Park North, North Street, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1RL Tel: (01403) 215100 (calls may be recorded) Fax: (01403) 262985 DX 57609 HORSHAM 6 www.horsham.gov.uk Chief Executive - Tom Crowley Personal callers and deliveries: please come to Park North E-Mail: [email protected] Direct Line: 01403 215465 Development Control (South) Committee TUESDAY 19TH JUNE 2012 AT 2.00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBER, PARK NORTH, NORTH STREET, HORSHAM Councillors: Roger Arthur David Jenkins Adam Breacher Liz Kitchen Jonathan Chowen Gordon Lindsay Philip Circus Chris Mason George Cockman Sheila Matthews David Coldwell Brian O’Connell Ray Dawe Roger Paterson Brian Donnelly Sue Rogers Andrew Dunlop Kate Rowbottom Jim Goddard Jim Sanson Ian Howard Tom Crowley Chief Executive AGENDA 1. Election of Chairman 2. Appointment of Vice-Chairman 3. Apologies for absence 4. To approve the time of meetings of the Committee for the ensuing year 5. To approve as correct the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 15th May 2012 (attached) 6. To receive any declarations of interest from Members of the Committee – any clarification on whether a Member has an interest should be sought before attending the meeting. 7. To receive any announcements from the Chairman of the Committee or the Chief Executive 8. To consider the following reports and to take such action thereon as may be necessary Paper certified as sustainable by an independent global forest certification organisation Head of Planning & Environmental Services Appeals Applications for determination by Committee - Appendix A Item Ward Reference Site No. Number A1 Steyning DC/12/0940 Memorial Playing Fields Charlton Street Steyning A2 Bramber, Upper DC/12/0862 Noordwyjk Pound Lane Upper Beeding Beeding and Woodmancote A3 Chantry DC/11/2460 Castle Farm Estate The Hollow Washington & DC/12/0988 A4 Chanctonbury DC/11/2648 Land South East of Martins Farm London Road Ashington A5 Cowfold,Shermanbury DC/12/0926 Glebe House Steyning Road West Grinstead and West Grinstead A6 Billingshurst and DC/12/0752 Lamina Dielectrics Limited Daux Road Industrial Shipley Estate Daux Road Billingshurst A7 Billingshurst and DC/12/0790 Thornhill Works Billingshurst Road Coolham Shipley A8 Cowfold,Shermanbury DC/12/0742 Homelands Farm Stables Bines Road Partridge and West Grinstead Green A9 Chantry DC/12/0133 Barn Rackham Street Rackham A10 Chanctonbury DC/12/0945 Recreation Ground Mill Road West Chiltington A11 Cowfold,Shermanbury DC/12/0599 Sake Ride Farm Wineham Lane Wineham and West Grinstead 9. Items not on the agenda which the Chairman of the meeting is of the opinion should be considered as urgent because of the special circumstances DCS120515 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL (SOUTH) COMMITTEE 15TH MAY 2012 Present: Councillors: David Jenkins (Chairman), Sheila Matthews (Vice- Chairman), Roger Arthur, Adam Breacher, Jonathan Chowen, Philip Circus, George Cockman, David Coldwell, Ray Dawe, Brian Donnelly, Andrew Dunlop, Jim Goddard, Ian Howard, Liz Kitchen, Gordon Lindsay, Chris Mason, Brian O’Connell, Sue Rogers, Kate Rowbottom, Jim Sanson Apologies: Councillors: Roger Paterson DCS/179 MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 17th April 2012 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. DCS/180 INTERESTS OF MEMBERS Member Item Nature of Interest Councillor David DC/10/1457 Personal & prejudicial – he lived near Jenkins the application site Councillor George DC/12/0091 Personal– he knew an objector Cockman Councillor Adam DC/12/0091 Personal - Breacher Councillor Roger DC/12/0611 Personal & prejudicial – he was a Arthur close neighbour and an objector to the application DCS/181 ANNOUNCEMENTS Rod Brown, the Head of Planning & Environmental Services had declared an interest in planning application DC/11/1962 as he was a School Governor at St Peters School Henfield, which was interested in obtaining s106 funding from this development should permission be granted. He confirmed that he had and would take no part in the processing or determination of the application DCS/182 DECISIONS ON LAWFUL DEVELOPMENT CERTIFICATES DC/12/0638 Barnfield House, Sincox Lane, Shipley - for the Granted occupation of Barnfield House , formerly Falconers Farm, in non- compliance with an agricultural occupancy condition attached to SP/5/91. DC/12/0382 Stable Cottage, Hole Street Barn, Hole Street, Wiston Granted - for the use of Stable Cottage as a unit of independent accommodation Development Control (South) Committee 15th May 2012 DCS/182 Decisions on Lawful Development Certificates (cont.) DC/12/0383 Hole Street Barn Cottage, Hole Street, Wiston - for Granted the use of Hole Street Barn Cottage as a unit of independent accommodation DC/12/0686 New Barn Farm, Bolney Road, Cowfold - for the Granted residential occupation of the property in non compliance with an agricultural occupancy condition attached to CF/22/97 DCS/183 PLANNING APPLICATION: DC/11/1962 - DEVELOPMENT OF THE SITE FOR UP TO 102 RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS TOGETHER WITH ASSOCIATED LANDSCAPING, OPEN SPACE AND ACCESS (OUTLINE