Murray State's Digital Commons The eN ws Newspapers 3-26-1964 The ewN s, March 26, 1964 The ewN s Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tn Recommended Citation The eN ws, "The eN ws, March 26, 1964" (1964). The News. 558. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tn/558 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The eN ws by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. | At.WAT® Ramelle Pigue Nominated WFUL• I IN TSNI Single Copy, lie I MM Mi Microfilm Center For State's Mother Of Year R A * I o Margaret L King Library University of Kentucky fifteen years ago, in a SIL- Lexington, Ky. HOUETTE feature at this news- paper the article started out by Volume Thirty-three Fulton, Fulton County, Kentucky, Thursday, March 26,1964 ' Number 13 saying "it takes a heap of living to make a home . any little Pigue will tell you that." Fossett Urges Twin City Lovelies The living and the loving that Some Teachers Will Not Get Raise; went into the home of Ramelle To Enier Booster's Beauty Revue snd Bertes Pigue has brought a distinct honor to the family. Bill Fossett, chairman of the Beauty Pageant Ramelle was this week named as KEA Says Action Misinterpreted one of the 22 Kentucky women for this year's Banana Festival has some good ad- who have been nominated for vice for prospective beauty queens. "Get all the ex- Some teachers in Kentucky will for smaller classes and additional offerings. The cost of this part of Kentucky's Mother of the Year. perience you can by entering local and area heauty not re<?eive a $300 salary increase next year, according to Roy Mc- the program is paid entirely out The honor could not have come Breathitt Vetoes of local funds, since this is more revues," Fossett said in commenting on the qualifi- Donald, Cadiz, president of the to a more deserving person, nor than the minimum. There is no Kentucky Education Association. to one who truly exempUea all cations for entrants in this year's Festival Beauty allocation from the state for any Show. Bills Intended The action of the General Assem- salary increases for these teach- bly, which concluded Its regular ing positions." "This year," he added, "entrants will be sought 1964 session last Friday, has been from all 50 States and from some LatteAmerican For Education misinterpreted by many people, McDonald cities as an example he says a hypothetical school system which Governor Edward T. Breath- countries. Of course girls from the twin city area has 2700 pupils in ADA, which itt has vetoed a bill to allow Explaining his statement Mc- will be entitled to enter the contest as long as they would mean 100 approved class- RAMELLE PIGUE State income-tax deductions for Donald reports that the main point room units. In'terms of the actions meet the qualifications. The young lady with ex- college-education costs. It would of confusion results from failure the tenets that motherhood stands of the 1984 General Assembly, perience in other shows, who has overcome the fear have reduced general - fund to recognize that the state guaran- tor. this school system would be sche- revenue "In exctess of $5,000,- tees only the minimum school Mrs. Pigue was notified of her of the judges, and who is accustomed to the lights duled to receives an additional 000," Breathitt said. Introduced program, and many school systems selection by Mrs. Kyle Taylor, and glamour of a beauty show will certainly have $30,000 in state funds tor salaries by Representative Richard Fry- have gone beyond this minimum to Kentucky State Chairman of the next year- If they operate only an advantage over those young ladies who have not mire, Madison ville Democrat, provide more "quality" In their American Mothers Committee. As the minimum program, then the it was one of six education bills schools. The salary increases vot- one of the nominees Mrs. Pigue participated in a beauty show previously," Fossett board could increase each teacher's vetoed. ed by the Legislature are applied will be honored at a luncheon on said. only to this minimum program, salary by $300 next year (assum- April 11 In Paducah when the Fossett called attention to the beauty show to Others vetoed and the reasons and would violate the basic prin- ing they all have a college de- NotebookWoman's Club of Paducah will be be staged by the South Fulton Booster Club on cited included: ciples under which the Founda- gree and a regular teaching cer- the hostess. The meeting at the Bouse BUI 372 — Creating a tificate). April 10. "Here's an opportunity for young ladies tion Program operates if they