Your Hometown Bookstore Read Between the Lynes Jun e / July 129 Van Buren 2013 Woodstock, IL 60098 Phone: (815) 206-5967 E-Mail us at: Most Anticipated New Novels [email protected] And the Mountains The Silver Star Store Hours In her highly acclaimed memoir, Monday thru Saturday Echoed 10 am – 8 pm Khaled Hosseini’s previous novels, The Glass Castle, and previous Sunday 11 am – 4 pm The Kite Runner and A Thousand novel about her grandmother, Half- Splendid Suns, have been embraced Broke Horses, Jeanette Walls writes Shop Locally Online and adored by more than 38 million with an honesty and clarity that is GLIÀFXOWWRUHSOLFDWH1RZ:DOOV www.ReadBetweenTheLynes.com people worldwide. So it’s no wonder that we’re eagerly awaiting the release WXUQVWRRXWULJKWÀFWLRQLQThe Silver of his latest, And the Mountains Echoed Star ($26, Scribner, 978-1-451-66150-7), ($28.95, Riverhead, 978-1-594-63176-4). The story, spanning starting out in a small California town six decades, is again set in Afghanistan, but also tacks on in the 1970s. When their mother runs California, France and Greece. In this tale revolving around not RIIWR´ÀQGKHUVHOIµ\HDUROG%HDQDQGKHUROGHUVLVWHU just parents and children but brothers and sisters, cousins and /L]KDYHOLWWOHFKRLFHEXWWRÀQGWKHLUZD\WR8QFOH7LQVOH\·V caretakers, Hosseini explores the many ways in which families GHFD\LQJPDQVLRQLQ9LUJLQLD%HDQVRRQGLVFRYHUVZKRKHU QXUWXUHZRXQGEHWUD\KRQRUDQGVDFULÀFHIRURQHDQRWKHU father was, and hears many stories about why their mother and how often we are surprised by the actions of those closest OHIW9LUJLQLDLQWKHÀUVWSODFH:LWKPRQH\WLJKW%HDQDQG to us, at the times that matter most. How we love, how we take /L]VWDUWEDE\VLWWLQJDQGGRLQJRIÀFHZRUNIRU-HUU\0DGGR[ We’re Here to Help! care of one another, and how the choices we make can resonate IRUHPDQRIWKHPLOOLQWRZQ%XW/L]KDVWURXEOHDGMXVWLQJWR You can count on us for … through generations are all themes to which we can relate in their new life, and encounters some serious adult trouble. Ever this uplifting and deeply satisfying novel. alert to abuse of adult power, Walls has written a moving novel Service DERXWWULXPSKRYHUDGYHUVLW\²DERXWSHRSOHZKRÀQGDZD\WR Let us know your needs and we can access millions of titles ORYHHDFKRWKHUDQGWKHZRUOGGHVSLWHLWVÁDZVDQGLQMXVWLFHV beyond the thousands we The Ocean at the End of the Lane Avail. 6/11 have in the store. The Ocean at the End of the Lane Book Knowledge Eight years have passed since Neil Gaiman’s last novel for Ready for something adults, Anansi Boys, was published … all the more reason good to read? Ask us for we’re looking forward to his latest story, The Ocean at the End recommendations! of the Lane ($25.99, Wm. Morrow, 978-0-062-25565-5). The Gift Ideas QDUUDWRUQRZÀIW\VRPHWKLQJUHWXUQVWR Books always make great gifts! his homeland in rural England to attend a For any age and any taste, funeral. Though his childhood home is long we’ve got something that they’ll gone, he is drawn to the Hempstock farm treasure. Remember, books are gifts they can open at the end of the road. The family was odd again and again. even then, with mother, grandmother, and 11-year-old daughter (who claimed that their duckpond was an ocean) seeming to be much older than their apparent ages. Drawing upon folk tales and mythology, oods , 8 c k 9 t d o 0 o 06I L Wo Gaiman’s bewitching and harrowing tale of Buren Van 129 mystery and survival, memory and magic, makes the impossible all too real. Avail. 6/18 Dear Booklover, MYSTERIES & MAYHEM Summer is here and we love that the season offers a And When She Was Good little break from the intensity of the rest of the year. Heloise Lewis’s life is definitely compartmentalized: It’s time to think about a little get-away, fresh fruits a devoted mother, a lobbyist at the state capitol, and and vegetables grown nearby, and taking time to sip in discreet hotel rooms, the woman of many a man’s a cool drink and watch the clouds in the sky. dreams. Now, after a decade, her life is under siege. Her accountant is asking questions, her employees Years ago at a book industry gathering, mega-bestselling author Stephen can’t be trusted, and another so-called suburban King told the story of his mother and how she would come back from the madam has been found dead, forcing Heloise to library with a sack full of paperbacks. He said she referred to them as her disappear and live long enough to remake her life “quick, cheap vacations”. It’s a delightful thought ... that reading can take once again. And When She Was Good ($14.99, Wm. us anywhere and really is quite an affordable escape. Morrow, 978-0-062-19773-3) is yet another example of why Laura Lippman has won so many prizes in the Available During the coming months, school children will have summer reading mystery genre. 