A Newpaper WithA ' Constructive » Policy VOLUME II, NUMBER 98 4 CIO To Carry On Unrelenting Fighf For Enactment Of FEPC • ■ -W ' Conference Discusses Methods Of Warfare • CLEVELAND, Ohio—(NNPA)—The Congress of Indus- trial Organizations will carry on an "unrelenting fight” for the enactment of fair employment practice legislation, the CIO Staff Conference on Civil Rights, declared after a two- day meeting here last Wednesday and Thursday. The conference, called under thetional Union of Electrical, Radio and auspicies, , of... the OIO Committee to Machine .Workers; United Steel­ Abolish Discrimination discussed workers of America, Gas, Coke and nnliiods of improving and intensify­ Chemical Workers. United Paper­ ing the CIO fight against all form' workers, United Automobile Work­ of racial «nd religious discrimina­ ers. United Rubber Workers, Trans­ tion. port Workers Union, Amalgamated The statement, issued after the Clothing Workers. American News- two-day meeting held at the Ho­ l»aper Guild, Communication Work­ tel Hollenden said: er», Oil Workers International Un­ “The failure of the Senate to vote ion, National Maritime Union. Unit­ cloture on the motion to take up ed Transport Service Employees, and the FEPC bill was a callous and dis- the United Packinghouse Workers gracefulp lece of political jockeying The CIO Committee to Abolish on an issue involving the lives and Discrimination is headed by James welfare of millions of Americans B Carey. CIO secretary-treasurer. "The opposition to cloture could Its secretary is Willard 8. Town­ have been expected those reaction­ send. of Chicago, president of the ary Dlxiccrats who have always United Transport Service Employee., fought every form of forward-look­ and its director is George L P ing cjvil rights leglslation.-But there Weaver, of Washington. is overwhelming evidence that the machinations of this reactionary bloc was supported by leaders of the Housing Forum Republican party who.gave lip ser­ St. Augustine : Griggs Business College vice to the cause of civil rights al! Scheduled Here year long-exccpt when Civil rights First annual Housing Forum will VICTIM IS REMOVED FROM WRECKED CHICAGO 1 juries to about 30 others. Flaming gasoline »ear- issues are up (or vote. Graduates Its be present at Clayborne Temple, 294 (Editor's note: The record shows TROLLEY-A body iiis placed in onan ambulance al ed several autos and set fire to eight buildings, Hernando Street/Friday evening, the scene of the trolley-double trailer gasoline destroying five of them Commencement’ Set Here\ that thirty-three Republicans voted June 23rd, according to announce­ and damaging the Oth- Largest Class for cloture, six against, and three truck crash on Chicago's South Side which took er«.-Internationaler».-International Soundphoto). ment today by Attorney J F Estes, The largest graduating class in shop, Julian D Brandon, ' Henry i Griggs Business and Practical E. were aDseiit, while nineteen Demo­ chairman of the Planning Commit­ the lives of at least 33 persons and caused in- the thirteen years of St. Augustine I Arts College will hold its Annual Bridgeforth, Otlia Lorenzo Brown. crats voted for. cloture twenty-six tee for the Forum Others associat­ Memphis, received diplomas at the ¡Commencement exercises this week Hattie Mae Bush, Calvin W. Clax­ against, and nine were absent. The ed with the committee are Dr R parish High Mass from his Excel­ end with Dr. S. A Owen, pastor of ton. Artericus Cummings, Johnnie Senit'1 is composed of fifty-four Q. Venson, Henry Davis, C W lency, William L Adrian, DD., Bi­ Metropolitan Baptist Church, and Dowdy. Charles-M. Finnie. Edward Democrat» voted for cloutre, twenty Bowens, co-chairman; Clifton Sat­ Travelers Aid Holds Will Dedicate shop of Nashville. Dr. H. H. Jones, pastor of Centen­ L. Franklin, J aines Franklin. Solo­ six agaih't and nine were absent terfield. and William Crawford. Sunday. May 28th. Rev. Father ary Methodist Church as guest mon Gooch. Lucille-Green, Clarence The Senate Is composed of fifty-four "This forum will become an an­ High School Bertrand Kock, OFM. Pastor of the speakers. Metropolitan Baptist Gwin. Jr., Chester A. Harp. William Democrats voted for cloture, twenty : nual educational program sponsor­ church, presented the thirty five church will be setting for both the Hawkins. Susie Alice Horne, Melba cans.) ed by the newly created Veterans | Fine Annual Meeting Gym Sunday graduates to the bishop. Sister Mary baccalaureate services Sunday. H Hudson. Arguster Jaekspn. James DECENCY DEFEAT Building Corporation." Attorney The new high school gymnasium St. Oabriel, BVM Kai sponsor of June 4th, during which tune Pastor Ernest Jackson, Isaac E. Johnson. i of the interest manifested by Miss 'The failure to vole Cloture was a Estes added. "The housing forumI, Attorney Lewis