Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College 1987-1988 Student Newspapers 4-19-1988 College Voice Vol. 11 No. 19 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1987_1988 Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "College Voice Vol. 11 No. 19" (1988). 1987-1988. 19. https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1987_1988/19 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1987-1988 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. .------~-------...~--------...,.- TREeo April 19,1988 Volume XI, Number 19 Ad fontes Hanker Chosen as New College Terminates Religion Professor F.R.M. Contract Shelley Stoehr union caused FRM to leave Lisa M. Allegretto The College Voice News Editor Connecticut. According to Hob- bie Walton, chairtnan of the The religous studies department has appointed Facilities Resource Man- employee committee, "The Edward Hanker to its full-time teaching staff. agement (FRM) left Connecti- threat of a union got FRM. When Hanker was chosen from a group of thirty appli- cut College on March 25. The the union came to campus the ad- cants by a search committee consisting of depart- decision to terminate the five- ministration finall y realized that ment members, as wellas anthropology professor year contract with FRM was an something was wrong." Harold Juli, and sociology professor, Jerry Winter. "employer-employee decision" Walton recalled several inci- Because the religous studies department's full- according to Julie Quinn, Di- dents that added to employee time staff must teach a variety of courses, the search rector of Public Relations at unrest According to Walton two committee sought "someone trained in religous Connecticut College, who supervisors. the engineering studies, not just a sub-department. He had to be able would not comment further. supervisor and the custodial to offer something outside of his major course of Several employees at Physi- supervisor, left Connecticut study," said Garrett Green, chairman of the depart- cal Plant felt that the threat of a Su F.R.M. page 7 ment. Hanker did graduate study in the history of philosophy and the sciences in Islam at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Islam is one Three Students Awarded Wason Fellowship Grants religion which is lacking in Connecticut College's religous studies the Swiss and the Japanese flags an English and government Lisa M. Allegretto curriculum. and from that formulated the double major, will study "racism Green said that he hopes to attract more majors to the religous News Editor core of his project. within the gypsy community" in studies department by expanding offered subject areas. Spain. Her main goal is to deter- For the first time in the his- "Swiss design has a certain Under the full-time equivalence staffing plan (F.T.E.), the reli- tory of the college, Connecticut personality of its own," said mine whether an oppressed gous studies department may only employ four full-time professors. group internalizes their oppres- has three Thomas J. Watson Davis. "[It] is based on a grid and However, because of other changes in the department, Hanker will sion in a way specific to their Fellowship winners this year. is very modular. It uses simple not upset the F.T.E. "It's as though before we had a three and three- circumstances or is Lee Davis, LaShawn Jefferson, graphic shapes." Japanese de- if opression internalized in a way common to thirds F.T.E.," said Green. and Kate Titus were chosen sign has the same characteristics Both Dean Johnson and the college chaplain held one-third time from 192 candidates from 48 according to Davis. all minority groups. positions in the religous studies department, but neither will be small colleges allover the coun- He saw a similarity in the way Jefferson said of her project, associated with the department in the future. Dean Johnson post- try. In all, 75 students were cho- both Japan and Switzerland are "It has a little to do with how poned his retiremcnt for one year at President Oakes Ames request, Spain has oppressed the gypsies sen for the award. organized. "It's ironic that there but will no longer be a part of the religous studies department, Due The purpose of the Watson are so many similarities [be- and more to do with how the to a reorganization of the office of chaplain, the position will no Fellowship grants is to allow tween the two countries] and yet gypsies have internalized the longer be automatically linked with the department. A part-time each student to have a year of they are so different," said oppression." Jefferson believes professor in Judaic studies held the last third. focused study in a field that in- Davis. that the intra-cultural racism Hanker's others credentials include: graduate coursework in terests him or her. During the se- Davis