PERMISSION) SITE: LAND EAST OF MANOR CLOSE HENFIELD APPLICANT: WELBECK STRATEGIC LAND LLP The Head of Planning & Environmental Services reported that this application had been considered at the last meeting of the Committee (DCS/173 (17.4.12) refers), when it had been resolved to defer consideration of the application to enable a meeting with West Sussex County Council to discuss their consultation responses in respect of the application. Members were referred to the previous report which contained details of relevant policies, planning history, the outcome of consultations and a planning assessment of the proposal. Discussions had now taken place with the Head of Capital & Asset Management at the County Council, who had confirmed that his objection had been based on the grounds of an adjoining landowner and that development of the site as currently proposed would completely block access to land in County Council ownership, effectively sterilising it. He had confirmed that the County Council would wish to bring forward the land in its ownership to the north of the proposed development as part of a comprehensive development of the east side of Henfield and considered this should be the preferred route for any development of this area. This suggestion, that a more comprehensive form of development should be considered for land to the east of Henfield, had been put to the applicant who had indicated that they were not prepared to withdraw the appeal and progress the promotion of the site together with the County Council's land as a strategic residential allocation. The County Surveyor had also been re-consulted on the application and he had confirmed that there was no objection to the proposed development on highway safety grounds. Two members of the public and a representative of the Parish Council addressed the Committee in objection to the proposal. 2 Development Control (South) Committee 15th May 2012 DCS/183 Planning Application: DC/11/1962 (cont.) In the light of the additional information obtained from the County Council, Members considered that there was no basis on highway safety or other grounds on which to contest the appeal. RESOLVED (i) That the appeal be not contested. (ii) That, had the Committee been in a position to determine the application, it would have resolved to grant the application subject to: - the completion of a planning agreement to secure financial contributions and the provision of three fire hydrants; and - the conditions contained in the report submitted to the Committee on 17th April 2012. DCS/184 PLANNING APPLICATION: DC/10/1457 - OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION FOR THE DEMOLITION OF EXISTING BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION OF UP TO 78 RESIDENTIAL UNITS, ASSOCIATED GROUND PREPARATION WORKS, HIGHWAYS, ACCESS AND THE FIRST PHASE OF THE SANDGATE COUNTRY PARK SITE: RMC ENGINEERING SERVICES LTD WORKSHOPS STORRINGTON ROAD WASHINGTON APPLICANT: CEMEX (Councillor David Jenkins declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this application as he lived near the application site. He withdrew from the meeting and took no part in the consideration of the item. Councillor Sheila Matthews, the Vice-Chairman took the Chair for the consideration of this item.) The Head of Planning & Environmental Services reported that this application sought outline planning permission for the demolition of existing buildings and the erection of up to 78 residential units, associated ground preparation works, highways, access and the first phase of the Sandgate Country Park. Consent was sought for the means of access to the site with all other matters reserved for future determination. The application had been amended during the course of its consideration, with the main revisions being a reduction in the number of dwellings proposed from up to 100 units to up to 78 units and the re-location of the proposed access further to the west of the existing access to the site. The applicant had stated that the proposal had been submitted under the terms of the Facilitating Appropriate Development SPD, which sought to deliver small housing sites capable of delivering housing in the short term and to maintain the Council’s rolling five year housing land supply. Details of additional supporting information submitted by the applicant since the publication of the agenda were reported. 3 Development Control (South) Committee 15th May 2012 DCS/184 Planning Application: DC/10/1457 (cont.) The application site was located outside any built-up area as currently defined by the Horsham District Local Development Framework and to the west of the village of Washington on the northern side of the A283. Clayton Boarding Kennels was located adjacent to the existing vehicular access to the site and the South Downs National Park boundary was on the southern side of the A283. The majority of the surrounding area was characterised by sporadic residential development and, to the north and north-west of the site, was residential development at Heath Common which was characterised by large detached dwellings set in large plots.
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