of civil aircraft and bleu, largest hostelry THE SUNDAY STAR the form in this , trucks not only does not con- land of hotels, A-6 Washington, D. C., Soptombor 11, 1960 Miami Rides Out Storm damage was tradict the Security Council’s limited to a few broken win- ’ - resolution on the Congo but is dows and water seepage. It gant - - y-T • . ..< in complete accordance with it. was 92 per cent filled last night, ¦a because a “The Security Council reso- Like an Old Trooper largely of heavy in- flux local ¦ \U¦ * lutions contain no provisions of residents who left ¦ which in any degree restrict low-lying or waterfront homes —_ MIAMI, Fla., Sept. 10 (AP). ings and residents weathered of the of to ride out the storm in luxury. the right government —Time and nature caught up the blow. They came through to the Republic of the Congo with this Florida tourist center generally without a hitch. 60 Babies Born make for aid just a request .. today as Hurricane Donna left Old-timers have worried in to Not all those who abandoned as the rights of states grant Miami battered and drenched. recent years about how the not and their homes aid to the Congo are Spared by the hurricanes newcomers could handle a bad stayed in public restricted." shelters. cannot be during the past 10 years, the tropic storm. With population Pregnant women swarmed into Tass said the Soviet note was city bowed to the law of aver- here doubling in the last de- hospitals to play half it safe. babies born a reply to a note from Mr. ages and suffered a stinging cade, of the residents had Sixty were immediately before and dur- Hammarskjold last Monday blow from one of its worst never experienced a hurricane. the storm. which it charged was an at- tropical storms. ing Resort Hotels Escape tempt to exercise control No official estimate of dam- X over Located on the Southeast tip relaftons between the Congo of the semi-tropic Florida Resort hotels on Miami age was made immediately, but 4flß and other states, in particular Miami is tradition- Beach suffered no major dam- it willrun into the hundreds of A penninsula, the Soviet Union. ally vulnerable to violent age except for water seepage thousands of dollars. “Not administrative into ’some lobbies and The tense two of a single storms. rooms. days storm- officer of the U. N. has the ! Guests generally had a ball, fighting was not without its right to interfere in relations; Streets Flooded many of them working up moments of humor. between sovereign states if "hurricane parties" In the A small freighter, struggling Donna’s 100 , mile an hour these states do not request it,” plush cocktail lounges. to make winds left deserted streets port at Miami, went the Soviet note added. hotel at nearby Elliott \ flooded and littered with debris. Although major dining aground Key. yTWRMhJHMME As council ministers were remained Leon of the Ample advanee warning of the rooms open, most Skipper Phillips emphasizing the need to pre- boarded Arrow that he and big blow kept casualties' and restaurants were up Inagua saw vent new incidents in the Congo all other busi- his 10-man safe, damage to minimum, tight, as were crew were v™- 11 the major a S| *l pending the arrival of Leo- transients had then gave this radio to |H , • however, only one fatality was nesses. Hungry report poldville delegation, Mr. Kuz- to line for since the Coast Guard: reported in the Miami area. up food, many netsov suddenly charged some As winds diminished, half of dining rooms had only skele- "I’m in somebody’s back delegations were attempting to the metropolitan area’s million ton staffs on hand. yard. There’s a motel to port give the Secretary General new At Miami Beach’s Fontain- and trees to starboard.” residents were without electric authority. power. One immediate problem He then demanded that not was the care and feeding of only the Congolese airfields but "* thousands of visitors and tour- s ' ' also the broadcasting stations RIR' wt ists who braved the storm in seized by the U. N. be returned resort hotels. B to the central |g government. The specter of food spoilage Belatedly realizing he was in- because of the power shutdown substantive • Planners troducing problems faced thousands. Florida Power 'TI. Washington's Only Complete Party sSwb| ' ¦' • : ' which he had advocated < should; Co. ;- Light began supplying -it -. ¦ >-»,,•,.- be brought up only in the 3107 M Street N.W, in pres- j dry to customers whose re- Georgetown - I ice ¦ ... ? -f*V JW*-*¦>* . ence of Congo representatives, *, Ifrigeratprs were not working. Mr. Kuznetsov abruptly with-: drew his own proposal to Storm Center to West - post-! , . ... > CLEARANCE pone debate. A The storm center passed 60 A:1 ' .'; ». - •¦ The quick reversal caught the ¦R® ¦ 4;- : :: . ¦ ¦ ;,• . ¦ = . • ' ¦ ¦. ' ¦ ¦ of Miami ' miles to the west ¦.