The Diocese of Ogdensburg Volume 72, Number 30 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Vocation coordinator takes on additional role I PAGES NORTH COUNTRY Nativity scenes bring joy to hardened hearts I PAGE 11 CATHOLIC DEC. 20, 2017 CHRISTMAS BLESSINGS God's greatness in little things VATICAN CITY (CNS) .. God shows may trust in him and we can his greatness through his tell him with the courage of tenderness toward his chil· Paul." dren like a loving father, Pope Francis reflected on Pope Francis said. the day's first reading from In his homily during morn­ the prophet Isaiah a which ing Mass at Domus Sanctae proclaims that "the Lord is Marthae Dec. 14, the pope good to all and compassion­ said it is as if God "wants to ate toward all his works." sing us a lullaby" to soothe This compassion is most those who are wounded. evident during the Christmas "He carries us within his season, where God "makes very being. He is the God himself small and in his who with this dialogue smallness, does not stop makes himself little to make being great," Pope Francis us understand, so that we told the congregation. SPECIAL VISITOR Bishop's Bishop message for Antoine Chbeirof Christmas Latakia, "As we celebrate the birth Syria of our Savior and greet a spends a New Year, let us unwrap the week in gift of salvation offered by the North making Mary's words our Country own: 'Let it be done to me according to thy word.' FUll STORY, PAGEl "May the Christ Child bring you and your loved ones the Gift of Love, the Blessing of Hope and the Msgr. Poissant Promise of Peace. A blessed Christmas and joy-filled Msgr. Leeward Poissant, one of New Year!" 48 retired priests to benefit from "This w,1I be the 2017 Christmas collection, (l S'9" \aYOIJ 'I'();o,.j.l\ find Q bo.by looks back on his life as a priest '<JfOppw.,n do~ s on<! FUll STORY, PAGE 3 1'1'''9 1(\0 " mO!\9er. W<e~:la CNS/BRIDGEMAN IMAGES Mary and the Christ Child are depicted in a 1997 painting by Elizabeth Wang. The feast of the Nativity of Christ, a holy Around the Diocese day of obligation, is celebrated Dec. 25 . PAGE 14 FU II STORY, PAG E 16 LIFE~ I NORTH COUNTRY CATHOLIC DIOCESAN DEC. 202017 NORTH COUNTRY EDITOR'S NOTE CATHOLIC Box 326 Ogdensburg, N.Y. 13669 USPS 0039-3400 An early taste of Christmas joy BISHOP TERRY Christmas came a little early burg and Plattsburgh. "When I This week's coverage of that we make to Latakia and, R. LAVALLEY for the Diocese of Ogdensburg see the way the priests are Bishop Chbeir's visit is just the more importantly, it will con­ President as we were blessed by the serving the people and their beginning of our long term tinue with our prayer for each REV. JOSEPH A. MORGAN presence of Bishop An­ parishes and the love commitment to keep the story other. Vice President toine Chbeir of our t::::::;;;;;:-O:::;;;;;;;ji11 the faithful have for of Syrian Christians in front of "jesus has united us in our JAMES D. CROWLEY twin diocese of their priests, I found it the eyes of Christians of the love and faith," Bishop Chbeir Secretary-Treasurer Latakia, Syria. very beautiful," he said. North Country. said. "That's why you are al­ MARY LOU KILIAN This charming, gen­ The bishop also en­ In coming weeks we will ways in our thoughts, in our Editor/ tle prelate certainly couraged his new Amer­ publish background material prayers. We will pray for you, General Manager made friends across ican friends to about Christianity in Syria for the bishops, for the priests, the diocese as he met appreciate the gifts and which Bishop Chbeir supplied for the deacons, for the faith­ Publish 4Sis - Catholic school kids, graces of our lives. to Father Steve Murray, chair of ful, for each one of you. ® suesperyear: priests, deacons and "When I saw that you the Solidarity in Faith commit­ "Every time I come to Amer­ ." Weekly except many folks of the had power every day, I tee. We will also, of course, ica (and this is my fourth time) skipping North Country Church. found it a little bit keep up with all the diocesan I learn a lot from you and that's every other As a guest at the Mary Lou weird," he said. "And the initiatives to reach out to what I am so grateful to you. week begin­ Christmas party for Kilian respect that people have Bishop Chbeir's diocese. You are always in our thoughts ning July diocesan employees, for the law, I found that In Plattsburgh, Bishop LaVal ­ and in our prayers. Ithrough Aug. and