P: ISSN NO.: 2394-0344 RNI No.UPBIL/2016/67980 VOL-4* ISSUE-2* (Part-1) May- 2019 E: ISSN NO.: 2455-0817 Remarking An Analisation Existence V/S Essence: An Existential Study of Girish Karnad's Yayati Abstract The crux of existentialism is the freedom of choice / decision which an individual exercises in his life in order to find out the essence / true meaning of his existence. He is the architect of his life and is, therefore, solely responsible for the consequences of his deeds. His mental poise or otherwise depends on his willingness or reluctance in owning this responsibility. Girish Karnad's first play Yayati brilliantly illustrates this philosophy of existentialism. Yayati, the king of Hastinapur is cursed with premature senility by Shukracharya not for others' sins but for his own excessive indulgence in sensual pleasure and physical gratification. Instead of accepting the consequences of his deeds, he goes to the extent of getting it exchanged with his son Puru's young age. The drama that unfolds after this is symptomatic of the uncalled for travails in the life of Puru and his wife Chitralekha. After a series of symbolic encounters and catastrophic realization, Yayati returns his youth to Puru. To the shocking dismay of all, it results in the untimely death of Chitralekha and the consequent loneliness of Puru who still gropes in the darkness of confusion and ignorance. Keywords: Existentialism, Essentialism, Determinism, Existential Dilemma, Mythological, Choice and Responsibility. Introduction In traditional philosophical definitions, „Essence‟ (meaning attached to life) is more significant than 'Existence' (life itself). Essentialism which comes from the word 'Essence' and which believes in the intrinsic Nisha Gupta value of life, can be equated to 'Determinism' also, which means the role of Associate Professor, luck, fate, chance and also of God, but existentialism as a philosophy Deptt. of English, categorically rejects the role of any external entity in shaping the life of an D.A-V College, individual. According to existentialists, once a man is born, he is thrown Kanpur, U.P., India into the hostile universe that is bent upon exercising callous forces on the individuals. It is the individual who has to grapple with these forces and make a decision, a choice and take a step to direct his life. He, therefore, has 'freedom of choice', to make a decision and whatever happens after his choice-making, will be his own responsibility. If he shirks this responsibility and passes it on to others, he will have to face the consequences. Hence there is the resulting angst or frustration and alienation. Objective of the Study This research paper seeks to bring to light the main tenets of existentialism (namely the precedence of existence over essence, role of an individual‟s decisions in shaping the course of his life and his readiness/reluctance to accept his responsibility) and to explain them with reference to Girish Karnad‟s first play Yayati. An all prevailing alienation, despair and resulting angst can be avoided if the person knows how to make right decisions/choices and how to accept the consequences calmly and ungrudgingly. Main Text of the Study Existentialism as a mode of thinking became popular at a time when there was deep sense of despair following the Great Depression and the World War II. This despair had been articulated by the existentialist philosophers and their philosophy is still popular and continues till this day as a particular way of thinking and reasoning, with freedom to choose one's preferred moral belief system and life style. The concept here is that humans 'exist' first and each individual spends a lifetime changing their 'essence' or nature. Jean Paul Sartre (one of the main exponents of this philosophy) writes in his book Existentialism is Humanism: “…man first of all exists, encounters himself, surges up in the world –and defines himself afterwards. If man as the existentialist sees him is not definable, it is because to begin with he is nothing. He will not be anything until later, and E-127 P: ISSN NO.: 2394-0344 RNI No.UPBIL/2016/67980 VOL-4* ISSUE-2* (Part-1) May- 2019 E: ISSN NO.: 2455-0817 Remarking An Analisation then he will be what he makes of himself” (28). suddenly seemed to link up with the story of Yayati” Existentialism also enunciates that people are (“Girish Karnad Interviewed” n.p.). searching to find out who and what they are Yayati, although a short play, is a miniature throughout life as they make choices based on in the drama of life. It enacts the philosophy of experiences, belief and outlook. Further, a person existentialism broadly and beautifully. The play seeks should be forced to choose and be responsible for it to exemplify that if there is suffering and anguish, it is without the help of laws, ethical rules or traditions. all because the characters do not want to own their Although a person sets out from the point of responsibility / duty. Tutun Mukherjee is of the view emptiness or absence of meaning in life (due to the that "Karnad's first play Yayati (1961) was written with imperfection or deficiencies of his own nature), he in impulsive enthusiasm in the context of the persuasive the process happens to find one or the other meaning philosophy of existentialism, when he had neither which he comes to associate with his life. much knowledge nor experience of the world of Existentialism, in this way, is the journey and search theatre..."