All the News of AR the Point~s Every , Thursd.y Morning rosse Pointe ~ws ~omplete News Coverage of All the Pointes Home of th~ New. VOL.41-NO. 9 Pul>lI.htd or $e.ond CI... M"II .. "I tho Port Offl .. at Dotrolt, Michigan GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1980 25. Po. Copy $10.00 '0. YeCl' 34 Pages-Three Sections-Section One Lakeshore Displays Frozen Tableau Group Formed to Comhat Disease IReye's: Doctors Move into Action By Dean Brierly Ann Arbor or Detro~t Chilo Reye's Syndrome in Michi. Child Health -and Crippled dren's Hospital. gan last year, -and 23 appar. Children's Services of the With the recent out- "The tertiary care center ent ca,es so far this year, it's department of Health, Edu. I break of Reye's Syn- is ideally suited to provide not surprising that the medi. cation and Welfare. I drome in Union City, care because they have the cal community is taking ac. Cc»nputu Helps : near Battle Creek, resi- most consistent long.term ex, Hon to fight the disease. The group is currently dents throughout south- perience with Reye's Syn. Dr. Baublis reports that a gathering information on pro. ~""".~,;".".-, .. ~,,<//,.. ,~, ;~ ~ eastern Michigan are be- drome," he says .• , Don't six.state coalition comprIsed viding supportive services for I <;,' .,.;~,';~,.,.,.,.~~.~.,.;',;,:.• ; "~,:'.', mi m d wa,te time taking your child of Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, families stricken with Reye's; ""- ,,-... - ~ co ng or~ an more to your community health Wisconsin, Jndiana and lIlin- identifying families where ..... O/~ concerned WIth the pos- center becau'p thpv will I ";0 h.o mot ~",-1 'n_..,.,n~ ~ ""'e~"e_ "_ .., e'_" _. ___ __. :;iiJiliLY ?i thel.r ChIldren I probably refer you to' either form'al-org~~iz~ti~n -g~~'~;dt~ I ~~~"-;r~s~~t.~c~;~biiit~; fur '''', contractmg thIS d rea d Detroit Children's or Molt's." finding ways to deal with treating Reye's; developing '''''-w'-''''''''it disease. Form Coalition Reye's. model programs for states ..... - Although there have been A Cottage Hospital spokes. ,On January 21 and 22 of whose programs on treating no reported cases of Reye's person confirmed this. "We this year, the six states met Reye's are limited; and insti. Syndrome in the Pointes this would automatically refer at Webber's Inn at Ann Ar- tuting regional surveillance year, parents should none the. cases of Reye's Syndrome to bor to form the "Great Lakes on the occurence of the dis. less be alert. Reye's Syn- Detroit Children's. We're not Regional Reye's Syndrome ease. drome is a complication of really equipped to deal with Study Group." The meeting Plans are underway for viral infections such as the it here." and organization of the group the construction of a com- flu, chicken pox or the com- With 79 reported cases of was financed by the Maternal, (Continued on Page 2) mon cold and usually strikes ------------------------ _ b~str:c~:~ri~g~hi~d u~t~:Ste~~ Lawmakers M I!~~jNtr¥rIf5}ii~:~~,:i:i , . ay Dr. Joseph V. Baublis, Photo by David Kramer dIseaseg~f(}~!frOii~~1:~\~~:~~:k~!can be broken down -I C H The semi-frozen waters of Lake St. Clair into four basic s.tages: nvestl-gate' PC in St. Clair Shores mountains of the crackling crunched and slashed against the breakwall crystals were thrown ashore within a few feet Stage 1: Abnormally le- along Lakeshore this week while further north of concerned residents' homes. ~hargic behavi?r, :rtaring of! By David Kramer action between Cottage ad. board directive which could mto space, f!lIllD~ mto a deep I:linistrators and trustees and result in a second major sleep and wakl.ng. up ~on. If the views of some representatives of -the CHPC. change of the plan. The num. .les Second SU1.t on LI.CenSe fused, general dlso~lentatl?~. six state legislators are Also attending the session ber of beds to be cut will Cafe FI Stage. 