UNDERWATER IMAGE-BASED 3D RECONSTRUCTION WITH QUALITY ESTIMATION Klemen Istenič Per citar o enllaçar aquest document: Para citar o enlazar este documento: Use this url to cite or link to this publication: http://hdl.handle.net/10803/672199 ADVERTIMENT. L'accés als continguts d'aquesta tesi doctoral i la seva utilització ha de respectar els drets de la persona autora. Pot ser utilitzada per a consulta o estudi personal, així com en activitats o materials d'investigació i docència en els termes establerts a l'art. 32 del Text Refós de la Llei de Propietat Intel·lectual (RDL 1/1996). Per altres utilitzacions es requereix l'autorització prèvia i expressa de la persona autora. En qualsevol cas, en la utilització dels seus continguts caldrà indicar de forma clara el nom i cognoms de la persona autora i el títol de la tesi doctoral. 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Doctoral Thesis Underwater Image-Based 3D Reconstruction With Quality Estimation Klemen Istenič 2021 Doctoral Thesis Underwater Image-Based 3D Reconstruction With Quality Estimation Klemen Istenič 2021 Doctoral Program in Technology Supervised by: Nuno Gracias Rafael Garcia Thesis submitted to the University of Girona for the degree of Doctor Certificate of Thesis Direction Dr. Nuno Gracias, member of the Departament d’Arquitectura i Tecnologia de Com- putadors of Universitat de Girona, and Dr. Rafael Garcia, member of the Departament d’Arquitectura i Tecnologia de Computadors of Universitat de Girona, Declare: That the work entitled Underwater Image-Based 3D Reconstruction With Quality Estima- tion presented by Klemen Istenič to obtain the degree in Doctor of Philosophy has been developed under our supervision and fulfills the requirements to obtain the International Mention. Therefore, in order to certify the aforesaid statement, we sign this document. Girona, February 2021 Dr. Nuno Gracias Dr. Rafael Garcia To my mother Irena who never got the chance to get bored reading this thesis Acknowledgments In the beginning, I naively had one goal in mind. To travel the world and experience things I would not have had the chance to otherwise. After a few more years than I expected, I look back, the world is nearly traveled and I have a long list of people to thank... First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisors, Dr. Rafael Garcia and Dr. Nuno Gracias. Rafa and Nuno, thank you for your support during these past several years. I consider it one of my greatest fortunes that you both decided to mentor me. Aside from providing me with life-changing opportunities, teaching me an incomprehensible amount of lessons about research, and showing me that there is more to research than just research, most of all you have shown me what it truly means to support someone unconditionally. You opened doors for me when they needed to be opened, you always gave me the freedom to do things my way, and most importantly, you understood and supported me when it mattered most. I will never forget that. I thank all the members of the CIRS and ViCOROB research group. Juan David , you introduced me to the ins and outs of the lab and helped me at the beginning of my journey. Your "todo va a salir bien" has stuck with me to this day. Ricard C., you always let me pick your brain and learn from you without ever making me feel like I was bothering you. Jep and Eduard, involving me in your research has given me the opportunity to learn things I would have never known otherwise. Also, thank you Dina, Khadija, and Joseta for your support and random conversations that always left me feeling better, Quintana and Ricard P., for always helping me with all the technical things and Laszlo for a number of insightful discussions and suggestions. A big thank you also goes to Marc Carreras. Not only for all the effort in collecting all those datasets, but also for never letting me forget it and, more importantly, for making me feel welcome and supported at CIRS. It is more than necessary for me to also thank Lluis and Carles for your help with the robots and Joseta, Mireia, Anna, Olga and Bego for your constant help with all the bureaucratic pickles I seem to constantly find myself in. My experience in the lab would not be the same without the environment created by Pere Ridao and the rest of you: Guillem, Albert, Tali, Patryk, Narcis, David, Eduardo, Miguel, Angelos, Eric, Roger and Bruno. I would also like to thank Viorela Ila for hosting and mentoring me during my research stay at Australian National University. Your motivation and countless explanations helped me to improve my understanding in vision and robotics. Lukas, thank you for your insights into coding and all the little tricks you taught me along the way. A big thanks also goes to Mina, Monty, Cristian and Perla for making my stay in Canberra so enjoyable. This thesis would not have been the same without the support of Javier Escartín. vii viii Your leadership on the SUBSAINTES cruise and ever positive attitude in our subsequent collaboration helped me to carry out a significant part of the research covered in this thesis. I must also thank Aurélien for his help and willingness to share his knowledge, as well as all the other people who participated in the scientific missions in which I took part. Each mission taught me something new about research and gave me at least one extremely memorable story to tell. I also had the pleasure of participating in Robocademy, a Marie Curie Research Train- ing Network (FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN-608096). I am grateful to everyone involved, the organizers and fellow students and their supervisors for making the three years full of fun and memorable events and giving us the opportunity to gain knowledge on a wide range of topics. I thank my friends for the support and friendship I needed. Friends from back home (too many to list here, but you know who you are!), thank you for always welcoming me when I showed up in Slovenia, as if we had seen each other the day before. When it came down to it, I could always rely on your honest advice. My so-called second family in Girona - Ana Maria, Jordi and Anna. You were there for most of this journey and were always more than understanding no matter what I presented you with. Without your support it would have been really hard to persevere and get to this point. Ana Maria, I have lost count of how many conversations we have had about the moment we will both finish our dissertations - here we finally are! The ViBOT group (Maruf, Vibhav, Oksana, Dani, and Igor), even though we are scattered around, I always knew I could reach out whenever I needed advice that only you guys could give me. And then there are many others in Girona, Canberra and San Diego, who have supported me, listened to my complaining and always managed to put a smile on my face when I needed it most. I hope that each and every one of you will find yourselves here. These past several years have not been an easy ride, both academically and personally. I thank Karen for sticking by my side and always managing to lift me up and make me realize what was important in life, even when things were hard and life presented challenges.
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