tiOBTODBTBBa WEDNESDAY, SEP-ncaFRin^ fO. 198| ABOUTIOWN BOSnTALNOIES Tail’d Never Oneaa llMy>e Been Repaired Becenae SHOES Look Dorothy H. Keeney ■• CjMlwiMi Ooort, Order of Anui-I Good Aa New When Done By . Mtttk. w n iKdd its rsgulsr maetinfl Tho’e Is Nothing lliat Adds More To Any Room And Admitted lata yeatorday: Aatbony Teacher of Piano VMdsjr svsiiiiif at 8 o’clock la the I Gmvlao, 15 Norman atieet. SAM YULYES Oradnate af the Mascaie Tea^)]*. It win be Discharged lata yeatorday: Mias SHOE REPAIR SERVICE Hartford Sdiooi af Mm Io vaaes alglit” aad aU doettvs cCfloers I Mary KaUeher, 343 Canter atraat, SHD oeeopjr staUoaa one step abore. | Mrs Viola MltcheU, 81 Apal Plac^ 791 State Street Phone 7689 aodal bour win follow tiw bust- Gives It A More Cheoful Aspect Than CURTAINS. Martin Anderson, 37 Hackmatack ■asA with lefosalunaats la cbarKe I street.. «f Ifrs. Picderica Spices and her | s Adniittad today: Mrs. neaaor HamllUm, 79 North Mala stiaet. John. Morria, 39 Main street. ,r Women of the local Ooncrega* I Dress Up Your Home During Our piBcharged today: Charlea 43aa- | A B E L * S £ % Deliciona Sandwiches CHINESE TURN BACK w n al dmrehes win be welcome to I atraat, Frank Goodala, attend the fall ranjrof the Hart-1 BuddafbAni. ^ Ctearaatoed Bleetilcal aad Served Until Midnight ford District Council of Congrega-1 Birth: A dat^hter to Mr. aad Meehaaleal Auto Repairing Uonal Women at the West Hartford | SwaUow, 387 Center ■ear 36 Cooper Street Hotel Sheridan Oangrecattonal church tomorrow, street, today. EatabUibed 1931 JAPANESE THRUSTS with sessions at 10 and 3:10 p. m.| Vlas Helen Calder of the American Aifcrd of ro id g n Missions wluj SEMI-ANNUAL CURTAIN SALE e^eak OB China and sereral other I prominent clergymen win be on the ON SHANGHAI FRONT program. Geaeral Evangeline Booth of the I *n»e Fall And W inter Season Will Salvation Army who arrived from Deeper Into Stronger OF BIG TRUCK STRIKE Xioadon iwsterday win speak from I t SUMNERS SEES •New Tork tonight at 10:45. over Defenare Poations; In the Columbia network. Through Call For Eixtensive Entertaining mlsimderstanding it was given asj Members Are Yotiog to De« Tuesday night ^ M A New Dinner Service Isn’t Just What You North More Chinese Are CRISIS IN U.S. LEAGUE GROUP JOHN S. ADDIS, The date of the Amaranth faDl Need To Complete Your Plans cide Whether Issues WM' rummage sale has been advanoedi Rnshed to Stem Advance. , W n » YEARS TO TELL DUCE TREASURER OF from October 8 untU Tuesday the! pr- pr. Be Given Over to Medit* Bth, and the place the old postoffice I Fine Imported on Main street. The officers of | Shanghai, Sept 30.—(AP)—Two Chapman Court wUl be la charge. A FEW Texas Democrat TeDs Na­ TO QUIT SPAIN S T A T ^ DEAD tion Board; Tmck Com­ OF THE MANY STYLES: China Dinner hundred thousand more Chineae The first meeting and rally of the I Hundreds of Pairs of Communists were ordered to the tion’s Lawyers That Gov­ Nutmeg Trafl will be held on Fri-| Point D’Esprit P r i s e i 11 s North China front today to stem Drafts Ultimahmi Fith O p ^ Expires While at Work m panies Standing Finn day evening a t 7:45 In Tbompeon- Roffled Cartains in Cream and the relentleaa advance of the Japa- at the Methodist church of I White. Smartly Styled Cur­ Service ernment Mnst Be Decen- which Rev. E. Dent Lackey la pas­ nase army, aa Chinese outald- ing of French Border to Office at New Milford| Had Against a Closed Shop, tor. The new superintendent of the Coshion Dot Priscilla Raffled tains For Every Room Hhanghal continued to hold their Norerlch District Rev. Maurice E. Cartains in Cream and Ecni. for positions and showed no signs of trafized in Near Future. ■* Barrett win be the speaker. 12 persons weakening. Loyalist Supplies As AI- Been Sobject to Heart Hartford. SepL SO.—(AP)—Hafita Novelty Flgared Priscilla In the House. $3 9 .5 0 Communist forces In Ktengsl of tattling the bitter, now 28-day»- Charged with peddling umbrellas I Raffled Cartains in many pat* province were mustered to join Na Kansas a ty . Sept. 30.—(AP)—A old truck strike were revived agate from bouse to house arithout a I tlonallat troops, thdr old anemiee, resolution to investigate Justice tematiTe to WithdravraL Attacks for Two Y ean license, Benjamin Pelts, 49, of 167 terns in Cream. aa the Japanese advanced through today. dark street Hartford, was arrested I Ruffled Tailored Service for eeatem Hopeh almoet to the border Black was sidetracked .and prob­ A special meeting bad been can­ Tailored Cartains in Plain ably killed In an American Bar ea Adams street a t 9:15 a. m. today 8 persons of Shantung provlnea, which has Geneva, Sept. 30 — (AP) — A New Milford, Conn., SepL SO. — ed for this afternoon, when tha full n^lfotorcycle Pollcemaa Ra}rmond MarQuisette, Dotted Maiqais- Cottage Sets $2 4 .5 0 felt only light. InfreQuent attacks Association committee today while loague of Nations sub-committee (AP)—^Tbe state mourn^ today membership of Local 671, A. P. af wlSln. He eras released later under ette and Novelty Figures. from armies from the land of the Rep. Hatton Sumners, Texas Dem­ a bead of 825 for his appearance fo White, Cream and Ecra.