were I know that a lot of you who Irvin Cobb Hotel will hear Ken- •pedal teachers retirement fund applied in any other way. "Suppose however," says Mc- read this column do so to "escape" tucky's Governor Edward T- in the twin city area to win a coveted title as well for teachers ineligible under ex- Donald, "the people in this school Breathitt salute the nominees as isting system; introduced by In calculating the costs of the system have wanted more quality the usual somber editorial com- as to get some valuable experience," Fosset said. Foundation Program, McDonald ments found elsewhere in this well as all mothers ot Kentucky. Representative Albert Dempsey, in their program, and have em- What dctas It take to be honored The title of Miss South Fulton is bestowed on the Inez Republican. explains, the state allocates a cer- ployed an extra 10 teachers, and other newspapers. But there tain amount of money tor each are days when writing something as one of only 22 women in all winner of the annual event sponsored by the South It would create a continuing whose salaries have been coming of Kentucky to receive such a expense without providing a approved classroom unit (This out of local revenues. Since these light and gay la Just impossible to Fulton civic organization. W. W. Jetton is presi- amount has been Increased by do. Take Tuesday, for instance. I high distinction? It takes a lot dent of the South Fulton Booster Club. Entry blanks source of revenue, said Breath- teaching positions are above and of work. It takes a lot of cour- itt. $300 for next year.) An approved beyond the minimum number of simply hated to **e the sun come classroom unit in most 'instances, age. It takes the kind of life that to enter the revue may be secured from Jetton or 8. B. 44—Allowing school dis- approved classroom units, the up. I had watched the late news Is found where there are 27 pupils Ramelle has led, not alone in de- any member of the Booster Club. tricts to count up to five "calami- state would not provide any ad- broadcast on Monday night The in average daily attendance < Continued on Doge tour) ty" days as school days for ditional funds for them next reports were so bad I wondered (ADA), or about 30 pupils are en- teacher pay and other purposes; year. In this instance, the $30,000 if it was safe to go to bed or rolled. worthwhile to get up this next Banana Princess introduced by Senator Pleaz increase in state funds would morning. Site Selected Mobley, Manchester Republican. "In order to add more quality need to be divided among 110 Spraggs Awarded It "would tend to shorten the to their programs," McDonald teachers, with an average of about To Talk Before says, "some school systems have I did muster the courage to get school term"—Breathitt. $273 per teacher. In order to have For Clinton's hired extra teachers to provide out of bed Tuesday, but when I World Fair Trip 8. B. £27—Empowering the (Continued on page seven) read the morning papers it was National Group State superintendent of public just as well if I had never gotten New Postoffice instruction to furnish textbooks up. The reports of the night be- If anybody has any doubts that to State-supported schools for fore were all true . they even the activities of the Banana Fes- Mayor Kaylor Austin of Clinton the mentally retarded; Introduc- Bob Watkins Of StubblefieldTo looked worse in print tival are not getting national pub- announced today that a site for a ed by Senator Scott Miller, Jr., licity for the twin cities, let's con- new federal building there has Louisville Republican. After reading the front page of Central City In Seek Re-election sider the latest appearance of Ba- been approved. a metropolitan newspaper Tues- Operating budgets of public nana Festival Carol Glisson. Institutions already Include text- day, except for the tact that Mayor Austin said he was noti- book funds—Breathitt Congress Race For Fourth Term Prank Albert Stubblefleld was an- Princess Carol has been Invited fied of the selection in a telegram to speak before the National As- S. B. 193—Requiring notice nouncing for his fourth term, from U. a. «kn John Sherrr Bob Wotkins, Central City, has Frank Albert Stubblefleid of sociation of Produce Market Man- by school districts 45 days be- EVERY STORY on the page, had Cooper. filed as a Bemocratfc candidate Murray has filed as a candidate agers on April 14, in Louisville. fore redemption of bonds In ad- a connotation of strife, tragedy, The General Services Adminis- forCouams H District.
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