June 1927 i . R j:[HOW TO ELECTRIFY YOUR PHONOGRAPH BUILDING AND USING A MODULATED OSCILLATOR WHAT YOU OUGHT TO KNOW ABOUT SHIELDING Doubleday, Page & Company, Garden City, New York www.americanradiohistory.com 4ST AUDIO STAGE OVS eilt the reproducer AT the reproducer -where quality counts most -there Cunningham Power Tubes prove their indispensability to finished, well- rounded tone. Just as CX -371, CX -112 and CX -220 are leaders in the crusade for more natural reproduction, so other Cunningham types are leaders in their various fields. Consult your dealer. He knows the right combination of radio tubes for your receiver. Sixteen Types all in the Orange and Blue Carton. E. T. CUNNINGHAM, INC. New York Chicago San Francisco Manufactured and sold under rights, patents and inventions owned and/or controlled by Radio Corporation of America. www.americanradiohistory.com 1t.11)1O 131tO.11)C;.1S'1' .11)V'h;WEISER (i.i DeForest, always the pioneer, leads the advance to better radio reception with the creation of special tubes for specific radio functions ré, Skilled hands that fashioned so exqui- site an object as the Nuremburg covered cup of 185o, now carefully guarded in the Metropolitan Museum, must be as deft today in the delicate precision required in making DeForest The first Radio Tube in Auctions. the World, rgo6, from which has sprung the pres- ent gigantic radio industry. The device through which natural sounds audible to the hum-an ear were trans- mitted by radio for the first time. A new audion -go- CERTAIN tube characteristics are especially designed to do .. ing any price appeal that make for improved re- a radio amplification job. L. one better -is the gen- ception in the various functions The rigid limits, both ..- eral purpose Audion of a radio hook -up have been electrical and mechanical, to -the D -oiA. It is an carefully developed by DeForest which DeForest Specialist Audions unmatchable value at $1.65. It engineers. Those invisible factors are strictly held assure a high offers the same standard of quality specifically performing in their rec.- standard of uniformity. Radio that has made DeForest Audions ognized spheres are making radio amateurs appreciate such efficiency. the recognized perfection in radio reception more and more enjoy- Constant grid -plate capacity and tube manufacturing. able and dependable every day. high mutual conductance provide DeForest dealers display the Take no one's word but your a quality -volume from distant re- distinct black, green and orange own. Try the new DeForest ception which is heartily satisfying Audion container. Write us to the critical radio fan. Specialist DL -4 Audion in your direct, mentioning name of your radio frequency stages The de- You are earnestly urged to test Dealer for booklet giving full cided improvements you will get the features of these tubes by re- characteristics of each Audion to- are an indication of the superiority placing in your RF stages with gether with the chart indicating of all genuine Audions. Weak these Specialist DL -4 Audions. proper DeForest Audion in all signals hardly heard before become Such a trial will show you their standard makes of radio. loud and clear. Distant stations superiority definitely. Expense Write Dept. 13 for descriptive literature. move up like locals. Better is slight. DeForest per- close Audions THE DEFOREST performance because these Audions form amazingly. RADIO CO. Powel Crosley, Jr , Pres. jersey City, N. J. www.americanradiohistory.com 66 RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER Assure Set Performance Trade Mark Reg 'd Ll S. Pat Oft. with the Veritas Resistors 2 WATT A NEW SIZE We announce a new 2 -watt Veritas Resistor. intended to replace old type resistors and grid leaks in which the resistance element is sepa- rately enclosed within a glass tube. and which are only 1110 to 1120 as able to carry current safely. In spite of much greater value, 2-watt Veritas Resistors sell for no more than the old style. They stand up in service, are accurate, changeless and can be soldered, too, without damage. The TOBE 5 -watt Writes Resistor is still part of the Veritas line. In addition we now present to the Radio Public a 10 -watt resistor with all the excellent Veritas characteristics and suitable for use in large B- Eliminators and Power -Supply units. Send for catalogue B -6. Tobe Deutschmann Co. Engineers & Manufacturers of Technical Apparatus Con'vertible "Pin-Jack" Cambridge, Mass. Voltmeter 400 CENTS RESISTANCE is the subscription price of Radio Broadcast for one year. A..VOID the pit- This is less than the cost of a falls to set per- good formance and satisfac- low loss variable con- tion, avoid unnecessary denser. Let us enter your replacement expense for subscription to begin with the tubes and batteries and at next issue. the same time get better re- Send $q..00 with your name ception «This "Pin- Jack" and address to Radio Broad- Voltmeter plugs directly into cast, Garden City, N. Y. the filament jacks of Radiola, Victor, BrunswickandBosch sets. It can also be used on any other make of set by simply installing the FREE! pin -jacks provided with each instru- this ment.