Bulletin Journal of Sport Science and Physical Education No 68, May 2015

Bulletin Journal of Sport Science and Physical Education No 68, May 2015

Bulletin Journal of Sport Science and Physical Education No 68, May 2015 eature: "ritical Pro#$ctivism and the 'Brighton Effect" for )ransforming Sport and Physical Education ICSSPE/CIEPSS Hanns-Braun-Straße, Friesenhaus II 14053 Berlin, Germany, el!" #4$ 30 311 0%3% 15, Fax" #4$ 30 311 0%3% %$ *"SSPE B+,,ETIN )$B,E - "-NTENTS )a.le of "ontents *"SSPE B+,,E)*N )$B,E - "ON)EN)S///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////2 PUB,*S0ER'S S)$)EMEN)/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////3 OREW-15//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////5 Edit(rial Katrin Koenen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!5 President)s Message Uri Schaefer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, -el.(me /e0 Members!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$ EA)+RE "ritical Pro-$cti%is& and the 'Brighton Effect' for )ransfor&ing Sport and Physical Education //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////10 Intr(du.ti(n John Nauright!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10 Bey(nd P(0er Games: Criti.al Pr(-2.ti3ism in S4(rt and 5eisure Studies, he Bri+ht(n 244r(ach John Sugden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11 Bey(nd the S4(rt-Media- (urism C(mple&"61] An 2+enda 8(r ransf(rmin+ S4(rt John Nauright!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 13 he 9Clean S4(rt: 2+enda – Challen+es 8(r Managin+ S4(rt Marc Keech!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! %0 he Personal and the P(liti.al in eachin+, Resear.h and 2.ti3ism Megan Chawansky, Christopher R. Matthews and Nigel Jarvis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%, Equity and In.lusi(n in Physi.al Edu.ati(n ary Stidder and Sid Hayes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!3% E&pl(rin+ the S(.ial Bene8it (8 In8(rmal and 5i8estyle S4(rts "elinda #heaton and Mark $oidge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!45 *"SSPE B+,,ETIN )$B,E - "-NTENTS "+RREN) *SS+ES///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////50 ICSSPE /e0s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 50 5earnin+ t( *(3e, *(3in+ t( 5earn> -hat is the Relati(nship bet0een Physi.al 2.ti3ity and Edu.ati(nal Su..ess? Richard "ailey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 53 A Criti.al ?ebate (n Pr(3isi(n (8 Primary Physi.al Edu.ati(n" the En+lish C(nte&t %d Cope, $aniel &arnell, 'ony Macfadyen, Matthew J. and Reeves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!5, "ON)$")S/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////63 *"SSPE B+,,ETIN P+B,*S0ER2S S)$TEMEN) PUB,IS0ER'S S)$TEMEN) No. 68, May 2015, *SSN 1628#5707 he @(urnal (8 the Internati(nal C(un.il (8 S4(rt S.ien.e an' Physi.al Edu.ati(n (ICSSPEB is publishe' t0i.e a year! Its +(al is t( 4r(3ide a 8(rum 8(r ICSSPE members an' (ther .(ntribut(rs t( share ne0s an' e&perien.es, raise issues 8(r discussi(n, de3el(4 internati(nal an' e&ternal linCs an' pr(m(te e3ents. he 8eature' arti.les an' (ther .(ntents are m(nit(re' by the ICSSPE E&e.uti3e D88i.e an' the Edit(rial B(ar', 0ith the aim (8 all(0in+ 8(r 8ree an' balan.e' disseminati(n (8 in8(rmati(n .(nsistent 0ith ICSSPE:s aims an' (1Ee.ti3es. he 3ie0s e&4resse' 0ithin this publi.ati(n are n(t ne.essarily th(se hel' by ICSSPE unless (therwise state'! he @(urnal is published by Internati(nal C(un.il (8 S4(rt S.ien.e and Physi.al Edu.ati(n (ICSSPEB Hanns-Braun-Straße, Friesenhaus II, 14053 Berlin, Germany Ph(ne" #4$ 30 311 0% 3% 10, Fax" +4$ 30 311 0% 3% %$ [email protected]!(r+ htt4"//000!i.sspe!(r+ Edit(r: Gatrin G(enen e&t-Edit(r: ?r Ri.hard Bailey ?esi+n" 2stri' 5an+e ICSSPE Edit(rial B(ar'" Pr(8! ?r Gari Geskinen Mr -(l8+an+ Baumann Pr(8! ?r Pedr( Ferreira Guedes de Carvalh( Pr(8! ?r Carl! <! Cramer Pr(8! ?r <(sa 5HpeI de ?)Ami.( Pr(8! ?r @(hn /auri+ht ?r Geith Gilbert Pr(8! ?r Garin 2! E! J(lC0ein Mr ?etle8 ?um(n Ms Gatrin G(enen K C(pyri+ht %015, ICSSPE! F(r in8(rmati(n about this 0(rC, please .(ntact ICSSPE! Permissi(n is here1y +rante' t( repr(du.e an' distribute .(pies (8 this 0(rk 8(r n(npr(8it edu.ati(nal pur4(ses, 4r(3ide' that .(pies are distribute' at (r bel(0 .(st, an' that the auth(r, sour.e, an' .