Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program 2015-2017 Critical Habitat Projects Grants Awarded at Different Legislative Funding Levels Number Grant Applicant Rank and Type Project Name Grant Applicant Request Match Total $40 Million $50 Million $60 Million $70 Million $80 Million $90 Million $95 Million $97 Million 1 14-1085A Mountain View Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 2 14-1096A Simcoe Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 3 14-1087A Mid Columbia-Grand Coulee Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $1,730,000 $2,166,500 $3,476,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 4 14-1090A Heart of the Cascades Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $785,500 $2,095,000 $3,404,500 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 5 14-1091A Cowiche Watershed Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife $2,200,000 $2,200,000 $59,250 $321,150 6 14-1089A Tunk Valley Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife $2,000,000 $2,000,000 7 14-1099A Kettle River Corridor Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife $1,000,000 $1,000,000 8 14-1609C Sage Grouse Habitat Acquisition in Deep Creek Foster Creek Conservation District $302,000 $303,152 $605,152 $20,502,000 $303,152 $20,805,152 $8,730,000 $9,166,500 $10,476,000 $11,785,500 $13,095,000 $14,404,500 $15,059,250 $15,321,150 Type Abbreviations: A indicates acquisition; D indicates development; R indicates restoration C indicates a combination of acquisition and either restoration or development Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program 2015-2017 Farmland Preservation Projects Grants Awarded at Different Legislative Funding Levels Number Grant Applicant Rank and Type Project Name Grant Applicant Request Match Total $40 Million $50 Million $60 Million $70 Million $80 Million $90 Million $95 Million $97 Million 1 14-1510A Vander Voet Farm Whidbey Camano Land Trust $564,100 $1,150,000 $1,714,100 $564,100 $564,100 $564,100 $564,100 $564,100 $564,100 $564,100 2 14-1526A Olma South Farmland Okanogan Land Trust $277,354 $283,353 $560,707 $277,354 $277,354 $277,354 $277,354 $277,354 $277,354 $277,354 3 14-1527A Strandberg Farm and Ranchland Okanogan Land Trust $758,563 $765,562 $1,524,125 $758,563 $758,563 $758,563 $758,563 $758,563 $758,563 $758,563 3 14-2178A Skagit County Farmland Skagit County $1,379,712 $1,379,713 $2,759,425 $1,379,712 $1,379,712 $1,379,712 $1,379,712 $1,379,712 $1,379,712 $1,379,712 5 14-1629A Nelson Ranch Easement Acquisition Capitol Land Trust $750,000 $750,000 $1,500,000 $750,000 $750,000 $750,000 $750,000 $750,000 $750,000 $750,000 6 14-1359A Bishop Dairy Preservation Jefferson Land Trust $481,225 $481,225 $962,450 $150,271 $481,225 $481,225 $481,225 $481,225 $481,225 $481,225 7 14-1293A Lust Family Farm and Ranch Preservation Washington State Conservation Commission $1,704,153 $8,333 $1,712,486 $639,046 $1,609,046 $1,704,153 $1,704,153 $1,704,153 $1,704,153 8 14-1756A Maple K Meyers Place Palouse Land Trust $540,250 $540,250 $1,080,500 $540,250 $540,250 $540,250 $540,250 9 14-1443A Dungeness Watershed Farmland Protection Phase 3 North Olympic Land Trust $343,875 $343,875 $687,750 $334,643 $343,875 $343,875 $343,875 10 14-1522A Olma North Ranchland Okanogan Land Trust $762,000 $763,000 $1,525,000 $762,000 $762,000 $762,000 11 14-1652A Soriano Ranch Okanogan Land Trust $2,115,250 $2,154,250 $4,269,500 $198,768 $683,768 $877,768 12 14-1400A Smith Family Farms Protection Phase 1 North Olympic Land Trust $627,000 $627,000 $1,254,000 13 14-1295A Stevenson Farm and Ranch Preservation Washington State Conservation Commission $513,780 $8,333 $522,113 14 14-1719C Schweickert Farm Easement Acquisition-Restoration Capitol Land Trust $165,000 $165,000 $330,000 15 14-1476A Bailey Farm PCC Farmland Trust $591,275 $591,275 $1,182,550 16 14-1297A Emerick Rangeland Agricultural Easement Washington State Conservation Commission $1,300,114 $8,333 $1,308,447 17 14-1557A Double R Bar Ranch Conservation Easement San Juan County Land Bank $379,000 $379,000 $758,000 18 14-1235A Quilcene Farm Center Jefferson Land Trust $295,451 $295,451 $590,902 19 14-1478A Harman Farm PCC Farmland Trust $165,000 $205,550 $370,550 20 14-1477A Olson Farm PCC Farmland Trust $228,300 $228,300 $456,600 21 14-1541A Sather Farm PCC Farmland Trust $319,100 $319,100 $638,200 22 14-1456A Upper Naneum Creek Farm Kittitas County $187,500 $187,500 $375,000 23 14-1128A Imrie Ranches Rock Creek Agricultural Easement Washington State Conservation Commission $5,171,135 $5,171,135 24 14-1140A Kelley Ranches Agricultural Easement Washington State Conservation Commission $2,437,826 $2,437,826 25 14-1472A Hofstra Farm Forterra $305,000 $305,000 $610,000 $22,361,963 $11,939,403 $34,301,366 $0 $3,880,000 $4,850,000 $5,820,000 $6,790,000 $7,760,000 $8,245,000 $8,439,000 Type Abbreviations: A indicates acquisition; D indicates development; R indicates restoration C indicates a combination of acquisition and either restoration or development Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program 2015-2017 Local Parks Projects Grants Awarded at Different Legislative Funding Levels Number Grant Applicant Total Rank and Type Project Name Grant Applicant Request Match $40 Million $50 Million $60 Million $70 Million $80 Million $90 Million $95 Million $97 Million 1 14-1135D Saddle Rock Gateway and Outdoor Education Area Wenatchee $480,648 $480,648 $961,296 $480,648 $480,648 $480,648 $480,648 $480,648 $480,648 $480,648 $480,648 2 14-1513C Springbrook Park Acquisition and Development Lakewood $193,950 $193,950 $387,900 $193,950 $193,950 $193,950 $193,950 $193,950 $193,950 $193,950 $193,950 3 14-1274D Kasch Park Synthetic Turf Replacement Everett $500,000 $1,605,000 $2,105,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 4 14-1143D Volunteer Park Development Selah $359,000 $380,000 $739,000 $359,000 $359,000 $359,000 $359,000 $359,000 $359,000 $359,000 $359,000 5 14-1111A Candy Mountain Acquisition Benton County $695,377 $695,377 $1,390,754 $695,377 $695,377 $695,377 $695,377 $695,377 $695,377 $695,377 $695,377 6 14-1331D John Storvik Spray Park and New Restroom Anacortes $335,000 $347,500 $682,500 $335,000 $335,000 $335,000 $335,000 $335,000 $335,000 $335,000 $335,000 7 14-1182D Inspiration Playground Construction Bellevue $500,000 $1,865,000 $2,365,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 8 14-1121D Randall Park Renovation Yakima $500,000 $670,100 $1,170,100 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 9 14-1465D Spokane Adaptive Baseball Field at Mission Park Spokane $238,055 $238,056 $476,111 $127,852 $238,055 $238,055 $238,055 $238,055 $238,055 $238,055 $238,055 10 14-1471D Columbia River Waterfront Park Vancouver $500,000 $1,615,590 $2,115,590 $35,297 $471,797 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 11 14-1434D Skate Darrington Darrington $296,081 $302,081 $598,162 $296,081 $296,081 $296,081 $296,081 $296,081 12 14-1542D Waughop Lake Trail at Fort Steilacoom Park Lakewood $250,000 $250,000 $500,000 $37,405 $182,905 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 12 14-1616D Covington Community Park Phase 2 Covington $500,000 $3,045,100 $3,545,100 $74,811 $365,811 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 14 14-1701C Prairie View Park Expansion Spokane County $500,000 $568,665 $1,068,665 $172,498 $172,498 $172,498 $172,498 $172,498 $407,714 $500,000 $500,000 15 14-1072D Beach Park Picnic Shelter and Restroom Des Moines $78,946 $78,947 $157,893 $78,946 $78,946 15 14-1357D Hartwood Park Red Barn Playground Washougal $293,243 $293,244 $586,487 $47,018 $134,318 17 14-1415D Prosser City Park Restrooms Prosser $87,800 $87,800 $175,600 18 14-1631A Esperance Park Acquisition Snohomish County $508,600 $670,000 $1,178,600 $508,600 $508,600 $508,600 $508,600 $508,600 $508,600 $508,600 $508,600 19 14-1618D Big Rock Sports Park Improvements Duvall $500,000 $839,093 $1,339,093 19 14-1509D Twisp Tennis Court Development Twisp $34,025 $34,765 $68,790 21 14-1131C Hale Park Acquisition and Development Wenatchee $523,000 $531,923 $1,054,923 $64,353 $64,353 $64,353 $64,353 $64,353 $64,353 $64,353 $64,353 22 14-1449D John Dam Plaza Amphitheater Richland $300,000 $300,000 $600,000 23 14-1398A North Creek Forest Acquisition Phase 3 Bothell $1,000,000 $1,410,800 $2,410,800 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 24 14-1120D Meadowdale Playfields Renovation Lynnwood $500,000 $2,545,336 $3,045,336 25 14-1444A Refuge Road Neighborhood Park Acquisition Ridgefield $225,300 $225,301 $450,601 $225,300 $225,300 $225,300 $225,300 $225,300 $225,300 $225,300 $225,300 26 14-1484A Port Gamble Ride Park-Kitsap Forest and Bay Kitsap County $500,000 $570,000 $1,070,000 $157,422 $302,922 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 27 14-1199A Civic Center Field Acquisition Edmonds $1,000,000 $1,965,500 $2,965,500 $239,422 $675,922 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 28 14-1630D Lake Stickney Park Phase 1 Snohomish County $295,000 $295,000 $590,000 Type Abbreviations: A indicates acquisition; D indicates development; R indicates restoration C indicates a combination of acquisition and either restoration or development Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program 2015-2017 Local Parks Projects Grants Awarded at Different Legislative Funding Levels Number Grant Applicant Total Rank and Type Project Name
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