«I'o prevent overloading tubes just plug the voltmeter into the fil- ament jacks and turn the control rheo- feedi stat until the meter indicates the correct 32 page filament voltage. «To know the condition RADIO BOOK of batteries it is only necessary to plug the voltmeter into its High Range Stand YOUR most valuable ally in se- and then make the simple test using the lecting your necessary accesso- thirty inch cables attached to the instrument ries and home servicing equipment. Tells what testing meters are needed for every purpose, explains the correct use of "B" Eliminat- WESTON ELECTRICAL ors, shows seven types of battery INSTRUMENT CORPORATION chargers, gives the "how and why" of checking set operation and of 179 Weston Avenue, Newark, N. J. renewing the life of tubes at home. Irrite to -day for booklet "J "- STANDARD THE WORLD OVER no obligation. THE STERLING MFG. CO. w ESTON 2831 l'rospeet Ave. Cleveland [Pioneers since 1888 RADIO BROADCAST. June. 10.27. Published monthly. Vol. NI. No, 2. Published at Garden ('itv. N. Y. Subscription price $4.00 a year. Entered at the post office at. Garden City, N. Y.. as second class nail matter, Doubleday, Page & Company, Garden City. N. Y. www.americanradiohistory.com RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER 67 Fahnestock Clips RADIO'S GREATEST CONVENIENCE Used by Manufacturers of Standard Sets and Parts -and by Manufac- turers of High Grade Wet and Dry Batteries. ALL GENUINE FAHNESTOCK CLIPS bear our imprint on the thumb piece of the clip. WORLD'S LARGEST MAKER OF CLIP TERMINAIS 48 different sizes and styles to meet all requirements. Send for Catalog and Samples FAHNESTOCIL ELECT. CO. AmerTran Power Transformer Type P152 518.00 Each L. I. City New York AmerTran Unitize Aud o Trans former. SIO.OU Each AmerChoke Type 850 Xe¡9 eitIqfaíll1dì n c9 $6 00 Each TOSET BUILDBRS '4:44/ l, BETTER iADIO NEEDS THESE One of the outstandingdevelopments of .4 the present radio season is Co nfeld's 1 Super -Selective Nine, a receiver (ea. L tured by the Citizens Radio Call Book 1 in their latest issue and tested in the greatest laboratory QUALITY AMERTRAN UNITS in the country. The Super-Selective Nine offers features never before incorporated in a radio set. Changes in- stantly from a 5 -tube set to a 9-tube-super. Simultaneous adjustment of selectivity and sensitivity creates remark- you wouldn't consider a cheaply built engine in a $3,000 car - able reception. Be sure to build this circuit now. It will make money tor you and make many friends too. Then why spend money for a good loudspeaker and good Send no for copy of our booklet today-now. tubes for use in the new set you are building and put into it CA_MFIELD RADIO MFG. CO. poorly designed, inefficient audio transformers? 357 -359 E. Ohio St. Chicago, Rl. AmerTran DeLuxe transformers are so perfected that they cause tubes to amplify with all their natural fullness. Lesser transformers cannot equal the AmerTran DeLuxe for dependable volume and tone quality. Properly installed, they result in uni- I5AWIEK form reception over the entire useful audible range. BUILDING RADIO SETSO There is no question about the AmerTran DeLuxe. Time and again it has proved to the satisfaction of engineers and lab- In Your Spare ; oratory workers that it is the truly outstanding audio transformer. Time 1"1-1 Finest results with modern speakers and tubes are easily obtain- able, and comparison will convince you that the AmerTran De Join the Radio Association of America. Learn how to build and repair sets. The Luxe sets an entirely new standard of audio amplification. Association will train you-start you out in business, if you wish. Be the radio "doctor" of your community. $3 an hour upwards Battery Elimination easily made. The AmerTran Power Transformer Type PF52, AmerChokes Earns $500 in Spare Time Type 854, and the AmerTran Resistor Type 400 are recom- "I have at last found myself ", writes Lyle mended for the construction of a highly efficient high voltage Follick, Lansing, Mich. 'I have already made over $500." Werner Eichler, Rochester, N.Y., plate supply. Through slight changes ini your set, you may . have made over $50 a week in my spare replace all batteries with an unexcelled source of reliable power. time." Our members are starting radio stores, Write for information on building this apparatus free increasing their salaries, securing better posi- -also tions, passing radio operator examinations, booklet "Improving the Audio Amplifier." earning big money in spare time.
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