Bulletin Journal of Sport Science and Physical Education No 68, May 2015 eature: "ritical Pro#$ctivism and the 'Brighton Effect" for )ransforming Sport and Physical Education ICSSPE/CIEPSS Hanns-Braun-Straße, Friesenhaus II 14053 Berlin, Germany, el!" #4$ 30 311 0%3% 15, Fax" #4$ 30 311 0%3% %$ *"SSPE B+,,ETIN )$B,E - "-NTENTS )a.le of "ontents *"SSPE B+,,E)*N )$B,E - "ON)EN)S///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////2 PUB,*S0ER'S S)$)EMEN)/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////3 OREW-15//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////5 Edit(rial Katrin Koenen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!5 President)s Message Uri Schaefer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, -el.(me /e0 Members!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$ EA)+RE "ritical Pro-$cti%is& and the 'Brighton Effect' for )ransfor&ing Sport and Physical Education //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////10 Intr(du.ti(n John Nauright!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10 Bey(nd P(0er Games: Criti.al Pr(-2.ti3ism in S4(rt and 5eisure Studies, he Bri+ht(n 244r(ach John Sugden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11 Bey(nd the S4(rt-Media- (urism C(mple&"61] An 2+enda 8(r ransf(rmin+ S4(rt John Nauright!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 13 he 9Clean S4(rt: 2+enda – Challen+es 8(r Managin+ S4(rt Marc Keech!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! %0 he Personal and the P(liti.al in eachin+, Resear.h and 2.ti3ism Megan Chawansky, Christopher R. Matthews and Nigel Jarvis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%, Equity and In.lusi(n in Physi.al Edu.ati(n ary Stidder and Sid Hayes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!3% E&pl(rin+ the S(.ial Bene8it (8 In8(rmal and 5i8estyle S4(rts "elinda #heaton and Mark $oidge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!45 *"SSPE B+,,ETIN )$B,E - "-NTENTS "+RREN) *SS+ES///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////50 ICSSPE /e0s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 50 5earnin+ t( *(3e, *(3in+ t( 5earn> -hat is the Relati(nship bet0een Physi.al 2.ti3ity and Edu.ati(nal Su..ess? Richard "ailey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 53 A Criti.al ?ebate (n Pr(3isi(n (8 Primary Physi.al Edu.ati(n" the En+lish C(nte&t %d Cope, $aniel &arnell, 'ony Macfadyen, Matthew J. and Reeves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!5, "ON)$")S/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////63 *"SSPE B+,,ETIN P+B,*S0ER2S S)$TEMEN) PUB,IS0ER'S S)$TEMEN) No. 68, May 2015, *SSN 1628#5707 he @(urnal (8 the Internati(nal C(un.il (8 S4(rt S.ien.e an' Physi.al Edu.ati(n (ICSSPEB is publishe' t0i.e a year! Its +(al is t( 4r(3ide a 8(rum 8(r ICSSPE members an' (ther .(ntribut(rs t( share ne0s an' e&perien.es, raise issues 8(r discussi(n, de3el(4 internati(nal an' e&ternal linCs an' pr(m(te e3ents. he 8eature' arti.les an' (ther .(ntents are m(nit(re' by the ICSSPE E&e.uti3e D88i.e an' the Edit(rial B(ar', 0ith the aim (8 all(0in+ 8(r 8ree an' balan.e' disseminati(n (8 in8(rmati(n .(nsistent 0ith ICSSPE:s aims an' (1Ee.ti3es. he 3ie0s e&4resse' 0ithin this publi.ati(n are n(t ne.essarily th(se hel' by ICSSPE unless (therwise state'! he @(urnal is published by Internati(nal C(un.il (8 S4(rt S.ien.e and Physi.al Edu.ati(n (ICSSPEB Hanns-Braun-Straße, Friesenhaus II, 14053 Berlin, Germany Ph(ne" #4$ 30 311 0% 3% 10, Fax" +4$ 30 311 0% 3% %$ [email protected]!(r+ htt4"//000!i.sspe!(r+ Edit(r: Gatrin G(enen e&t-Edit(r: ?r Ri.hard Bailey ?esi+n" 2stri' 5an+e ICSSPE Edit(rial B(ar'" Pr(8! ?r Gari Geskinen Mr -(l8+an+ Baumann Pr(8! ?r Pedr( Ferreira Guedes de Carvalh( Pr(8! ?r Carl! <! Cramer Pr(8! ?r <(sa 5HpeI de ?)Ami.( Pr(8! ?r @(hn /auri+ht ?r Geith Gilbert Pr(8! ?r Garin 2! E! J(lC0ein Mr ?etle8 ?um(n Ms Gatrin G(enen K C(pyri+ht %015, ICSSPE! F(r in8(rmati(n about this 0(rC, please .(ntact ICSSPE! Permissi(n is here1y +rante' t( repr(du.e an' distribute .(pies (8 this 0(rk 8(r n(npr(8it edu.ati(nal pur4(ses, 4r(3ide' that .(pies are distribute' at (r bel(0 .(st, an' that the auth(r, sour.e, an' .(4yri+ht n(ti.e are in.lude' (n each .