¦¦.'•¦:¦ Ceylonese delegate with his -: ' in the Winds built i . J-L' V. < ' ' - ? early day. i .y&K. ••:%¦:¦ pencil in the air, as he was force up to hurricane Friday SALE! seeking the floor to speak in W night and stayed there for Hurricane winds sand from Beach as Hurricane drive the Florida park at Miami yesterday favor of postponing debate. as about two hours after dawn if.* Fabulous savings on a large assortment of PARTY beaches through coconut trees in an oceanside Donna moved across the State.—AP Wirephoto. Shortly after the Soviet out- Donna passed by. (LeJ FAVORS • PARTY NAPKINS • PARTY DECORA- burst and the arrival of the A bright spot as the city as- A: , TIONS • PARTY TABLECLOTHS • and other im- Kasavubu cable the council ad-! sessed its damage was the way and domestic PARTY NEEDS make room journed for a half hour, con- thousands of “untested” build- -O'JtJ ported to HURRICANE the situation had for additional PARTY SETTINGS, Card.l. bfead ceding be- ty).. incoming imported "somewhat confused.” come z/p ’ Included in this CLEARANCE SALE are many unusual much less than the ''l fa Mantie Ocean Nothing II vdo items from 9 foreign countries, for which PARTIES future effectiveness of $lOO million fund to keep Fort Hard GfORGIA the; j;to a UNLIMITED is exclusive U. S. distributor and is ; . Myers Hit, < United Nations as a keeper of ’ the Congo afloat; would ad- BruniwickjW 1/ famous city-wide, country-wide, world-wide. the peace was at stake as the i monish all countries to funnel C< Security Council opened the > all their aid through the United EXCELLENT PRICE REDUCTIONS Homes showdown session to deal with i Nations, and not deal bilateral- Destroyed •• vaiaastaValdosta X Union and [ WAANINCM | the Congo’s plunge toward I ly as the Soviet I————i Regular $1.95 , Continued From First Pare today. The center of the storm Tallahaiieo4/ chaos and civil war. Belgium have done, and would within about 70 miles If the United Nations appeal to all nations to avoid KITS remove a television antenna; passed gets i SELF-RITE MATCH .Lake the aims of the *a of Miami. This afternoon winds [ gACKIONVULE too tough with the unpredict- . obstructing Miami man died in a car yZn’ Transfer own signature in gold ’n* Council in the your rain subsided in that area and the Au9 u,, able government in the Congo i Security Congo. accident on a slicked high- ft .' on 50 match covers. "Do it One of the stickiest points V”, your- and man's l heavy rainfall ceased. Water it could be drawn into a kill- self." kit match way a body was Complete with 50 jp jp conditions were return- GALE WARNINGS ' battle the problem of including washed ashore at Tavernier in rapidly I | $ X ing with the nation it was books. to normal. a condemnation of Belgium. the Keys. The drowning vic- ing is trying to save. If the United I Xoeytana Beach General Hammar- o<<lla * Nations is not flrm enough it ; Secretary tim later was identified as The eye of the storm cut Cedar <eyH£ Reg. SALE risks embarrassment and I skjold has been stung by the Barnes of Fort Lauder- Inland this morning near Ever- grave Price PRICE Dwight of **¦;. glades City in extreme South- exposure as an ineffective force , Belgian-Katangian piercing dale. /-"K 30c Cocktail and Luncheon ia ** his airfield closures with what pkg. c The Weather Bureau at I' west Florida. It swirled north- I HURBICANf I 1 Orlando. Iffik J- for peace. , he has charged was a nine- NAPKINS Tampa, however, guessed to- ward over Naples at 1 p.m. f Moving too far either way (C J [WARNINOS j could demolish the U.N.'s I ton load of arms. that in the state (EDT). good 3.50 PLACE MAT ENSEMBLE (8-pc. night damage Melbourne I 9,47 could in of bil- Missilemen at Cana- "AlZtam?A reputation and set it back on * run excess $2 Cape Tells of Arms service for 4)_• Cl.orwoior the white elephant shelf with j 1 Belgium •“/*. lion based on preliminary re- veral—l2o miles east across the I MUBRICANf I the old League of Nations. The admitted in 6 for 50c 10" PARTY ports. State from Tampa—ran for St. WARNINOS Belguim lamely •ftP’. PLATES, g qa- Rotorsburry | | the old for ¦ "Winds of hurricane force , cover with hurricane warnings ghost of League no 1 a message to the Secretary /.A’, other sizes similarly reduced. v and higher with squalls posted. Four giant Atlas mis- Laha doubt was on the minds of the General released yesterday that some yr 6 for 30c Hot Cold CUPS of siles dismantled.
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