Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, January 7, 2010 OUR 120th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 01-2010 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS Lt. Governor-Elect Guadagno Swears in WF Mayor Skibitsky By MICHAEL J. POLLACK years ago, Mayor Skibitsky was sworn she called a “great friend and ally.” Specially Written for The Westfield Leader in by the Governor-elect, Chris She concluded her remarks by WESTFIELD – An overflow Christie, who will assume the gover- thanking the mayor’s family. crowd, filled with dignitaries from all norship on Tuesday, January 19. “I know what sacrifices you had to levels of government, greeted New Jersey’s first lieutenant gover- make in the last couple of years now,” Westfield’s two newest council mem- nor, Ms. Guadagno, also will serve as she said. “I have to tell you that it is an bers, Sam Della Fera and Keith secretary of state. After swearing in amazing experience we’re going Loughlin, who took their seats on the the mayor, she said, “I just wanted to through right now. We’re going to dais along with re-elected Mayor say that it was my first time standing in need your hopes. We’re going to need Andy Skibitsky and returning coun- for Chris. He wanted to come, but he your prayers, but it is New Jersey, and cil members Vicki Kimmins and also wanted to give the lieutenant gov- in New Jersey, anything is possible.” David Haas, on Tuesday night. ernor a shot at saying the oath.” Judge Joseph Greenaway, Jr., nomi- The most high-profile guest, Lieu- She acknowledged the presence of nee to the Third Circuit Court of Ap- tenant Governor-elect Kim State Senator Tom Kean, Jr. (R- peals by President Barack Obama, Guadagno, swore in Mayor Skibitsky, Westfield), Bill Palatucci, consultant swore in Mr. Della Fera, who assumes who won a re-election bid by defeat- to Mr. Christie, and Assemblyman Jon the seat previously held by Sal Caruana, ing Democrat Bill Brennan. Four Bramnick (LD-21, Westfield), whom who decided not to seek re-election in Ward 1. Mr. Della Fera had bested Democrat Janice Siegel in November. Noting the cavalcade of politicians in attendance, some of who were ad- ministering oaths of office during the meeting, including Ms. Guadagno, Judge Greenaway asked jokingly, “Next time you’re sworn in, who are you going to go with? I know [Su- preme Court] Justice [Samuel] Alito... Do you want the President?” Courtesy Alfred George Rogers, Jr. Senator Kean gave the oath of of- HOLIDAY BEAUTY…A snow-covered Mindowaskin Park depicts the beauty of this year’s holiday season in Westfield. fice to returning Second Ward Coun- cilwoman Vicki Kimmins, who ran unopposed. James Hely, Union County Supe- Dan Sullivan Named Union County rior Court judge, administered the oaths to returning councilman Mr. Haas and newly-elected councilman Mr. Loughlin; in 2009, the men de- Freeholder Board Chairman feated Republican Tom Delaney and By GREG RYAN pointment marks Mr. Sullivan’s third County Chosen Freeholders were incumbent Democrat Tom Bigosinski, Specially Written for The Westfield Leader year as chairman, previously serving former chairman Alexander respectively. ELIZABETH – Dan Sullivan was in 1998 and 2000. Mirabella; Deborah Scanlon, who was Christina M. Hinke for The Westfield Leader “Two swearing-ins… What do they chosen as the new Board of Union He spoke of “helping people and named vice-chairman to the board, NEW YEAR, NEW TERM...Lt. Governor-elect of New Jersey Kim Guadagno, think I am – a machine?” Judge Hely County Chosen Freeholders chair- moving Union County Forward.” He and Mohamed Jalloh, who was sworn pictured right, swears in Andy Skibitsky, left, for another term as mayor of quipped. man at the Union County reorganiza- made mention of “Go Green Year in for his first term as freeholder. Westfield during the Town of Westfield reorganization meeting January 5. His Many other dignitaries attended the tion meeting on January 3. This ap- III,” which would produce solar panel James LaCorte took the office for a wife Debbie and son look on. CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 installations, and have a long-term third term as Union County Surro- goal of developing bio diesel and gate. geothermal projects. Mr. LaCorte reminded everyone Sluka and Hak Take Office Discussing the tough economic how the yearly meeting was always times not only on a federal level, but an issue with Jets and Giant fans, but also at the county taxpayer level, he this year, the Giants season was ef- On Garwood Council said the county would still need to do fectively over, and the Jets were kind By LAUREN S. BARR screening devices in place at Newark more with less, as he said the county enough to move their game to the Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Liberty International Airport. He did last year. night