- itelag sun. was understood today to have the loss of John 8. Addis, its tresa- L. Truck Drivers’ Untoo, was to Police Court tonight ocrat outlined a "Battalion of reached a fateful decision to pre­ urer, who fell dead te the offtca of Plaln MarQuisette Priscilla Regular and Extra With their offensive In central Death" to fight for constitutional vote on whether ths Issues abocAd and north. China being pushed vlg' government sent Premier Mussolini with the be submitted to an impartla) board The regular monthly meeting of I Ruffled Cartains in Cream and oronaly, Japaneae sources declared alternative of writhdrawring his Widths Willow Sumnen, chairman of the House of arbitration. V)» Army and Nary Club auxiliary Eero. their Information indicated Marshal Judiciary committee and powerful Itallai. Volunteers from the Spanish Win be held In the Army and Navv [ Vaaally Galenta-Bluecber, com figure In the recent Supreme Court civil war or seeing the French Meanwhile, according to this pro­ dubiooms tomorrow night at 8 Plain White Voile Priscilla mander-ln-chlef of Soviet Ruaela’a battle, clarlfled to reporters a sec­ frontier thrown open to arms and posal, the strikers would return to o'clock. An members are urged to I Raffled Curtains. ...... $ 12.501 $ 12.50 Siberian forces was advising the men for the Spanish Valencia gov­ work under the former eondltlOBik attead. ' tion of a speech In which be asked: 20 Styles in Cottage Sets; in Chineae armies. ’’Are yon willing to join a battalion ernment. A delegate who left the But the obotaclc that has blocksd The Japaneae "Ug push" agaliut of death to save the Constitution session of the committee drafting an amriler afforta at arhltratlon and The first rehearsal of the Girl I Blue, Black, Red, Gold, Green, the Chinese defense Unea northwest and government?" Hli head cocked jauntily and amllinK aa tf he hadn't a worry In the world, Aaaodate Juatlce Hugo U Black a resolution on the Spanish conflict once before frustrated such on o r ^ Scout Drum aad Bugle corps arlU I and Brown. 32 Piece Sets «Q oa of Hhanghal was fought to a atand- Sumners told newsmen he was faced the barrage of questtona fired at him by newspapermen, on the deck of the City of Norfolk, at Norfolk, said this agreement had been reach­ tratkm vote u that this aftsrnoea take place tomorrow from 5:45 p. atm. Japanese hurled every weap not particularly referring In that Va., M he ar^ved from Europe, and refused to answer a point blank Query on his alleged membership In ed after a heated three-hour argu­ rsmoteed. a t to 8:45 p. m. at the BUte Ar- on they, oould muster against the sentence to the court fight or any the Ku Kiux Klan. He hinted at a radio statement so that he could not be "misquoted" on his reply to the ment. He reported that the draft The major trucking companlas re­ B'Oty. Girls are urged to be there Service for Six Persons charge. resolution does net refer to the promptly as Instructor Ralph Von atrongly-fortlfled Chineaa poaitloos other controversial issue. "foreign aggression" which Spain mained unyielding in opp^U on to Deck has another engagement 100 Pairs In the following pattenui: Royal Poppy, sQuare shape; Pink hut were unable to smash through. "What I am getting at is funda­ had charged against Italy, but the closed shop. and White with Black, sQuare shape; Country Side, round with Only BUnor Oates mentals. I believe that the court rather to "foreign Intervention." MyleQ W. mingwortk, exeeuttve At midday, after more than 34 contro'veray—aa much aa I tried secreta^ of tha Motor Truck Aaso* The atmual meeting of the Man­ blue line; Mantle Shelf, round with red line; Snapdragon, round hours of desperate fighting, a Japs- Gives Dace a Month chester Green Community club will shape: Yellow and Pink, floral border; Red Banded. to avoid It—b u proven of far more The resolution was aald to de­ elation of Connecticut, repaatod be held Friday evening at 8 o’clock naae apokeaman admitted only good than Injury In stirring up an BLACK APPEARS READY CANADIAN UUP clare If the wrlthdrawal of foreign this morning that hia group would la the Green school assembly ball.
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