skipping Bishop Chbeir had a a little bit weird." ley said, "this isn't a one-time "Thank you. God bless you one week in Dec. by the Dio- chance to reflect a bit on his What a lesson for those of us thing. This is a relationship and God bless America," cese of Ogden sburg. visit. He told us that he partic­ who find any inconvenience or that continues to blossom, that Bishop Chbeir said. 622 Washington Street, Og­ ularly enjoyed meeting the minimal threat to our safety or continues to move forward ." Thank you, Bishop Chbeir. densburg, N.Y. 13669. priests and deacons who gath­ comfort, just too weird to tol­ The relationship will con­ Because of you, God has Editorial Office: ered in Watertown, Ogdens- erate. tinue with monetary donations blessed us already! 622 Washington Street, Ogden sburg, N.Y. 13669. Telephone: FATHER MUENCH SAYS (3 15) 608-7556 E-mail: news@ northcountry Remembering an extraordinary day catholic.org May the Peace and joy of life. I prayed in hope that this caused her many more pain Entered at the Christ be with you at this 'Father Bill Say~ ' '''"' child's life would be filled with over the years. So, God, I offer Post Office: Christmas and throughout the tipast()r22 @ gmail.<.:(~ happiness and that he would a prayer of gratitude today for Ogdensburg, NY New Year. find success in life. my mother's strength - her pa­ 13669 and I promise to remember all of .1 I continue today to remem­ tience - her willingness to suf­ additional mailing officesa s you and your families in my ber him in my prayers as he fer for me. Periodical Postage. Christmas Mass. III goes through his college expe­ Finally, I remember that day I am truly grateful to you all Fl'. \VillhHl1 G. Muench rience. We now have a close after the infant, Will, was set­ Subscription: for being a part with me in this "- bond - I held him right after tled and Susan was moved to a For one year: column. Each time, I prepare with them during the whole his birth. hospital room. Paul and I In-Diocese Rate:$27 to write a column I think of evening. I do remember over­ The memory of that day con­ headed home and, along the Outside ofDiocese Rate: $30 you all. Thank you! hearing one of the nurses com­ tinues to remind me to pray way, we decided to stop for a I must admit that over the for many - including Susan cup of coffee, even though it Matters for publication menting to the other nurse - last few years my column at "my goodness they even and Paul for involving me. was 2 a.m. We talked and, as I should be Christmas time has been the Today I have been thinking of remember, it was a rather im­ addressed to brought their own priest." same: a remembrance of the I have been asked often many more I should have pressive conversation. We PO Box 326 most exciting day of my life. prayed for back then. talked about tomorrow and all Ogdensburg, NY 13669 when I tell this story what So, I am certain you have heard prayers I said during the birth. As I observed that birth I do the future tomorrows. We and should be recei ved by this story before, probably remember noticing that Susan talked about hopes and Thursday prior to I must admit I did not pray at often. all as I was so completely taken had to work hard. She en­ dreams for this child - for all publication. As you may remember, I was dured pain - as you, mothers, the children in their family. It Paper is printed each up with all that was happening. I. Monday; invited by Susan and Paul to My attention was absorbed by all realize better than Susan was a very special moment. I dateline is Wednesday. accompany them to the birth the birth and all that this new endured that pain of giving remember it well. Member, Catholic Pre ss of their second child whose life meant. One of the nurses birth to her child. I could see So, all these years later, I still Association. name is Will. I continue to re­ was right at my side to explain her husband, Paul, readiness to remember and continue to be member that day well and all what was happening and, I sus­ give support. grateful for that day. It was that happened that day. As I remember this, today, truly the most exciting day of POSTMASTER: pect, to take care of me if I I got down to Syracuse in fainted. I didn't. my thoughts are of my own my life . I know there have Send address changes to time to join them on the way Later, when I was allowed to mother.
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