Western CATHOLIC Western Kentucky Catholic, 600 Locust Street, Owensboro, Kentucky 42301 Kentucky Volume 35, Number 10, December, 2008 Change Service Service Change singing of the Litany of Saints called for Requested The Joy of an Ordination their intercession and for God’s mercy in An intimate union with God and call to His service preparation for Daniel to receive the grace Daniel Dillard, Ordained as Transitional Deacon of the Holy Spirit by the Laying on of Hands. Invoking the saints name by name By Larena Lawson, stirred the emotions of Daniel’s mother Owensboro Serra Club Communications Ranni, who said that at that moment she Owensboro, KY Permit No. 111 HENDERSON,Ky. - The chilly October could envision all of Daniel’s deceased Nonprofit Org. morning of Saturday, the 18th, certainly relatives and friends gathered with the an- U.S. Postage 42301 brought goose bumps to the surface of the gels and saints, joining them in witnessing Paid arms of many of the faithful who came to his reception of the Sacrament. His young witness the ordination of Daniel Dillard to niece, however, was a little distressed and the diaconate, but the cold air wasn’t the wondered what was wrong with Daniel, only thing that aroused unexpected sensa- thinking he might be sick as he laid on tions. The observance of the Sacrament of the floor, motionless in prayer. When he Holy Orders also caused emotions to stir finally moved, she was so relieved that he up in the hearts of those who were there to was OK. of peace from Bishop John. attend Daniel’s ordination, like a burst of For me, that solemn time of prayer The newly ordained Deacon Daniel joyful explosion, merging the heavens and in the ordination rite was very powerful. Dillard then reverently prepared the altar the earth, when the Holy Spirit came down The tears flowed from my eyes in joy as for the Liturgy of the Eucharist to the upon him and made him His own. I recalled all the years it has taken Daniel sound of “O God Beyond All Praising.” With the breath of the Holy Spirit in to prepare for this special day and my sup- God does go beyond our praising. the air at Daniel’s home parish of Holy port of him on his journey. He was the first Throughout the rest of the Holy Mass, Name of Jesus in Henderson, Daniel made of the seminarians I know and love to be watching Deacon Daniel go about the his commitment to celibacy, was examined ordained. As he rose to his feet, I observed duties of an ordained deacon was a proud as a candidate, and made his promise of that he had also shed tears, which he gently moment for us all. It called to mind that it obedience, before prostrating himself be- wiped with his handkerchief before he has been six long years since the Diocese fore the altar and Bishop John McRaith, stood in front of the Bishop for the imposi- of Owensboro has ordained a transitional in a position of prayer. Then the angelic tion of hands. It was a potent expression deacon to serve in the diocese, and now of love and surrender to the will of God, God has blessed us with another good man Bishop John McRaith ordained Daniel to serve Him and us. How can we praise Dillard to be a transitional deacon for as he stood ready to commit himself to a Him enough for this precious gift He has the Diocese of Owensboro on October life dedicated to the service of God as His 18 at Holy Name of Jesus Church in ordained minister. given to us? Henderson. Photo by Larena Lawson Bishop John McRaith laid his hands And God’s blessings do not stop upon Daniel and prayed for the Holy Spirit there. The day after Deacon Daniel was to come upon him. As Daniel’s family and ordained Steve Hohman was accepted as a ‘Oh My Gosh, It’s friends looked on, along with many priests Candidate for the Priesthood. On Oct. 26, Really Happening!’ who came in support of their soon-to-be Uwem Enoh was received as a candidate fellow minister, Daniel humbly received for the priesthood and then on Nov. 1 Josh By Dawn C. Ligibel the Sacrament of Holy Orders. McCarty was also ordained a deacon. HOPKINSVILLE,Ky. - “Oh my Gosh, it’s All responded a resounding “Amen” In the Catholic faith, a deacon can really happening,” exclaimed Cynthia Mc- to the Prayer of Consecration. Then Dea- preach, baptize, witness marriages, offer Carty after her son, Joshua Allen McCarty con Joe Ohnemus and Father Tony Bickett Communion to the sick and aged, and was ordained as a deacon on Saturday, vested Deacon Daniel with stole and dal- perform other ministerial