.. ' --~- ~ I; .. 20,000 Circulation Vol. 2, No. 11 63D INFANTRY DIVISION, CAMP VAN DORN, MISS. August 26, 1944 "Gen. Ike" Thanks 255th For 4-Leaf Clovers That Put Hershey Discusses Luck on His Side in France Supreme Headquarters Discharge Prospect Alli ED E XPEDITIONAR.Y FOR.C~ Off,ce of the Supre",'• Commender 16June, l.944. Generals Commend-' -G-e·n-er-al-C-it-es-.! Draft Chieftain Field Work of Two Sergeant for S M w·11 Artillery Battalions Saving Buddy · ays · any I 1 Dear Colonel Tombaugh: Commendations of th<> 862d and· 0 /:"~~;·i':,':"~~:d/;:. :~-'.',\~: h~: ~ig~:~~ I Still Be Called , ning. ~g·t. \Villiam fletman, of I 86;{d F._ A., two of the Blood and; Brooklyn, '°'· Y., has; reeeived a Thank you for your letter and the clover Y.'il'fe Division's artille,-y batt/llions !',<'rsonal c_omm;ndation from _~l_aj. ! M Th M•11• M horseshoe. Will you please convey to all whkh haYe bt>en away from Camp (,<'n. Ln111s .K Hibbs, D1v1s1on: Ore On I IOn en • _ • • • • ! C',nnrnandPI'. / M B R I d b rank.a of the 255th Infantry NCO Club, also, \· an Dorn J)Hl't1c1pattng with olhPI" I Sgt. n,,tman wa,; (TPditPd with, oy e e e Q Se y to Sergeant r.Iajor Travis B. Harrington my unit,<, WPl'e J't'l'el\·ed this wePk b~·. saving tlw life nf S,1Sgt. ;r-.;ewton Fall of Germany Ma,i. <;Pn. Louis J<,. Hihhs. Divi- · 1-lawktn«, ot LanrPL BloomPr~-. deep appreciation for your very t bought f,.tl 1 sil)n Con1n1arHlf'r. and Brig. c;en. Tf•nn., ·whilf•· hnth n1pn wt_;,re partil·­ gift. I feel sure that your emblem will Ji~ .•l. :.\.fc(hn'\·, .OiYi~ion Artillerv ipating- in a platoon prohh)n1 or help us on the road to victory. Cornniathlf'I'. ~ , Co. K, :!:)4th lnf., in a J)i,·i:-:-;i"nn In an unromanticized fore­ · ~ tTpining- area during ITP tf•sts cast of the future prospects Tht> 862d parth-ipatt>d with thP '.Aug. S, of present soldiers and still X4lh lnf. Uh·. in a diYision tp,-; t j v\'itnP8HP8 ;.aicl a violent elPC'tl'i­ in J 11 \.1· at Camp Claibot'nP, Lil.· ,-al storm sprang up at about 1600 potential draftees, Maj. Gen. ... l'hf' >:ti:~d i-9 stationf'd tenlponirily I and thP nH·n of the platoon tl1rew-­ Lewis B. Hershey, national at Ft. ~ill. Okla .. ·where sinee .July the-111:-.Plvt>s to 1l1P gruunU as ligllt­ director of Selective Service, l !l it h;::i:-- heen :-wr,·in~ as "s<'hool, ning holts .struck nearby. Ont> rnan, troops·· in prohlPms at The Field Sgt }lawkins, failed to rise and last week predicted that be­ Artillt•ry ~ehool.li ,vas 1'0und unvonsclous. tween 1,000,000 and 2,000,000 Colonel Paul E. Tombaugh Tht> 863d was t<>rmed "a _first- _ Appeared Dead men would become eligible eln:-.:-: outfjt •i h:V :\1aj. Oen. Orlando I HFl'lHTI all indi('ations ~g-t. Haw- for release from the armed Headquarters 255th Infantry Wanl, comrnanclant of The Field' kins had suffered s11ffil-it>ntl.v from Camp Van Dorn Artillt>ry School, after he insperted, this Hl10f'k to appear dead," Gt>n. forces after the defeat of Mississippi the batt,ilion area and the soldiers; Hibbs' ktter of <'ommE'ndation said. Germany, and stated that the C'ornmnnded hv Lt. Col. -~lbt>rt s.: "As far as could he determined, draft would continue to draw Britt. · I his heart and pulse had stoppPd, • "lmrnrodiatel.v sensing tlw plight from 70,000 to 100,000 men •·1 !'Pally beliPve what 1 saw 18 uf ~gt. Hawkins, you went to his The four-leafed clovers of the 63d have been watching­ 1 a month from the country. over Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower and his men in their on" of the h<>st. outfits that I have. aid and administien,d artifil'ial res­ s~en for a long- whilP, and I have, pi ration. BecausP of your pron1pt HowevPr, (~Pn. Hershpy's statt>­ ment ht>ld no immediatt> hopes for triumphal march across France-and this week the orig­ SPen a g:ood ._manr." Gen. Wat'rl 'and <:::~ffh:ient aid, ~gt. Hawkins an.v pa.rti,·ular group of rnen nor inators of the talisman received a very hand:,,ome acknowl­ wrof<>. "Col. Britt has; <l<>legated was revi\'erl. The instrudion you did it speeif.v when thP rPlease and phH·Pd responsibility th_rougll- i prPv-iousl,v ltarl rec<>ived as tati'ght edgement from his headquarters in France. would be c·onllnenced or ,·otwluded. out the, ecl1elon of c·onunand 111 such, h.v our Army in ad,ninistf•ring re­ The talisman, m,Hie 11p four-~----------------­ or a wa~' a.s to insurn lwing· able to. liPf to suff<:'t'ers of shock had been A I most a Yt>ar will be <'Onsumt>d Je;,f fivt>-le'af an,1 six-1.