(Girish Karnad's Plays 18). It is interesting for true self and true personal meaning in life. to note here that in many respects, Yayati describes Existential dilemma or crisis is another quite appropriately the existential crisis in the concept which has emerged as a popular construct dramatist's life also, Firstly, he had never fancied these days because in the present circumstances, a himself as a dramatist. He had tried to write poetry, man is also confronted with the difficult task of making but "found himself writing a play that was Yayati” a choice out of the possible alternatives. A man (Girish Karnad’s Plays 30). Secondly, he had trained standing at the crossroad which branches out into two himself to write in English, but again "found" himself paths is the brilliant example of positing a man into writing the play in Kannada, the language of his existential dilemma, which path to take and which one childhood. Another striking thing about this play is that to renounce, so that "the road not taken" as described Karnad was trying to reveal his anguish or repression by the great American poet Robert Frost always against his own paternal authority which got reflected allures and beckons the traveller to choose it and in the father - son relationship in Yayati. tread on it, while at the same time the other one is The story of Yayati is taken from Adiparva of equally tempting. the Mahabharata. It is the tale of the mythological king Existentialism was as much a literary Yayati who in his longing for sensual pleasure sought phenomenon as a philosophical one because like to borrow the youth and vitality of his own son Puru. most of the existentialists, Jean Paul Sartre The plot moves round the relations of Devyani and articulated his views not only through his philosophical Sharmishtha on the one hand and their relations with works like Being and Nothingness and Critique of Yayati on the other hand. Chitralekha is the later Dialectical Reason but in a more powerful manner creation and imagination of the dramatist who did it as through his fictional works like Nausea and No Exit. he was thrilled with the very idea of what would have Contemporary writers all over the world were happened in such a unique situation, if Puru's wife influenced by his philosophy and either took clues had been there. Swarnalata is the maid attending both from his books or based the structure of their works Devyani and Chitralekha. She had been witness to all on these existential ideas. that had conspired within the close precincts of the Girish Karnad belongs to that generation of palace. These characters show how women writers who witnessed the disturbances caused by the (irrespective of their caste or class) had to suffer due turmoil of the world wars and other contemporary to male dominance. events. It was also the time when Karnad was under Moreover, Karnad gives this traditional tale a the influence of the western playwrights like Anouilh, new and significant close also. In the Mahabharata, Sartre, O'Neill and the Greeks. He was particularly Yayati renounced the throne because he came to influenced by the French playwrights like Cocteau and realize the nature of desire itself that fulfillment of Anouilh, because they chose myths to depict the desires did not diminish or finish them; rather they complex conditions of modern life in place of the were prompted quickly. In Karnad's play, however, realistic sets. Taking clues from these playwrights, Yayati recognizes the horror of his own life and Karnad has tried to evolve an idiom which would suit assumed his moral responsibility after a series of typical Indian conditions. He was quickly and naturally symbolic encounters and shocking realization. Herein drawn towards the enunciation of the powerful lies the original approach of the playwright and it gives philosophy of existentialism in almost all his works, the play a new meaning and significance highly Yayati, his first play is no exception in this case. He relevant in the context of life today. That's why, has accepted in an interview with Tutun Mukherjee, "it Aparna Dharwadkar in her article "Playwriting and is true that existentialism was the persuasive Criticism : Another Look at Girish Karnad" describes philosophy of the time.
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