It Duiiclson, Ill on Booker T Washington high the class. Owen will give a special message Otis Johnson. Mattie Bell Jones, defeat for millions of decent Ameri­ will concern itself with Informing ] vice-president of fiie Memphis Eva Sums, executive secretary of Edward Flagg was awarded the Bcordies Jordan. Bettye Jean school campus will be dedicated at 11 o'clock A. M : and the follow­ cans. It was a victory for nobody. It I the citizens of Memphis and vlctn-1I Travelers Aid Society, cut short a |I the Memphis Travelers Aid So- C. B J. Mooney (former editor of Lenoir, James A Lewis, Alfred Eu- . this Sunday afternoon, June Sth ing Monday evening, June Sth, be­ brought dismay to the millions ofj ity with a thorough knowledge ol ■j business trip pi Washington, D. C. i! I’icly, in lier Negro workers, and the Commercial Appeal» medal for gene Mackey. Anna Rose Martinez. 8upt Bcnest c Ball of the Mem- ginning at 8 o’clock. Dr. Jones will citizens who feel the weight of bias private and public housing— as it ai-1I and flew back to Memphis in or- ‘ how she had 'gone to bat" for the highest scholastic average for Rebecca Louise Miller. Joseph Mit­ , phis Board of Education will be speak on the commencement pro­ and discrimination. fects the future builder and buyer, Ider to (III a speaking engagement them time and again when the four years Edward Flagg *as ac­ chell. Jr.. Willie Mae MWIC Warren KO t'f int tin -...i II. Ill t *1 t il ,; guest speaker. gram: This will be the 43rif annus!- j particularly pointing out the pro-1- al Lhe annual mecUim of the quesU'ih’came up ax fo the per- cepted for Harvard this faH term G Morris, W T. Mosley. James I Dufipt - dedfelfon cereatortteti. commencement for the college “It brought Jubilation to tho’e1 ncr location Im develop individual Negro Advisory Hoard of the So­ mnnmicy of their position after The Honor Key for excellence in Thomas Mull, Lavon Partec, Mar­ which begin at flbe o'clock, the new Students will demonstrate each foes of democracy who have based housing as well as community plan­ ciety last Friday evening In his- USO had been dropped icholarshlp. loyalty, and general tha Ann Perkins, Alfred K. Phillips, gymnanum will' be officially phase of the work as taURht by the their evil anti-democratic propa­ ning." message, the young attorney re- "It wu Miss Sams who played achievement was merited by Eu­ Joseph Randolph. John F Ray. J. 1 Attorney Estes added that there | named the Blair T. Hunt Gymna­ school. This exercise promised to ganda on the diesis that our demo­ the leading role in helping to re­ gene McKinney Edward Flagg and B Robinson, Walter Lee Robinson. counted some of the accomplish­ sium. in honor of Prof. B. T. Hunt, be (lie most outstanding in the his­ cratic system cannot or will not cope are areas within the city which arc tain the'« fine Colored worker' Carolyn Myers received certificates Roy C Richardson, Andrew Y ments of Travelers Aid Society, and principal of Booker T. Washington, tory of the institution, according to with the major problems of our so­ considered blighted and unfit tor for perfect attendance throughout Rodgers. Dorothy Riddick. Edward commended the services rendered for Travelers Aid," Prof,-Hunt de­ announcement by C J Gaston, bust ciety. human habitation. Negroes a r. c. high school The program Is their four years of High School Schcrrod. Jessie A Sinclair, Willie Ijv the Negro Advisory Board clared scheduled to at art at 5 o'clock. ness manager for Griggs Business living in a greater- perccptagc of "Your work in so many instancesI Oeraldlne Burke received a certifi­ H. Thompson, Harold T Trice, Alf This Is the first gym lor Negroes College. "The petty partisans who havr those areas. It was pointed out 1 has gotten closer to the people New members of the board werr cate for perfect attendance through Turner. Clyde H Walls, Cara C. played football with the FEPC and. Condemnation proceedings will be­ presented bv Mrs Mary E Mur- jI in the history of Memphis. aL two years of schooling There will ta a speed typewriting Washington, Ernest, C. Williams. j who need il Ilian, our board," Mr j other civil r'ght.s issues have dope gin shortly after a final area ascer­ phy, chairman of the nominating II hough Beale Avenue Auditorium To Helen Kay Greene and Rita contest, and three outstanding busi­ Frank L Woodard, Henry E. Vcazcy. their country a riisserviee. It Ls lime tainment which will result into Donelson asserted He was cape- committee, slid principal of Alon-1 lias been used for this purpose It j Lawscha went two scholarships to­ ness men will offer prizes to stu­ that they come to realise the seri­ many Negro families having to sell the USO. will be available to school athletes | Chairman Hunt eloquently told11 so Locke School.
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