
The original documents are located in Box 48, folder “7/2/76 HR12384 Military Construction Authorization Act FY 1977 (vetoed) (2)” of the White House Records Office: Legislation Case Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Exact duplicates within this folder were not digitized. Digitized from Box 48 of the White House Records Office Legislation Case Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library 1EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT ~~~ , OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET DATE: 7-1-76 TO: Bob Linder FROM: D • Evans Attached is the Senate Conf. Rept. for inclusion in the enrolled bill file on H.R. 12384. Thanks. OMB FORM 38 !I· 94TH CONGRESS SENATE REPORT 2d Session } { No. 94--937 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION, FISCAL YEAR, 1977 JuNE 9 (legislative day, JUN,E 3), 1976.-0rdered to b.e printed Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, Jr. (for Mr. SYMINGTON), from the committee of conference, submitted the following CONFERENCE REPORT [To accompany H.R. 12384] The committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 12384) to authorize certain construction at military installations and for other · purpOses, having met, after full and free conference, have agreed to recommend and do recommend to their respective Houses as follows: That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate and agree to the same with an amendment as follows: In lieu of the matter proposed to be inserted by the Senate amend­ ment insert the following: TITLE I-ARMY SEc. 101. The Seeretary of the Army may establish or develop mili­ tary installations and facilities by acquiriri{J, constructing, converting, rehabilitatiri{J, or installing p_ermanent or temporary public works, including land acquisition, szte preparation, appurtenances, utilities, and equipment, for the following acquisition and construction: INSIDE THE UNITED STATES UNITED STATES ARMY FORCES COMMAND Fort Bragg, North Carolina, $33./393,000. Fort Campbell, K~ntucky, $65,387,000. Fort Oarson, Colorado, $10,589,000. Fort Drum, New York $7,114,000. ·Fort Gree71!1, Alaska, $9,854,,000. Fort H oOfl, Tewaa, $90,033,000. Fort Lewis, W aahington, $9,114,,000. Fort George G. Meade, M arylan¢, $1,142,000. 117-0080 2 3 Fort Ord, California, $14,453,000. Milan Army Am;m;unitionPlant, Tennessee, $51~,000. Fort Polk, Louisiana, $47,613,000. Radford Army Amm/lmition Plant, Virginia, $387,000. Fort Riley, Kansas, $5,694,000. Sunflower Army Ammunition Plarnt, Kansas, $15~38,000, Fort Stewart/Hunter Army Air Field, Georgia, $39,634,000. Volunteer Army Ammunition Plant, Tennessee, $~85,000. Fort Wainwright, Alaska, $17,163,000. UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY UNITED STATES ARMY TRAINING AND DOCTRINE COMMAND United States Military Academy, West Point, New York, $~,857,000. Fort Belvoir, Virginia, $6,05~,000. · Fort Benninq, Georqia, $10,394,000. t!NITED STATES ·ARMY HEALTH SERVICES COMMAND Fort Bliss, Texas, $3,856,000. Fort Eustis, Virginia, $3,016,000. Fitzsimons Army Medical Center, Colorado, $~44,000. Walter Reed Army Medical Center, District of Columbia, $1,108,000 Fort Gordon, Georgia, $~~~4,000. Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, $987,000. Fort Know, Kentucky, $10,379,000. UNITED STATES ARMY MILITARY TRAFFIC COMMAND Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, $190,000. Sunny Point Army Terminal, North Carolina, $531,000. Fort Lee, Virginia, $1,11/i,OOO. Fort Rucker, Alohama, $1,841,000. NUCLEAR WEAPONS SECURITY Fort Sill, 0 klahoma, $1,181,000. Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, $15,~49,000. V arioua locations, $~.P75,000. UNITED STATES ARMY MILITARY DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES Fort McNair, District of Columbia, $7~~,000. EIIJHTH UNITED STATES ARMY,· KOREA UNITED STATES ARMY MATERIEL COMMAND Various locations, $13,669,000. Aberdeen Provinfl Grownd, Maryland, $7~6,000. UNITED STATES ARMY, JAPAN Detroit Arsenal, Michigan, $340,000. Kansas Army Ammunition Plant, Kansas, $493,000. Okinawa, $1~4,000. Letterkenny Army Depot, Pennsylvania, $8,357,000. Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, $495,000. UNITED STATES ARMY SECURITY AGENCY Natick Laboratories. Massachusetts, $118,000. Picatinny Arsenal. New Jersey, $560,000. V ariouslocations, $4,480,000. Pine Bluff Arsenal, Arkansas, $6,934,000. Pueblo Army Depot, Colorado. $417,000. UNITED STATES ARMY, EUROPE Radford Army Am.munition Plant, Virginia, $~5,663,000. Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, $1,1~6,000. Germany, various locations, $15,907,000. Scranton Arm11 Ammunition Plant. Pennsylmania, $16~,000. Italy, various locations, $1,088,000. Seneca Army Depot, New York, $421.000. Various locations: For the United States share of the cost of multi­ Sharpe Army Depot, California. $lili1,000. lateral programs for the acquisition or construction of militatry facili­ Sierra Army Depot, California, $1,489,000. ties and installations, including international military headquarters, Tooele Army Depot, Utah, $~,57~,000. for the collective defense of tlie North Atlantic T1·eaty Area, $80 000,- USA Fuel Lubrication Re.