(4y! he E&e.uti3e D88i.e is su44(rte' by the Senatsverwaltung f(r )nneres und Sport, Berlin an' by the "undes*inisteriu* des )nnern, Germany, based (n a de.isi(n (8 the $eutsche "undestag! 4 *"SSPE B+,,ETIN -1EW-15 OREW-15 Editorial Katrin Koenen -el.(me t( issue /(! LM (8 ICSSPE:s BulletinN his time 0e 8eature 9Criti.al Pr(-2.ti3ism an' the OBri+ht(n E88e.tP 8(r ransf(rmin+ S4(rt an' Physi.al Edu.ati(n: an' it is ; 8(r the 8irst time ; a ne0 appr(ach t( a Spe.ial Feature t(pi.! he di88erent perspe.ti3es are n(t .(min+ 8r(m di88erent .(untries this time, but thr(u+h di88erent 3ie0s an' appr(aches (8 .(lleagues 0ith di88erent scienti8i. ba.C+r(unds 8r(m (ne (8 (ur member Uni3ersities: he Uni3ersity (8 Bri+ht(n! hanCs t( @(hn /auri+ht, edit(r (8 the 8eature, 0e are able t( publish a 3ery ni.e .(mpilati(n (8 arti.les that reach 8r(m sport t(urism, anti-.(rrupti(n an' in.lusi(n t( so.ial bene8it (8 sports. In (ur Current Issues se.ti(n 0e ha3e t0( e&.itin+ arti.les (8 t(tally di88erent .(ntents. Ri.har' Bailey 0rites about a t(pi. (8 +reat .urrent interest t( many members - 9-hat is the relati(nshi4 bet0een physi.al acti3ity an' edu.ati(nal su..ess?:! In additi(n, a .(llaborati3e arti.le 8r(m a +r(u4 (8 resear.hers ne0 t( ICSSPE (88ers a .riti.al perspe.ti3e (n the 4r(3isi(n (8 Physi.al Edu.ati(n in En+lish Primary S.h((ls. I h(pe y(u enE(y readin+N In additi(n, I am happy t( be able t( ann(un.e that 0e have - sin.e the last Bulletin - publishe' t0( han'1((Cs, 1(th in .(-(perati(n 0ith the FRC Re8eren.e Centre 8(r Psy.h(s(.ial Su44(rt an' (ther partners, (n h(0 t( use sport an' physi.al a.ti3ity as psy.h(-so.ial interventi(ns. 9*(3in+ (+ether’ +i3es detaile' su44(rt (n h(0 t( set u4 sport an' physi.al a.ti3ity 4r(+rammes, 0hile 9?i88erent ; Just 5iCe R(u: 8(.uses (n in.lusi(n in su.h pr(+rammes. B(th 1((Cs present +((' pra.ti.e e&amples in psy.h(so.ial su44(rt an' a ran+e (8 acti3ities that hel4 t( release (ne:s 4(tential an' parti.ipate a.ti3ely in so.iety! he publi.ati(ns .an be '(0nl(ade' 8(r 8ree 8r(m the ICSSPE 0ebsite an' a printe' 3ersi(n .an be (rdere' 8r(m the ICSSPE (88i.e! Aside 8r(m these publi.ati(ns, %015 0ill also be a year 0ith many e&.itin+ acti3ities an' e3ents in all 8ields (8 sport, sport s.ien.e an' physi.al edu.ati(n! Many (8 these are liste' in (ur Q4.(min+ E3ents se.ti(n (8 the 0ebsite! I:m e&.ite' that (ne (8 th(se e3ents is (ur internati(nal seminar 9C(mmunities an' Crisis ; In.lusi3e ?e3el(4ment thr(u+h S4(rt:, 0hi.h 0ill take pla.e %-, /(3ember in Rheinsber+, Germany! Further in8(rmati(n and the pr(+ramme are n(0 available (n the ICSSPE 0ebsite and re+istrati(n is n(0 (penN An' (8 .(urse, 0e h(pe t( meet many (8 (ur ICSSPE members at the ICSSPE B(ar' meetin+s 8r(m 1%-14 September %015 in Brazil, at the Faculty 8(r Physi.al Edu.ati(n (8 the Federal Uni3ersity (8 JuiI de F(ra. hey 0ill be hel' (n the (..asi(n (8 the II C(n+ress (8 the 5atin Ameri.an Asso.iati(n 8(r S4(rt, Physi.al Edu.ati(n an' ?an.e A25CI?E?), an' are +ener(usly h(ste' 1y the Federal Uni3ersity (8 JuiI de F(ra. E3ery(ne is also 0el.(me' t( E(in us at the .(n8eren.eN 5 *"SSPE B+,,ETIN -1EW-15 Finally, I 0(ul' liCe t( remin' y(u that .(ntributi(ns 8(r the Bulletin are al0ays 0el.(me, 0hether y(u 0(ul' liCe t( submit an arti.le, a re3ie0, (r re4(rt (n a meetin+ (r .(n8eren.e, intr(du.e a ne0 resear.h pr(Ee.t (r uni3ersity pr(+ramme! FeedbacC (n the 8(rmat, (r any aspe.t (8 the Bulletin, is al0ays appre.iate'! Please email me at CC([email protected]!(r+! 8atrin 8oenen ?ire.t(r S.ienti8i. 288airs L *"SSPE B+,,ETIN -1EW-15 President2s Message Uri Schaefer ?ear ICSSPE members and 8riends, 21(ut hal8 a year ag(, 0e l(st (ur dear President Pr(8essor Mar+aret al1(t! May I share some .h(sen parts (8 the (bituary I deli3ered durin+ the .erem(ny, 0hi.h 0as held in 5eeds, her h(me t(0n, (n the 1Lth (8 ?e.ember %014" +Margaret was an e,ample to us all. She was a dedicated worker who put her heart and soul in whatever task she undertook and achieved her targets one by one. She was a true professional who was greatly respected -y her peers, and above all she was a dear friend to *e and to all )CSS&% *e*bers. ) will always cherish our *eetings and discussions which have taught *e so *uch.
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