only lands. "Why not paint two of the four 100 employables on relief. We have Belmont avenue, suffered a crushed duce annual tax income. “Belleville at the present time has Joseph Kristen, of the Third Ward, not yet had a reply to a rather patrol cars white, then?” asked the no politics involved, no one is ever foot when a fence fell on him last To increase ratables by construc­ land which, if placed back in the who nominated Mr. Machette said, “I strong follow up letter I wrote.” Mayor. “Use the two white ones in asked to what party he belongs or. week. He was treated at Columbus tion of buildings on lands now oAvned ratables, could be assessed at approxi­ am very happy to place the nomina­ Inducement to County the day and black ones at night.” anything of that sort.” Hospital, Newark. by the town. , mately three quarters of a million tion of Harry Machette as perma­ Mayor William H. Williams sug­ To remove the town as quickly as dollars. nent chairman of this county com­ gested the light- be placed at the in­ “We have a twenty-four hour mo­ He cited cases, some humorous in ; Patrolman Nelson Demgard has possible from the field of competition “Disposing of "this land by selling mittee.” The committee sounded its tersection, where the officer was in­ torcycle squad in operation now and nature, which come to the board. He >een off duty for the past week, due with private property owners. an occasional lot in competition with unanimous approval in the selection.
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