~earch J:abomtory, Texas, $469,000. 000. Within thirty days after the end of each quarter, the Secretdry of Watervliet Arsenal, New York, $3.383,000. the Army shall furnish to the Committees on Armed Services and on White Saruls Missile Ranqe, New lflewioo. $31,.9,000. Appropriations of the Senate and House of Representatives a descrip­ Woodbridge Research Facility, Virqinia, .~~,130,000. tion of obligations incurred as the United States share of such multi­ Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona, $6,978,000. lateral programs. NUCLEAR WEAPONS SECURITY AMMUNITION FACILITIES Various locations, $49,393,000. H olaton Army Ammunition Plant, Te'YIIYI.essee, $1,118,000. Indiana Army Ammunition Plant, I ndiarna, $6,758,000. EMERGENCY OONSTRUOTION Lone Star Army Am;m;unition Plant, Texas, $116,000. SEc. 10~. The Secretary of the Army may establish or de·velop Army Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant, Texas, $86,000. installations and facilities by proceeding with construction made nee- ... 5 CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS essary by clw;n,ges in Army '1'1l!bssion8 t1lflll re:JporUJibilities which have been occasioned by (1) unforeseen aecu,rity conaiderationa, (!8) new NO!Val Support Aotiv~ty, Brooklyn, New Yl?"',k, $491,000. weapons develo[J111..6nts, ( 3) new and unforeseeen research 0/fUJ., develop­ Naval Support Activ~ty, New Orleans, Louunana,,~1,400./)00. ment requirements, or (4) improved production BchedUtes, if the Secre­ Commander in Ohief Pacific, Pearl Harbor, Hawa~~ $4,300,000. tary of lJefense determines that deferral of suck construction for in­ Naval Support Activity, Philadelphia, Pe'flffl,8ylvanza, $~01./)00. clusion in the next Military Construction Autkorization Act would be Naval Support Activity, Seattle, Washington, $~67,000. inconsistent with itnterests of national secu,rity and, in connection there­ Headquarters Naval D·lstriot Washington, lVashmgton, Dutrwt of with to acquire, construct, convert, rehalJititate, or install permanent Oolwmhia, $1 ,300./)00. or temporary public works, including land ac!J.ui8ition, site prepara­ tion, appurtenancea, utilities and equi[J111..6nt iln the total amount of COMMANDER IN CHIEF, ATLANTIC FLEET $10/)00,000. The Secretary of the Army, or his de:Jignee, skatl notify the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate arut House of Bepre­ Naval Air Station, Cecil Fiel1, Florida, $!81tEf!OO: . sentatwes, immediately upon reaching a final deciaion to implement, Oceanographic System Atlantw, D(Jiflb Neck, Vzrg~nza, $8,048,000. of the cost of construction of any public work undertaken under tkis NO!Val Air Station, Jacksonville, Florida, $6,101,000. Bection, including those real estate actions pertaining thereto. T~ Naval Station, Mayport, Florida, $1,674./)00. with, may acquinJ, construct, convert, rekabititate, or install perrna.nent NO!Val S'libmarine Base, Netv London, Oonneotwut, $300./)00. autkorization 'Will ewpire upon the date of enactment of the Military Flag Administrative Urnit, Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia, $!8~3./)00. Construction A.utkorization Act for fiscal year 1978 except for th08e Naval Station, Norfolk, Virgi~ $tE4,!846,000. public works projects concer-ning which the Committees on Armed N O!Val Air Station, Oceana, Virgznia, $14,1,151./)00. Se1'vicea of the Senate atnd House of Bepresentatwes hatve been notified pursuant to this section prior to such date. 00111/ANDER IN CHIEF, PACIFIC FLEET TITLE II-NAVY NO!Val Station, Adak, Alaska, $1,418./)00. Naval Air Station, Barbers Point, Hawaii, $12,836,000. SEc. !801. The Secretary of the Navy may establish or develop mili­ Naval Air Station, Fallon, Nevada, $tE,376,000. tary installations and facilities by acquiring, constructing, converting, Naval Air Station, Miramar, California, $.1,,958./)00. rekabilitating, or installing permanent or temporary public works, in­ Naval Air Station, Moffett Field, California, $896,000. cluding land acquisition, Bite preparation, appurtenances, utilitiea, NO!Val Air Station, North Island, Califomia, $11,720,000. and equipment, for the following ac!J.uiBition and corUJtruction: N (lll)al Station, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, $4,051,000. NO!Val Submarine Base, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, $975./)00. INBIDE THE UNITED STATES NO!Val Facility, Point Sur, Oalifomia, $160,000. N(ffl)al Station, San Diego California, $8,386,000. TRIDENT FACILITIES Naval Air Station, Whidbey Island, Washington, $1,055,000. Various locations, $9!8,!878,000. NAVAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING MARINE CORPS N O!Val Academy, Annapolis, Maryland, $1,639,000.
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