(4yri+ht n(ti.e are in.lude' (n each .(4y! he E&e.uti3e D88i.e is su44(rte' by the Senatsverwaltung f(r )nneres und Sport, Berlin an' by the "undes*inisteriu* des )nnern, Germany, based (n a de.isi(n (8 the $eutsche "undestag! 4 *"SSPE B+,,ETIN -1EW-15 OREW-15 Editorial Katrin Koenen -el.(me t( issue /(! LM (8 ICSSPE:s BulletinN his time 0e 8eature 9Criti.al Pr(-2.ti3ism an' the OBri+ht(n E88e.tP 8(r ransf(rmin+ S4(rt an' Physi.al Edu.ati(n: an' it is ; 8(r the 8irst time ; a ne0 appr(ach t( a Spe.ial Feature t(pi.! he di88erent perspe.ti3es are n(t .(min+ 8r(m di88erent .(untries this time, but thr(u+h di88erent 3ie0s an' appr(aches (8 .(lleagues 0ith di88erent scienti8i. ba.C+r(unds 8r(m (ne (8 (ur member Uni3ersities: he Uni3ersity (8 Bri+ht(n! hanCs t( @(hn /auri+ht, edit(r (8 the 8eature, 0e are able t( publish a 3ery ni.e .(mpilati(n (8 arti.les that reach 8r(m sport t(urism, anti-.(rrupti(n an' in.lusi(n t( so.ial bene8it (8 sports. In (ur Current Issues se.ti(n 0e ha3e t0( e&.itin+ arti.les (8 t(tally di88erent .(ntents. Ri.har' Bailey 0rites about a t(pi. (8 +reat .urrent interest t( many members - 9-hat is the relati(nshi4 bet0een physi.al acti3ity an' edu.ati(nal su..ess?:! In additi(n, a .(llaborati3e arti.le 8r(m a +r(u4 (8 resear.hers ne0 t( ICSSPE (88ers a .riti.al perspe.ti3e (n the 4r(3isi(n (8 Physi.al Edu.ati(n in En+lish Primary S.h((ls. I h(pe y(u enE(y readin+N In additi(n, I am happy t( be able t( ann(un.e that 0e have - sin.e the last Bulletin - publishe' t0( han'1((Cs, 1(th in .(-(perati(n 0ith the FRC Re8eren.e Centre 8(r Psy.h(s(.ial Su44(rt an' (ther partners, (n h(0 t( use sport an' physi.al a.ti3ity as psy.h(-so.ial interventi(ns. 9*(3in+ (+ether’ +i3es detaile' su44(rt (n h(0 t( set u4 sport an' physi.al a.ti3ity 4r(+rammes, 0hile 9?i88erent ; Just 5iCe R(u: 8(.uses (n in.lusi(n in su.h pr(+rammes. B(th 1((Cs present +((' pra.ti.e e&amples in psy.h(so.ial su44(rt an' a ran+e (8 acti3ities that hel4 t( release (ne:s 4(tential an' parti.ipate a.ti3ely in so.iety! he publi.ati(ns .an be '(0nl(ade' 8(r 8ree 8r(m the ICSSPE 0ebsite an' a printe' 3ersi(n .an be (rdere' 8r(m the ICSSPE (88i.e! Aside 8r(m these publi.ati(ns, %015 0ill also be a year 0ith many e&.itin+ acti3ities an' e3ents in all 8ields (8 sport, sport s.ien.e an' physi.al edu.ati(n! Many (8 these are liste' in (ur Q4.(min+ E3ents se.ti(n (8 the 0ebsite! I:m e&.ite' that (ne (8 th(se e3ents is (ur internati(nal seminar 9C(mmunities an' Crisis ; In.lusi3e ?e3el(4ment thr(u+h S4(rt:, 0hi.h 0ill take pla.e %-, /(3ember in Rheinsber+, Germany! Further in8(rmati(n and the pr(+ramme are n(0 available (n the ICSSPE 0ebsite and re+istrati(n is n(0 (penN An' (8 .(urse, 0e h(pe t( meet many (8 (ur ICSSPE members at the ICSSPE B(ar' meetin+s 8r(m 1%-14 September %015 in Brazil, at the Faculty 8(r Physi.al Edu.ati(n (8 the Federal Uni3ersity (8 JuiI de F(ra. hey 0ill be hel' (n the (..asi(n (8 the II C(n+ress (8 the 5atin Ameri.an Asso.iati(n 8(r S4(rt, Physi.al Edu.ati(n an' ?an.e A25CI?E?), an' are +ener(usly h(ste' 1y the Federal Uni3ersity (8 JuiI de F(ra. E3ery(ne is also 0el.(me' t( E(in us at the .(n8eren.eN 5 *"SSPE B+,,ETIN -1EW-15 Finally, I 0(ul' liCe t( remin' y(u that .(ntributi(ns 8(r the Bulletin are al0ays 0el.(me, 0hether y(u 0(ul' liCe t( submit an arti.le, a re3ie0, (r re4(rt (n a meetin+ (r .(n8eren.e, intr(du.e a ne0 resear.h pr(Ee.t (r uni3ersity pr(+ramme! FeedbacC (n the 8(rmat, (r any aspe.t (8 the Bulletin, is al0ays appre.iate'! Please email me at CC([email protected]!(r+! 8atrin 8oenen ?ire.t(r S.ienti8i. 288airs L *"SSPE B+,,ETIN -1EW-15 President2s Message Uri Schaefer ?ear ICSSPE members and 8riends, 21(ut hal8 a year ag(, 0e l(st (ur dear President Pr(8essor Mar+aret al1(t! May I share some .h(sen parts (8 the (bituary I deli3ered durin+ the .erem(ny, 0hi.h 0as held in 5eeds, her h(me t(0n, (n the 1Lth (8 ?e.ember %014" +Margaret was an e,ample to us all. She was a dedicated worker who put her heart and soul in whatever task she undertook and achieved her targets one by one. She was a true professional who was greatly respected -y her peers, and above all she was a dear friend to *e and to all )CSS&% *e*bers. ) will always cherish our *eetings and discussions which have taught *e so *uch.

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