slot. GARWOOD — At the Sunday af- stated that despite the controversy Mr. Sullivan told the packed court- Charlotte DeFilippo, chairwoman ternoon Garwood re-organization surrounding the devices, it is “more room of State Superior Judge Karen of the Democratic Committee, kicked meeting, Democratic Councilman important that the public be secure.” Cassidy, assignment judge for Union off the reorganization meeting by Keith Sluka was sworn in to his sec- Mayor McCarthy thanked the County, that all 640 non-contractual speaking of the 20 years of improve- ond term, and Republican Council- borough’s employees and volunteers employees, including directors, free- ments she has seen under the Demo- man Tim Hak began his first term on in his annual address. He pledged to holders and constitutional officials, cratic control in the county. She then the borough council. continue to “strive to provide the best once again would have their pay fro- introduced many special guests, in- Councilman Stephen Napolitano to all our citizens.” Acknowledging zen. cluding, but not limited to, state Sena- was nominated and elected as the the difficult financial times, both na- His said the county would work to tor Tom Kean, Jr. (LD-21, Westfield), 2010 Council President. Robert tionally and locally, Mayor McCarthy help residents address gangs and Assemblymen Jon Bramnick (LD- Renaud was appointed as the Bor- said his goal is to “continue to work youth violence, as well as to find 21, Westfield), Raymond Lesniak ough Attorney, and Wayne Frew was with a tight belt” but to maintain ways to assist seniors and special- (LD-20, Union) and Joseph Cryan appointed as the fire chief for one- services. needs persons within the county. His (LD-20, Union). year terms. He said that the governing body fifth initiative for 2010, he said, will Rep. Leonard Lance (R-7) also Christina M. Hinke for The Westfield Leader Mayor Dennis McCarthy an- will continue to look for ratables that be to increase the volunteer base spoke at the meeting and said he FIRST TERM...Superior Court Judge James Hely, pictured right, swears in nounced the committee appointments do not negatively impact the bor- within the Medical Reserve Corps plans to push to have full-body scan- newly elected council member Keith Loughlin, center, during the Town of for 2010. Councilman Anthony Sytko ough, investigate shared services and and to educate the public on pre- ners put in place at the Newark Lib- Westfield reorganization meeting January 5. Mr. Hely shakes the hand of Mr. will chair the Buildings and Grounds continue to apply for grant money. paredness and prevention of commu- erty International Airport for safety Louhglin’s father, Vince Loughlin, board of adjustment attorney. and the Laws and Licenses Commit- The mayor stated that because of grant nicable diseases, as well as the poten- reasons. tees. Councilman Louis Petruzzelli money, the borough “hope(s) to break tial third wave of the H1N1 virus. The full chairman’s address can be will chair the Recreation Committee ground this year” on a new athletic Also sworn in to the Board of Union found online at ucnj.org/freeholders/ MS Council Reorganizes; and the Committee on Aging. Coun- complex. chair_annual_address.html. cilman Hak will serve as the mayor’s “I have grown up here and raised representative to the Garwood Li- my family here,” Mayor McCarthy Police, Fire, Rescue Sworn In brary; Councilman Sluka will serve said. “Garwood is a special place…a GOP Council Members Take By MAGGIE DIGGORY Senator Thomas Kean, Jr., (R- as the school board liaison, and Coun- small town with a big heart.” He Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Westfield) briefly addressed those cilman Jonathan Linken will serve on communicated an “open door” policy MOUNTAINSIDE – The council gathered before heading off to other the Recreation Complex Committee. and asked that residents continue to Oath of Office in Fanwood chambers at Mountainside Borough district municipal reorganization Rep. Leonard Lance (R-7), who voice their concerns to the govern- By SUZETTE F. STALKER chambers. Both men are beginning Hall were filled to standing-room- meetings. swore in Councilman Hak, addressed ing body. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader their inaugural terms on the council. only as the governing body reorga- “You (the borough of the crowd, pledging to have full-body- FANWOOD — Republican Coun- The surprise double GOP win No- nized for 2010 on Tuesday evening. Mountainside) have set a great ex- cilmen Robert Manduca and Michael vember 3, when Mr. Manduca and More than 40 Mountainside resi- ample for the rest of the state to Szuch took their oaths of office before Mr. Szuch defeated Democratic coun- dents attended this first municipal follow,” said Asm.
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