was first introduced to among the Spainish history of religions and medieval philosophy at Duke University, gypsies parallels the lection process the majors at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Kabblah and He- black experience in applicants must pres- brew Ethical Literature, and a major at Berkley in medieval Jewish ... this country. ent a proposal of their philosophy. Hanker has knowledge of the Hebrew, Aramic, Syriac, _ She intends to use intended study. Each Mandaic, Arabic, German, and French languages. He has taught contacts she made at single Watson Fellow most recently at Duke University. is given $13,000 and gypsy organizations during her junior year those traveling with a Billy Bragg Plays to Raise Money abroad in Madrid. dependent receive Kate Titus, who $18,000. The Watson for South African Fund graduated from Con- Goldberg Internship Fund Fellowship Founda- Lisa M. Allegretto tion was founded in necticut College in News Editor which sponsors Connecticut December, intends to 1969 by the late Mrs. College students working as study "Public Educa- Thomas 1. Watson On April 21, Billy Bragg, the community-service interns in tion" in Cuba and whose husband British folk-punk-rock musi- New London. The South Afri- Nicaragua. founded IBM. All cian, is coming to Palmer Audi- can Scholarship Fund has been graduating seniors are During the course at Connecticut for three years of their year abroad, the Watson torium as part of the'SGA South eligible for the award. Swiss design at a summer pro- and the Philip Goldberg Intern- African Scholarship and Philip Lee Davis, an art major, plans gram at Yale University. He then" Fellows are required to provide ship Fund was started this year in the Watson Foundation with Goldberg Internship Fund Com- to study the "commonalities in became interested in Japan memory of the late psychology mittee fund-raiser. The proceeds graphic design" in Switzerland through a history class at Con- quarterly financial statements. professor. of the concert will benefit both and Japan. "I want to study the necticut College. At the end of the year each fel- "The committee decided at the South African Scholarship similarities of the two countries He plans to spend half of the low must submit a written sum- the beginning of this year that we and Philip Goldberg Intership through graphic design," said year, until January, in Switzer- mary of what they have accom- wanted to have a few major Fund. Davis. land and then move on to Japan plished. fund-raisers along with the little The fund is divided into two Davis first got the idea for the in June. "I hope to spend the year "The whole idea behind the ones, like selling t-shirts and Watson is to engage in the study parts: the South African Scholar- project from the Swiss flag evenly between the two coun- having the bake sale," said Anita of something of interest to you," ship Fund which sponsors a non- hanging in his room. He noticed tries," "said Davis. Nadelson '88, a member of the white student attending college the design similarities between LaShawn Jefferson, who is said Jefferson. in South Africa and the Philip su Bragg page 7 ..... If 11JJJ Sports: News: A&E: Women's F.R.M Billy Page 7 Bragg Lax ~ Page 8 Page 12 oo==========================' 1 ~ VIEWPOINT oi l~===================== fFalcOller Apologizes Students Must Learn Tolerence Dis past WedDesday volunteers partldpatlng In the Bi-sexuall .~ :,; I did not mean to offend you. correct Now that the issue has been varying viewpoints. I am not a GayiLesbiaDAwareDeSSDaysatoutsidetheposloff"lCeofferlngfree carnations to studeDtiI and faculty members. People were asked to ~My column, "Ogling at Conn: Are raised, Ihope to learn more about it, sexist, and my political persuasions wear the flowers Insupport of sexual freedom of choice, not only on ~ You Serious?", was not intended to and how Connecticut may best deal have absolutely no bearing on the ~ enrage the community. I realize with the problem . news coverage of the College tlliscampus, but aIsosymbolicaDy, throoghout this country. Dona- .. that my column was insulting to I believe that sexual har- Voice - they never have, and they tioIIs to AIDS researdJ was also accepted with the flower gift. many people. All columns should rasment is an extremely important never will. A1thoogh a great many people assented to wear .tbe c;arnations, be balanced to reflect both sides of issue; one that should and will be Once again, I apologize to other people were readily antagonistic. "Fag love,.;; eas not an an argument; mine was not I did dealt with by Connecticut College. everyone who was offended by the un_ addr_to thosewbo pnblically displayed tlieir snpport not write the column with a mali- The Conn thought section, column.
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