duties. The November 1, 2008, at Sts. Peter and Paul matic. Afterwards, he was presented with newly ordained deacons are transitional Church here. the Book of the Gospels and offered a sign deacons, meaning they are preparing for Although Cynthia never really doubt- ordination to the priesthood. Our diocese ed her son’s choice of vocation or his also has permanent deacons, who carry out ability to achieve it, being ordained as a the same role, but are not studying for the altar during the ceremony put an end to priesthood. deacon made his choice to become a priest all her questions. “I feel so blessed,” she very real for the first time. “At first, Josh exclaimed. “God deserves for people to told me, ‘they tell me I need to go and follow Him in a closer, committed relation- Inside This Edition: discern,’” Cynthia explained. “After a ship.” Western Kentucky Catholic Bishop John McRaith ordained Josh couple of years, he was still not sure, he Committing to God is precisely what readers: for more about the deacon McCarty as a transitional deacon on was still discerning. I kept asking myself, McCarty did on November 1. As Bishop ordinations, turn to pages 10 and Nov. 1, 2008 at Saints Peter and Paul ‘Will he or won’t he?’” McRaith explained to McCarty during his following. For coverage of the Church in Hopkinsville. Photo by Jim Watching her son leave the pew beside Candidacy of Steve Hohman and Creighton. her to join Bishop John McRaith on the Continued on page 10 Uwem Enoh, turn to page 3. 2 The Western Kentucky Catholic, December, 2008 Let our hearts be as open as the little children in anticipation of the birth of Jesus My dear friends, see Santa. In Advent, we prepare our hearts so lives as stewards to be sure that we have As we celebrate Advent, we also we may have this same type of joyful expec- not fallen into the falsehood that we own celebrate with gratitude the blessings of tation. Let our hearts be as open as the little everything, which keeps Jesus out of not the liturgical year that has just ended, and children in anticipation of the birth of Jesus. only Christmas but all the days of our we now begin a new year in the life of the We are a little afraid of what He is going ask of lives. Church. us, but we are overjoyed with what He brings I join you in praying that the Church Advent is that time of year when we to us. Yes, He brings us salvation; He brings us of Western Kentucky - Diocese of Ow- prepare ourselves for the coming of Christ the opportunity to live with Him on this earth ensboro will spend Advent as a time of on Christmas Day. The word ADVENT and to live with Him for all eternity. preparation and joy, so that we together can is from the Latin word adventus, which The one thing that we might fear is whether run to the barn – Jesus’ birthplace – to join means “the coming - the arrival” of Jesus we are willing to put aside anything in our lives Mary, our Blessed Mother and St. Joseph at His first birth here on earth and also His that would keep us from receiving this Jesus that along with the shepherds as we welcome Second Coming. loves us so much that He would become one of this beautiful, wonderful, new baby whom The whole church year is organized us with a humble start being born in a barn as we all call Jesus. around the two great feasts of Christmas a helpless little tiny baby. On the other hand, With these happy thoughts, I wish and Easter. We are now preparing for the as we work at preparing a place in our lives for all of you a joyful Christmas and many first great feast: Christmas. Jesus, we are overcome with joy, happiness and blessings as we begin the New Year in the As we think about our lives, we real- gratitude. liturgical life of the Church. Life in the ize that we celebrate important events Most Rev. John J. McRaith The Church is now offering us the opportu- world was never the same after the birth throughout the year and throughout our Bishop of Owensboro nity to spend these next four weeks to prepare a of Jesus, and may our lives never be the lives. We celebrate birthdays, anniversa- would mean to them and a great place in our hearts and in our lives for Jesus. We same as we embrace the Newborn Christ ries, Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages, amount of joy both in preparing and will do that best by celebrating the sacraments of Child as our friend and as our SAVIOR Ordinations, Final Vows, and on and on.
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