Correspondence Objekttyp: Group Zeitschrift: The Swiss observer : the journal of the Federation of Swiss Societies in the UK Band (Jahr): - (1923) Heft 85 PDF erstellt am: 06.10.2021 Nutzungsbedingungen Die ETH-Bibliothek ist Anbieterin der digitalisierten Zeitschriften. Sie besitzt keine Urheberrechte an den Inhalten der Zeitschriften. Die Rechte liegen in der Regel bei den Herausgebern. Die auf der Plattform e-periodica veröffentlichten Dokumente stehen für nicht-kommerzielle Zwecke in Lehre und Forschung sowie für die private Nutzung frei zur Verfügung. Einzelne Dateien oder Ausdrucke aus diesem Angebot können zusammen mit diesen Nutzungsbedingungen und den korrekten Herkunftsbezeichnungen weitergegeben werden. Das Veröffentlichen von Bildern in Print- und Online-Publikationen ist nur mit vorheriger Genehmigung der Rechteinhaber erlaubt. Die systematische Speicherung von Teilen des elektronischen Angebots auf anderen Servern bedarf ebenfalls des schriftlichen Einverständnisses der Rechteinhaber. Haftungsausschluss Alle Angaben erfolgen ohne Gewähr für Vollständigkeit oder Richtigkeit. Es wird keine Haftung übernommen für Schäden durch die Verwendung von Informationen aus diesem Online-Angebot oder durch das Fehlen von Informationen. Dies gilt auch für Inhalte Dritter, die über dieses Angebot zugänglich sind. Ein Dienst der ETH-Bibliothek ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Schweiz, www.library.ethz.ch http://www.e-periodica.ch Che Swiss Obseroer Telephone : City 4603. PuWtsfeecl ecery FVidaz/ eil 21, GARLICK HILL, LONDON, E.C. 4. Telegrams : Freprinco, London. No. 85 LONDON, JANUARY 20, 1923. Pkice 3d. SUBSCRIPTION RATES A somewhat ambitious political programme has loan, and that the funds required for paying off 3 3'6 been sent to the Swiss the Association the Frs. due the 1st UNITED KINGDOM Months (13 issues,issue post free) - - press by of 54,500,000, falling on January, AND COLONIES {36 „ (26 „ - 6/6 Young Ticinese in Milan. It will probably cause would be raised fromj the National Bank and not 12 (52 „ .; - i2/- (26 7.50 the further SWITZERLAND { Months issues, post free) - Frs. little anxiety to authorities concerned, but it by way of public subscription. It was 12 „ (52 „ - „ 14.— is evidence of the active and constructive interest announced that the reductions in tariffs effected (5uiiii <a&<cripfions may 6e paid into Poif«cAecft*/Conto; ßo«/« V 577«;. which Swiss abroad maintain in home affairs. The during 1922 has resulted in a moderate increase manifesto demands, zT/er zzZzVz, the appointment of in traffic, which did not, however, cover loss in born Ticinese as diplomatic and consular represen- revenue. tatives in clauses in favour of //OM£ Italy, preferential The provisional returns to the Federal Exchequer Ticino in commercial treaties between the any from various taxes in 1922 show that the stamp two countries, and the reduction of the military tax, which includes the new coupon tax, brought The Swiss Socialist has the and establishment the party, presented to expenses along Italian in Frs. 29,815,210, the extraordinary war tax Frs. Federal Council memorandunl frontier. a with a request to 87,059,630, and the war profits tax Frs. 23,688,984. submit the Council the it to of League of Nations, * * * Figures for the tax have not yet been that the the military pointing out French occupation of An appeal for funds is made by the Swiss returned by the Cantonal Authorities concerned. Ruhr serious creates inconveniences to oar national Association of Ski Clubs in order to enable some must be remarked, in connection with the above economic It life. of its sections to continue in a larger measure the figures, that 20 cent, of the stamp tax and * * *; per distribution of skis to necessitous pupils who live the war profits tax goes to the Cantonal Exchequers The Federal Home Office has submitted to the a considerable distance from their schools. and that in the case of the war tax the: settlement cantonal authorities the draft of a law for officially of accounts between the Cantons and the Confede- the scheme would entail * * * combatting tuberculosis; ration is not yet finally completed. an expenditure of about 16 million francs, to which Pluman remains have now been discovered the ruins the Goetheanum Dörnach the the Confederation would contribute 25 per cent. amongst of in The first year's working of International * * * (Basle) and they are believed to be those of Petroleum Union in Zurich closes with a deficit Jakob Ott, who was under suspicion of having of Frs. 80,351,655, due to the fall in the exchanges Mr. R. Poincaré has now contradicted a state- caused the conflagration. of the Central European countries. will be ment published in the Swiss according to It papers, remembered that the Union was formed in March, which he is reported as having declared in an * * * 1921, with the object of enabling Germany and interview with the editor of the .