2: Becomm~ delIrl. indicative of the feelings were delegates from Bo~ be brought down from a pro. ous'. WIldly combal1ve and of state lawmakers, the Secours and S1. John. Hospl- posed 3,000 back to the By David Krame,: Edoardo, after that reslau'l trons can bring their own, Moraco said he would ap. ~:t~~efa~~~ia~I~~rcSes~~~~f:~ tdhebedtding t Plan] whCicth ~:~~r~n~ca~~hr~~~~t~~;:~iz~~ i~~~~~~;d 2b~hee~a~~~beds vant ran large ads in a local bottle of wine into the res'i peal the "bring your own" convulsions. rea ens .0 . c ose 0 - lions, including the Michigan Bed Cuts Le Cafe Francais own- paper saying it would be taurant is before the Court of ! question all the way to the Stage 3: No longer reo tage HospItal may. well State Medical S(lciety and the In add it ion, Gnodwin er Charles Moraco has forced to close unless it was Appeals. ' I State Supreme Court, if ne. sponds to familiar voices, be dumped or drastIcally Michigan Hospi, '1.1 Associa. stated that the 6D.member filed a second court ac- issued a license. T hat question resulted ceso,ary. semi-comatose state. modified. lion. board of CHPC.sEM had di- tion against the Woods La Cafe owners, however, from a "raid" by Woods po. Meanwhile, he claims his Stage 4: Comatose _ us- At a dinner meeting held Other legislators present rected its staff to spread the in an attempt to gain were responsible for con. lice LHt March where under- "hands are tied" because of ually leads to death. the evening of February 21 were Sen. Gilbert DiNello, bed cut numbers among all the tavern license he ducting a petition drive and cover officers entered the the court actions, while his "If discover'ed and treated at Cottage,. .area lawmakers I and Reps. William R: Bryant , ar~~ hospitals, inclu<;ling those feels should have been gaining enough signatures to restaurant with a bottle of business has dropped "95 imme;:!iately, there is an ex- reveale;:! a Jomt Senate-House and Leo Lalond. Aides for \ WhiCh, because of .hlg~ scores put the issue on the ballot wine and were served il percent." cellent chance for complete committee was being formed Sen .. ~ohn Hertel and Rep. under CHPC crItena, had his. in the first place,. while the:e. A warrant was , Right ~o.Wine recovery," says Dr. Baublis. to investigate the agency DenniS Hertel also were pres- formerly been exempt. Known as a "declara- The Raid later dented by the Wayne Fur,her pelitlOn dnns on "Ho v v'r th mor the dis-- which drafted the plan the ent. \ While the exact effects of tJry action," the civil A .cour.t decision on the I ~ounty prosecu;tor for viOl!!. I h.is p3rt must await .resolu. ease' ~r~gre5S~S, th: smaller Comprehensive Health Plan. Della Goodwin, president \ the late~t order remain un. suit filed in Wayne Coun- ques,tlOn IS not expected ~or I tlOn of, state lIquor laws. In I tl~n of the court ca.es, he the chance for complete and ning Council of Southeastern o[ CHPC, announced a new \ (Contmued on Page 4) ty Circuit Court is based several months. Meanwhile, the inCident, but a warnmg said, but he welcomes any I normal recovery. At stage 2. ;\nchigan (CHPC). Some of . i ,.oI\, the interpretation of the question of whether pa'i was IS5ued to Lc Cafe. I (Continued au Page 2) - there's about an 85 percent them pictured the bed plan ths:<o<word "a~ as Wled in chance. By stage 3, there is as resulting from a bureauc- tne ' referendary ballcit h." , f' little better than a 50 per- racy out of contTol; a .group Bu~czyk Joins ,Sy""pl1:lJIJY t cent chance and only with thaI had failed to follow- leg. question approved bY, 'D c{!rtain compromises, such as islative guidelines in its at. For Tchaikovsky Concert Vvoods voters authorizing Teens Supp ort, t e ra a loss of certain motor func. tempts to reduce health cart' the council to grant "au tions. By stage 4, there 'is no costs. Grosse Pointe pianist Ruth I performances with the De- j tavern license, I S ld meaningful survival. The Kelly's Idea Burczyk will be featured as troit Symphony and has de. The action, drafted by B t N t Women 0 l.ers body may be saved, but the Meanwhile, at the meeting, guest artist at the Grosse lighted audiences throughout Moraco's attorney, Jam e sUO • brain, for all practical pur. I the CHPC pre sid en t Jln. Pointe Symphony's all-Tchai- the midwest, the southern CaJlah3n, claims "a," used in poses, is dead." nounced further c;hanges in kovsky concert under the portion of the U.S., as well as that sense, means more than Early Treatment the already once modified baton of Felix Resnick, Sun- Canada, with her " ... clean one. Based on that interpre. As tensions mount in Iran and Afghanistan would consider signing up for Present tl'eatment is en. bed-cut plan. day, March 9, at 3:30 p,m., technique . , . polished pro. l tation, the suit claims Mo. hinting at the gloomy possibility of a war, the call the draft, but he may have tirely supportive. Drugs are Th<l meeting, organized in Parcells Auditorium, 20600 fessionalism .. , inexhaust- raco should be issued a Eec- for a reinstatement of the draft has divided both. "o~her plans:' administered to the patient and chaired by State Sen.
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