6/4 assignments, but it’s also great to see them devour silly and fun adventures of their own choosing. Our feeling is that if a child loves comic books or graphic novels, silly ditties or activity books, they’re face is in a book ... and A Serpent’s Tooth that’s a good thing! Help the children in your life enjoy time to read this The A&E Channel has made Craig Johnson’s lead summer by offering a “Just Because” gift. There’s nothing better than giv- character, Wyoming Sheriff Walt Longmire, quite A Serpent’s Tooth ing a child the gift of reading, the foundation for success in life. popular. Now, in ($26.95, Viking, 978-0-670-02645-6), Longmire stares down his most dangerous foes yet. When a homeless boy wanders What will you read this summer? This is actually a busy time for our buy- into town, Longmire and his companions embark on a ers and booksellers as publishers fill the season with some of the year’s best high plains scavenger hunt in hopes of reuniting moth- novels. From favorite writers with new works to debut novelists, adventure er and son. The trail leads them to an interstate and intrigue to beautifully written literary fiction, there is an abundance of polygamy group that’s presiding over a stockpile of good books arriving each week. weapons and harboring a vicious vendetta. Available 6/4 Come into the bookstore, savor what’s on our shelves, and let us introduce you to some things to help you fully enjoy quiet time during the summer Red Sparrow months. We don’t rely on algorithms or statistics based on what other cus- Spies have long relied on the “honey trap,” where vul- tomers have purchased, but want to know what you’ve enjoyed and the kind nerable men and women are intimately compromised of reading that leaves you feeling content and fulfilled. We love to see peo- by “sexpionage.” In modern-day Russia, a state intelli- ple stretch their reading, especially those in book groups, and are ready to gence officer begins a fatal double life, recruited by help you discover some books you otherwise may never have found. the CIA to ferret out a high-level traitor in Making those reading connections is what makes our days so enjoyable! Washington; hunt down a Russian illegal buried deep in the U.S. military and, against all odds, to return to A bookselling colleague whose store is in a heavy tourist area marveled Moscow as a spy. CIA insider Jason Mathews brings that a visitor commented, “Your town is so lucky to have an independent us an impossible-to-put-down espionage thriller in Red bookstore!” While the corporate stores are moving out of expensive leases Sparrow ($26.99, Scribner, 978-1-476-70612-2). and large storefronts, many are sad to lose the last presence of books in Available their communities. At Read Between the Lynes, we realize that our success 6/4 is based on some very basic principles: love what you do, serve others, give The Silent Wife back, and provide a space that is a welcome retreat from the world outside. Jodi and Todd are at a bad place in their marriage. There’s a lot at stake, including the affluent life they Thank you for caring about shopping small and putting your money where lead in their beautiful waterfront condo in Chicago. your house is. Small, family operated businesses are working smarter to Jodi silently accepts her husband’s adulterous pecca- compete with the online and corporate race to the bottom where faster and dillos, until he announces his intent to leave her. The Silent Wife cheaper trumps values and ethics. We appreciate that you value what we do A.S.A. Harrison’s debut novel, ($16, Penguin, 978-0-143-12323-1) will remind you of Gone and the ways we support our community, and continue to look to us for Girl as you discover just how far one woman will go to ways to enrich your life with great things to read. keep what is rightfully hers. See you soon in the bookstore! Available 6/25 Growing Lives and Learning Women Lead We Need New Names Ladies’ Night There have been some great storytellers of escape from 0DU\.D\$QGUHZVEHVWVHOOLQJDXWKRURIVRPHEHORYHG KDUGVKLSWRÀQGDQHZEHJLQQLQJDQGQRZDZRQGHUIXO EHDFKUHDGVOLNHSpring Fever and Summer RentalUHWXUQV QHZYRLFHMRLQVWKHUDQNV1R9LROHW%XODZD\RERUQDQG ZLWKLadies’ Night 6W0DUWLQ·V3UHVV UDLVHGLQ=LPEDEZHWHOOVWKHVWRU\RI'DUOLQJDWHQ\HDUROG *UDFH6WDQWRQLVIRUFHGWRPRYHLQ JLUOZKRPXVWQDYLJDWHDIUDJLOHDQGYLROHQWZRUOG$QDXQW ZLWKKHUZLGRZHGPRWKHUDIWHUVKHFUDVKHVKHUFKHDWLQJ LQ$PHULFDRIIHUVWKHFKDQFHWRHVFDSHEXWKHURSWLRQVDV KXVEDQG·VSULFH\VSRUWVFDULQWRWKHIDPLO\VZLPPLQJSRRO DQLPPLJUDQWDUHIHZWe Need New Names 5HDJDQ ,QVWHDGRIFRXUWRUGHUHG´GLYRUFHUHFRYHU\µVHVVLRQV*UDFH $UWKXU LVDPRYLQJDQGH\HRSHQLQJ WULHVWRÀQGFORVXUHLQZD\VVKHQHYHULPDJLQHG+HDUWDFKH FRPLQJRIDJHVWRU\ KXPRUDQGDOLWWOHELWRIP\VWHU\FRPHWRJHWKHULQWKLV VWRU\DERXWOLIH·VXQSUHGLFWDEOHWZLVWVDQGWXUQV$YDLO
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