¥evMgrr ale /« The elephant in the at Basle, zoological garden the other Central European countries to recover ZAzzzfe Sawz'e that France will the Savoy which of late has suppress displayed some dissatisfaction, the foothold in the world's petroleum trade, lost free zones, even the forthcoming plebiscite in has now given vent to his feelings by crushing if as a result of the war. In spite of this loss on Switzerland should not the convention. The to death one of the ratify keepers. the the intrinsic value of the companies in editor of the insists, however, the year, paper on accu- * * * which the Zurich holding is interested racy of his original report. company broke has rather than otherwise. Recently Frs. * * * Early on Sunday morning last a fire out grown in the school consider- 125 millions of the company's own shares were Two conscientious objectors have been riding at Lucerne, causing con- able exchanged against the return of shares of various demned to five months' and loss of damage. imprisonment * * * German companies and the Financière Belge des civil rights for five by the court of years military A fatal ski accident occurred last Pétroles held by the Zurich concern. The result the first division at Lausanne for refusing to do Monday on " the Chamossaire (Bretaye), when a English- of this transaction is that the " Ipu now will military service. young that * * * man, John de Tass, a pupil of a local institute, only have overseas interests, and the capital the will be Frs. 25,000,000 in "A" shares and Frs. the current the sections slipped owing to giving way of a snow bridge. During year following He had 3,750,000 in " B " shares. of the Swiss Federal to be joined a party of English residents in Railways are expected Villars in which completed for electric traction;—Zug-Zurich, Sion- a s-ki-ing excursion, was proceeded The annüaT results of some of the smaller Swiss with in intense A search Lausanne, Lucerne-Olten, and Thalwil-Richterswil. spite of an fog. party, banks are beginning to come in, and show quite organised by Major Lavanchy of Lausanne, re- * * * satisfactory progress as compared with 1921. The covered the body under great difficulties. Bank in Ragaz, for instance, with a capital of The Grand Conseil Geneva has, a small of by Frs. 1,000,000, and reserves of Frs. 250,000, has elected Mr. Albert Naine, the Socialist majority, a net profit on the year of Frs. 71,907, as com- candidate, as its president, Mr. Paul Lachenal EXTRACTS FROM PAPERS. pared with FYs. 72,013 in 1921. The dividend is and Frédéric ~ (Radical) Mr. Martin (Conservative) maintained at 5% ancl the same allotments made being appointed first and second vice-president to reserves, etc., as last year. respectively. La Vente d'un Château historique. * * * The Volksbank in Hochdorf has total net profits Le château de Lucens, propriété de M. Jean After a discussion the Geneva Grand Con- of Frs. 216,560, as against Frs. 197,084 in 1921. lively Gruring, à Berne, qui l'avait acquis, il a deux seil has voted the frs. towards the y The turnover increased from Frs. 136 million to sum of 15,000 ans (mars 1920) et fait restaurer à grands frais, et loss frs. incurred the Frs. 152 million, and a dividend of 8o/o is again of 31,000 by organising com- les terrains attenants (15,750 mètres carrés) ont été mittee in connection last Gordon-Bennett to be paid on the share capital of Frs. 2,100,000. with year's mis en vente mercredi, à l'Hôtel de la Gare à balloon race. Forward reintroduced in the * * * Lucens, par les soins de l'Office des poursuites de dealings were Moudon, sur la réquisition de l'Etat de Vaud, Geneva Stock Exchange on the 2nd of January. The elections for the States Council of the pour paiement des droits de mutations et d'impôts Canton Ticino, which were fixed to take place on fonciers. STOCK EXCHANGE PRICES. January 28th, are abandoned, as the political parties L'estimation juridique de l'Office des poursuites Bonds. Jan. 8 Jan. 16 have agreed not to contest the present five members était de 700,000 fr. (en 1920: 92,000 fr.). Les Swiss Confederation 3?» 1903 80.50% 85.25% by putting up new candidates. curieux ont été plus nombreux que les acquéreurs : Swiss Confed. 9th Mob. Loan 5°/° 101.25% 101.15% ceux-ci n'étaient que deux. L'adjudication a été Federal Railways A—K 31% 84.70% 85.40% Canton Basle-Stadt 1921 104.75% 105.25% The Basle Grosse donnée (éventuellement et sous réserve de ratifica- 5j% Rat, on an interpellation by Canton Fribourg 3% 1892 77.00% 77.00% Socialist members, has decreed the 1st of May tion) pour le prix de 133,000 fr.
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