-al' clovers: <litiona1-y Fo1Tes, ~)_J'iice of ~upreme get onlt>r out of the ehronic f'onfu- put into practice by you automati- in the mustering-out p1·oct>ss;, ac­ . ' , • . Cumrr1ande1·, it Ra1u: conling- to A rm.v e.stimates. Onl v JJl('kf'd by M ,::-;gt. 1 iavi,-; K. H:n·- "Dt>ar C'olonel 1\,mbaugh: sion of battle." c-ally.·• unne<:'ded men will b,· rf'leasl'd an;l ring-ton, 1G5lh Jnr. ~f•lgt"ant-Jtl::lJOr, 'l'lie battalion Is "a first-class Partially Paralyzed "Thank yo11 for ~ nur letter and the mann<•r of their selection has; in thP lrni·kyard <if his }10,ne jn outfit. nrganiu·<l, traint>d and dis- Rg-t. Hawkins was examin<>d at the clo,·er hor.ses!1<1t•. Will you stimulated many theories;. Two J•~ii:1;al,e-tl1, J~a., ·wc:L~ jntPndPd to ciplitH'd in suC'h a _way as to in- the rP;tin,ental tli8pt>nsary and then plea~e convey to all ranks of the viPwpoints are re-ported as to whil'h supple111t•11t 1he ~tn~·Ie fo11r-leaf "''"'" s11c,·ess in battl<>, ·• 1,p said. tal,Pn to ~tation Hospital, where ~~5th ~CO l'Iub, aJ;;c, to Sergeant mc,n should be mustc-red out first; clovPr that Gen. Ehf'llht)WPf' h.-1s as adding that "you should be proud 11_1e ren1airH''! for sPveral days ht-'­ one that seasoned men should be a pPt'mH nenl pa,·t or his; d<:'sk )<fa,lor Travis B. Harrington my of it." : fore returmng to dut.l'. His legs df'PJl apprp,eiatii)n for yo11r very kept because the Arm~· rwed,-; them, e,q11ipn1Pnt at his li....,,adq1wrtPr's. As had bPen partiall)· par;,lyzed by thcJ11ghtf11l gift. [ ft-Pl sure that Th<> 81,id, ('omnrnndPd hy Lt. ti,.- PIPc.'tric slwek. the' other that those longc•st a way you vvill havP note1i, tile tnlisrnan 1 from honw should bP the• first tu ~-nur ernblpm will h<•lp us on the ('qf. ,lan1p~ f-f. LightfcH~t, ':"'as en - j '·Yonr pn•senee of rnin<l and the aJ)p:-trPntly workt"d. ~lust to ,nake (Continued on Page 3) road to vh·tory.. pl1,'yed with buiil '1efens1yP and - a<·tion pf•t·forn1t·d b_v -_v·ou is con­ thf-" luek rnorf" se(•un-•, 1\-1 '~g·t. _Har­ .. Sinc·erel.,·. oft'ensive forces in the 84t-t1 Div.'s '. sidf'r<•d PXPniplary,'' (-:Pn. Hibbs ringt,)11 and fPllow- n1t:1nbf"t·s of the "DWIGHT D. test. It ,vas <_·01nnH-•ndPd b,v R1·ig. · wrotp :,:;gt. netrnan. "J <·oninH"'nd C'T Hlt1if' Soncon1 (·it,h shapt>"d it in (;Pn. A. H. Bolling, 84th Div, com- you for it. 1Tnclo11btedly vou WPt'e Anything from thf' hand of Gen. th~ forrn "of a hor-se:-.Jio..-•. n1ander. n10Ht responsible for tl;e ~aving of: T•:isenhowt>r in the-s•_' 1110,nentous '·The e-xc-PllPnt pf-'rformanC'e of the Jife of your eornradr•.'~ 63dlsFound (ten. Ei::•H~'nl1ower·:;; a<·knowlPdg;e­ days h, an histo,·ic doc·ument but ('(,I. 1'.tul ~~­ thiH battalion in bnth the defensive ---- --·-----~--,-~- n1ent was Bf'nl tu ,·~oL ~111on1hHtn~::;h sent the original Ton1ba11gh, fornlPl' c·onHnandt>r of and offensive open,tiuns contributed DANCE FOR OFFICERS lett<>r back to M .,.,gL Harring·ton, the ~55th nf,w on tfii.1 y ovp1•spas, materially toward the rt>alistic ac- 1.'lte Uirls' Battalion of Bat,m 'Somewhere accompanier! hy this note: complishment of the test," Gen. will sponsor an informal danct> for and it earnP lnu·k to Can1J) Van "Dear ~ergeant: Dorn only aftf'r a devious trip Rolling wrote. "The wholeheartt>d officers stalioned at Cemp Van "The Pnelost>d leitPr arrived yes­ that took it three til!,s>s aeross the spirit of co-orwrn li••n displayed b,v Dorn n,·xt SaturdaJ' night, start­ In France~ t<>rday. SinC't> you ciid the work on oe<>a n. Addrt>ss,•d from the Su­ all offkers and enlisted personnel ing at 2100 at the Westdalt> Coun­ this matter, T thoug·t,t you should If you are speculating abou-t the preme l-leadquartel'~, Allied Expe- in this unit is to be commt>nded try Club, which is just of[ the (Continued on Page 7) highly." 1 Clay(.-ut road.
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